Chapter Twenty-Eight: One Surprise After Another

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"Okay, so I get that this is the real world but I would have thought you detectives would have found, or at least had a clue, where their location is at by now." I said impatiently to no one in particular. I was still sitting at the center table shaking my leg repeatedly. Junky was kind enough to let me borrow a change of clothes and even went as far as to lend me a pair of shoes before he left. He mentioned that it wasn't strange for them to sometimes spend weeks inside the building when working on cases. It was a relief to finally have on some dry clothes. He had, however, left a trailing mess of clothes that he had attempted to just shove back into a small closet.

Seriously, Lion had acted all cool a few hours ago saying how when he got serious things actually got done but currently they were all working on their individual projects. Junky hadn't been back from getting guns. Frederik and Erin had been glued each to their own computer screens. Tea was arguing with some guy they kept referring to as Captain on the phone for the past twenty minutes and lion was also talking to someone on the phone in Tea's office with the door closed. Dylan knew that he couldn't do much for anyone here so he left a while back to go with Mikhail's dad. Apparently Dylan thought it would be a good idea to tell Mikhail's dad in person what happened to his son. I tried convincing Dylan otherwise but he wouldn't listen despite the fact that I told him that Mikhail's dad would only let his emotions get in the way and possibly ruin our plans.

I'm not heartless, okay? I get it. Mikhail is his son and he should he alerted of what happened to Mikhail but I just can't feel any sympathy for a father who was going to walk out on his only son. Also, I knew that Mikhail's father was going to start yelling at me about how this was all my fault. I had just gotten out of my self-hate stage and I wasn't really looking to get back into it. Though, if I had to be honest? I felt like I was already taking a step back in. I felt a bit worthless just sitting around. There really wasn't much I could do without the Mafia's help. It was then that I realized how worthless I actually was without my Mafia influence.

"Where'd Dylan go?" Frederik asked finally disconnecting his eyes that were glued to the computer screen a few seconds ago. We had all pulled an all nighter though Tea's team all looked used to staying up all night without sleep. I was as well but I didn't know how they were all able to function properly without food for hours.

"He left to check on Mikhail's father." I said sighing softly. "I told him not to come back. He's useless in this situation anyways." Was what I told Frederik about Dylan when really it was what I was feeling about myself.

"Ah." Frederik nodded and stood up. He stretched his arms in the air and grunted in pain from being hunched over. "Don't touch the computer." He told me, "I'm running a quick scan through the stop lights to see if I can spot Elisha somewhere. It's tricky. I think I spot him so I follow him through the streets but then I lose him." He had a frown on his face and then offered, "Coffee?"

"I'm not an idiot. I wouldn't touch your computer even if you hadn't told me and to answer your question, that would be great. Thanks."

Frederik nodded and went towards the left where a snack station was at. Coffee maker, a toaster, microwave, a mini fridge were all in the corner. I hadn't even noticed it until Frederik made his way towards it. It would have been useful to know it was there hours ago truthfully. I had fallen asleep for a while with my head down on the table so I didn't really look around much at the building.

You would think that because it was on the lowest floor that it would be dark inside with florescent lights but there were windows located near the top of the wall. The room we were all in seemed like the common room where they would all spend most of their time since there was a mess everywhere. Papers, trash, and clothes were laying around. I had half the mind to clean up but decided not to. It wasn't my job or mess to clean up after a bunch of detectives. Besides, I would probably be the laughing stock of my group if it was ever found out that I became a temporary maid for dogs working for the government.

I looked at Erin who still hadn't awoken from her zombie state. She was completely focused on whatever she was doing. Though I was curious, I knew better than to bother her. Besides, I didn't want to annoy these people who were helping me. Given, I owed Tea a favor that she would collect at a later time but I was still thankful to have them help me. Trust me, it's just as odd to me to hear myself thanking detectives as one would think.

"So," I spoke up so Frederik would hear me, "When you say you're running a quick scan through the stop lights-"

"I hacked through the system."

My eyes flew open as I turned in my chair to look at Frederik better, "You hacked it? That can't be legal. Couldn't you just, I don't know, gotten clearance?"

Frederik looked back momentarily at me and rolled his eyes. He turned back to making coffee and said, "We're detectives. Not some officials working for the government. Besides, it's easier for us to do the things we do and ask for forgiveness later rather than plead for permission in the beginning."

"Oh." I said thinking on his words, "Guess you're right. I can't really judge a couple of detectives for breaking the law though, can I?"

I heard Frederik chuckle for the first time since meeting him, "I guess you can't." He picked something up from the desk and walked back to the table while the coffee was brewing. "Sorry, we tend to forget that other people eat at regular times." He handed me a glazed donut in a plastic wrap. "We all often get lost in our work here so going hours without food or sleep is common."

"Thanks." I said with a small smile and took the donut graciously. I unwrapped the top half and took a bite and savored the donut in my mouth. I remembered that Erin had been napping under her desk when we arrived and Lion was also asleep. I wondered if they had other cases besides Eli's to deal with.

"Uhm, about your brother..." Frederik said in hesitation. "Do you really hate him? I just-" he let go of the breath he had been holding and started again, "I guess I've found myself in your shoes before."

"You have a psychotic brother obsessed with power and making your life a living Hell as well? Why didn't you say so earlier? We could have had a sleep over and and told each other horror stories of being mistreated-" I said in half sarcasm when Frederik cut me off quickly with a saddened look on his face.

It was an expression of his that I hadn't seen before, "Not exactly. He was a crazy guy but I blame myself for the way he turned out..." Frederik stopped talking and realized that he was about to start sharing his past with a future Mafia boss.

"I don't blame myself." I said trying to sound confident.

"I think you should talk things out with your brother. You know, before it's too late." Frederik said not believing the words that came out of my mouth.

I rolled my eyes and took another bite of the donut. With a mouth full of doughy deliciousness I said, "it's already past the point of return, don't ya think?" I swallowed the donut and shook my head while I looked at Frederik in the eyes, "We can't exactly talk things out now when he kidnapped a person who I see like my own family, my boyfriend, and his friend. Look, I appreciate the concern but it's misplaced. Worry more about your own you have right here in this room. Tea, Erin, Lion, and even Junky who isn't here at the moment. I can tell that you're all very close. We're going head to head against a lunatic. Someone who isn't afraid to exploit a person's emotions to get what he wants. I wouldn't be surprised if he already knew you all were investigating him. He isn't above hiring people to do his dirty work for him. I know first hand what I'm getting myself into. It's you people who have no clue."

"I-" Frederik began softly as he shifted in the spot that he stood. Whatever happened in his past was enough to wipe his usual cool expression off his face.

"You make it sound like we're going to die out there, kid." Lion said strolling out from the office and sat down in the chair beside me and across from Frederik. "It's only an early twenty something year old who thinks of himself as the king of the world. How difficult could it be?"

"That's exactly the kind of thinking that will get someone hurt." I told lion sternly, "Stop thinking as Eli as a spoiled brat who can be calmed down with a lollipop. He seriously has some loose screws in here." I pointed to my head and then crossed my arms over my chest, "You never know what he could be planning."

Lion smirked and kicked his feet up onto the desk, "Okay, okay already. Stop boasting about your highly intelligent brother. We get it."

"That wasn't what I was doing? Does everything go in one ear and out the other like the brainless Donkey?" I said with a frustrated tone. It was harder to deal with Lion because of his personality. He seemed very lazy and like not much motivated him. I guess his codename really did fit him in a sense. Male lions really didn't do much besides sleep and eat unless they had to protect. Like earlier when Lion looked somewhat cool in my eyes when he started barking out orders around. It was obvious though that most of the time he just let Tea handle things.

"Sorry, can you say that again? Everything went in one ear and out the other." Lion said childishly with a small mocking smile.

Tea looked annoyed as she walked over, breaking up what almost turned into a one-sided argument, and tossed her phone on the table and sat down on Frederik's previous chair. "I forgot how stubborn the Captain was. He said he'll do as much as he can but he can't promise anything. You should have talked to him. I don't know why you pushed him on to me." She told Lion looking very tired as she slumped down further in the chair.

"Has he found anything on the multiple Elisha's?" Frederik asked.

"He's found about five but none of them will say much. Oh, but the copy-cat Elisha's did give some info that led the Captain and his team to some guy knocked out behind a party and high on some drugs. Mind telling me why he was uttering your name, Nico?"

I frowned and then a sheepish grin formed on my lips. "Looks like they found the first decoy we told you about. I let my frustrations out on him. No biggie. Your government friends might want to hold him and see what else the dirtbag knows."

"Neither junky or you stopped him from almost involving us in a crime, Winter?" Tea asked looking pissed off.

Frederik sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, "I stopped Nico from killing the guy. Give me some credit for that."

"You're talking like you guys haven't been hacking into stop lights for the past few hours and Lord knows what else throughout your careers." I pointed out.

"That's not the point. Sure we hack into security files to get the info we need but we don't beat up innocent people on the streets!" Tea yelled at me.

"That is very debatable, Tea" Lion spoke up with a small smirk in her direction. She glared back at him and he put his hands up in mock defense, "Hey, don't get mad at me. I'm telling it how it is. There was that time you punched a guy who placed his hands on your hips."

"That's not innocent!"

"Sure, if you want to get technical."

"Hey! How about you quit trying to weasel out of my earlier question, you ass. Why didn't you talk to Captain? God, he's a pain to deal with!" Tea asked in a frustrated voice.

"I was also making an important call. I have a few connections up my nonexistent sleeves, you know?" Lion told her with a small shrug. "The person I called isn't in town so they can't help much but they would look into it and give me information later."

"They're going to give you info about Eli? Impossible." I stated dismissing the info without even hearing it. I couldn't believe that some random person could get information on Eli so quick, or at all even.

"Take your dear brother off the throne you placed him on. This earth has millions of other people that deserve that throne. Your brother sure as Hell isn't one of them, Nico." Lion said as he stared up at the ceiling.

I looked at Frederik and he shrugged, "Lion, who'd you even call?" Frederik asked curiously. I was surprised that not even his team knew.

"Secret." Lion said with a wink. "Anyways, they said that they would call with the rest of the info so just relax a little. Oh, by the way, what's Erin doing?" Lion asked swiftly changing the point of the conversation.

Tea rose up a single eyebrow and leaned over to see Erin's computer screen. "Seriously? Erin, do you really have to check that out now?"

Erin quickly shut her computer screen in embarrassment. Her cheeks flushed a deep red color as she stuttered, "I- it's just- it's not that! Tea! It's an hour special about the jungle! The jungle!" She said twice for emphasis.

I watched Erin with disbelief clearly showing on my face. We were supposed to be working on finding Eli before it was too late. Not watching a documentary about the jungle. Honestly, my doubts about finding them alive and well were coming back. This team of detectives were quick to get distracted and more than half of them didn't even seem well equipped or serious about their job.

Frederik groaned and walked away back to the coffee maker, obviously done with his team like I was. Lion started laughing, "leave her be, Tea. She's a technician. She doesn't exactly have the skills to do much else. She can't hack into anything and everything like Winter can and she doesn't have the connections to get weapons for us. She also doesn't have the ability to argue with Captain for hours on end like you do." Lion pointed out.

Erin pouted slightly, "I feel like I should be offended."

"Don't be!" Lion smiled, "You're the best useless fact checker I know and our favorite technician!"

Tea sighed and slumped back into her own chair. "Oh, whatever. It's not like I was giving her a hard time about it."

Erin looked at tea with admiration clearly visible in her eyes, "Tea! Thank you!"

"Why are you thanking me?" Tea asked and then shook her head, "Never mind. Wake me up when Junky gets here or when Lion's mysterious connection calls back with useful info." She said and reached for the sweater that was hanging behind Frederik's chair. She threw it over her face to block out the sun that was coming in through a narrow window through the top of the wall.

Frederik came back to see his sweater was stolen away by Tea but he didn't seem to mind. He handed me a cup of coffee and I slightly smiled as thanks. He placed the second coffee mug in front of Lion. I was sure the second cup was going to be for himself but instead he took the bottled water that he had been holding under his armpit. He walked over to grab another chair from the office and came back.

I felt a bit uneasy as Frederik, Lion, and Erin talked amongst each other and figured I would call my dad to see how things were going at home. I hadn't heard from him at all and that was a little concerning considering I had been out all night and it was currently five in the morning. Usually, by now he would be calling me relentlessly asking where I was. Maybe not because he actually cared about me but because I was going to be the next boss and he cared about his legacy even more. I couldn't exactly go out and cause trouble for my father that would make our group look bad. If anything, he was looking out for himself. I didn't blame him. I was known to make a mess of everything I touched. I mean, just look at Max and Mikhail for example.

I took out my phone and called my father. One ring. Then two. Three. He always had his phone with him in case of work related things so when his voicemail came on, my heart started beating fast. I immediately wondered if Elisha's plan not only centered around kidnapping those important to me but also getting his 'revenge' on father. I didn't know why I hadn't thought of that as an option earlier.

I hung up without leaving a voicemail and called the main house. I held my breath as the phone rung. As soon as someone picked up I spoke without giving them a chance, "It's Nico. Nico Delacroix. Where's my father."

There were a few seconds of silence and then the person on the other side spoke, "Ah, Nico. It's terrible. Your father suddenly collapsed hours ago. We tried contacting you but no one could get through to your phone."

That was an obvious lie. My phone had been on the entire time since I left the estate. I didn't use my phone so I still had enough battery to last. I hadn't gotten even one missed call the entire night throughout the day. "Who am I talking to? I don't recognize your voice." I said skeptically. As soon as I said that the conversation around the table stopped and everyone's eyes were on me.

"I- I just got hired recently, sir." Another lie. I made it a responsibility of mine to remember every face, name, and voice of the workers. Though, I realized it wouldn't be hard for Eli to pay workers over to his side.

I heard the hesitation in her voice so I said, "liars get killed once I get my hands on them. I suggest saying the truth the next time you speak to me or I'll cut your tongue out of your mouth and watch as you choke on your own blood." She said nothing and hung up very quickly. I clicked my tongue in annoyance, "Damn it!"

Lion looked amused, "I suggest maybe next time that you don't threaten to kill someone over the phone when you want answers from them. Most people with a brain would simply hang up without saying another word."

"What was that about?" Frederik asked.

"My father." I kept it simple. "Can you look into every hospital in town and see if someone was checked in under the name Victor Delacroix?"

"Oh? Sure." Erin said a little confused of my sudden demand.

"Here. I can do it faster." Frederik said snatching the computer away from her, since his own was still running a check, and opened it back up. He began typing quickly on it and I was temporarily amazed at how his slim fingers danced across the keyboard. I began to imagine his fingers playing the piano without realizing. It was strangely mesmerizing watching Frederik elegantly move his thin fingers. I found myself thinking these strange thoughts for the first time as I watched Frederik.

Before long, angry stomps on the stairs and Dylan's voice broke me out of my unwanted trance. I looked around but no one else looked alarmed, though Tea  was startled awake having not been asleep for very long. I looked over at the stairs and wanted to smash my head against the brick wall.

None other than Mikhail's dad and that Wayne guy from the news earlier were walking down the steps with Dylan hot on their trail. "Wait! I don't know if we can just come in like this! Some strange people are down there. I don't know if it's safe!"

"Cálmate. ¿Si? You're all with me so it's all A-okay. You're not going to get your butt tickled with a feather or your little weenie caressed when we've all just met. We aren't that level of strange, yet. Some of us just enjoy naming useless facts about everything. Nothing strange there." Junky said appearing behind Dylan and at the back of everybody.

"Don't do anything stupid, Jeffrey." Wayne said putting a very soft

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