You Tube Made Me Do It.

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Dedicated to:  VsPri26


Nia's POV

"Pinaki why are we here?"I asked him stealing a glance at Mayank who kept fidgeting while sitting at the other end of sofa.

"Guys remember The underscore swag underscore kid?"He asked and shot us a look when our response came negative.

"It's my you tube channel you pea brains?"He said losing his temper.

"And why haven't you subscribed yet?"He spared another disappointing look in our direction.

"I was going to but then I had exams."I tried giving an excuse.

"We all know how you are going to ace all your tests."He remarked sarcastically.

I was about to shoot him an angry look but i noticed Mayank trying to cover his smile with his palm so i let Pinaki roast me for a while.

Even if it was at my expense i felt better that he acknowledged my presence finally.

Mayank hadn't spoken to me since the incident in dressing room. I thought he would come around till we reached home or atleast we will sort things out by the time of dinner. But boy had I estimated the power of his aloofness.

I was so used to getting teased by him that i always stayed ready with a retort when he was around. But there was no teasing so they were kind of getting all rusty in the back of my mind.

I didn't have siblings and i was okay with it until Mayank walked into my life. He had to be my brother now for lifetime. I had to work things out with him. But Everytime i met his eyes he royally ignored me.

Chetan uncle and Veena aunty had instanly noticed our cold shoulders to each other. They tried intervening but we both decided to switch the subject everytime they mentioned it over dinner last night.

Aaruj had called several times but i didn't answer. I wasn't angry at him. I was angry at myself. Had i been so oblivious? He must had been hurting inside.

I know that now because i was beginning to understand what he had been going through all these days. When the people you care about stop caring for you. It's the worst feeling ever.

I have been so selfish all this time. I believed what he tried to show me rather than plunging inside the depths of his feelings. Plus Vishakha's words kept ringing in my ears all night. I couldn't even sleep or stop crying either. Luckily my face at the moment didn't look like some raccoon with the amount of eyeliner that I had to wash away first thing in the morning.  I hadn't even bothered to remove my eye make up before going to bed.

My train of random thoughts was derailed by Pinaki's over the top voice.

"And why you haven't subscribed Mayank?I thought you were into cool things aka my you tube channel."He shot Mayank a questioning look.

"I had a match to prepare for."His voice had suddenly turned all serious. I could tell that all those things from yesterday must have come rushing back to his mind.

"A match you lost."Pinaki commented just to tease Mayank but he was trading on dangerous waters here.

"Pinaki can we get back to the point. Why are we here?"I said cutting right through the chase.

"Good question."He exclaimed and pointed at his watch.

"I am waiting for my assistant."He said.

"You have an assistant?"Mayank and i asked in unison.

When i met his eyes he averted his gaze and started concentrating on the center piece placed in the middle of the coffee table. Apparently a metal frog was pleasing to look at than my face.

"I am an influencer, kids. I ought to have an assistant."He bragged.

"If you don't tell me why i am here i will leave exactly in two minutes."Mayank warned him eyeing his wrist watch.

"Okay, i need a video with you guys."He finally spilled the beans.

"What video?"I asked.

"My siblings do my make up."He replied.

"What the heck is that?"Mayank said in more frustrated manner.

"You know there are bunch of challenges that people do on you tube so that they would look like they have a normal life but still brag about how awesome they are than their average viewers."Pinaki explained.

"Again why are we here?"Mayank asked looking impatient.

"Because i promised my viewers I would do this challenge."He confessed sheepishly.

"But we are not your siblings."I said trying to state the fact but without sounding rude.

"I know Caption obvious."He retorted.

"I am out of here."I got up from the sofa.

I had enough of this little smarty-pants.

"Sorry. Please Di please do this challenge with me."He said giving me those puppy eyes.

I felt sorry for the kid. He wasn't bad if you overlooked the trying- to-sound-like- an-adult- even- though- i-am-a- kid attitude. I understood him because i was also an only child of my parents. You feel lonely at a times if you don't have many friends. Luckily for me it was Sam and Nikki who filled the void. But Pinaki needed me and Mayank. And i needed my brother too. So i agreed.

"Fine. But you will tell your viewers that we are your neighbours and are like elder brother and sister to you."I demanded."You need to be honest with your viewers."

"Look who is talking about being honest."Mayank taunted me.

Ouch. That hurts.

"Why did you agree to do this challenge in the first place?"He asked Pinaki.

"You tube made me do it. No one wants to see an intelligent boy like me talk about black hole and other mesmerising content. Everyone and their mothers seem to be obsessed with this new trend now days. Make up tag. Puppy tag. Best friend tags and what not. So i need to keep up with the changing YouTube algorithms."The kid was trying to look as innocent as an infant but he was far from it. The guy was a little version of Devil wears Prada.

More like devil wears Dungaree.

"I don't even know any Cosmetic names. I can't do this challenge."Mayank said on the verge of giving up.

"Me neither."I confessed. The only make up i knew was eye make up and i wasn't even pro at it.

"Mayank let me tell you something.

One. No one calls them cosmetics any more. They are beauty products.

And two. You will be guided by an intelligent mind while you do it."He revealed while showing off his pearly whites.

"Who is that intelligent mind?"Mayank enquired.

"Duh!Me."Pinaki answered.

"You can't keep talking while we do your make up."I said making a point.

"Oh!Right. Then Nia we will do your make up instead."He said changing the plan suddenly.

"What?but your challenge said we do your make up. Not the other way round."I tried reasoning with him.

"Who's channel is it?"He asked.

"Yours."I shrugged off.

"So my word is the last word girl."He declared.

"Okay. So let's get this over with."I said getting up and started looking for a comfortable chair to sit on while the guys did my make up.

"Di chill. I have my assistant to move things around here."Pinaki bragged for the umpteenth time.

"Where is this assistant of yours?"Mayank asked doubtfully.

"He is on his way."Pinaki assured.

At that exact moment the door bell rang.

I was about to get up but Veena Aunty beat me to it.

She welcomed some guy and then returned to Kitchen. I was busy in chatting with Pranjal on my phone. He updated me on Sasha. She had gone for a long drive to the outskirts of Mumbai with Zeeshan. Atleast she was having a good time.

"What the heck are you doing here?" Mayank's raised voice echoed through the house.

I looked up in surprise and my eyes were about to bulge from their sockets.

Chetan uncle came rushing from his bedroom."Mayank why are you creating a ruckus early in the morning?"

Then he eyed Aaruj who was Pinaki's new assistant. He shook hand with Chetan uncle while introducing himself.

"Get out."Mayank yelled at him.

"I am here to help this little one."Aaruj replied trying to sound innocent.

"Mayank behave yourself."Chetan uncle warned.

I could tell this was already going to go downhill. The premier of the sequel to 'Wars in the dressing room' could start any minute.

I waited for it with a baited breath.

Aaruj turned to face me and waved his hand as if we were all some good friends meeting for a weekly hangout.

Has he lost it?

"I don't believe you. The audacity of coming here after what happened yest …"Mayank said in exasperated voice but was cut off before he could speak further.

This time by his own mother.

"Here. Drink some water."She offered to Aaruj who gladly accepted it.

"Mom he is leaving right now."Mayank spoke before Aaruj could.

"Mayank he is here to help Pinaki. Why are you acting so weird?"Veena Aunty asked.

"Because…." I pleaded Mayank with my eyes even though he looked so unfazed in that moment.

I wasn't ready for my love life to be discussed in front of Aunty and Uncle.

They are so understanding yet i feel weird about it.

Surprisingly Mayank dropped the subject and i left a sigh of relief. But that didn't last long.

"My name is Aaruj and I am Nia's b…"Before he could spill the beans i swatted his arm and spoke for him."classmate. We are classmates Uncle and Aunty."

He shot me a confused look but I mouthed laters.

"Assistant,you are late. I will deduct your salary."Pinaki informed him.

"You are not paying me anything."The latter stated as matter of fact.

"Still i can."Pinaki pressed the subject.

"Oh no."Aaruj feigned to be horrified by the threat.

"Assistant what are you waiting for? Start making arrangements for today's shoot."He barked orders at my boyfriend.

"Oh hello!Be nice to him."I warned before i could stop myself.

"Why Nia Didi? Apko bura lag raha hai kya(Are you feeling bad)?"He smirked.

"He is my classmate and he is older to you."I tried reasoning with him.

He gave me a suspicious look but decided to not speak anything.

"I have to meet Trishna. Can we get done with this sooner?"Mayank asked getting straight to the point.

Aaruj started moving the furniture around. I joined him in doing the task.

"What are you doing here?"I hissed.

"Why did you leave after the match?"He asked still concentrating on the task at hand.

"Answer my question first?"I demanded.

"First you answer mine."He replied meeting my eyes.

"I want that vase here in the corner. It would add nice asthetics to the background."Pinaki kept adding suggestions in his you tube jargans stalling our conversation further.

"Mayank come here. Hold this make up palette."The so called influencer commanded.

"Isn't he your assistant?"he retorted pointing at Aaruj.

"I am an influencer. I need as much as help i can get to navigate the ideas that keep flowing inside my awesome brain."The kid had a death wish I concluded.

"C'mon my stubby fingers can't hold this heavy pallet anymore."He added.

"I am not gonna help you."Mayank spat the words out.

"Veena aunty?"Pinaki called out.

"Fine. You little blackmailer."With this he stood beside me and hold the palette for our annoying neighbor kid.

And then the procedure of making me turn into some clown started. Tons of foundation was applied. Some of which succeeded into entering my mouth.

I don't think it was a coincidence when my eye was hit by the brush more than twice.

"Nia look at the screen."Aaruj instructed.

"Woah!!!! Mr. Assistant you want to take my place? You wanna play siblings?"Pinaki asked in all business-no-fooling-around manner.

Mr. Assistant only shook his head vigorously and i couldn't help but let out a laugh.

"Don't blame me if this eyeliner bottle falls into your mouth and you choke on it."Pinaki warned."It would really help my channel though. The video would be trending for months."

I shut my mouth instanly and let him do his drill.

"Mayank take over from here."He ordered.

So i finally looked at him. He hesitated for a while but then took the eyebrow pencil from Pinaki's hand and started doing what he was being instructed.

Then my worst nightmare came to life.

I am into eye makeup. I really am. But i have this phobia of eyelashes curler. I don't understand why most girls go through the hassle of using them.

"No eyebrow curler okay."I warned. Pinaki wasn't budging though.

He kept bringing it closer to my face.

"Pinnochio she doesn't want to use it."Aaruj intervened.

"One. It's Pinaki not Pinnochio. Two. I have experience of using this on my mom so Assistant i know what I am doing here."He assured.

"That was not on the plan."Aaruj said and instantly slapped the back of his head.

I shot him a look that definitely conveyed i-will-deal-with-you-later. Then i turned to the object of my current displeasure.

"I don't want to use it."I said firmly.

"Di it's not going to hurt I promise."Pinaki said still going ahead with the eye curler.

I decided to believe him and closed my eyes. But i was trembling.

I was going to feel the coldness of the metal anytime on my skin but instead i heard a bang of something being dropped on the floor.

"Can't you see? She is scared."I opened my eyes instantly as i heard Mayank's voice.

"Why do you care?You are not exactly cordial to each other currently, are you?"The kid smirked as he succeeded in turning him speechless.

"Whatever. But you don't get to trouble her like that. Only I do because i am not just some video brother okay. I am the real deal and i will always be."with this confession Mayank finally met my eyes.

It was so sweet to hear him speak of me again in highest regards. A lone tear rolled down my cheek followed by so many eventually.

"I am sorry." I apologised and hugged him.

"Losers. The make up will be ruined."Pinaki yelled at us.

"We don't care."We replied in unison.

"Whatever. I am gonna find someone else who would be less dramatic than you two. I am out of here."With this he walked out of the apartment only to come back again.

"Assistant you are fired."He said looking at Aaruj.

"You came back just to fire me?"The latter asked in a disbelief.

"Yes. And also i forgot that Veena Aunty is making pani puri so she needs my support because no one in this household appreciates her cullinary skills."He explained.

"We do."Mayank and I protested in unison.

"Not talking to you losers. You missed an opportunity to be famous."He huffed.

"Is he always like this?"Aaruj asked looking at Pinaki's retreating figure.

"The kid is a devil reincarnated."I remarked.

"But he helped me in getting back you two together."Aaruj stated as a matter of fact.

"How?"I asked as i couldn't imagine these two conspiring anything together.

"We are facebook friends now."He said not really proud of the association.

"Oh!He blackmailed you didn't he. Into accepting the request."I concluded.

"No. But i let him thinking that he did. I have my ways. He needed an assistant. I needed a medium to talk to you both."He revealed proudly.

"This doesn't change anything between us Rathore."Mayank retorted."She is my dear sister but you are still my number one enemy.

"If you hurt her I swear i will punch you till my own hands bleed. There won't be even a drop of blood that will remain in your body. I will chop off your brain into tiny pieces and feed them to the strays that gather around our cricket academy. I will.….."

"Enough with the explicit details. A kid has joined us."I interrupted as I noticed Pinaki occupying the sofa nearby.

"Oh! Don't stop on my account Mayank bhaiya. I can recommend you some good you tube videos that would improve your Fighting skills. They are so awesome ke dushman pani tak nai mangata.(Enemy won't even have time to ask for water as he dies.)"He stated casually and placed the stuffing inside the panipuri on his plate.

We all exchanged a look.

"I still need to talk to you."Aaruj said to me.

"Okay. Let's go to my room."I agreed.

"Keep the door open kids."Mayank warned.

At first i thought he was kidding but his expressions said otherwise.

"Mayank."I hissed feeling embarrassed.

"We will."Aaruj agreed with same serious expression.

Will i always be tip toeing around these two?

I started walking towards my room and Aaruj followed in.

"Why did you leave after the match?"He asked as we sat on my bed.

"Because i didn't know what else to do."I finally confessed.

"All you had to do was stay and see how I dedicated the trophy to you. How i said I love you in front of the whole stadium.How i searched through the crowds so that i could say it to you all over again. I could have said it thousand more times too."He spoke those words but i felt the underlying vulnerability in them.

"I know I should have stayed. But it felt so wrong."I replied looking at the starry bedsheet that was covering the mattress.

"So you think what we have is wrong?"He prodded.

"No.You had a fall out with your best friend and i had to know it from a third person, that is wrong. You thought hiding your feelings from me was okay. And that is wrong."I let out all the things in the wide open and i didn't even know where we were going with this.

"You are not responsible for what happened between Jay and me Nia."He said.

"Then why did you have to hide it from me?"I asked.

"For the same reason that we are having this discussion right now. You have this habit of blaming yourself for things that are not in your control. I am freaking sure you would have reacted the same way you did yesterday had i told you all of it. Nia i love you and I would never blame you or our relationship if it results into separating from some people i have in my life. If they really love me they would also understand my love for you. Sweetheart you scared me when you didn't pick up my phone yesterday. I thought i had lost you."He said touching my cheek softly with his fingers. 

I looked at his face, observing the injuries that graced it. Fortunately they seemed to be less severe now.

"Sorry."I said leaning my face into his palm.

"Stop saying that."He responded by ruffling my hair.


I was happy that i had finally sorted things out with Aaruj.

Mayank came around too. Partially if not completely. But i was still hopeful for the future.

He had gone to see off Trishna who was going on a family trip to Manali. Chetan uncle was hanging out in the society park with his gym buddies.

Veena Aunty and I enjoyed each other's company while watching our favorite daily soap. My eyes were fixed to the screen when she randomly brought Aaruj's topic up."This Aaruj guy is quite decent."

Apparently Aaruj had left a long lasting impression on her.

"Yes. He is okay."I said feigning disinterest.

"Will you drop it?"Aunty asked turning all her attention on me.

"What?"I faked some more cluelessness but it didn't work.

"You know ours is a love marriage. I sense such things even before they start."She smirked.

I only blushed in response.

"He mentioned he was from delhi while we talked. So i was thinking about something."She paused for a while.

"What were you thinking?"I asked curiously.

"I was thinking where would be the wedding exactly- Mumbai Pune or

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