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"I'm not going."
"You have my answer, I am not going and they are not coming either. I never wanted to do business with them. My company is doing fine without them. I don't need them.
Let's not mix business and friendship when we don't want to."
I'm pretty sure the last part was supposed to be inaudible. But I still heard it.

"Well, since you have he's answer you can leave now." I said.
"You don't have any say in this." Adele screamed at me.
"Oh I do. Watch me." I said and I leaned to whisper to Gio: Wanna go to Flare's all.of is can hang out there for the night.
Gio looked at me with a smile.
We got up and left the living room and out of the mansion leaving Adele flabbergasted.

"Can't believe that shitass thinks he can still order me around. I worked hard for this freedom. I ain't giving it back." Gio spat.
It was Gio's turn to complain as I was getting my tattoo inked and his was done.

Both of us decided on a marmaid tattoo as we both didn't have one. Gio has far less tattoo than me. Nit even a full sleeves, so is he wanted he had a lot of options but since it was a pair, he had to compromise, a lot.
Turned out, many of our ideas inclined. As many of the tats he described, I had them on me, somewhat similar somewhat different.
We're sibling, alright.
"After Bells ran away, I wanted to run away too, but I was a coward, so I decided to stay a coward and slowly earn my freedom." He said.
"That's called cunning, you fox." I commented through the pain.
"Well, the old man had the ball to invite both of us. Damn Luxe was pissed." Alex said.
"He doesn't like to ordered around does he?" Lina asked.
"Where is he anyway?" My tattoo was done and I sat up.
When noone answered me, I got the answer.
"He's out there with one of his personal sluts isn't he?"
Again silence.
Suddenly, my tattoo that wasn't hurting before, started to hurt like hell.

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