Chapter Twenty

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Day- Saturday

There was a loud bang causing me to shoot upright, confused and slightly afraid. It took a moment before the memories of where I was came back to me. Jake was standing next to the bed. "Sorry Angel, I was coming to wake you, it wasn't meant to be like that though."
"What was that bang?" I lay back down, rubbing my eyes.
"I was trying to find my speaker but I ended up dropping the box. Don't lie back down silly, you need to be up for when people start arriving. Can't have you sleeping through the whole party." I groaned and got up, forgetting I wasn't wearing pants until I was standing and felt the cold on my legs. His eyes were wide as he looked at me but then he smiled, hugging me gently. "Thank you." He whispered into my ear.
"Why?" I was trying not to cry from embarrassment.
"For being courteous about my bed." He gave a small chuckle, letting me go. "Right, you get dressed and I'll meet you downstairs. Sound good?" He took the speaker out of its box, taking it with him.
"Yeah. Uh, real quick can I use your shower? I wouldn't usually ask, it's just that, I um, well..." I wasn't sure how to ask as my diaper felt full and I would like to clean myself quickly before getting dressed for the rest of the day.
"Of course, there's towels in the bathroom. I'll see you downstairs." He smiled again, closing the door behind him. I made my way to the bathroom, taking off the diaper and putting it in the bin. Once I showered I grabbed myself a towel, drying myself before putting my clothes back on and throwing the towel in the hamper. I checked the time when I left the room, it was almost 7pm. I heard some weird noises as I headed downstairs, seeing Jake and Wynter pushing a sofa against the wall.
"What are you guys doing?"
"People are safer if there's no obstacles in the way. We just have these last bits to do." Jake answered as Wynter picked up the coffee table, moving it to the corner of the room. I sat on the sofa that they hadn't moved yet.
"Come on Angel, move your butt." Wynter laughed at me.
"Nope." I smirked, keeping my position. The boys exchanged a look before grabbing the sides and lifting the sofa with me sitting on it. I squealed and held on to the back of it tight. "Meanies!" I fake sulked at them.
"Well, you wouldn't move. We had no choice!" Wynter said in a dramatic voice as we were all laughing. We heard a knock on the door, Jake moved to go answer it.
"I'll get this, Wynter go get the snacks ready? Angel, you just sit there and be cute." I huffed in defiance as they left the room and stood up, looking around the doorway to see who'd arrived. There was a boy I recognised from school, I didn't know his name. He handed Jake a bottle of vodka and headed for the kitchen. Just before the front door closed more people arrived, after the 8th person Jake decided to prop the door open. Anxiety was rising as I saw the amount of people coming in. When Jake was finished putting the stopper under the door he noticed me hiding in the living room doorway, biting my lip. "You okay?" I nodded. I nodded, not wanting to lie but also not wanting to ruin the fun. He came towards me, gently placing his hand on my cheek as he spoke softly. "You're not. Talk to me."
"I didn't think about how many people would actually be here." I hung my head, staring at the floor. He hugged me.

"Angel, if you need a minute you can go upstairs. No one will be mad about that." I nodded, immediately going upstairs to hide in Jake's room until I'd calmed down and felt safe enough to leave again. When I finally went back down there was music blaring along with many more people. I pushed my way through the crowd, trying to find Wynter. I managed my way into the kitchen where I found him having shots with some random guys. Then I saw Alice.
"Wynter, baby!" She threw her arms around him.
"For the last time, stop calling me that." He said through gritted teeth, prying her away.
"Here, have another drink." She tried to hand him a cup but he refused it, grabbing a bottle of beer instead. I checked the fridge, finding a can of lemonade. I didn't feel like drinking tonight.
"Well, well if it isn't the little slag." I took a breath, turning around.
"I didn't do anything to you." I wanted to defend myself.
"I can't believe Jake invited a little skank like you."
"I don't have time to deal with this." Trying to walk away in a crowded space was not as easy as I thought it might be. I made it through a group of people when I was thrown to the ground by my hair. Alice proceeded to kick me a few times before someone pulled her away, taking her outside. Someone else held out a hand to help me up. I looked up to see another boy from school. I'd seen him sitting in the library every day.
"Hey Angel, you okay?" He was only a few inches taller than me with long black hair and bright blue eyes.
"You know my name?" He nodded, a light blush creeping onto his cheeks.
"I see you in the library all the time, I'm Josh."
"It's nice to finally talk to you Josh. Thanks for helping me up." Before Josh could reply I was suddenly tugged away.
"Stay away from her!" Wynter growled. I pulled my wrist away from him, very confused about what was happening.
"He helped me!" He was glaring but as he looked at me his gaze softened.
"He's not safe." There was a groan from Josh.
"You're such a cunt, Wynter. I was just trying to help." He said. I felt stuck standing in between them and I did not like it.
"Just stay away from her. I mean it!" Wynter's tone was terrifying. He looked like he was about to hurt the smaller boy. He took my wrist again, dragging me away while I protested.
"What the fuck was that?!" I shouted. He looked at me as if shocked by my outburst.
"I know things that you don't. Please stay away from him." We both turned to the back door hearing a lot of commotion. People were screaming and I could see Alice trying to force her way back in. Wynter stopped and spoke without looking back to me. "Oh and that's an extra punishment for swearing at me. It doesn't matter how upset you get, that's not okay." I checked around us but everyone was too busy to pay attention to what he'd said. Once again I pulled my wrist from his grasp, not caring what happened with Alice as I ran upstairs to get away from him.
In Jake's room I wanted to see if I could get to know him better through the things he liked. I looked through his books, games, box sets and films. I saw that most of his books were romantic and that his box sets were mostly comedy or sci-fi. I wanted to relax so I hoped he wouldn't mind me taking a random Friends DVD to watch. I settled onto his bed, feeling tired but determined to stay awake. Around 5 episodes in I was desperate for the toilet without warning. As soon as I stood up to go it started to come out. I squeezed my legs together tightly, trying to stop it but that didn't help. There was no chance of making it to the bathroom, urine was pouring out of me. My black skinny jeans turned even darker on the inside of the legs and seconds later a puddle formed on the floor beneath me. I was standing there crying when Jake walked in. My cries turned to sobs when he saw me. He didn't say anything, he just went to the bathroom, coming out with towels as the flow finally stopped. Luckily Jake had laminate flooring which made for easier cleaning up. As he was cleaning up I noticed a small wet patch at the bottom of my white top. "Angel, it's okay. Don't worry." I sniffled, unable to stop crying. "Shh it's alright. I'm not angry, okay? Let's get you out of these clothes and I'll find you something else to wear. How does that sound?" I gave a weak nod while I stood there in my wet clothes. He placed a towel around his waist and gently lifted me, resting me on his hip as he took me to the bathroom. He found me some clothes which I gratefully took, mumbling a thank you. He smiled, wiping the tears from my cheeks as I'd almost stopped crying now. "You can use the shower again if you need to." With that he left. I gladly took the opportunity, stripping. I washed myself down before drying off again. I sifted through the clothes Jake picked, noticing he'd included some of his underwear. Smiling as I put them on and proceeded to get dressed in the dark grey joggers and a plain white t-shirt. I left the bathroom to see a plate with a sandwich on the bed with my phone next to it. Confused, I picked up the phone to see I had a message.
Jake: Leave your clothes in the hamper and I'll get them washed for you, I also made you a snack in case you get hungry. If you want to come back down then you can, but don't feel pressured to and it's your choice if you want to let Wynter know. I couldn't believe how understanding he was about all of this as I texted him back.
Angel: Could you tell Wynter for me? Thank you for being calm and for being nice to me today. I sent it and grabbed my clothes, putting them in the hamper like he said, then washing my hands. I hit play on the remote and watched Friends as I ate the cheese sandwich he'd made for me along with the bag of salt and vinegar crisps. When there was a knock on the door I opened it to see Wynter. I instinctively gulped, thinking that he was going to punish me.
"Don't worry, I know what you're thinking and that'll come later." He paused for a moment. "Jake told me you had an accident?"
"Yeah." I struggled to meet his gaze. "I didn't mean to! I got up to go to the toilet and it just sort of came out." I felt the tears stinging at my eyes as I struggled not to cry over it again while telling him.
"Don't cry, it's okay." He wrapped his arms around me, holding me tight as he swayed side to side slightly. "Sometimes you're going to be too little to hold it in." A weird fuzzy sensation overcame my mind and I grabbed onto his shirt, wishing we were at home so I could curl up with my teddies.
"Wynter..." My voice sounded younger than usual as I struggled to say what I wanted to.
"Yes?" He pulled away to look at me but I stared at the floor immediately. I took a deep breath, steadying myself.
"I think I'm ready for you to be my daddy." He was taken by surprise as it took him a moment to realise what I'd said. I looked up at him, seeing him grinning. His arms wrapped around me again.
"We'll talk about it tomorrow at home. Angel, you've made me so happy. But, right now I think Jake needs me downstairs. Are you going to come?" I thought about it.
"Let me finish this episode and then I'll come down." He was still smiling as he left, shutting the door on his way. I had butterflies in my belly, a mixture of excitement, anticipation and slight fear. I had no idea what it would mean to have Wynter as my daddy but I felt ready to find out.

After the episode I turned everything off, checking the time. It was almost 10:30pm. I returned the disk to its box, putting it back in its place on the shelf. I straightened Jake's bedding, grabbed the plate and did one final check of the floor before leaving. I felt a bit out of place now in these clothes but I fought my way through the crowd anyway, wanting to find the boys. First I went to the kitchen to add my plate to the sink. The party was even louder now as more people were obviously drunk. I finally got to the games room and found the boys playing truth or dare with five other people. Wynter waved me over to join them and I thought it might be fun so I sat down, accepting a vodka lemonade someone poured and offered me. After a few more people it was my turn so I chose dare. Wynter had been chosen as the dare master so he spoke. "I dare you to... Make out with Hannah." When my response was a confused look he pointed to a cute girl with pink hair. She had light green eyes and was struggling to look at me. I turned to Jake who nodded in signal that he was okay with it so I moved closer, softly cupping her cheek as I leaned in. "Are you okay with this?" I whispered before making any more moves. She nodded so I proceeded, connecting our lips. There was cheering around us as I continued. Our lips moved perfectly in sync as her hands grabbed my waist, pulling me closer. My free hand went to her hair, tugging very gently. She gasped and I took that as an opportunity to test her reaction to tongue. Immediately she pressed hers against mine and we went on like this for a minute before slowly pulling apart. Both of us were the shade of tomatoes and everyone in the circle was clapping. I quietly sat back in my spot. Both Wynter and Jake had their mouths agape in shock as the game progressed. A few more rounds of random dares later and I'd licked a guy's nipple, kissed someone's ankle and downed a pint of 'shit mix' made of all the alcohol available in the room. As the game ended it was swiftly creeping close to midnight and people were starting to leave. I was wandering around, feeling slightly tipsy when I saw Josh alone in the kitchen so I went over while waving. "Oh hey Angel." He smiled. "Wynter's not going to come and murder me for talking to you is he?" I noticed him checking behind me to make sure. "No, I can handle myself. He's just being stupid." He nodded, handing me a cup which I gave a suspicious look to. "It's just beer, I promise." I took a sip and cringed at the taste, Josh laughed. "Not like it?" "It's not the nicest thing I've ever tasted." I laughed with him and had another sip. When I saw Wynter enter the kitchen I stuck my tongue out at him. He gave me a look that was slightly intimidating but he tried to be nice when he came over. "What are you drinking?" He stood close to me. "Josh gave me beer." He snatched it from me to take a sip. "This isn't beer." His tone changed, pouring it into the sink and taking my hand. "Then what is it?" "I don't know but that didn't taste like beer to me." "You're being overprotective, I just wanted a drink." He gave my hand a squeeze while glaring at Josh who seemed unphased. "So Angel, I was going to this gig tomorrow. It's for a pretty small band so it's only £10 to get in. I know you like heavy rock so I thought maybe you'd like to come?" "Yeah!" I shouted before Wynter could decide for me. "Okay well I have to go now." Josh grabbed a sticky note and magnetic pen from the fridge, writing on it and giving it to me. "Text me later. I'll fill you in on all the details." I nodded and he left. Wynter let go of my hand, standing in front of me with his arms crossed. "Angel, he's dangerous. I know you don't believe me but he is." "I can take care of myself!" My words slurred slightly as I tried to walk away. He put his arm around my waist, speaking close to my ear. "You know you're too little to be able to." That fuzzy sensation happened again. I spun myself around in his grip, ready to defend myself but the second I looked him in the eye I sighed. "Yes, daddy." "Good girl. Now come on, it's sleep time." He effortlessly lifted me and carried me upstairs while I giggled, noticing Jake following us. He smiled at me as I waved. I was put down on the bed. "Wait, I thought we were going home tonight?" "Jake said we can stay here. While you were up here earlier I went home to grab a few things. A fresh diaper and a change of clothes." Both of them laughed at me when I groaned, grabbing the diaper and getting off the bed. I put the diaper on in the bathroom, coming out still fully dressed in Jake's clothes. I placed the underwear in the hamper, yawning. "Here, you can wear these tonight if you want to?" Jake gave me an oversized black t-shirt and some pyjama pants. "Is it okay if I just wear the top? It's a little warm." I mumbled, not sure how he would feel about this question. He tilted my chin up, giving me a small kiss on the cheek. "Of course silly." Jake gave me a kiss on the forehead. "I've got to go to calm the end of the party. I'll take the clothes and put them in the wash now as well. Then I'll be back up here joining you." With that Jake left the room carrying the hamper and Wynter turned around. I quickly changed, burying myself in the covers on the bed. He turned again, smiling at me with a small shake of his head. He moved the covers and checked my diaper, needing to readjust it quite a bit this time before covering me back up. "Remember, we'll talk tomorrow about everything when we get home. Okay little girl?" He spoke quietly and I nodded as he carefully moved my hair away from my eyes. "I'm going to go and help Jake. Who do you want to share the bed with tonight?" "I'd like to share with Jake. Is that okay?" "That will always be okay, cutie." Wynter also gave me a kiss on my forehead before he left. I still felt tipsy as I gave in to sleep, feeling warm and cosy in Jake's bed. 

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