chapter 4: Put Me To Sleep

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I'm standing on my driveway, trying to find the will to take 10 steps and open the front door.

To say I'm not terrified that papa might kill me because I took too long to get whiskey is an understatement.

I'm so, so scared.

after I turned away from Zane's perfect eyes, I ran home. Home is 15 minutes away, I made it home in 5 minutes.

Impressive, I know, but also this means I have to face papa now.

I wish things weren't like this. I wish I wasn't terrified of papa. I wish I could have a normal life with papa, that I didn't have to look over my back every second of the day to make sure papa wouldn't do something horrible. Something in the future he won't even remember.

That's the worst part.

The worst part is when papa is sober, and he acts as if he didn't hit me, or kick me, or punch me the night before.

He doesn't remember abusing me. Abusing my body.

Those are the day's that hurt the most. Not the physical part. The mental.

I finally move my feet towards the door, and open it.

It's way to quiet here. It's like those horror movies where the house isn't lit with light, there's no sound of moving, and your just anticipating an attack from every corner.

When I come into the living room I see papa sleeping on the sofa.

Thank the lord he's asleep. If he wasn't I think I wouldn't have made it to tomorrow.

I step as quietly as I can towards the living room, place the case of whiskey on the coffee table, and quietly make my way to the stairs.

here's the problem. If I walk up the stair's, it's going to make noise, and I might be dead because of it. But I have to risk it. I have homework to finish, and my med kit is in my bedroom. I still need to solve the problem of my bruises.

I go up one stair. No sound

Then another. Sound.

Shit, I make a run for it.

I bolt up the stairs and as I'm making my way to my bedroom, I see momma's room. Before I go to my room, I go to momma's room. I see the dent on the wall. I see a shattered mirror on the floor. The bedsheets, the pillows are out of place. Papa must have done some serious things after I left.

I close momma's door and then go to my room.

As I lock my door, I hear papa moving around. Then I hear whiskey bottle being opened. Then big gulps.

He's drinking loads. Big gulps are flowing down his throat meaning tomorrow is going to be the same.

I'm going to forget to do something. Papa's going to be drinking. He's going to find out I did something that he doesn't approve of. I'm going to have to hide. He's going to find me, and then I'll be numb.

It's the same day on repeat.

I leave my door and head to my bathroom. I grab my med kit and take some bruise cream out, lift my shirt and... stare. Just stare.

Tears well in my eye's. My bruises. They've grown in size, and darkened in color. They look... disguising. I tear my eyes away and I open the cap of the bruise cream and apply it on my stomach. Then I turn so my back faces the mirror and do the same thing.

All why silently crying.

After finishing up applying the cream, I go and grab my bookbag, take out my homework and start.

My homework was a little bit of math and science so it didn't take long to complete. I got lucky that I was smart. I didn't need to try to get a good grade.

I still studied but some people studied more than me to get the same grade. Still, I'm lucky Im smart.

After finishing my homework, I finally get the chance to lay down.

But then I wince know pain because I forgot I have bruises that hurt.

But still, I forgot how nice it felt to lay down. I check the time and see it's almost 1:00 am. I have to wake up at 7:30 am, so I better fall asleep.

But I can't

I have horrible insomnia. My mind is constantly on the run. From thinking what I have to do at school, to what I can do so papa won't hurt me anymore, to-


Zane's on my mind.

His perfect body, his perfect eyes, perfect hair, even his tattoo's are hot. But his voice. It's like music to my ears.

Music is something I hold dear to me, I listen to it everyday for hours on end.

I could listen to Zane for hours on end.

I've just met him, I can't fall for him. I'm probably never going to see him ever again. He's just someone who saved me without knowing.

I finally pass out with him on my mind.

He put me to sleep. Zane put me to sleep with even knowing it.

How was this chapter?

Any feedback

Just letting you know, I'm super proud I got three chapters out today. 

This was a short one but still... it counts

Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter

Also if you missed it in last chapter,  I do have a TikTok. It's 222koolkidz if you wanna check it out

That's all for today

See you all soon

Word count:936

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