C H A P T E R 34

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When I walked out of the restroom I was met with loud voices and yelling, which made me quicken my pace as I walked back to the waiting area.

"He's flat lining again, doc!" someone yelled loudly over the small crowd of nurses, that was rushing in and out of the ICU.

"Al!" Max shouted and ran up to me.

"Don't call me that." I muttered whereupon he sent me a questioning look but it was soon overtaken by a look of distress.

"I think there are complications, but I don't know what's going on! The nurses and doctors are all shouting that someone's flat lining and everything's so frantic and confusing!" he exclaimed.

"Who?!" I asked as I ran to the glass doors.

"Doctor, it doesn't look good! He loses to much blood!" a nurse yelled, making my anxiety increase when I spotted Leo's unconscious body.

"Charge it again! 200 joules!" the doctor demanded.

"And away from the body!"

"Shit. Again!"

"260 joules!"

Suddenly I heard it.

The beeping of the heart monitor.

I breathed out a big sigh of relief and leaned my head against the glass doors in exhaustion.

Gosh, this is so exhausting.

"Miss, are you Mr.Ivanov's guardian?" a female doctor asked from behind whereupon I quickly turned around and nodded eagerly.

"Ok, so we performed an emergency operation on him and we removed the bullet. Unfortunately there were some complications, because he lost a lot of blood already and he was still losing quite a lot, so he flatlined two times but we got him back. And there's another thing...due to the immense lost of blood, his body couldn't take it and shut down, so right now he's in a state of coma. It's unpredictable when or if he will wake up. He's being transferred to the ICU again and the next 48 hours will decide whether he will survive or not." she explained carefully.


He's in a coma.

Nobody knows whether he will survive or not...

My fault.

It's all my fault.

"Ca-Can I go to him, please?" I suttered, the lump in throat making it hard for me to form any words at all.

"I'm afraid you can't go into his room, but you can watch him trough the window. Come with me." she smiled gently at me and gestured for me to follow, which I did after telling my brothers to either piss off or to do whatever the fuck they want.

Max was following us as the doctor led us trough a white hallway, the stinging smell getting worse the more we walked trough the hospital.

"Please put those on. Even if you're behind a glass you still need to wear them." the doctor, whose nametag read Mrs.Marshall, told us and gave us some green face masks as well as something to cover our shoes with.

I didn't hesitate to put it on since I was eager to finally get to see my bestfriend again.

"So here we go. I will leave you alone now, but if something's wrong press the button over there. Oh and I will pick you up in ten minutes again because he shouldn't have too much stress right now, yeah?" Mrs.Marshall said and disappeared into the direction of where we came from.

I turned around and my breath got hitched when I spotted a figure lying on a white hospital bed attached to dozens of machines and wires. I took a step towards the glass, which was the only thing holding me back from running straight to Leo and pulling him into big a hug.

"You idiot..." I whispered shakily and brought my hand up to the glass, feeling the urge to cup his face and to kiss his forehead or to just have him say that everything's gonna be fine. That he's gonna wake up and that I shouldn't worry, but he won't, will he? He won't open his eyes and tell me to swallow down my tears, he won't tell me to stay strong.

He's in a coma after all.

"I'm sorry, Leo. I'm so sorry..." Tears welled up in my eyes no matter how hard I tried to keep them in.

"Leo..." a voice behind me mumbled sadly and took a step towards the glass as well.

"He's gonna be fine, right?" Max asked.

"He has to..." I muttered before I furiously wiped away my tears and turned towards my other bestfriend.

"I'm gonna go first."

"What? Al, let's talk yeah? Please what's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with me? My bestfriend is in a fucking coma because of me! But hey I'm totally fine!" I snapped sarcastically, making Max look at me in shock.

"It's...it's not your fault..." he reassured and tried to take my hand into his whereupon I pushed him away and stormed out of the room, ignoring the pang of hurt that tucked on my heart after seeing the pained expression on his face.

The walls were closing in on me as I walked trough the seemingly endless hallways. It was empty, nobody was around. The only sounds that I heard were my thumping heart and a beeping noise inside of my ears. My breathing got uneven as black dots clouded my vision.

I slowed down my pace and leaned onto the wall next to me, placing my hand on my heart. I tried to steady my breathing but instead I choked on my breath and coughed.

"W-why...God why? W-why al-always me?" I hiccuped and slid down the wall.

I brought my legs up to my chest and swung my arms around them, placing my forehead on the top of my knees as it got more and more difficult to get oxygen into my lungs.

"Hey, it's fine. Breathe. In and out. Yeah?" a voice suddenly spoke as I felt arms drape around my curled up figure.

"What should we do? Shit, shit, shit." a feminine voice mumbled under her breath.

"Lily, you aren't helping! Shut the fuck up or she will get another anxiety attack from your annoying voice!" the guy, who had pulled me into his chest and was stroking my hair, snarled. Their voices somehow calmed me down because I focused on them instead of anything else...

"Hey look, I think she calmed down!"

I raised my head to find a girl and a boy around my age kneeling in front of me. They looked pretty similar, with the same features and the same auburn hair color.

"Who are you?" I asked while I quickly stood up and brushed away the leftover tears.

"Oh right. I'm Lily and that's my twin brother Jack." the girl smiled and stretched her hand out, whereupon I took it and sent her a small nod.

"Right, so your Alaska, aren't you?" the guy asked, well rather stated, as if he knew he was right.

"How do you know my name?" I took a step away from them, not trusting this whole situation at all.

"Ah right....well, you know our uncle...or whatever I should call him..." she muttered the last part more to herself than to me, but I still heard it.

"And who exactly is...your...uncle?"

"William Hunter."

My blood boiled when those words left Lily's mouth and in no time I had her pinned up against the wall, my hand around her neck.

"Let her go!" Jack growled and pulled me away from her, putting his arms around me in order to hold me back from attacking his sister.

"Let go of me!!" I snarled and wiggled my way out of his grip.

"Who the fuck are you?! What do you want from me?"

"We wanna stop something terrible from happening!" Lily exclaimed.

"That's too late! He's already dead. I shot him after that bastard shot my bestfriend!" I yelled.

"We don't care about him. We never did and never will. We're here to stop a fucking war from breaking out!"

And they were.

They were only trying to stop a war from happening, but will they be able to?

"What war?" I asked confused.

"The war between the most dangerous Mafia families in the underworld and our father's and uncle's gang!"

It didn't sound that dangerous. I mean my family was two times stronger than any other Mafia gangs, so what were they so afraid of?

Something big.

They were afraid of something big.

"You don't understand Alaska. Your family and friends consist of three Mafia gangs, including your boyfriend's! The top 3 most dangerous and powerful gangs on top of that!! But there is something going on...My uncle had not only planned to kill you at that ball...he had also planned to kill your family! One by one..." Lily explained.

I scrunched up my face in confusion as I slid down the wall again, not having the energy anymore.

The siblings sat down in front of me and went on with their explanation.

"Our father and uncle planned this for 4 years. Since the day where William's wife asked for a divorce. He always said that it was all your fault and that he wanted to destroy you.

And well, our father, he is a man who loves money and power. He never really cared about us, he just let our mother do 'that job'.

Anyways, what does he have to do in order to get a whole lot of power and influence in the underworld, huh?"

"He has to go to the top." I breathed out.

"Right. And so they both started to plan something big, something that will make their dreams come true. Being the most powerful gang and killing you, were their top goals. So, over the years they killed smaller gangs, took their weapons and stuff, and overtook bigger gangs. They got bigger and bigger...stronger and stronger...their plan was slowly going into the last phase."

"Alaska, that mafia gang is as big as your family's and boyfriend's combined!" Lily said.

"But that's impossible! The american Mafia consists of more than 500 people, the Spanish mafia of the same amount and the Italian mafia consists of 300 people! So how the hell are they bigger than that?!" I asked questioningly, my patience running low.

"Well, there's another thing...they somehow persuaded some of your family's gang's members to join them but to pretend to still be part of the american Mafia. Moles, practically. Our father promised them a lot of money or threatened their families if they declined!"

"That's ridiculous!"

"It isn't! You have to believe us! We're only trying to help you and your family. We don't want our father to win, because if he did...then nobody would be safe anymore...he would do what he want, kill who he want! He's a ruthless man with a heart as cold as ice, for God's sake! Someone like him shouldn't have so much fucking power!!" Lily explained.

"But...what will happen now?" I asked hesitantly.

"Our father planned to attack the american, italian and spanish mafia all at once in one week. I don't know how he will get them all to the same place, but I think it has something to do with you or so!"

"Ok, ok, wait! This all is so confusing!! Why are you telling me all that and not my family then?"

"Because you are the one, not them. And they wouldn't listen to us anyways." Lily snorted.

"I'm the what?"

"The only one...." Jack stated.

"The only one who can stop this war from happening."

Hey there, how are you guys?

Today's chapter is very confusing, I guess. It was a huge plot twist...

By the way, the twins aren't William's children, they are his brother's! Just to make it clear.

And he was able to persuade the members of the american mafia because he threatened their families or because he just promised them a whole lot of money!

So yeah, their gang has around 1000 members which is as much as the other three mafias combined.

By the way, I wanted the chap to be so confusing, because that was how Alaska felt. I mean all thos information were just thrown at her just like at you guys, so yeah :)

What do you think did William's brother plan?
What do you think about the siblings, Lily and Jack?
Will Leo wake up before it's too late?
And how will the war start?

Stay safe all of you! Love ya guys!!

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