Part 36 : Car

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Thank you for 21k reads:) I apologised for taking awhile to update.

NEWS update ;

I'll be ending 'Locked Feelings' by the end of September or October.For more enlightening news, in October,I have a WLW couple short series coming up along with the update of 'Bad Romance' which consists of 2-3 new chapters.

I know it may take awhile with the updates, but I assure you that I'm trying my best to deliver.Writer's block is not fun, you know?

The journey will not end yet my friends but if you want another Stepril series with a totally different direction,I would love to hear your ideas.

Disclaimer : I don't think Rachel is leaving but of course you'll have to find out as you read

Writer's POV

"So can we talk?" Sterling shuffles awkwardly around April, and April furrowed her brows.She sets the plates down and took out cookies and milk from the fridge.

"What's going on here? You're naturally a nervous person, babe.You either have a weird question for me or got me something.Of course,I prefer the latter." April poured the milk in one of the glasses on the counter.

"Both...but mainly the first one." Sterling comes round the corner and sighed.

"Shoot." April crossed her arms, as they dipped one of the cookies in milk.

"Well,I had an interesting conversation with Luke and he weren't uhhh interested in sexual activities until marriage." Sterling tapped her fingers on the counter anxiously.They've never actually talked about sex or what are the boundaries and limits.

"Well...he's not wrong.Do you have a question or concerns?" April bite on the cookie as the crumbles fell.

"So what are you interested in then?" Sterling took an opposite seat from April as she leans closer towards the counter.

"Apart from you? I have to say that I'm fine with whatever we're doing in bed unless you want to spice it up.Though my principles stay, no sex till marriage."

"You know it's very hard for me to NOT tear your clothes." Sterling reach out to trace her fingers on April's hand and April smirked.

"My clothes, huh?" April had a look in her eyes and April comes round to Sterling, teasing her.April unbuttons one of her button up shirt and placed Sterling's hand on her chest.Sterling gulped but recomposed herself.

"Well,I can just say that they're-" Of course, when the foreplay was about to start,Sterling's phone went off and it was her Mom.

What a moodkiller.

"You should pick it up." April cleared her throat and steps away from Sterling as she swipes for another cookie.

"Mom...yeah..I'm with April..well...okay.Okay.Bye,Mom." Sterling hangs up her phone and sighed.

"I have to Mom is waiting for me."

"I'll send you out." April washed her hands and went up to get Sterling's belongings.

"Can't you stay a little longer? April begged and Sterling couldn't help but smile.

"I can't.My mom is going to be worried sick."

"'re always welcome to stay." April tugged onto Sterling but Sterling had to politely decline.They held hands as they walk slowly on the sidewalk.

"I know how Rachel is in town but I'm reassuring you that you're safe and sound.I'm always a call away, okay?" Sterling tried to lean in for a kiss but April was already thinking of Rachel.

"Right...she totally slipped my mind but I'm glad you stayed."

"Of course.Though,I'm still waiting for my kiss." Sterling puckered her lips and April laughs.

"I think that might take awhile..." April teased as she was about to jump on Sterling but Sterling ran off to stand on the road.

I mean a little chase doesn't hurt.Sterling was already imagining it.Where both of them start chasing each other and ends up breathless, and eventually kiss on this chilly night.

Though that's not exactly how it started....

"If you catch me-" Sterling's words were cut short when a light comes from the side.It was a car.Move Sterling.

MOVE! MOVE! MOVE! Instead, her body failed her.

It all happened too fast for Sterling's reaction when her body felt the overwhelming and excruciating impact of the car, as she was knocked off a couple feet.The car came to a halt, and Sterling could barely moved.

Her neck, legs were dislocated and her head was bleeding.Everything was bleeding.Her eyes could move but her whole body was in such a state of shock and pain.

"Sterling!" April comes to her side,without hesitation and called the ambulance.There was no time to waste though this was all too real to begin with.

"911.What's your emergency?"

"My girlfriend.A car just crashed her and she's bleeding profusely in the head area and her sides..My address is.."April's voice is muffled as Sterling's vision was slowly fading out.

"April..." Sterling let out before her eyes closed against her will.April bite her lips,hoping that this was all a nightmare.

However it wasn't when the driver got to her side,and was petrified of the sight.He looked young probably around our age but that doesn't matter right now.

April ripped a piece of my clothing and wrap it around Sterling's head,hoping that it will cause some of the bleeding to stop.She took out her jacket and tied them round her as well.

"You! Come here.Hold pressure on her head,not too much but just right.Along with her sides.I'm going to get my Mom from inside.The ambulance should be here soon." The driver did as told nervously,pressing on them.

April got ahold of her mother and Jean was caught off guard from the sight.I mean it's not everyday that you see the girl that your daughter is dating laying on the floor,losing blood every second.

April shooed the person responsible away from Sterling and took over.She held Sterling close as they wait for the deafening sirens.

"Please...Sterling.Just hold on for me,okay?" April kissed Sterling's forehead,praying that Sterling will make it out okay.

Everything's going to be okay.Everything's going to be okay.

Tears just fell down within seconds of affirmations because she knows that there's a possibility that Sterling might not make it and that terrifies her.

Doesn't it? Losing someone that you love before even saying goodbye.It was the most painful way of goodbye.

The ambulance pulled up and the trained paramedics got out of the vehicle orderly.One of them pulled out the stretcher,the other getting this really big orange bag.

Everything was moving really fast or slow.April can't really tell.

"Will she be okay?" April asked while the paramedics laid Sterling into a stretcher.

"I'm Ben.Let me assess her for a bit.I know you're overwhelmed but I need you to help me out here,alright?" Ben started out.

"Okay...she's losing a lot of blood so we have to get her to hospital now.You are...?" Ben added.

"Her girlfriend."

"Okay.Have you contacted any of her family members yet?"


"That's fine.The police will notify them right away and how long has she passed out?"

"After she was hit...about 20 seconds after."

"Okay.Everyone will be meeting at the hospital, just notify your Mom." April turned to Mom and she nodded as she's been listening to what Ben said.

"Right...Chase, get us out of here." Ben called out to the driver as April sat down next to Sterling.

April's POV

As we arrived at the hospital, everyone was rushing Sterling out of the ambulance, safely of course.I followed her in every step until they pushed her to the ER.

"You can't go here." One of the surgeons said as they closed the door behind.

I took a seat and let everything out.The pent up emotions I was holding back just for Sterling.This can't be happening.She was about to go home,I was going to FaceTime her later.Blair would be at home with her and everything was supposed to be like that.

"Damn it,Sterling." I cussed as my lips trembled, as trickle of my tears fell to the floor.

"Really...that's real pathetic." I rolled my eyes because I knew who it was and she couldn't come at a better timing.

"Rachel." I said, pulling myself together and looked up.

" miss me?" Rachel blew me a kiss and I faked catch it and threw it away.

"This look is not pretty on you, sweetie." She pressed on my lower lip and I shoved her hand away.

"What are you even doing here?" I asks and she steps aside as Luke came to view.

"Luke." He opens his arms and I hugged him as Rachel slipped away.Sneaky bitch.

"I'm so glad you're here."

"Of course, it's Sterling.She's practically family."

A few minutes later, a group of people started walking our way and it was the Stevens.

"Blair!" Blair runs up to me and gives me a hug,and I embraced it because we both needed it.I pulled away, wiping some of my tears from my cheeks.

   Mr and Mrs Steven stood from afar,trying not to ruin the whole thing but their eyes were filled with uncertainty.Mom finally arrived to the scene with Sean but they sat down,as we all waited for news.

   "I don't know if this is a good or a bad time but it's regarding Rachel."

    "Are you serious? We just spoke to each other just now."

    "You talked to her? Actually, she's the one who told me the news.She's
always been keeping tabs on Sterling all this time."

      I didn't even know what I wanted to do with that information because I can't think.

     The only thing I'm even concern about at this moment is Sterling.She's all alone in that surgery room,surrounded with surgeons.As they assess her vitals,she's fighting for her life.

    They're all probably wondering if this girl would
make it out alive and if she did,it was a good day to save lives.

    If not,to watch the looks of the girl's family members and girlfriend as one of them breaks the news.The agony and weight-lifting burden.

     "Let us all pray." Mrs Steven suggested,and everyone did in silence.Blair wasn't looking good,
while Mr Stevens was already panicking.

     The feeling of losing someone,Sterling,is all coming to us and I'm praying to the high heavens that Sterling makes it out alive.

      After an hour or so,Eric picked up a couple of drinks and refreshments for us.To keep ourselves occupied.

      The agitation I was feeling every time a doctor walks by without the knowledge of whether my
girlfriend is alive.

        I could hear the clacking of heels coming from the front door as they walked. I didn't look up because this was my third time hearing it today.

      "I'm sorry to ruin the party but Sterling is going to be just fine.They just finished her up." I instantly knew who it was,Rachel.Again.

       Blair stood up just before I could and pulled her aside.Though my heart was relief from hearing that news,it still doesn't explain why Rachel is here.

       Blair started arguing with her and I really don't want to get into it yet.

         The doctor returned to us with the good news that confirms Rachel's statement and I smiled.

         Mr and Mrs Stevens brings me for a hug and I embraced them.

        "Well,she needs plenty of rest but you guys can come and see her.Three pax."

         I seek for Blair's permission and she nodded,allowing me to go in with her parents.

        There she was.

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