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Hades ran as fast as his divinely-enhanced legs would carry him, cursing himself for not flying a horse to work. With Lexi in the forest playing peacemaker with the minotaurs, and her earlier rebuff of the council's proposal, he should have predicted an emergency might come up. By way of Charon's scrying mirror, Hades confirmed that Ares insisted on being allowed to hunt with the sole purpose of ruffling fur. After which, Hades contacted Blythe and learned that Lexi had not returned to the palace. This definitely fit as an emergency. When he reached Hecate's cabin, he stood at the gate while he caught his breath. A moment later, Hecate opened the door, folding her arms to watch him.

"I would have thought a god who keeps the company of an eighteen year old goddess would be in better shape," she said. "If you are looking for Lexi, she is not here. It has been two turns of the glass since she and Anna went into the forest."

"Damn," he said, still panting. "You didn't happen to see Ares and two young gods pass by here."

Hecate scrutinized him as if he had been imbibing on the job. "No. I was not aware there would be gods visiting the underworld."

Hades finally regained full use of his lungs and walked the stone path toward Hecate. "It was a spontaneous decision on the part of Ares. He thought he would prove a point by being a jackass."

"Well, it comes naturally to him. Lexi told me she still hasn't agreed to any of the offers made by the council, after thanking me for sticking my neck out on her behalf. I don't suppose Ares' visit has anything to do with that."

Hades knew he wasn't required to answer her, having spent enough time around Hecate to recognize her sarcasm. She took his arm, leading him into the house and sitting him at the table. She immediately headed for the stove, putting a kettle on for tea. Hers was a modest home, suiting the needs of one. A palace had been offered, but she refused, claiming there would be too much to dust. Hades asserted she did it to mock his desire to live in a palace, especially when the only gods utilizing it would be himself and the occasional visiting goddess. As it turned out, even the goddesses preferred to meet him in the mortal world. Something about running into the deceased put them off.

"I cannot stay for tea, Hecate, but thank you," he said as he watched her continue to make the tea. "I need to find Lexi and make sure she doesn't get caught in the crossfire, so to speak."

"I know you do. That is why I am brewing you tea."

"How is tea going to help me find Lexi and save her from the hunter's arrow?"

"It is going to keep you here until Lexi returns, because it is a foolish prospect for you to go wandering into the forest under the circumstances. Wouldn't you agree?"

Hecate raised her eyebrows, daring Hades to argue with her. He hated that she was often right. It made arguing with her much less entertaining.

"What if she takes a different route home?" he said. "I might be sitting here all afternoon, annoying you."

"She won't take a different route. She will be walking back with Anna, and Anna's home is on this route." The kettle started to sing and Hecate poured boiling water over the tea ball in his cup. "You don't always annoy me, Hades. I have grown fond of you after so many years." A soft chuckle escaped her as she walked over and set the cup in front of him. "Although I have stopped counting the number."

Hades had stopped counting as well. It took a good amount of effort on his part to keep his mind feeling as youthful as his body. Seeking the company of young women had its benefits, but travel played a huge role in that effort. He enjoyed meeting new people, taking part in new experiences, and tasting the cuisine of the mortal world. He would never admit it to Lexi, but the thought of being trapped in the underworld, even with her at his side, would be like a death sentence, a death with no hope of crossing over.

Hades brought the cup to his lips, savoring the flavor of whatever floral concoction Hecate had offered him and letting his mind drift, so the sound of voices didn't register right away. When he determined the voices came from outside his head, he set down his cup and noticed Hecate leaning out of an open window.

"Oh, bother," she said as she abandoned the window and hurried toward the front door. "It looks like we've had another casualty."


Hades jumped out of his chair and rushed through the door as she opened it. A small party of gods were climbing off a trio of Andalusians. One had to be carried. It appeared to be Ares' son, Jules, and although there was a good amount of blood staining his shirt, he was coherent and complaining that he was perfectly capable of walking. Lexi brought up the rear, and when she finally came into view, Hades noticed red staining her shirt as well. The smile she wore eased his mind and brought his heart rate back to normal. At least she was not the one being carried.

"What happened?" he asked, reaching for her hand. She smelled strongly of blood as she leaned in and placed a firm and deliberate kiss on his mouth. Her lips tasted just the way he remembered, although he detected a hint of iron.

"Jules was wounded by a spear," she said. "He lost a lot of blood, so he's really weak."

"I'm fine," Jules said, although his face looked a lot whiter than it did when he arrived at the gates. "And it's all because of Lexi. She saved me."

Lexi shrugged but the smile that graced her face was radiant.

"I'll start a brew that will help replenish his red blood cells," Hecate said. "Bring him inside and put him on the couch."

Ares was already carrying Jules into the house as Hecate spoke behind him. It hadn't escaped Hades' notice that the god of war had not uttered a word. Once inside, Lexi polished off the rest of Hades' tea in one go then quickly made more. It didn't take long before the house smelled like a fart factory, compliments of Hecate's cauldron, and everyone relaxed in front of the fireplace to be closer to Jules. The mood was subdued, and conversation started slowly, instigated by Gunther.

"I have never seen anything like it," he said. "I was sure Jules was a goner. In fact, I think he was dead for a minute there, but Lexi... She brought him back to life."

"She has the kiss of life," Jules mused as he reclined against a hoard of pillows.

"The kiss of life? Please, enlighten me about this kiss." Hades offered an eyebrow raise for the benefit of everyone present, but Lexi was the only one who found it amusing.

"Don't pull that face," she told him with a nonchalant wave. "I gave him mouth to mouth resuscitation."

"Not the first time." Gunther grinned and Jules joined him. It seemed Jules had gained strength just talking about this amazing resuscitating kiss.

"I was trying to keep his spirit from leaving his body," Lexi explained.

"I wouldn't want to leave my body if you were kissing me," Gunther joked.

"That's enough!" Ares' sharp voice broke through the banter, and his eyes narrowed on the two young gods. "What happened was deadly serious and you two are making a mockery of it. Lexi did what she felt was necessary, and if she hadn't had the spirit and determination to follow through with her mission, Jules would be standing at those gates, waiting for admittance."

"I'm sorry, Ares. You're right," Gunther said to his lap. "I was scared shitless when it was happening. What Lexi did was miraculous. Nobody, not even a god, could have survived an injury like that without a miracle."

"Indeed," said Ares, switching his gaze to Lexi. He had taken up a standing position at the mantle, leaning against it as if it was the only thing holding him up. "It seems I owe you an apology, Lexi. I have become complacent as a council member and swift to pass judgement without due consideration of all the facts. It is an easy trap for the gods of Olympus to fall into, especially for those of us who spend too much time there and not enough time in the world where you have lived most of your life. You have an advantage over us in that regard, and I have grossly misjudged you. I am sorry for forcing you to make a decision that would jeopardize your happiness, and I will do whatever is necessary to make amends."

Both Jules and Gunther stared at Ares with open maws, the picture of slack-jawed surprise. Clearly, they had never heard Ares apologize. Neither had Hades, for that matter. The gods were not the sort to admit their faults easily, despite the fact they had many. This made two gods Lexi managed to affect that way. She seemed to have a knack for drawing faults into the light and forcing these arrogant gods to admit them, as if her list of amazing gifts wasn't long enough.

"Thank you, Ares. I accept your apology," Lexi said, her face flushing like she had received the nicest compliment of her life. "I'm glad I was there to assist. I just wish I was more fluent in the minotaur language. It was fortunate Anna arrived to help us negotiate with the minotaurs afterwards."

It was no surprise Ares appeared hesitant to engage Lexi in the topic she had chosen. "Yes, most fortunate," he said softly.

Hecate entered the room carrying a mug of foul-smelling liquid, cutting off the exchange, although Lexi looked content with the results. Hecate handed the mug to Jules and he held it away from his body, grimacing at her.

"I'm supposed to drink this?" he said. "It smells like horseshit."

"Well, you can always take it as an enema."

Jules' eyes shot open and he brought the mug to his lips, pursing them at the rim as he forced the brew down. Hecate sat next to him, watching him drink it as she spoke to the room.

"I just received a message from Zeus through my scrying mirror," she said, her face the picture of calm. "It seems Olympus is experiencing the onset of a blizzard, the likes of which has not been seen in Zeus' recollection. Apparently, Demeter and Persephone have enlisted the help of their mutual friend, Boreas, to whip up a mighty storm in protest of Lexi's fate to spend eternity relegated to the underworld." She turned to Lexi and smiled. "The council is ready to reopen negotiations."

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