Chapter 19

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Now you're lost, lost in the heat of it all ~ Frank Ocean

Another week and a half, had gone by without seeing Victor. I found out he had been going to his soccer practices more often and that's why he wasn't home much.

I cracked another egg into the bowl and mixed it into the dry ingredients. Nicos birthday was tomorrow but he wanted brownies today. His mom already ordered all the sweets in the world but he still begged me to make him a batch.

I complied and said what the hell. Kendall didn't care if I made him some and it was the little guys special day tomorrow. Nico sat at the counter, with a dreamy smile on his face as he watched me mix the melted chocolate.

I could say this was my way of getting close with him. He can be a very cold and reserved little boy at first, but give him something sweet and he's yours.

I looked ahead at the tv, the loud house was playing in the background. "Niya?"

"Yes Nico?"

"When the brownies are done can I get the middle piece?" he peered into the bowl I was finished mixing.

"Of course you can, it is your brownies after all," I grinned. A happy smile spread on his lips and he turned around to watch his show.

I heard the front door open and a couple of footsteps head our way. I turned around to stick the pan in the oven. I set the timer once they were in and turned to clean my mess.

Victor stood across from me, chillingly watching me from where Nico was. He ruffled his hair as Nico wrapped his arms around his torso.

I was surprised to see Victor standing before me cool and composed. I continued cleaning up my mess, putting all the ingredients away. I could feel his eyes on the back of my neck as I moved.

"She's making me brownies," Nico said giddily to his brother. A small smirk made its way on my face as I cleaned.

"Oh, good both of you guys are here!" Kendall said as she waltzed into the room. I stood up straight when she walked in.

She turned to us to speak, but her eyes slid over to Nico distinctly. He sat there with his head resting on his hands, interested in the conversation. "Don't you have things to do?"

"Nope!" He tilted his head to the side.

"Well, go over there and finish your show," she said pointing a manicured nail over to the couch.

He groaned and hopped off the stool to where she pointed. Kendall and I giggled at his grumpy expression. My eyes flickered over to Victor and got caught at him still staring at me.

I looked away quick and awkwardly. "So," Kendall clapped her hands. "I have a favor for you guys."

I scooped the excess brownie mix out the bowl and licked the spoon. "What is it?" Victor jammed his hands in his pockets and turned to his mom, curious as well.

"Well as we all know Nicos birthday is tomorrow," she whispered, checking on him to see if he was listening. Like his mom told him to do, he was sitting on the couch too absorbed in his show.

"He's turn ten, you know double digits. So I wanted to do something really special this year."

I leaned in, intrigued on where she was going with this. "What I need for guys to do for me is take Nico and his friends to laser tag for a few hours. Then I want you to bring them all back here, make sure Nico comes in last."

"So you want us to babysit," Victor deadpanned. My eyes widened at his bluntness. Kendall hit him playfully on the arm, "don't say it like that. You're doing something nice for your baby brother."

I giggled as a scowl formed on Victors face from getting hit by his mom. "I don't mind babysitting, plus I like laser tag so it should be fun!" I beamed.

Kendall turned to me with hearts in her eyes. "Oh you are so precious, why couldn't you be my daughter hm? Kathrine got the responsible one and I got a bunch of spoiled kids," she said swatting Victor on the shoulder again.

"Could you please stop hitting me," he gritted out.

Kendall placed a hand on his shoulder and shook it a little bit. "Great it's settled, you guys will take them out tomorrow, thanks!" She walked away humming a happy tune to herself.

I really admire Kendall. She takes care of three kids, maintains a business, and her home. She also tries to always give her kids all that she has. Now that is a true mother.

"Niya are the brownies done yet?" Nico impatiently asked.

I looked back at the clock, fifteen minutes were left. "No, you still got a while to go bud." He groaned and slumped in his chair.

"Why are you making him brownies when he has a bunch of desserts on the way tomorrow?" Victor raised an eyebrow.

Oh so now he wants to talk. "Because I'm nice," was all I said. I went back to the sink and loaded the dishwasher. I looked back to where Victor was and he was staring at me with a weird expression, his eyebrows knitted in thought.


He bit the inside of his cheek, his hands still stuffed in his sweats. I widen my eyes, as in "what" again. He shakes his head and swiftly turns around to walk out the kitchen.

I sigh and go back to loading the dishwasher.

"Are they done now?" A whiny voice called.

"Not yet Nico."


I looked back at the van filled of little kids. I made sure all their seatbelts were on before I called attendance.

"Ok guys can you be quiet so I can get your names." The kids continued to chatter in the back. "Guys, I need to call roll. Can you hear me?" I raised my voice.

"She said to shut up!" Victors deep voice grumbled from his throat. The kids instantly stilled and turned their heads to the front. I flashed them a smile, "I need to call names. Just say here when I call yours." They all nodded understandingly.

"Isa," I read off the list, apparently it was not in alphabetical order. A little girl with dark hair raised her hand. "Here."

"Axel?" A kid with orange curly hair and blue rimmed glasses raised his hand high up in the air. "Me!"

I chuckled at his enthusiasm. "Okay, Chase?" The boy right behind me waved his hand. I waved back.

"Natalia?" The girl with mid length braids next to Isa raised her hand. "Present."

"Theo?" The boy next to Chase in a plaid vest raised his hand silently.

"Dallas?" A kid with curly hair threw a hand up, "here," he beamed.

"Erik?" The kid sitting the closest to Nico raised a hand. "Presente."

"And finally the birthday boy Nico!" He happily thew his hands in the air. "That's me" Everyone in the car giggled.

Wow eight kids in one car. "You may go back to talking," I said feeling like a teacher before turning in my seat. The chatter then resumed.

"We can go now, we have eight kids with us. Remember that number."

He nodded his head and started the engine. We reversed out of the driveway and were on our way. I kept myself entertained during the short ride by listening to the kids conversations.

They talked about Nicos birthday party being fun and some other random things I couldn't keep up with. When we got to the place, we helped everyone out of their seats.

I did a quick headcount and then we all headed inside the laser tag building. Victor went to the front desk to check us in for Nicos birthday session.

"Your brother is cute Nico," Isa grinned once he was out of ear shot.

"Ewww," Nico grimaced. "Why would you say that he's my brother!"

She shrugged her little shoulders "sorry."

Victor came back with one of the staff members and they took us into a secluded room. The room was pretty dark. Laser guns lined the wall and glowed either blue or red.

"Alright kids, there's eight of you so I'll need four on each side. The older kids will be your team captain. So go on and pick a side." The lady working the party instructed.

The kids scrambled to a side and grabbed a gun and vest before the other could get to it. I ended up on the red team and Victor on the blue. It looks like I had Nico, Axel, Dallas, and Natalia on my side.

Victor had Erick, Isa, Chase, and Theo on his. I would be lying if I said he didn't look hot with that laser gun in his hands. Thank god the room is dark because I could feel the heat rising up the side of my neck.

The kids chatted among themselves excitedly. They tried tagging the kids from the other team but the guns weren't active yet. The instructor played a video for us explaining the rules. When the video was done they let us into the game room.

The kids woahed at the interior of the room in complete awe. The place was huge with ramps that went up and down and walls that glowed in purple. Everyone spread out and began hiding. I took my spot and waited for our guns to activate.

My gun glowed red and all I heard was sounds from the gun going off from many different directions. I spotted one of my teammates shooting and hiding one of the kids in blue.

I crept behind the kid in blue and aimed my laser at him. I pulled the trigger a couple times and a power down sound ringed from his shoulder. "Aw man," Chase groaned before scurrying to hide.

I laughed to myself enjoying the game. Natalia gave me a high five and we split again. I went up the ramps to view the score. Blue team was wining, with team captain with the most points. "How did he get so many points that fast."

My ears perked and I threw myself to the side as I heard multiple laser shots sent my way. I landed on the floor and quickly raised my gun. I aimed for the stomach but kept hitting a couple blanks.

I jumped on my feet and ran to hid behind the nearest wall. The zip of the lasers seemed to be getting louder. I took a peek behind the wall and turned back around as he inched closer.

I shrieked basically giving myself away and started shooting like crazy. He cleared out the way and I ran to another wall. I didn't hear any movement on the other side so I quietly tiptoed to another side of the room.

I looked around to make sure I was safe. Unfortunately when I turned around I was face to face with Victor his laser gun aimed at my shoulder. I quickly raised my own and aimed for his torso.

"Don't do it Victor! I will take you out. I have a gun in my hand!"

"That's a laser gun you're not scaring anyone," he scoffed." He took a step closer and I pulled the trigger twice reaching my goal.

"Ha ha you're going to be down for the next 30 seconds." I put my hands on my hips proudly and patted myself on the back. I just gained us 500 points. Good for me.

My gloating took too long because his lights brightened again and he had power back now. I lifted my laser gun again. I was up against a wall and he was taking another step forward.

I moved my fingers to shoot him again but he was too quick and got me in the shoulder. "Now who's out of power," he taunted. I groaned that was another 300 points.

I tried to make a run for it but he blocked my way. "Uh uh uh where are you going. Running away from me already are you?"

My lights had ten more seconds before my power came back. "Move Victor," I tried pushing past him but he wouldn't budge. "Oh my god, move I only have two seconds left and I need to power up!"

Victor slammed me against the glowing wall and my lights came back on again. My mouth parted as he held me up against the wall. He was breathing heavily and our breaths mingled. His eyes flickered between my lips and eyes. 

My breath hitched in my throat as he pressed his body on mine. It nearly sucked all the breath out me when he did that. "You going to run away again."

He blinked, "what do you mean?"

"From me, you kissed me that night of your party and avoided me for nearly two weeks."

His hands trailed up my arm to my neck. He grabbed on to my ponytail and tilted my head back so he could look me in the eyes. I didn't even realize I was staring at his chest. "I'm not running from anything." He said softly.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes, "yeah not now." He just stared into my eyes, I wasn't sure what he was seeing although since it was so dark.



"You're going to lose," I rasped. His eyebrows furrowed and his vest lights completely turned off. He turned around from the shot he received in the back.

"Yes!" Nico punched a fist into the air, "I win!"


What would you give Nico for his birthday?

I personally would give him a huge chocolate fountain to dip all his candy in.

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