Part 12 - Beautiful Devil

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"What did you do to me!" yelled Serena when she saw her reflection. Her eyes looked like gold. She had never seen herself look this good either. It was almost enchanted. "Answer me!"

"She is making quite the demands already. She will be an interesting one to tame," said Michelline observing the new siren. "What do we do with the human flesh?" Michelline moved a hairpin against the lord's upper body. "Shall we torture him?"

"Where on earth did you get that, Michell?" Natalie asked annoyed. She knew Michelline's behaviour would eventually get them into trouble like she had done before.

"From a countess who no longer needs it," smiled Michell with glory. She saw Natalie's expression of disappointment and instantly stopped smiling. "I compelled her. There is nothing to worry about. I learned my lesson, Majesty," she said with a grin.

"I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want from me. Or what you did to me.. but I am going home!" Serena began to walk away from the two arguing sirens. Natalie stood in front of her within seconds. Frightened, she yelled, "What are you!"

"We, my dear, are Sirens."

September 5th, 2019

"And that is how you got turned into a Siren? By Natalie's blood?" Serena nodded. "What happened to Lord Robert? You didn't continue on that part."

Serena smiled. "He got what he deserved. I asked them to keep him alive until I knew how to manage myself as a Siren. When you first become a Siren, your emotions are completely off rack. Intense even. All new Sirens need to learn how to control before becoming warm, as Natalie told me back then."

"Did you," Jackson paused, "kill him?"

"Of course, three years later I came back to that haunted place to make him suffer for what he had done to me. If he never had bought me from my parents, wouldn't not have been a Siren in the first place," she sighed deeply.

"You regret being one of them, do you?" Serena ignored his question. He wondered if this meant she did or did not. Maybe she partly regretted being a siren, he thought. "So, what happened the night we met?"

Serena laughed a little. "I am sorry, I shouldn't laugh. It is just that you surprise me. How are you not terrified of what I just told you?"

"I guess, I have a dead wish." He smiled kindly while his eyes showed a dark truth. Serena noticed this and looked deeply into his eyes. Jackson didn't know what to say nor did she.

"She should have been home by now. What is she doing!" Natalie looked and looked outside. "What if she ran off with the boy and turned back on our deal, and us!"

"Paranoid doesn't look good on you, sweetheart," said Michell, relaxed as she could be. She laid down on the couch reading a book. She looked up for a moment and pleasingly said, "Maybe she had the urge to seduce and screw darling Jackson like you did with his ancestor Will-dead."

"It would be foolish of her to do that." Natalie grabbed Michell's book.

"Hey," yelled Michell, "I am reading that!" She quickly grabbed her book back. "It is interesting. The blonde girl is about to be turned into a vampire by this evil classy bitch who looks the same as Elena. That evil bitch reminds me of myself," she continued reading. "Just tell me what is really on your mind. You are clearly," she looked into Natalie's eyes, "frustrated."

"Well, for instance she shouldn't trust a Smith man! They are vermin. Worse than vermin. I want to send them all to the hell they belong in." Michell closed her book. This had peaked her interest. "Oh, now you pay your full attention to me!"

"You always have my attention, Natalie," she said. Natalie sat down next to her. Michell moved up to face Natalie. "And you always will." To her surprise, Natalie gave Michell a kiss on her mouth and then one in her neck. "Natalie, you said this wouldn't be wise." She gently pushed Natalie off her.

"Just this once, Michelline, I know you fantasized about this for a long time," said Natalie rather seductively. She grabbed Michell's hair and played with it.

"Fantasized. Exactly, in the past." Michell stood up. "You are being emotional over whatever reason you are not telling me, but I am not allowing you to use me for that reason."

"You would never refuse me." Natalie instantly changed her mind. Her eyes almost turned fully yellow while she said, "Is this because of that Royce boy Serena brought up yesterday? Does he have you charmed? Maybe I should have paid more attention to the feelings you have developed for that boy! Should I pay him a visit and remind you what happens when you grow feelings!"

"Oh, spare me a break! This is clearly about Serena and Jackson! Or should I really say you and William!" yelled the siren back. "I have known you long enough to see that Jackson's ancestor has done something to you that made you haunt his entire legacy." Michell calmed down. "Just tell me, what is it? What has he done to you?"

"I wish it was that simple to explain, chérie. Sit down. This is going to be a long one," Natalie said while she grabbed a certain letter. "It all started with this.."


My dearest snake,

I hope you can forgive me.

It breaks my heart that I can't say this to you in person,

I am leaving you behind.

It is not that I don't love you.

I love you dearly.

I will never regret turning your world around.

However, my chérie, it is time for me to move forward.

There is a new chapter in my life.

One that will find me peace.

I know you will find peace one day.

With love,


"Natalie," Anne said, quite confused. She saw that Natalie was in her room. She had a letter in her hand. "Where did you get that?" Anne asked nervously. She slowly stepped closer to Natalie who made it clear it was the letter she should not have seen. "Natalie."

"How could you do this to me!" yelled Natalie full in pain. "Were you just going to leave me without saying goodbye!" She pressed the letter into Anne's hands. "Say something!"

"Little snake, I didn't know how to tell you this in person. I just couldn't." Anne tried to comfort Nathalie but she was too furious. She refused to be touched by Anne. "I am sorry if I upset you. You weren't supposed to see this until-"

"Just tell me why," Natalie interrupted. "Why would you leave your sister behind? You taught me sisterhood lasts forever." She observed Anne closely. "It is that human. Cornelius Smith. Has he figured out about England? Does he know the truth about us? We must kill him and anyone else he told on this ship." Natalie thought for a moment when she saw Anne bursting into tears. Natalie sat down next to her and held her hand. "I understand you wanted to leave to protect me. He forced you to, didn't he? Anne, you don't have to leave me to protect me. The sea is our ground, remember?"

"I love him," Anne yelled before Natalie could say anything else. She was stunned by what Anne just told her and immediately let Anne go. "I don't know how it is possible but I feel loved by him."

"Feel loved!" Natalie seemed to have a change within her that showed through her eyes. She aggressively stood up. "We cannot love! That is impossible!" She threw a glass on the ground. "You were the one who said Sirens can't be loved. You were the one who said Sirens can't love! He has done something to you," Natalie walked towards the door and shut it with rage, "and for that I shall destroy him."

"Cornelius, forgive me," Anne said upset while she walked into his room. She closed the door. "Something terrible has happened."

"Lady Anne," he said shocked. "What is the matter?" He walked towards her and held her in his arms. "Did someone hurt you?"

"No," she cried, "I have hurt my sister. My love for you has hurt her." She tried to calm down. "I haven't been fully honest, Cornelius."

Anne told Cornelius everything. From the devilish pact she made when she was still human to the betrayal of her to her own sister. How she had lived a sinful life for centuries and centuries. How she had done the most terrible things to both men as women but Anne believed the feelings she felt now were the beginning of her salvation. That she, a siren, could be saved from the path she had taken by the love of a sailor. The love of Captain Cornelius Smith.

"Cornelius," she said after the silence hit the room. "Please say something. Anything. Just tell me what is on your mind."

"I don't know what to say, Anne," Cornelius stood up and turned around to face her, "or should I say Annabella?" He sighed and wrung his eyes. "And that is just the tip of the iceberg. You are a," Cornelius couldn't finish his words. Despite the fact the love of his life had lied to him, he loved her deeply. He couldn't say to her that she was a monster, a monster he loved. "It is a lot to take in," he said instead. He poured himself a drink. He offered Anne a glass as well. She kindly passed. "What do we do now?"

"William," Natalie looked deeply into the man's eyes, "you will kill your brother." She grabbed a cherie and slowly put it into her mouth. She bit it passionately and then licked William's lips. "I don't care how you do it, love. After all, he is your blood. It would be cruel of me to tell you how you must kill your own brother. You know what suits his death. Use your imagination."

"Why do you want my brother dead?" asked the captain while she stroked his hair. "I just want him dead," Natalie looked bothered by his attitude, "can't I want him dead?" She moved her hand up his throat while her other hand went under his pants. Natalie whispered in his ears, "Do you need more motivation? Or do I need to tell you that your brother has not resisted a single siren's touch since we left England?"

"N-no," he stuttered as he kicked against a chair. William tried to hide the fact he was turned on by her seductive ways. He listened to the further instructions Natalie gave him for his brother's death.

That evening William went to see one of his crewmen. Pirate Thomas Riverson. Everyone knew the nineteen year old was bad news but the Smith brothers gave him a chance to leave his dark past behind and redeem himself as a man of the sea, a crewman of The Lady. "Thomas," William demanded. "Yes, sir!" shouted the young man back. He immediately stood out of his bed. William smiled. "You would do anything for me, would you, lad?"

Thomas nodded. "Of course, Captain William. You took me off the streets. I would give my life for you."

"Then it is very important you follow these instructions," William said as he stepped closer to the young pirate. "I need you to," William whispered the rest in Thomas' ears. "Do you understand?" Thomas nodded quickly. "Good. It will happen tomorrow."

September 5th, 2019

"Let me guess, your plan failed. She killed your lover boy with the help of his younger brother. They dumped you on an abandoned island. She had children with Cornelius which is against the Siren law. You killed them both once you got off the island. Only, you couldn't kill your dear sister's child. It was your sister's child after all. So, instead you waited around until the child grew up and had children of their own. Then you started to hunt them all down throughout history, torture them and leave one behind for this nightmare sequel as your personal entertainment." She looked at Natalie like she had just solved the biggest mystery in the world. "Now where is my applause?"

"Couldn't you be anymore," Natalie smiled, "wrong," she said with disappointment. She poured herself a drink, a glass of whiskey to be precise. She instantly drank it. "It was a stormy day when it happened. The rat, Thomas, told Cornelius there was a problem on the deck. A lie, of course, but it worked. Cornelius rushed to the deck to see his brother. So, he asked 'Will, what is the matter? Thomas said there was a problem.' William being William," Natalie said with a smile, "told his brother he was the problem. I know, what a shocker."

"And then they fought and ended one of them dead," said Michell while yawning. "The end."

"Not the end, Michell," Natalie's anger rose in her voice, "William didn't exactly think through his plan, well he did, the bastard." She crushed her glass. "The idiot shot his brother causing the crewmen and Annabella to come to the deck! She had to come first. The foolish girl."


"Cornelius!" yelled Anne. She ran towards Cornelius. She dropped to her knees next to him. She tried to stop the bleeding. "My love, please, let me," she cried. Cornelius stopped her and kissed her for the first and last time. She held him in her arms as he took his final breath. "What did you do!" screamed Anne to William.

"Men, we have been fooled by these monsters. Lady Anne and Lady Natalie are not just women. They are creatures made by the devil to destroy men like us. This is what they are doing!" shouted the captain as the rest of the crewmen arrived at the deck. "They want to blame me for my own brother's death! Would I ever kill Nelly!"

"The captain is right," yelled Thomas. "These women serve the devil!" He looked nervous but it seemed everyone assumed that was because of what just happened. "I saw her shoot him. Now they are trying to frame the captain for it! Grab that witch!"

A few moments later Natalie arrived to see what the fuss was about. She saw how Anne held the dead Cornelius in her hands while being surrounded by angry pirates with their guns. This didn't seem right. Something was wrong.

Natalie saw a look in William's eyes she couldn't explain. She tried to compel him to make the men stop but it didn't seem to work. It worked on none of the crewmen. At that moment Anne screamed for her to run.

"Natalie!" Anne screamed. "Run! They all have seaweed in their system! They figured out!"

But it was too late for Natalie to escape. From the back she got injected with a huge amount of seaweed. She blacked out instantly. The last thing she saw, was Anne being grabbed by the laughing William.


"I knew, the moment I saw you, I knew you were a devil. A beautiful devil," William said to Natalie slowly waking up in a cage. "It is a shame. You would have been a great mistress next to my lady Camille. I don't love her but things we do to keep power. I am sure you are the one who can understand. After all, you wanted to do so much to keep Nelly away from Anne."

She blinked a few times. She began to see William's face in the distance. "You were under my sire. My compulsion. I told you to not take any seaweed if it would have been offered to you," said Natalie, confused. Her voice sounded weak. She tried to fight her strength but the amount of seaweed had made her more vulnerable than ever. "How did you know? I didn't see any of this in your mind. How did you find out, we are Sirens?"

"My father-in-law is governor Brown. He heard about the rumours of beautiful wicked women travelling across where death follows them. I knew you and that woman you call your sister were one of these abominations." William spit on the ground. He moved his fingers over the cage. "I hope you like your new home, Natalie. We built one just for you when we heard the rumours back home. We heard it is effective on your kind. We already tested out on a lost stray." William smiled. "Death would be too easy for you. I am bringing you to the new land. A nice attraction for the men." William walked towards the exit.

"Why did you kill your brother!" she yelled quickly. William stopped and turned around. "If you knew before we left England, then why kill your own brother for the charade!"

"He was a traitor to humanity. He fell in love with a monster! Even after I warned him for your kind! Your sister poisoned his mind!" shouted William. "And therefore, she shall die too! Her execution shall be the grand opening of our new glorious founded town, Sweet River."

Natalie stared deeply into his eyes. "You are a monster."

"No, sweetheart," he said without breaking eye contact with her. William turned away from her. "You are the monster."

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Hello, reader!

I decided to publish an extra part in honour of all the recent love and support! Thank you so much!

Who are you rooting for during The Golden Age of Piracy storyline:
Team #Annelius (Anne and her now dead lover), Team #Natalie
or Team #BrotherStabber (William) :D ?

Which Siren do you like the most:
Anne, Natalie, Michell or Serena?

Favourite ship/bromance/sistermance?

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