Living With A Police Officer Chapter 3

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Hey Guys!!

So where I live, its storming, and that gives me a lot of time to write!!

I know it might be a little slow going at the starting, but it's one of the first stories I've written since I stopped, so just bare with me I promise it will get better.


Chapter Three

Drew's POV

"Please rise for Judge Holloway" My partner and best friend, Finn orders the court room.

Everyone in the court room rises as Judge Holloway proceeds down the aisle. Once he's arrived at his podium, he orders everyone to be seated and begins his session.

"The defendant please rise"

A pretty young girl, about 18, with beautiful long black hair and stunning ocean blue eyes, rises from her seat.

"Tell us Miss..." The Judge looks down at the pile of papers on her desk, looking for her name I assume. "Kingston, what is it you've been arrested for?"

"I broke into the drug store" The girl, stats.


"To get 'Medical Marijuana for my friend"

Wow, a little blunt isn't she?

"I see. Why didn't your friend just get it herself?"

"That M'am, is confidential stuff"

"Miss. Kingston, you do know you're facing some very serious punishments here?"

"Yes, M'am"

"Well then I suggest you answer the question"

"Fine, since you asked so nicely, I did because she didn't want to get sent to jail again"

"Did you know that this was a crime?"

"Yea, I was hoping I wouldn't get caught"

The judge looked a little taken back. I'm sure she doesn't hear things quite like this very often.

"Miss. Kingston have you committed any other crimes beside this one?"

"Yes M'am"

"Care to elaborate?"

"Sure, I hot wired a car, I went for a couple joy rides, I've broken and entered and I've stolen several things, oh and I've jay-walked before"

Whoa, she knows how to hot wire a car? She's the first girl I've ever heard of that knows how to hot wire a car.

"So you are facing 3 years of jail is that correct?"

"Well I think I'm actually facing 2"

"How old are you Miss. Kingston?" The judge says glaring and avoiding the question.


"Okay, the court room is dismissed for break, thank you" The people in the stands are ushered out, leaving Finn and I, the judge and Boss alone.

"Well seeing that she broke into the drug store for her friend, I don't really think she needs to spend time in jail, but she did commit other crimes." Judge Holloway says.

"I don't think she needs to spend time in Jail, but rather with someone who is a good role model. I don't think she's had a good role model to look up to" Boss says.

"I know exactly what she needs, Officer Edwards, she will be staying with you"

I gasp in surprise.

What? Why is she staying with me? They're allowing a criminal to stay with me?

"Is there a problem, Officer Edwards?" Judge Holloway asks, assuming something is wrong because I have yet to answer.

"N-No, not at all" I say, making it more like a question then an answer.

"You will be given whatever position you would like, in exchange for doing this for us, deal or no deal?" Judge Holloway asks, holding out his hand.

This being said, my whole view on the situation is changed.

Would it really be that bad if I took her in? I don't see what could go wrong. I can always send her to her room if she does something wrong. I am older then her obviously and her legal guardian, I think, I should be allowed to do that.

"Deal" I say, grasping it and giving it a quick shake.


If I posted another story, would y'all read it?




Ren Elizabeth

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