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Seren needed to buy this time for herself. As she ran, circling and making figure eights to confuse the alpha, she tried to think of what she should do. There was a chance that after Initiation, she would have a brief amount of time to slip away during the celebration and race home to McGreggor. They would only have time to throw the essentials in the truck before they drove off, but from there where would they go? Who would watch over McGreggor's shop and where would the people in their tiny town get their groceries, especially the elderly folk who couldn't venture far away? Would McGreggor even want to leave?

Seren realized that she would miss Gillie terribly as well. She had already lost her father. In the short amount of time they had known each other, she had grown on Seren coniderably. Could she leave her behind for her own selfish fears? And what about Liam? 

And you will carry my children. His deep voice rang in her mind and she shivered. Being alpha meant that his senses and emotions, including his libido, were heightened to the point of overdrive. He was dangerously possessive of Seren and, just as she had feared, had plans to dominate and keep her under his thumb, exactly like her last alpha had. She was sure that as soon as she became a part of his pack, he would use his power over her to force her to lie down and give herself to him to be used like a brood mare. 

Seren circled a tree widely three times before leaping hugely away onto a rock and from there, propelling herself as far as she could onwards. She landed softly at the base of an oak tree, it's branches hanging low with their own weight, and paused. A long and deep howl echoed through the forest, sending shivers up Seren's back. It was Liam letting her know that he was on the way. Her heart beat in excitement and she let her body shift to her human form, jumping upwards with all her might to grasp the busy end of a branch, scrambling to pull herself up and shimmy toward the trunk. She hopped to another branch and then climbed above that, shifting back into a wolf. 

It was awkward in that form to walk across the rounded wood to a place where she could lie down, wait and watch for the big bad wolf to come huffing and puffing in serach of her. Her coloration would be her aid this time for if he glanced up, her light fur would match the bright patches of sky in the gaps of the canopy above.

She nearly dozed off and fell from the tree more than once as she waited for Liam to follow her trail. He would be wondering why she had gone in circles and looped back on herself. She hoped he would come to the conclusion she was trying to confuse and get rid of him, but he would have to keep his nose on the ground to pick up side trails. That was what she was counting on.

She saw him off in the distance, moving silently between the trees, more like a shadow made from the shifting leaves above, mirroring her steps perfectly. She willed her breaths to come evenly and her heart to beat as softly as possible. He wound around and around in circles, then searched outside of the range for where the fresh scent would pick up. Seren watched him sniff the roots and trunks where she had rubbed her coat and saw how he, in frustration, growled and scanned the forest floor with his eyes.  

He was within speaking distance of her verbally now, so his wolf would also be. Serennnn, he taunted. Come out come out, wherever you are. I am close. I can smell you in the air. I will give you a chance to reveal yourself. He waited for a few minutes as she trembled above him like a leaf, however fittingly. He wanted her to tease him back, to huff at him as she usually did, but that would tell him that he was very close. No? Well, then you must have tricked me, my dear. Don't worry, I will find you soon enough. He growled and stalked back to where he had last had her scent.

Two hours later, the alpha had descended into madness, pacing shallow trenches along her trails, even coming so close as to sniff and wind around the tree she was in repeatedly. She had thought it funny at first, but was now worried that he might have actually lost his mind and would try to do what he had nearly done the day before.

His breathing seemed to come faster as he grew more angry that he couldn't even track down his own mate. He had never not been anything but the best hunter in the pack. Then again, he had always been the fastest, too. Was there anything he was better at then that she-devil? That sweet, tiny sorceress that had bewitched his body and mind and made him want to fall to his knees and beg her to let him please her. It was damned infuriating! Perhaps he was better at f***ing, he thought, but then he was hit with a spike of fury as he had remembered how firmly she had told him that her sex life was none of his business. How many men had she f***ed? Had she enjoyed it? The thought of her with another man's hands touching what was his, caressing her as only he should, made him see red and dig his claws into the path that he had worn into the forest floor. 

Liam was working himself up to a breaking point, so infuriated and insecure that he could do no less than release a pent up roar, half snarl, half howl. He wanted his mate and he knew she was so close, which only made it worse. Seren! I know you can hear me! I don't give a s*** about this stupid bet anymore. I won't f***ing mark you until you are Initiated if you want it so much. Just come out now before I tear down every damn tree in this forest!

Something landed on his back so hard, his legs buckled and his breath went out in a whoosh as his chest his the ground. The scent of his mate surrounded him and her touch sent a wave of fire down his body. She bit his ear.

Stop being a sore loser. Seren chuckled at him. She was actually terrified he wouldn't calm down, but hoped she could diffuse the situation by acting nonchalant. And thanks for breaking my fall. She slid off of him and barked in his face, sauntering away.

He looked upwards. Did were hiding IN the tree?

Yeah. Duh.

Wolves can't climb trees.

I wasn't a wolf when I did it, obviously. She rolled her eyes and began walking back, just itching to rub her win in his face. 

You were naked. 


For the whole world to see? His voice had an edge to it, barely contained.

It was for half a second. Come on, let's go back. I'm super hungry. I hope there are leftovers from lunch!

He said nothing the entire way back, even after they had shifted and were heading indoors. Seren was just thankful that she wasn't bent over his shoulder and wondered if he wasn't actually too upset about losing the bet. Sure, it would hurt his alpha pride and make him feel inferior to her (which would likely grate on his every grumpy and emotionless nerve) but maybe to him it was like being beaten by Gillie- sort of endearing. Seren hoped not. She hoped he took it like a swift kick in the ass to put him in his place. She wouldn't be run around and manipulated by his good looks or bossy attitude. If he wanted to act like a jerk, she would dish it right back at him!

"Are you still butt hurt about losing?" she asked.

No reply.

"Who knew you would be such a baby? We should make another bet," she said, combing her fingers through her hair, though not daring to turn and see his expression. When she didn't hear a response, she continued, "Liiiiiike, if I can get off Wind Runner territory, I can be free and McGreggor will be safe."

"Sure," he chuckled. 

She whirled around, staring at him in disbelief. "What did you say?"

"I said sure. It sounds fine to me," he said, his eyes dark and guarded. "You don't want to be my mate after all."

His cold words twisted her heart- a strange reaction for her to have when he spoke the truth. It was still the truth. Right? She watched him carefully, holding her breath.

"So, go on. Run from me like you have always wanted. If you get away, you are free and no harm will come to your father." His shoulders were stiff and straight.

"And if I can't?" she asked warily. 

A muscle flickered under the skin of his jaw as he stared down at her with those steely blue eyes. "Then you sleep in my bed every night, without a fuss. No more bathtub beds, no arguing."

Of course he hadn't told her she couldn't leave the territory, she already couldn't if she wanted McGreggor to be safe. 

"I don't believe you. You would really let me go?"

"Find out," he said deeply. "Go. Run from me. I love to chase."

Seren looked at the forest and then back to the huge alpha that stood almost a foot taller than her, his hair being ruffled by the breeze. Though he was scowling, he looked gorgeous, making her stomach flip over itself. The way his eyes pierced right through her made her think that he could see the battle happening within herself. She had beaten him in a race and at hiding from him- though her trick was used up now- so she believed  she could escape him and get off Wind Runner territory. But that would mean leaving everyone behind. Mayline, Cara, Kate, Gloria....and Gillie.

Her other side begged to be free, to be able to run. Liam hadn't said anything about not being able to visit if she did beat him. How could she lose?

She started walking toward the tree line, stepping off the porch. Seren picked up a slow jog, looking over her shoulder once to see that he hadn't moved a muscle and was still standing like a sentry at the door. She ran on for a few more seconds, half way to the forest where she would be able to shift and reach her fastest speed, and hazarded another peek back because he hadn't mentioned how much of a head start he would give her. 

He was sprinting toward her like a marine on a mission, covering more ground with each stride than three of hers. It sent a bucket of ice cubes crashing into her stomach. Seren took off as fast as she could, but there was no way she was going to outrun him in human form, even though she pumped her arms and legs harder than ever before. She felt the shiver of shifting roll through her, but it was quickly subdued by Liam's strong hand clasping around her upper left arm, followed by his right hand hooking her right hip bone and jerking her back into his chest as he forced them to a stop. His grip on her hip was sending an agonizingly sweet sensation through her pelvis and she was acutely aware of every ripple of muscle against her back. 

What was she thinking? She should be upset that she lost!

"I caught you, little wolf," he whispered in her ear. "I will always catch you, remember that." He buried his nose in her hair and inhaled. "You might be quick in a sprint, but I will run forever if that is what it takes."

"You didn't give me much of head start," she mumbled, her back arching of its own will as his lips found her bare skin and his warm breath covered it. His low chuckle gave her goosebumps.

"If you wanted that, you should have been more specific in your bet. Perhaps you just got a little too confident in your abilities against mine. I'm the alpha after all."

"It's still two to one," she breathed, caught up in the smell and presence of him. "You're just a sore loser."

"Do I need to put you over my knee to teach you to watch your tongue, little wolf? Because I will do it...with pleasure," he growled, his chest vibrating.

"Find out," she said, using his words.

He spun her to look at him and she saw the curiosity and hunger in his eyes as he searched her own. He lifted his hand to her cheek and she almost smiled. He was clearly horny now and she could tell he was going to kiss her. She leaned her head into the palm of his hand as though his touch felt wonderful...well, it did, but he didn't need to know that. Then, she quickly turned her lips to the meat of his thumb and bit down hard. 

Liam pulled it back quickly, glaring at her. "Ow!"

"Just kidding! I said I was hungry," she replied, marching past him toward the house with a grin, very proud. She had promised herself to bite him if it came to it and it had. Besides, she had to control his hormones somehow.

There was a loud growl behind her and she turned, only to have her hips pulled out from underneath her as his shoulder shoved them up into the air. He delivered three hard slaps to her ass and began the trek back to the house. "That will have to do for now," he muttered.

"Ow! That really hurt!" she cried, trying to clutch her bottom.

"Now you are the butt hurt one," he chuckled. 

"F*** you!"


"Ow! Stop it!"


Her bottom was really starting to smart.

"Keep talking back, I don't mind this," he said happily.

"What do you want me to say you f***ing asshole!"


"ARRRGGGG!" she roared, slapping his own tooshie as hard as she could.





They must have looked like a drinking bird, taking turns beating each others bums raw, because Liam suddenly stopped, though Seren couldn't see and went on spanking him with two hands, hoping it burned like hell. "RAH! RAH! RAH!" she roared. 

"What the hell are you two doing?" Derrick asked.

"Put. Me. Down," Seren whisper yelled. Liam just let her roll off his shoulder and onto her bruised bottom so she immediately hopped up, clutching it, the back of her eyes stinging with angry tears though she refused to let them come forward. She shoved Liam hard, but he was a rock and didn't move. Instead, she was the one who threw herself off balance, much to his amusement. 

"This one bit me so I was trying to teach her a lesson. She was resisting," he smirked. "But don't worry, I'm going to deliver the lesson of a lifetime in my office."

"No!" she growled firmly. 

Derrick lifted one eyebrow at the way she spoke to him. No one else in the pack would have dared. 

"Then tell me you are sorry."

"Sorry," she grumbled.



"Seren," he said deeply, making her breath catch.

She huffed. "Fine. Sorry for biting you."

"Sorry for biting you.....?"

Seren glared daggers at him. I'm going to bite you again, in the face, she thought. "Alpha."

His own eyes darkened a fraction and he turned to his beta. "There. Now let's go eat. I'm hungry," he grinned.

Seren made a small sound of exasperation and shoved past both of them, embarassed and angry. So much for putting Liam in his place and outwitting him. She was just entering the kitchen when Gillie slammed into her leg. 

"Luna, guess what!?" she cried.

"Seren is fine, Gillie. And what?"

The girl held up a fist full of crayons. "Kate got me a coloring book and these! We can color pictures!"

Seren's stomach growled loudly. She heard the alpha and beta enter, but did not acknowledge them as she moved over to the fridge and took out meat and cheese. "Sure thing. Let me make a sandwich real quick and then we can color pictures."

"Yay! Did you hear that, Alpha? Lun- Seren is going to color with me with my new crayons!"

"That sound like fun," Liam said, picking her up and spinning her around as she squealed in delight. He put her on his hip and took a crayon from her, pulling it toward his mouth.

"No! Don't eat it!" Gillie chirped.

Liam pretended to gobble it up, but really moved his hand behind his head.

"I saw you, Uncle Alpha! It's right there," she laughed, reaching past his face where he held her crayon out of reach making her fall forward onto his chest. 

"Nomnomnom," he said, pretending to eat the side of her head.

"Noooo! Don't eat me! Eat a sandwich!"

He turned his head and caught Seren peeking out from around the refrigerator door. Seeing how he acted with a child sent a whole new set of foreign emotions coursing through her. How could he have gotten even more attractive? She blushed and turned away.

"Well, how about it, Seren? Make me a sandwich," he commanded haughtily.

"Me too, please!" Derrick added hopefully. 

Ohhh, he is so treading on thin ice. Who does he think he is anyway!? "YOU CAN BOTH JUST SHOVE IT UP YOUR A-" She stopped abruptly when she realized Gillie was listening and clamped her mouth shut. "Fine," she growled.

She made him his stupid sandwich exactly as he requested it, but left it on the counter for him to get himself. She wasn't his servant. She sat next to Gillie in the same seat as she had a breakfast, pulling a piece of paper towards her. 

Unfortunately, Liam sat next to her, his thigh resting against hers. 

"Can't you sit somewhere else?" she sighed, pushing his leg away.

"No," he responded, moving it back.

"Fine, I'll move," she growled, but he quickly used that foot to pin her leg against her chair. "Hey!" She struggled against him and freed herself, only for him to snare it again and pin it once more.

"Are you both playing footsie?" Derrick asked.

Seren tried to kill him with her gaze. He and Liam both took a bite of their sandwiches in response and grunted in satisfaction. She smiled sweetly and quietly whispered, "I spit in your sandwich." She looked at Liam. "And I put hot sauce in yours."

He grinned devilishly. "I love hot sauce," he siad, then leaned in close to her ear, making her go rigid. "And you wouldn't share spit with anyone but me. Because you know exactly what would happen," he chuckled. 

"Seren, draw me in my wolf shape!"

Seren swallowed and turned from the evil alpha, her leg still trapped beneath his hot muscular one. 

"I am white and-"

"No," Seren said. "Don't tell me, I think I know exactly what you look like. But no peaking!" To get her mind off her raging emotions and hormones, she threw herself into sketching a wolf, or something that could pass for one anyway. She made the wolf's eyes the same color as Gillie, but made its coat bright pink with light blue feet and spots- Gillie's two favorite colors. 

When she was done, she glanced over at Gillie who was finishing hers up, her tongue sticking out. "Okay," she said, putting the crayons down. "Trade!" 

She tore Seren's drawing away and handed her her own masterpiece. Seren stared uncomfortably down at the white and black wolves- clearly her and Liam. "I'm not pink and blue!" she giggled. "I love it! I am going to hang it above my bed! Do you like my drawing?"

"Oh, yes. I love it too!" she said, hugging Gillie. It had been a sweet gesture, however terrifying. It seemed the whole world was forcing her into the positon of mate to the brooding and tempermental alpha. She tried to keep her heatbeat down as Liam watched.

"Tomorrow I want to show you what I really look like," she said matter of factly. "But we better ask Alpha just to be sure." She leaned forward as Seren stared at the fridge, refusing to look at Liam when he was so close, just in case he tried to muddy her thoughts with his beautiful eyes.

"Yes, Gillie?"

Even his voice was intoxicating.

"Can Seren and I go outside tomorrow?"

"I don't know. I'm not sure Seren can behave herself..."

She turned on him, mouth open in shock and made the mistake of meeting his eyes, exactly what he wanted. She couldn't move at all as his authority surrounded her. He was doing his stupid alpha thing! Then his eyes dropped to her lips and she thought she was going to explode with the clashing of

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