Christmas Trees and Early Goodbyes

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I woke up to the sound of my phone.

I was still pretty tired. Last night was unforgettable. A night I hope and wish to repeat over and over again for the rest of my life, if possible.

Sophie still doesn't know about my status. She doesn't know I have more than enough money to afford this room for a year if I wanted. But I know I have to tell her soon.

If there is one thing I've learned- is to never hide something from her. She deserves all my trust; Just like I know she has always trusted me.

I slowly open my eyes, the ring of my phone keeps going off. Sophie is still sound asleep in my arms, her hair covering her face makes me smile.

I slowly move my arm from under her and I turn to grab my phone out of my sweatpants pocket.

"Shit," I utter out as I see the phone number on the ID.

"Hey! Where are you?" I whisper as I quickly put on my sweatpants disregarding my underwear and slowly making my way out of the room so I don't wake her up.

"What do you mean where am I? Where do you think asshole?"  The squeaky voice of the little brat sounds on the other line making me chuckle.

"Watch your mouth!" I hear the other voice on the receiver making me chuckle louder.

I nod my head as I make my way to my room and change quickly, putting on my shoes as I give directions and hang up the phone.

I make my way back to the room where Sophie is asleep and wake her up softly.

"Sophie, Sophie." I caress her cheek softly making her sigh. Her eyes softly open, and she smiles as she looks at me.

"Good morning." Her sweet voice fills my ears.

"Good morning baby girl. I have a little surprise for you, come on, get up." I ask, kissing her lips as she turns and stretches.

"Ok." She says, as she slowly stands. I quickly help her change and get her to the living room.

By the time we begin to make our way out of the room, the bell rings and I sprint over to open the door.

"Room service." I hear again, and I open the door. A bell boy comes in with the stuff I had ordered, and Sophie looks at me curiously.

"Hey, what's all this?" Jason asks as he makes his way out followed by Aaron.

"You'll see," I say as I tip the guy and lose the door behind him.

"Why don't you take a look in the living room?" I suggest, making them run in there.

"What are you up to now?" Sophie asks, with her hands crossed over her chest. I pull her by her waist and kiss her lips, this time, getting a kiss in return.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I tease her, making her chuckle.

The bell rings again, followed by a knock.

"Who's that now?" She asks, making me chuckle.

"Open it," I say making her walk over. I cross my foot over the other, leaning on the wall next to me.

Sophie opens the door, her eyes wide in shock as she sees my mom, Ashley, and the whole gang outside of the door.

"Oh my God!" I hear her yell, followed by joyful screams from everyone as they engulf her with hugs and smother her with kisses.

Mom knows about my stocks now. She knows how much I'm worth. She was pretty upset at first, but eventually, she caved in.

She was pretty impressed by what I was investing in, and she kept telling me how proud she was that I was thinking about my future.

I had to tell her because I want dad out of my contracts since I have more than enough capital to sign on my own now.

Another reason I told her, was because I will soon start building my first house by the lake, and I want her to help me plan the whole thing out and surprise Sophie with her copy of the keys when it's all done.

Mom has been of great help. Ashley on the other hand has gone completely crazy. She made me wire mom money to buy her the puppy I had promised her.

So now, Ashley is the proud momma of a black pug she named Pickles and a hamster she named Parker.

I don't mind one bit though, she's a great sister, she deserves all she has asked me for and more.

Needless to say, everyone back home knows, thanks to Ashley's big mouth. Now, I just have to find the right time to tell Sophie.

"How did you guys manage to fly out here? And, on Christmas day? This has got to be the best Christmas gift ever!" Sophie says hugging everyone.

Troy had made me the favor of booking the plane for everyone to come up to New York with the same airline we flew on the other day.

We planned it out perfectly a few days ago while I waited for Derreck while he was stuck in a meeting.

After that, it was just a matter of time.

When Sophie and everyone made their way into the living room, she gasped as she realized there was a huge Christmas tree sitting perfectly by the window, ready to be decorated and lighted by fairy lights

Aaron, Ashley, Jason, and Meghan were the first to dig into the boxes the bell boy had just brought in, containing all the decorations for the tree.

"Logan, did you plan all this? But. . . how? When?" She asked making me smile.

I pull her by her waist and peck her lips. "Don't worry about it for now. Get in there, and decorate your tree. We'll talk about this later, ok?"

While Lexie and Sophie helped the four smallest of the group decorate the tree, mom and Steven prepared hot chocolate for everyone while I helped top them with whipped cream.

Troy and Dylan dug through the list on the tv for Christmas music, settling for a classical Christmas songs list.

When I began to make my way towards the living room, the door slowly opened.

Mr. And Mrs. Patterson slowly walked in, making Sophie tear up again.

She ran to hug her and helped her walk inside the room with us.

"Wow! This is a beautiful surprise. I didn't expect to see any of you here. When did you guys get here?" Mrs. P asked.

"Well, it was all Logan and Troy's planning. We were hoping to go see you right after we decorated the tree."  Mom answered, hugging Mrs. P.

"Well, I thought we were going to stay longer. The doctor had said a few more days, but this morning he came in and gave us the good news. His supervisor had come in last night to check on Hayley and said she was doing an extraordinary recovery. He said he would talk to Caleb and ask him to see us early today. When we woke up this morning, Caleb gave us the good news. So I guess we can go home now." Mr.P notified us.

After so many long nights full of tears and heartaches, it looked like things could be going back to normal again.

Lexie and Sophie had a blast decorating the tree along with all of us, who took a turn hanging up a few decorations.

Then everyone sat around, giving words of thank you and blessings.

Needless to say that there were tears and more tears shed throughout this event.

But there were also moments when we laughed and cracked a few jokes.

When we all started to settle down, I asked Sophie to walk with me to the balcony.

"I have a little something for you. Before last night, my mind was still hopeful that one day you'd take me back. And although you haven't officially told me whether we are back together or not, I wanted to get you something really special. So, I got this for.... us." I said as I gave her a black bag with white tissue paper inside.

She took it with a smile and opened it. Inside, it had a black velvet box, she slowly opened it gasping as she glanced inside.

A white cushion fabric served as a bed to her brand new lock and key bracelet and necklace set.

I had a smart bracelet set for her, and a heart-shaped lock bracelet specially made for her.

The lock bracelet opened with the key set on my necklace, while the round pendant on the smart bracelet glowed each time I tapped on my bracelet and vice-versa.

It didn't matter how far apart we were, if she ever missed me, all she had to do was tap twice on the smart bracelet, and it would send a signal to my bracelet, making my bracelet light up. It would be my sign, letting me know she was missing me.

She covered her mouth with her left hand, holding both sets in her right hand.

"Logan, these are beautiful." She says taking the lock bracelet in her hand.

I took my necklace, turned the lock with the key, opened it up, and placed it in her hand, I locked it right after and placed the necklace around my neck.

We both placed on the smart bracelets. She tapped on the round pendant making my bracelet light up.

She smiled as she saw how they worked.

Her hand twirled the bracelets, making me laugh.

"Do you like them?" I asked. The butterflies in my stomach fluttered uncontrollably.

"Logan, I love them. Thank you."

"So, does this mean we can maybe. . . you know. ."

"Give it another chance?" She finished my sentence making me purse my lips.

"Yeah," I ask nervously.

"Maybe, I could think about it, Spencer. If-" she says making my eyes widen like saucers.

"If?" I ask nervously.

"If you promise to be opened with me. No more secrets between us, no more lies, and above all, you have to promise to always trust me. Can you do that ?" She asks making me feel overjoyed.

"Yes, yes, I promise, I can baby girl. Anything you say, I promise." I engulf her with a tight hug, kissing her on her lips, smashing my lips on her.

I quickly pull her thighs apart, making her wrap her legs around my waist, and twirl her around. She tightens her hold on me, burying her head on my neck.

It looks like it was a happy Christmas for us after all. We now get to say goodbye to that hospital and finally fly home.


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