[30] With Mr. Player in the Rain

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Chapter 30

[Alex's POV]

The light went off. Suddenly, it got really dark. I could feel Dylan's warm breath on my face. I could feel the vibrations of his heart thudding inside his chest. We both remained frozen in that same position. Suddenly thunder rumbled far off in the sky. It was so sudden, and so loud that it scared the shit out of me.

 "Aaaaaahhhh!!!!!" I screamed on top of my lungs.

"Aaaaaahhhh!!!" Dylan's scream matched mine.

"Wh-why the hell are y-you screaming?" My voice was barely a whisper as I whispered out this question to Dylan.

"I...don't know? Why were you screaming?"

"Uh...never mind"

"Its the thunder isn't it?"

I bit my lip. "Yeah..." I mumbled.

Dylan chuckled. "Don't worry Alex, I'll protect you from the thunder. Haha!"

"Its not funny. I'm not scared of thunder, okay? It just took me off guard and--aahhh!!" I screamed again as another thunder bolt lightened up the now dark sky yet again. My fingers dug into Dylan's arm.

"Haha! Yeah right!" Dylan chuckled again.

"Shut up!" I punched his chest.

"Hey! Stop! Or I'll tickle you!"

I kept on punching him. "You have so done it Alex!" His fingers started tickling me.

"Hey stop! P-please! S-stop!" I pleaded. Our bodies rolled on the bed, he was on top of me now.

"Oof! Dylan, you're so heavy!"


I started squirming, causing our bodies to role.

And then we both fell off the bed.

"Ow! Damn Alex!" Dylan cursed.

Thankfully I was on top of Dylan when we fell which meant Dylan was the one who got hurt. I quickly got off Dylan. I peered down at him. It was dark, but moon light entered through the window, I could vaguely make out his face.

"Are you okay?" I asked, concerned.

"No...my head..." he groaned.

"Huh?" I leaned closer to him to get a better look at his head, to see whether it was bruised.

Dylan's hands suddenly clutched my top and pulled it, causing my lips to smash onto his.

His soft Delicious lips moved hungrily against mine. He tasted so good...so refreshing. My lips started moving on its own accord. I wanted to stop myself but I couldn't. It was so hard. His lips were so addictive...

Another crack of thunder rumbled. I quickly jumped away, my heart beating erratically. A devilish smile played on Dylan's lips.

"Liked it?" He said wiggling his eyebrows.

"You jerk! You acted as if you were hurt but in reality you were acting..." I said as I got up.

"Duh!" He mocked as he got up too, dusting his clothes.

"I hate you Dylan!" I said as I stomped my foot angrily.

"I love you too Alex!" He replied.

My heart skipped a beat as I heard him say the L-word. My eyes widened in surprise as I took in what he just said. I couldn't help staring at him in shock.

[Dylan's POV]

Woah! 'Love you too Alex?' Where did that come from?

"Wh-what d-did you say?" Alex stuttered.

"N-nothing" I mumbled. I'm sure I must be all red-faced right now. Thank god its so dark, otherwise it would be really embarrassing.

But that response just came out on its own. It was a natural thing to say. Don't couple do it all the time? One of them says 'I hate you' and the other replies 'I love you too!'. Except we're not a couple. Its not 'natural' for me to say this.

Oh God! What have I done?!

"Uh...let's go Alex. Others must be wondering..."

"Uh, yeah...sure." she replied hesitantly and started walking. I stood where I was. I could make-out her silhouette in the dark. She stood frozen a couple of steps ahead of me.

"Uh...Alex? Let's go..." I prompted, giving her a light push.

"Dylan? Did I tell you that I'm uh..." I couldn't see her but I was sure she had turned Scarlet.

"Scared of the dark?"

"Uhh...yeah" she mumbled.

I chuckled. "Figures" I muttered. "Don't worry Alex, the monsters of the dark won't bite you" I couldn't help laughing again.

"Whatever! Just don't...uh, just don't leave me...alone" she mumbled and then suddenly, she grabbed my hands. The action was so sudden and surprising, I was taken off-guard. I shivered slightly as electricity tingled my nerves.

"Dylan...can we go now?"

"Uh sure" I muttered. It'd take getting-used-to the feel of Alex's hands in mine. But somehow this felt so perfect.

I opened the door and took short steps. Alex was right beside me. I took out my cell-phone and switched on it's flashlight, causing the room to lighten up a bit, but it was still dark.

"Hello??" I prompted.

"Who's this?" Stacey's familiar voice called out. "Dylan?" She recognised my voice.

"What happened to the power?"

"I don't know...must be the rain or something" she muttered.

"Isn't there any back-up?"

"There is...in the basement I think.  We'll have to switch on some machine I guess. There's no way I'm going down there though, especially in this dark" she said.

"I'll go! You can guide me--"

"I'll go with you!" Alex chirped in.

"Sure, whatever. Take anyone you want. I'm not coming though" Stacey said. "Well, the entrance to the basement is from the backyard"


"Yeah, there's a shed. First you need to grab the keys from there and then there are steps leading underground nearby. You need to open the lock though which is fastened on the wooden entrance to the basement."

"Well damn! Do we have an umbrella?" I asked.

"Somewhere in the dark. I'm in no mood to look for it"

"I don't care if we get wet in the rain. I just want the electricity back!" Alex whined.

"Fine, don't complain though when you're wet and catch a cold"

"Whatever, let's go now, please?" She mumbled.

"Where are the others though?" I asked.

"Enjoying a swim in the pool" Stacey replied.

"In the rain?"

"Dylan, we have an indoors pool too, remember?"

I nodded. "C'mon Alex, let's go" I said as I guided her towards the door. I opened it and stepped outside, immidiately meeting cold wind and rain.

"Oooh...its raining!" Alex squealed.

"Oh wow! I didn't knew it was raining! Thanks for telling me Alex!" I shot back sarcastically.

"Can we go now please?" She said ignoring my sarcastic reply.

I nodded and we headed through the garden in the pouring rain. Wet grass and mud crunched under our feet. Rain was falling down in torrents over us. I was sure it was the full moon tonight, but it was hidden by dark grey clouds. It was really dark.

Alex's hands were clutching my arms tightly. Her body was really close to me. Even though it was cold due to the rain, I felt warm. And I'm sure she felt the same way.

After a couple of minutes we spotted the shed and quickly hurried towards it. Inside, me and Alex frantically searched for the key. Apparently, there were a LOT of keys in there. So in the end we finally grabbed all the keys we could find, hoping that one of the keys out of this was the one we needed.

We both continuously cursed under our breath as we left the shed and tried to find the entrance inside the basement.

"Let's go left" Alex said.

"No, let's go right"


"Fine then, let's split."

"No!" She grabbed my arms tightly as if her life depended on it.

"Then we go where I want" I said.

"No!" She started walking in the other direction. I grabbed her hands and pulled her. One second she was standing straight in front of me looking beautiful, the next moment, she slipped on the wet mud and before I could steady her, she fell down on the ground, looking...beautiful still.

She scowled. "Ugh! Look what you did!" Her clothes were dirty now.

"Uh...sorry?" I smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry my ass!" Suddenly she grabbed my leg and tugged and the next second, I was on the ground next to her.


"Haha! Payback's a bitch!" She said, laughing. This time I was the one scowling.

I scooped up a bit of wet mud in my hand and aimed for her face. I knew it was a childish thing to do but whatever, she deserved this, sort of.


The mud ball landed on her chest instead of her face. Her mouth hung open in surprise as she realised what I'd just done.

"Payback's a bitch" I said in the same tone she had , making air quotes as I did.

She glared at me.

I knew what was coming next. So I got up and ran.

[Alex's POV]

"You asshole!" I shouted as I chased after him. "You're so going to pay for that you moron!"

I kept running after him. The wet grass crunched under my slippers. The wet mud caused them to sink in a bit. Man! He was fast. I took a short break, panting for breath then shot after him again. I was completely wet from the rain and slightly cold but I didn't care. That jerk was so going to pay for what he did.

I noticed he had stopped at a distance. He was frantically waving his hands.

"Stop Alex!! Stop!" He shouted. At first I totally fell for his act. But then I realised what he was doing-trying to avoid his fate. I was going to so beat him for what he did.

I ran straight at him. Our bodies collided. One second we were on solid ground, next second we both were falling...into the outdoor pool.

I tossed my hands and legs, trying to stay afloat. I was under-water for a couple of seconds before I returned back to the surface, gasping for breath. Dylan was a couple of feet away from me, his body submerged in water while his head above.

"Thanks a lot Alex! If you weren't so blind we'd not be in this pool right now!"

"Uh...at least we're clean now. I mean the mud is washed off us" I mumbled sheepishly.

What I didn't expect of him was to chuckle. I stared at him incredulously as his chuckle turned into a full-blown laugh. I couldn't help it, his laughter was contagious. I started laughing too.

Laughing and swimming, we both reached the pool's edge and climbed out.

I shivered again. The heavy torrents of raindrops were reduced to a light drizzle now, but a cold wind was still blowing.

My eyes widened as my eyes fell on Dylan. He was strippping. Really. He unbuttoned his t-shirt and tossed it away. Then he removed his jeans and sneakers. He removed his boxers too and my eyes widened even more. What the hell is he doing?!

I was going to look away when I realised he wasn't completely naked, he had his swimming trunks on.

"Thank goodness I was wearing it underneath my clothing" he mumbled, grinning. I realised I had my bikini on too. So I removed my top and shorts. I shivered again as I stood only in my blue bikini.

My eyes trailed down Dylan's body. Water trickled down his sexy six-pack abs. His hair was wet and messy and falling over his green-blue eyes. He was running his fingers through them.

Damn! I felt turned on just looking at him.

His eyes grazed my body none too modestly either. His eyes were taking in my body just like they had done this morning.

I cleared my throat to grab his attention and realised he was blushing when he looked up instantly. The night sky had cleared up a bit and the moon was emitting its light. I could easily see Dylan.

We both saw the entrance to basement at the same time. We both were so close to it. I shuffled through the keys I had kept in my short's pocket after extracting them. I tried them one by one. The fourth key was the actual one. The lock opened and I removed it. I pulled the wooden door. It made a creaking sound as it opened. Me and Dylan set down the dusty stairs.

Dylan had thankfully dropped his cellphone by mistake earlier, which meant they hadn't fallen with him inside the pool and got wet. Its flashlight illuminated the dark basement, but this place still gave me the creeps.

We found the switch board easily. Dylan said that the main circuit had tripped. After fiddling with it for a couple of minutes, he switched on the button, saying the electricity was back now.

"Yay!!" I jumped with delight.

"C'mon let's get going" he said. We made our way back outside and realised it had started raining heavily again. We grabbed our now soiled clothes and headed back to the house.

We found the others at the indoor pool. They all had swam their fill. Though I can't understand how anyone can enjoy swimming in the dark.

"Guys, I think you all should stay over. I've seen the news just now. They say a heavy storm has hit the town. A few trees have even fallen causing the roads to block. Besides it could be dangerous to drive in such rain." Stacey said. Surprise! Surprise! The bitch was actually concerned.

"Okay then" Dylan replied instantly.

Of course he's okay with it. Staying over with her tonight would just give him another opportunity to bang her.

"Okay...so, Kevin and Alyssa can go over to Kevin's house. I mean he lives next door, right? Unless theyw ant to stay. Jared and Dylan and can share a room, I think Tyler's gonna be with Tasha and...me and Alex!" Stacey said sweetly.

Wait, what!?

Me and Stacey?

In one room?

Is she kidding!?

"Sounds good!" 



Looks like everyone was happy with the arrangement.

Kevin and Alyssa left for Kevin's house with an umbrella. Yes, an umbrella. All this time it had been in the hall. We wouldn't have ended up wet if we would have looked for it.

"C'mon Alex and Dylan, I'll lend you clothes. Alex can wear mine and Dylan I'm sure you could wear my dad's." We both shrugged in response as we followed her upstairs. She gave Dylan a pair of loose shorts and a t-shirt. She guided him to a room and said he could stay here for the night. I followed Stacey back to her room. 

Stacey's room wasn't exactly how I'd expected it. It wasn't all pink and purple with posters of Justin Bieber. It was a combination of read and white. There was a huge king size bed in the centre with red bed-sheets and white pillows. The curtains were white. The floor had a white carpet covering it. Her vanity mirror was red. It was covered with cosmetics and accessories. There was a desk in the corner with an lcd computer on it. A large white flat scree t.v faced her bed. There were three more doors inside. One led to the balcony, one tot he closet and one probably to the bathroom. In short, her room was awesome!

"Follow me" Stacey said as she headed for the closet. After fumbling inside for sometime she tossed me a flimsy purple coloured cloth.

"Whats this?" I asked.

"Your night ware? I thought it'd get late soon. Wouldn't you like to sleep in something more comfortable?"

"Uh...yeah" I nodded and after grabbing it headed towards the bathroom. I stripped off my bikini and wore the lavender piece of lingerie Stacey had given. It was accompanied by a the same violet coloured panties. It was really lacy and soft. It had a really deep cleavage. It's soft material stopped abruptly at my upper thigh, showing off my legs. It was almost transparent in the stomach region. I felt really exposed.

I took small steps as I emerged out of the bathroom.

Stacey turned to look at me. She nodded in appreciation. "Good! Thank god it fits. I thought it'll fit you. I used to wear it two-three years back when I was lacking in the chest and the curve area. I thought it'll fit you"

Was I just over-reacting or did Stacey purposefully gave me this bit of information just to imply that I lacked in the chest and the curve department. Oh well, it's true. I'm not really lacking though. I'm just not as gifted as Stacey.

I pulled the lingerie as down as possible. But it was no use. Being in the same house as Mr. Player, in the night, in this exposing lingerie will be...a challenge. 


A/N- I had to abruptly finish the chapter here. I thought it was getting really long. Next chapter is gonna be...good. :D VOTE PLEASE

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