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Grayson's POV

"Remember son, we are always with you."

Those were the last words I heard from my father before I was plummeted into space. 

My planet Acda, was destroyed by a war. A war created by greedy and power hungry creatures from our neighbouring planet, Trasic. My destination was unknown, but my father told me it was already inhabited by an intelligent species.

Eight of us were chosen to save our race from extinction. Four girls and four boys sent to a planet we knew little about. I turned around in my seat to watch the explosions of darkness spread against my planets surface. My home, destroyed. 

The Trasian's used these types of weapons in desperation. They didn't care what it did to our planet. 

Tears stung in my eyes. Only one thought hung in my mind, I was an orphan.

"You will now be injected with a sedative." The shackles latched onto my wrists injecting my veins with a powerful sedative. I would be asleep for the ride towards my new home. My eyes began to feel heavy as my muscles relaxed. There was a long journey ahead.


I shot awake after adrenaline had been pumped into my veins. 

I felt absolute panic trying to get up. Get out. I was still trapped in the walls of my ship.

"Entering Earths orbit." 

The tinted windows didn't do their job as their star shone in my eyes but before long, Earth came into view. My ship shook violently before sirens of utter distress sounded. I was not going to land easily. Looking to my left I saw Diara. Her ship was completely surrounded by fire as she screamed inside. Her head whipped towards me and she banged on the glass. I mouthed 'relax' to her but her eyes told me that she was far from calm.

Another violent shake made me stiffen as my ship penetrated the atmosphere. I closed my eyes for a brief moment and gasped when I re-opened them. Earth was covered in lush plant life and blanketed in blue water. It was beautiful.

And then, just like that, we hit the surface.

I woke up to the sound of voices. 

"Is there anyone inside?" I knitted my brows together. This language was different, foreign. I couldn't understand what they were saying to each other.

"There's a boy in this one. Go check the others." I tried opening my eyes but my body wasn't cooperating. 

"There's four boys and four girls." This must be the life my father was talking about. The shattering of glass filled my ears before hands began to lift me out, "They are all badly hurt. The boss will be happy with our discovery. We better get the team down here to pick up the ships before people start coming." I was laid down onto what felt like a material called spectra. It felt like home.

"Grayson, what's going on?" asked Titus. 

"My father told me that there was life on this planet, life like us. Our technology is more advanced, they probably haven't seen anything like it before." I answered. 

"Are they going to hurt us?" Asked Diara. 

"I do not know, their language is foreign."  I told her to her thoughts.

"The truck is here, get them IV's." My bed-like structure was lifted from the ground. I was being carried to something called a 'truck'.

After a few grunts I was laid down again. Something small wrapped around my hand before the inside of my forearm was pricked. They were injecting me with something. I tried to jerk away but again my body was paralyzed from the impact. It would take a few days to heal, unless Titus healed me. If he was hurt, then I would have to heal on my own. Terror ran through me. Me being weak would give these creatures time to experiment on me, hurt me.

I could feel myself slowly losing consciousness. What did they give me?


I opened my eyes slowly and realization hit me. I sat up quickly feeling the room tilted. 

"Hey calm down you are still healing." I stared at the creature before me. It looked like one of us. Obviously male and female was the same on this planet. This one obviously had the properties of a woman. She told me something again but I could not understand her, "What is your name?" She asked making my head tilt to the side. 

"The English equivalent of his name is Grayson." My head shot to Amya. 

"You speak their language?" I spoke our tongue to her. She nodded. 

"I learned by reading their thoughts. Their language is a lot like ours, same words, they just sound different. Here." She pressed her finger to my forehead. She transferred the information to my brains cells, allowing them to process the language. 

"Grayson, my name is Jennifer. You are safe here." I understood her. Wide eyed I stared at Amya. 

"See it's not that hard to learn." She walked off to another bed that appeared to have Declan in it. I pulled back the human sheets and placed my feet on the ground.

"Where are we?" I asked in what the humans called English. 

"You are in an institution that is going to take care of you. We have never had extra terrestrial beings on our planet before." Extra terrestrial is just a nice way of saying Alien. "We want to know more about you." I looked at her straight in the eye before I spoke. 

"You mean study us like lab rats." She blushed and brushed her hair behind her ear. 

"If that's what you want to call it."

"So we are trapped here?" She shook her head. 

"We just want to look at you before you enter human civilization." I lifted my hand and pressed it to her forehead. 

"You are scared of us. You are afraid of our abilities and what you call the government wants to use us as weapons." She took a step back. 

"How-How did you do that?" I looked towards the others. 

"They are not keeping us here, they are trying to use us. We must find a way out." I said in our language. I looked back at the woman, "We will stay here until everyone is healed, then we will escape. At any means necessary." as an eight year old boy, I doubted I looked as menacing as I wanted. It was still a threat- No a promise. I would get my people out of here.


It was days before everyone was healed. We played along with what the humans wanted us to do. We only revealed our small gifts, like our telekinesis. We made it look like our powers were really weak. They were the most fascinated by Amya, mostly because she openly told them where were from and what happened to our planet. She even showed them more of her gifts. She trusted the humans too much, it could... would get her killed.

I had had enough when they began poking me with needles. They were trying to find our weaknesses. How did I know that? Well lets just say they need to have their files guarded better. They tried all sorts of different things from minerals to chemicals. Nothing seemed to harm us in the way they wanted. It did not stop them from trying.

When night fell I sat up in my bed, the others following suit. 

"Let's get out of here." I told them pulling back the not so comfortable sheets. We had assembled a plan a few days ago when we learned about how their security system worked.

"Follow me." I said in our language. I never wanted to be their leader, but somehow I was chosen by them. They never said it directly but somehow I knew that I was the one who had to lead them to safety.

Standing in front of the doorway I raised my hand using my abilities to blow the door open. It crashed on the ground with a bang. 

"Run!" I yelled in our tongue. Amya was hesitant but she followed us. She wasn't going to abandon the only family she had. There would be plenty of other humans for her to be fascinated about.

Diara screamed shattering the windows. I picked up the glass and formed a barrier the humans would have to go through. We crawled out the window and placed our feet on the dewy grass. It was dark out but our eyes adjusted quickly. I pointed to the tree line before I sprinted toward them, the rest following suit.

The glass shattering was a reminder that the humans had gotten through my barrier. We had a head start. I hopefully put a good distance between us and them. Men's shouting came from the distance. 

"RUN!" They were faster then I expected, I blame having eight year old legs. Time seemed to slow down, I had tried to save my energy for this moment, because it was now or never. Whipping around I held my hand up letting my power serge through my body. My vision went white before I released, making people scream. The light faded and I was facing men laying on the ground. The trees around me were blackened and I could still hear the sizzling of burnt flesh. I turned around and continued to run catching up with the group easily, but they kept sending more men.

"WAIT STOP PLEASE!" I spun around to see Amya facing the humans. They loaded a gun with a purple liquid. By the time I read their thoughts it was too late, they shot Amya.

"NOOOO!" Amya was surrounded by a bright light as she screamed, her outlined figure fell to her knees before the light faded. She collapsed to the ground and Diara began to rush towards her. I grabbed her shoulders to hold her steady.

"Diara don't we have to go. Before these monsters finish us off too."

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