Chapter Three: Mixing two lives.

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I was sitting in the living room bored out of my mind. It's was a Wednesday morning. I didn't go to a public or private school. Instead, my father decided it was best if I got homeschooled. There are lots of other groups who want to exterminate our family or kidnap me to use as leverage.

My dad runs multiple monopolies inside and out of the town. He has several illegal trades going back and forth through the black market. He also has wide connections to a lot of powerful people throughout the world. He's not someone anybody would like to mess with directly. So, usually they go through Eli and I. We can handle ourselves but with me being the next boss, it's better to be safe than six feet underground.

Eli doesn't live at home. He decided to go to a university after father announced who would be his successor. He's taking business classes and he probably plans on coming back afterwards.

The problem is whether or not I would want him back. Eli and I don't have the best sibling relationship. As kids, we got along great. I followed him everywhere, as a younger sibling usually does. I looked up to him and thought he was the best older brother ever. Of course, as time went on he began to distance him self. He began to work hard to become the next head of the family. He thought that if he showed father he was determined, that father would surely choose him.

When I started ninth grade, I dyed my hair blonde. My brother hated resembling me so I changed appearance. Not just for him, for me as well. He was no longer the brother I knew that would buy me ice cream and take me to the park. No longer was he the older brother that would patch me up every time I got in a fight or I scraped my knee. He turned cold towards me because father always preferred me over him.

Eli's a smart guy but he lacks in physical strength. Eli had always been a sickly child so while he spent his days isolated in his room with books and mind puzzle I spent my days doing athletics and being active. When we would have our joint training father would compliment me and leave Eli in the sidelines. I knew it was hard for him but I didn't think it was my fault. It wasn't like I intentionally looked for approval and praise from our father. If anything, I always wanted Eli's praise.

Over time I started to despise him almost as much as he despised me. He always throws backhanded comments at me when ever he comes home. He's always plotting so I can't put my guard down around him.

"You're going to fry your brain from using it too much. You haven't used it for so long I can practically see the smoke coming out of your ears." Sera joked and walked up behind me and threw her arm around my neck. "Whatcha so serious about?"

"Nothing. Just thinking about Eli." I sighed softly.

"Elisha? What brought that up?" She asked looking concerned. She was aware of how our relationship went downhill. She arrived when things were already shaky between us and always observed us both. In a few months it should make it eight years she's been with us.

She was introduced by my father to the group. She had no family left. Apparently father was close to her parents and felt a responsibility to bring her in. I got along with her right off the bat. Eli and her also got along well. She was usually the only link between us. We mostly communicated through her.

"It's December which means he's most likely coming for winter break." I explained as we walked down the hall.

I personally didn't think the house was big since I've lived here my whole life but Max always says otherwise. Everyone apart of Delacroix lives in the same house as us or in the estate. Our mansion has four stories and plenty of rooms. The members who start a family have the option of living separately outside in their own house. Everyone is kept together for safety reasons. There are always guards twenty-four seven patrolling the premise along with guard dogs. They're all equipped with guns and training in hand to hand combat.

"The house should get lively." She smirked slightly.

"It's not a joke, Sera. He's crazy. He's filled with anger and he won't stop until he gets what he wants."

Sera dropped her arm from around my neck and shook her head, "I've told you already. You have nothing to worry about. I will not let anything happen to you." She tried to reassure me. "Okay? Elisha is a handful but I doubt he will try to harm you in any way."

I grimaced at the imagery she had placed in my head. It didn't make me feel any better that the adults around me judged Elisha as harmless because he's physically weaker. He doesn't need to be strong to get to me. He plays mind games. It's his specialty.

"You say kid. I say evil genius. Let's agree to disagree."

"You're overreacting."

I stopped and turned to face her. "I'm not overreacting." I said glaring at her. "Was I overreacting when I was 'tripped' onto oncoming traffic while walking next to Eli? What about when he nearly pushed me out an open window. Oh, don't forget when he 'accidentally' cut me with a knife."

Sera stayed quiet and looked away. She knew I had a point. Most people just didn't want to admit that two brothers from the same lineage could really hate each other. Originally, Eli is supposed to be my second in command. Brothers are supposed to have one another's back in case something goes wrong. I told father that if Eli was to be my second, then I would not be the next head of the family. I can't trust Eli when I know that he would stab me in the back, given the chance.

"Sorry." She said.

I sighed softly and shook my head, "it's fine." I kept walking down the hall. I didn't want to talk about Eli anymore. I would deal with that problem when winter break came. I was on my way to meet Max.

I met Max living in the streets when he was five. I was only seven. He looked like a living skeleton in a cardboard box. No parents. No guardian. He was practically knocking at death's door. I pitied him. I wanted to be the one to help him stand on his own two feet. I wanted to be an older brother figure to him.

Back then, I was with my father and a few guards. One look at Max and I begged father to take him home with us. Of course, he was reluctant. He said we had no need for 'raccoons'. After much whining and begging, he agreed. We took him home that night and called the family doctor. A few months later, he looked like a normal boy. As the years went on Max swore to always stay by my side. Father approved of him being my second in command and Eli was furious. Max and Eli don't get along either for obvious reasons.

"What's the plan for today?" Sera questioned walking beside me.

"Max said it was about a couple of idiots who needed to be taught a lesson." I shrugged slightly and stuck my hands into my sweater. It was breezy outside but I couldn't afford catching a cold.

"Another fight? What about classes?"

I rolled my eyes, "Please, Sera. When am I ever on time for that? The teacher can wait on me like she always does. No big deal."

"Didn't she lecture you last-"

"Sera. Enough." I silenced her.

She held her tongue obediently but I knew she was itching to bitch at me. Being the next boss had it's perks. For now, I was going to catch up with Max and help him get rid of some pesky bugs.


"Hopefully that-" Max said punching some guy in the mouth, "will teach you a lesson." He straightened up as the guy fell to the ground. "I don't want my name coming out of your mouth. Ya hear me?"

"Relax, buddy." I said patting his back. "What even happened?" I asked. Max always got into fights and I always backed him up. He looked even more angry than usual.

"These punks tried stealing from me a couple of days ago."

"Oh!" I said in realization, "these are the ones that nearly stole your wallet? Impressive."

Max looked over at me and glared, "You should not be impressed. You should beat their face.

I laughed and threw my arm over Max's shoulder. My whole weight was practically on him. "Calm your tits, man. I did help you." I pointed out. There was a total of seven guys that we took out. "I even had one more than you."

Sera was leaning against the wall. She was texting on her phone. "You guys are idiots. A wallet is hardly anything to beat up seven guys over."

"I had important stuff in there!" Max cried as he puffed out his cheeks.

We walked out the alley leaving the seven guys groaning in pain. "Like what?" I asked shaking my head.

"Condoms." He said pulling his wallet out and showed me. "I ain't got the money to be buying them constantly, ya know?"

"You could have told me. I would have lent you the money" I told Max as he put his wallet back into his pocket.

"Hell no. Being indebted to you is never a good idea, Mr. Boss-man." He cracked with a smile covering half his face.

He was teasing me like he usually did. "Yeah, yeah."

"Guys are completely stupid. Over condoms?" Sera scoffed as we walked down the sidewalk. A lot of teenagers were walking to school. They looked cautiously at us and stayed out of our way. Sera was still revealing a bit of skin with her torn, skin tight pants. She wore a jacket that hugged her perfectly. "You're too young to be doing any of that, max."

Max looked like a bad guy out of a book. The left side of his head was shaved revealing the earrings lining the edge of his ear. He wore a black sweater that was obviously too big along with baggy pants. Unlike me, his hair was naturally blonde.

On the other hand. My hair wasn't smoothed back today. I just let it do it's own thing. I was wearing a simple black jacket, jeans, and shoes. I didn't want to stand out too much but with people like Max and Sera by my side, it was inevitable.

"Don't lecture me. I'm just having a bit of fun with some guys." He said pushing my arm off of his shoulders.

I shook my head and pointed at Sera. "She has a point this time. You always get involved with some idiots. Last time you had bruises-"

"They weren't from sex." He said forcefully, "I had a fight before I got home. I thought I told you?"

"You did but I didn't exactly believe it." I answered back.

Max was that kind of kid. He liked to believe that he had life all figured out. He would spend his nights out selling himself, but not for cheap. If father found out, He would be furious. The second in command is supposed to hold himself with dignity. He saved his money and didn't touch a single cent but he never explained the reasoning behind it.

"That's a you problem."

"Max- ah!" I said stopping everyone in their tracks. Something interesting caught my gaze.

"What is it?" Sera asked in high alert. She was ready to take out her hidden guns if need be.

"I found little Mikhail."

"Who?" Max asked curiously.

I pointed to Mikhail who was next to two people. A boy and a girl. They looked like they were all laughing about something, except Mikhail. He looked too serious for his own good. Made me wonder if he ever smiled. "Him."

"He peaked your interest?"

"Apparently so." Sera responded for me. "Nico, you're seriously not going to get involved with him, are you?"

"You're too serious in life, Sera. Relax. Breathe in the air and go with the motions." I said patting her back.

Sera shook her head, "The reason you two are alive is all thanks to my smart thinking and quick reflects."

"Shh," I shushed her quietly, "let's play a little." I said walking towards Mikhail.

Max reluctantly followed and Sera did as well. Max looked a bit on edge, more so than usual. Sera kept complaining about leaving my work and personal life separate. I ignored her as best as I could.

Mikhail's eyes met mine and at that moment I really felt like it was just us two. He still kept a blank expression as he stopped walking. His friends beside him asked what was wrong and when they saw us, they looked frightened.

"Mikhail." I spoke gently, "We meet again."

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