Chapter 74

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Ethans's POV

I was sitting in the passenger seat in horrible pain throughout my body as Nigel drove. Maggie sat in the back seat with the gun pointed against the back of my seat.

My bullet wound in my leg was still bleeding out but thankfully the pressure I put on it with a ripped piece of my shirt helped somewhat. I was become lightheaded and dizzy by the minute, but I was not about to show my uncomfortable state with them. The bullet wound in my waist thankfully only grazed me making it not as painful or bloody as my leg.

We had been driving for about half an hour before we made it to an abandoned church that looked like it was going to collapse soon making me frown. "Get out." He threatened as Maggie moved to point the gun at my head. I struggled not to groan in pain as I slid out of the tall van.

I limped towards the church as Maggie walked behind me shoving the tip of the gun against the small of my back to hurry up. "What are we doing here?" I asked as we walked inside the dark church until I saw he kept walking inside making me reluctantly follow.

The church was tall with broken stained-glass windows. Rows of benches were on both sides of the room as we walked in between them. The only light coming inside were the windows a d holes in the walls and ceiling knowing no one had been here in a long time.

We made it into a room full of about 5 other people. I recognized every single one of them making me scold myself for putting so much trust in the people my family works with. "Ah, finally." Lena, a woman Lucas works with making me fight my shock in front of them all.

"What's going on?" I beamed ignoring the piercing pain in my leg. "We couldn't help but overhear that you are planning to leave us." Andrew said full of amusement making me grit my teeth. "I don't see how that's any if your business. It doesn't affect any of you." I stated making them all smile and chuckle to themselves.

"You have no idea how wrong you are." Jackson growled walking up to me making me fill with anger at all these people tricking me into trusting them for my whole life. "Then tell me. Why am I here? Why are you going through all this trouble just because I plan to leave?" I asked stepping closer to him showing I am not afraid of cowards who lie to get what they want.

"As you know your family is heavily involved in everything that happens within this... organization. And as you also know if you were to leave all the power would have to stay with them." Jackson began shoving his hands in his pockets casually. "Especially since your precious sister wants nothing to do with the power that would be handed to her if you left." He continued burning his eyes into mine as a smug smile grew on his face making me restrict myself from punching him for talking about Sarah.

"You're telling me things I already know." I stated making him chuckle backing away from me. "But what you may not know is that your mother promised our families part of the power you would have once you took their place." He explained making my lips part as he filled with amusement knowing I knew nothing of my mother's apparent deal she made.

"And if you were to leave... we would not get the power and money we would deserve." Jackson threatened inches away from my face making me suppress the urge to punch him. "So, is that why you decided to abduct me? To convince me to stay." I scoffed as he walked away from me making him turn his head to give me a spine-chilling smile.

"No. We took you so your Amelia would be alone." He said instantly making me start walking towards him until he swiftly pulled out his gun and pointed it at me. "We knew how much you cared for her. We knew that was the only way for you to listen and do as we say." He continued stepping towards me again.

"Love makes people so blind. I will never understand." Jackson laughed as he put his gun away making me quickly rush up to him and punch him across the face twice before anyone restricted me. "You won't lay a hand on her." I threatened as two men held me back and everyone else held out their guns pointed to me.

"We'll see about that. Maybe then you will see how important it is you stay." Jackson threatened after wiping the blood away from his nose and stepping towards me again obviously not afraid the same thing would happen again. "Do you really think I won't kill every single one of you and leave anyway?" I smiled at him back making him scoff.

"You could. But how do you know there aren't more of us?" He whispered through his smug bloody smile making me fill with nerves. "Even more reason for me to leave." I stated making his smile wipe away as he filled with frustration and annoyance.

Before he could reply I quickly pulled out the gun from my waistband Nigel and Maggie stupidly forgot to take from me. I quickly aimed it at his forehead before pulling the trigger making everyone pull out theirs as he fell to the ground. We all quickly started shooting at one another making me take cover behind a table I had flipped over.

I shot Maggie in the leg as I saw her making her way towards me making her yell out in pain. Not fun is it. I continued shooting at everyone until my gun ran out of bullets making me groan in annoyance. I took the time to study everyone shooting behind tables and desks to decide when it was the best time to run towards the door.

I saw Maggie's phone on the ground that she dropped making me quickly run towards the door as I swiped her phone. I shut the door behind me before pulling a broken piano that wasn't far from the door. Once I was almost finished, I heard them banging on the door making me quickly pull away from the door and quickly call Amelia on Maggie's phone.

"Hello?" She said making me smile loving the familiar sound of her voice. "Amelia," I breathed into the phone as I made my way out of the church hoping there was more guns in the van.

"Ethan, where-" She began as I opened the trunk of the van full of drugs and guns making me sigh heavily in relief. "Don't tell anyone you're talking to me, Amelia." I pleaded picking the guns I needed. "What's going on, Ethan? Are you hurt?" She asked softly making my heart ache at how worried she must be right now.

"Yes, I am alright. Do not trust anyone, baby. The people who took me have others working with them within the gang. I don't know who, but it could be anyone. Please just keep your guard up." I begged breathless putting the guns into the waistband of my jeans and strapped one to my ankle.

"Okay. I promise." Amelia replied hesitantly making my lips part to reply until she interrupted me. "Where are you? I can come get you." She asked quickly making me look around not even knowing where I was.

"No, baby. I do not want you to get hurt because of all this. I promise I am okay." I breathed looking down at my bloody ripped fabric wrapped around my thigh. "I love you, Amelia. More than anything." I confessed as I made my way towards the church doors again.

I knew I could take the opportunity to hot wire the van and drive away but I couldn't risk them all following me back to Amelia.

Before she could reply I saw the remanding people from the shootout kick down the door with the piano making me quickly hang up on her. "Shit." I muttered as I took cover behind the church benches.

I grabbed my gun before aiming for the men I have been working with for years. I saw two of them go down as the other took cover as well making me duck away from the flying bullets.

I knew I had to make it out alive to get back to Amelia. And to get to the bottom of whatever this is.

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