Chapter 32

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I grit my teeth desperately trying to keep my strength as Tyler pulled away from me. Before he could walk away my forehead connected with his nose making him groan as blood pooled from his nose.

I pulled away from the man behind me before I quickly continued to run towards my door. My hand wrapped around the handle before I felt his familiar grip on my hair making me wince in pain as he pulled it.

Tyler's fingers gripped my hair from behind harshly as my back arched away from him. "I see why he likes you so much." He stated through his teeth as blooded covered his nose and mouth.

"I wonder how much Sarah will like you once she knows the type of person you are." I replied as his face hardened making hot tears sting my eyes from his hold.

Suddenly he pulled out a syringe making me try to pull away from him as a sob escaped my throat. Tyler let go of my hair before pulling my body towards his. He shoved the needle in my arm as I continued to struggle against him.

After a few seconds, my limbs started to become limp as my eyes grew tired. "You won't get away with this." I slurred making him let go of me before I fell to the ground as darkness consumed me.

Ethan's POV

"How was dinner?" Lucas asked as we ate breakfast making me fight my smile. "It went well." I answered making him nod as he looked down at his phone.

"She seems nice. Are you two serious?" He asked again making me nod as I ate my cereal. "Yeah. She's different than all the other girls I've been with. I've never felt this way about anyone before." I confessed softly making him look up at me.

"You love her?" Lucas stated more than asked making me nod again. "I do." I answered honestly making him hum in reply before looking back down at his phone.

I could tell he had his own opinions of Amelia and I, but I ignored it as I placed my bowl in the sink before walking out the door. As I drove all I could think about was Amelia and how strong she is.

For years she has put of a fake happy façade of her living with Ian. I have no idea how she was able to pretend to everyone that her parents were home healthy and happy. I could only imagine the mental tole that takes on her.

Once I pulled into my regular parking pace I frowned when I saw Amelia's car wasn't parked in hers. I ignored it as I started walking up to the school until Ian rushed towards me.

"Did Amelia come home last night?" Ian asked instantly making my heart drop. "Yes. Why?" I asked as everyone around walked towards their classes as the bell rang.

"She wasn't home when I got there this morning. Her keys and bag were gone. I thought she was with you." He stated as worry started to fill his voice. "Have you tried calling her?" I asked as I pulled out my phone to call Amelia making Ian nod.

"And text. She didn't answer. I didn't know what to do. I hoped she was just with you and I didn't want to call the police obviously." Ian rambled as my call went straight to voicemail making me fill with even more fear and worry. "Fuck." I muttered as I hung up before shoving my phone in my pocket.

"I need to go." I breathed out before turning around to leave before he stopped me. "I don't know what you're involved in but if anything happens to my sister because of you I swear I will make you regret it. Amelia is the only family I have and I will be damned if you ruin her." Ian threatened full of sadness making me nod before walking back out the doors.

"Something's wrong. I need you to meet me at my house as soon as possible. It's Amelia." I said into the phone as I called Daniel. "What's wrong?" He asked quickly as I raked my fingers through my hair harshly.

"I don't know. I dropped her off last night, but her brother said she wasn't home when he got there." I replied as I got into my car before quickly pulling out of my parking space. "Pete's men must be trying to continue their plan. I'll tell Colton and Lucas." Daniel stated before he hung up as I quickly drove to Amelia's house.

Once I finally got there I rushed up to her home before picking the lock. When I walked inside, I looked around before seeing scuff marks and blood drops on the floor.

My fear and worry quickly escalated before I rushed upstairs into her room. I opened her door to see her bag and keys tossed on her bed. Knowing Amelia leaves her bag and keys by the door I instantly knew they did this to not arouse suspicion for Ian.

As I rushed back to my car my phone vibrated making me quickly pull it out hoping is was Amelia. 'We have Amelia as I am sure you already know. Give us your last five shipments or we will kill her.' A text read before they sent a photo making my heart break.

Amelia was tied in a chair in the same clothes she wore last night. Her hair was disheveled, her mouth was duct taped and her eyes were red from lack of sleep making me look away.

I quickly started driving home ignoring the occasional honk for me to slow down. I gripped the steering wheel for not being more cautious knowing they would try again to use her against me. I knew it would have been a possibility, yet I did nothing. I let my feelings for her cloud my judgement.

"They have her. Pete's men have Amelia." I beamed as I barged inside ignoring all the men Daniel brought for help. I walked over to my living room where everyone stood as I nervously ran my fingers through my hair.

"Why? How do you know?" Lucas asked quickly making me sigh as I ran my palm down my face. "They texted me. And I went by her house and it was obvious there had been a fight. There was blood." I explained making Lucas' face harden trying to mask his emotions.

"Shit." Lucas muttered as he turned away. "What did they say?" Daniel asked making me pull out my phone.

"Five? For fucks sake." Daniel muttered as he read the text making Lucas face us again. "What are you going to do?" Lucas asked making my body shake with nerves as I started to pace.

"I don't know." I confessed a I pulled at my hair making Lucas grab my arm to stop me. "Pull yourself together. We need a plan." He said eagerly making me nod.

"I'll tell Colton to come and track where the text came from." I said making Daniel nod. "I already told him to come." He said before the door burst open revealing Colton.

"What's wrong?" Colton asked making me look away from him. "Pete's men took Amelia last night." Daniel answered as Colton made his way over to him.

"What? How? I thought you were keeping tabs on her?" Colton asked making me sit down on my couch. "I was. But they must've known because it was after I dropped her home." I explained under my breath.

"Can you track this text?" Daniel asked Colton making him nod before walking over to my laptop. "What are we going to do when we get there? They know what to expect now that we have already done this before." Colton stated making me nod as I continued to try to keep myself together.

"I don't know." I replied as Colton started typing rapidly on my laptop after plugging my phone into it. "We will need to stake it out before we do anything. They will be prepared for us." I said making them nod.

"This might take a few minutes. You're right they are definitely more prepared this time around." Colton muttered as he continued to type making me stand up anxiously. "I should have been more careful. We knew they were still out there. We knew it was a possibility for them to do it again." I stated starting to fill with anger at myself as I started pacing.

"Even if we were more careful, they still would have found a way to get what they wanted from us. They have been trying to become more powerful than us for years, Ethan. This would have happened sooner or later." Daniel stated making me stop as he walked towards me.

"I can't let anything happen to her. I just can't." I pleaded making Daniel nod lightly. "Nothing will happen to her." He replied making me turn away again to run my fingers through my hair.

"She is strong, Ethan. Whatever they do she will put up a fight." Colton said not looking up from the computer screen making me nod. "Should I tell Ian?" I asked them making Daniel and Colton hesitate.

"No. Not until it is absolutely necessary. You don't want him knowing us and what we do until Amelia feels comfortable." Daniel answered making me nod hesitantly. I looked down at Colton desperately wishing he would hurry.

"You really care for her?" Lucas asked me making me look at him confused. "Yes. I love her." I answered as I looked away again. I tried to ignore the image of Amelia bound against a chair burned into my mind as the silence grew.

"Didn't know you had that emotion, cousin." Colton joked lightly making me roll my eyes. "I got it." He said after a few minutes making me rush towards him.

"97801 Madison Drive." Colton said making us all rush out the door with our guns. "We will stake them out for as long as we can before we run in. We need to go in when they have the least amount of men and when they least expect it." I stated as we all slid into the car.

I drove as Lucas sat in the passenger seat. Luckily at this time of night the streets were dead, so I was able to speed effortlessly. The van of our men was trailing behind us making me run a red light trying to hurry.

"You really like her?" Colton asked making me roll my eyes. "Why is that so hard to understand?" I replied annoyed making them chuckle under their breath.

"You have never taken a real interest in a girl before. It's just surprising is all." He explained making me sigh as I gripped the steering wheel. "And not to mention she is way out of your league." Colton continued making Lucas chuckle.

"So is he." I retorted as I looked at Daniel through my rear-view mirror making him chuckle. "I already know." Colton stated making Daniel fight his smile as Colton grabbed his hand.

After what felt like an eternity, we finally made it to the address. It was a small run-down warehouse. There was one door with a windows shining light from inside.

Two men guarded the door as men occasionally walked in and out. I parked far away before we all got out and started walking into the forest to hide.

Cars littered the gravel driveway making me fill with nerves at how many of his men must be in there. "We should have brought more backup." Lucas stated making me pull my gun out before cocking it. "We'll be fine." I replied as they all did the same.

About an hour passed of learning the guards and other men's habits before my heart dropped. I saw Amelia in the top story window as someone walked towards her.

She was now untied then when I first saw her making me somewhat relieved before I saw the man pull a gun on her. Lucas grabbed my shoulders quickly as I tried to rush towards the building.

"Not yet." He said as I continued to stare at Amelia making me pull away from him. "How much longer?" I asked not knowing how much of this I could take.

"Until we see someone else besides a guard come out." Colton answered making me groan as we continued to stand in the dark forest.

I felt my phone buzz making me answer it. "I hope you have your shipments ready for us. Or your precious girlfriend is going to see her parents." A man threatened as I continued to stare up at Amelia with a gun pointed at her.

"We need more time. We don't exactly have access to all five at once." I replied trying to buy time. "You have three hours until I kill her." He stated before hanging up making me grit my teeth in anger.

"We have three hours before we have to give them the shipments." I explained. I finally tore my eyes away from the window as I saw Amelia walk away from my view.

We continued waiting for something to change when suddenly Amelia and another man left the building. His grip was on her arm as she struggled to keep up with him before he tossed her in their car.

We all rushed towards our car before we followed. I continued to tail their car from afar before they finally stopped at an empty beach.

I parked far away from them as the man grabbed Amelia. I now realized that her hands were tied together making me step out of the car.

I used all my will power to stay by the car and not run after them as he continued to grab her farther onto the pier. "What now?" Daniel asked making me silent trying to understand why he brought her here.

Lucas was about to say something when my phone rang again making me answer it. "We have two more hours." I stated annoyed into the phone making me frown as I continued to hear silence. "Ethan." Amelia breathed out making my heartbeat faster.

"Amelia. Are you okay? I am so sorry I-" I said quickly making her cut me off. "It isn't your fault. I should have known how much my life would change when I found out about you." She stated sadly as I stared at her in the distance.

Amelia starred down at the shimmering ocean below her not noticing us as she continued. "Tell Ian I love him." She said as a soft sob escaped her throat making me start walking slowly.

"Stop." I threatened making her grow silent for a few moments. "I love you, Ethan." Amelia confessed making my heart drop.

I saw her slowly pull the phone away from her to give back to the man. "Don't you dare hang up." I replied making her hesitate before she ignored me.

As soon as Amelia gave the man his phone, he pushed her off the pier. 

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