Never Safe: Chap 1

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Grayson's POV

I sat up covered in sweat. Another night I had dreamt about Amya's death. It was over a year before we were discovered by a scientist named Raymond Nicene. Our first reaction to him was to attack, which I did to protect my family. He had the viscous scar to prove it. 

However after lots of persuading, we entered into the human world as Raymond's adopted children. Each of us were separated equally and lived in two separated houses, to respect our mating traditions. Raymond even convinced us to start attending human school. I never trusted another human other than Raymond, after Amya was killed.

Nine years later, well almost ten now, with no problems from the government, I never expect them to find us. 

"Kids I have bad news." Raymond said after setting his coffee down, "One of my sources says that the agency that captured you when you arrived is here. Some how they found out you were somewhere in this city." I shoved more cereal into my mouth. 

"What are we going to do?" Asked Titus. 

"The only option would be to move again." Great another move, to another city populated with oblivious and disgusting humans. 

"When are we leaving?" Diara asked. 

"Well, my sources say to give it a few days to not be too suspicious, but we could leave by Friday at the earliest." He knew we were disappointed by the news. He was only trying to protect us.

"Where are we going?" I asked, finally speaking. 

"Well I was thinking we could move somewhere small. I know how much you hate the human race. I was thinking of moving to Canada." I almost choked. 

"Canada?!" He nodded taking another sip of his coffee. 

"That's quite the drive." Diara commented. Raymond nodded once. 

"Both Beth and I agreed that it would be the best for all seven of you." Declan finally sat down at the table pouring himself some cereal. Declan hadn't said a single word since the death of Amya, the only time I heard his voice was in our heads, "Good morning Declan." Raymond said only getting I quick nod in return. 

"Why Canada?" asked Declan. 

"He wants to know why we are moving to Canada."

"Well we've happened to acquire a facility where you guys can train without being spotted." Diara had this glint in her eyes from hearing about training. We weren't supposed to train because of the chances of us getting caught but it never stopped us. 

"Grayson have you thought about who you want your mate to be?" I almost choked on my food again. This was not a breakfast table kind of talk.

"I um," I coughed again trying to get the piece of cereal out of my windpipe, "haven't decided yet." He nodded taking another sip from his coffee. 

"Well you know your mating laws, you are almost 18." I nodded stuffing my face so I wouldn't have to answer anymore questions.

The fact was I hadn't really thought about having a mate. I mean, I had three to choose from, but the question was which one. To be honest it would be like marrying my sister. Kavita was the youngest of us all, she was thirteen which would be weird if I mated with her. Not even by our standards, but human ones as well. 

Titus was the closest to her age at fifteen. Zahara was sixteen, like Diara. Both of them got on my nerves, but they were both attractive. I would have to decide before my eighteenth birthday. In reality if Amya was still alive I would have chosen her. She was two years older than I was, but in all truth maybe I should be mate-less.

"Grayson you can't be mate-less because you have the strongest gifts you have to pass them on." Diara was very good at getting into peoples heads, I mean most of us were but she was the quickest. I put up my barrier again to keep her out of my head. Naveen burst through the door with his head held high. 

"Good morning neighbours, what's for breakfast?" 

"Does Beth ever feed you?" Ray questioned.

Naveen laughed, "Oh she does, but she can't keep all of us full. That's why I come home for second breakfast." He grabbed the box of cereal and started eating from it, "So we're moving to Canada, who would've thought." Naveen was turning seventeen in a few months and he was going to get a choice between being mate-less or the oldest female that I didn't choose. 

"Okay, well get off to school!" Raymond yelled.

Adalyn's POV

"Do you think I should wear this shirt or this one?" Asked Cara switching between a blue blouse and a pink one. 

"The pink one." I suggested not looking up from my computer screen. 

"Okay, blue one it is." I rolled my eyes taking a sip of my coffee. 

"You know this guy sounds like a total douche." I said. 

"Hey you are just jealous because you can't have the one guy you really like, but there is someone who does. You know that guy who you've kept in the friend zone." Rolling my eyes again I shut the laptop and placed it on her desk.

"Simon and I have an agreement that it would be too weird to start dating. He knows and he accepts that." She gave me the 'really' look. 

"Keep telling yourself that Addy." I flopped down on her bed and closed my eyes,  "I think it was a good idea to skip school today." she said flopping down beside me.

"Maybe we should get you a boyfriend." I laughed at her statement. To be honest, I didn't need a boyfriend. 

"Not happening." I turned to face her as she did. 

"Come on, boyfriends are fun." I jabbed her in the ribs making her squirm and laugh. Yeah, well I didn't like choosing a new boy all the time, just to toss them on the curb a week later.

"Not happening, all the guys at our school are weird."

"Did you hear that?" She asked standing up from the bed. "Oh No! My eye candy is moving away!" I sat up to see the moving truck pull into her neighbours drive way. The guy who lived there was seriously in his late thirties and he looked like a model. Aged like fine wine, as Cara put it.

"Oh muffin." I said giving her a sarcastic pat on the back. 

"Hopefully someone hot moves next door." I rolled my eyes and turned on her radio. 

"Shut up and dance with me!" I yelled at her. She smiled and we jumped on her bed.

"Oh don't you dare look back just keep your eyes on me, I said you're holding back, she said SHUT UP AND DANCE WITH ME!"


"I can't believe we are graduating this year." I sighed breathing in the September air. Cara always stated the obvious. Senior year didn't feel any different than the last three. I knew that classes would be a little harder, but all the people would still be their lame selves for another ten months.

"I know, I still have no idea where I want to go." I commented jumping to touch a branch, "Are we going to the Halloween dance this year?" I asked making her smile. 

"Of course we are! We should have matching costumes!" She ran ahead and started walking backwards facing me.

"We should do something totally awesome!" She said with a smile on her face. 

"We do have a month to decide." I said shoving my hands in my pockets. We pulled into the park and took a seat on the swings. 

"Maybe we should go to the same university." Cara suggested as she began to swing. I pushed myself off and began pumping my legs. 

"Oh we're double dating!" I laughed. 

"What are you? Four?"

"I'm actually four and a half!" I yelled back. Cara and I have been friends since I can remember. Our mothers have been friends since they were in high school and because of that, Cara and I had no choice but to also be best friends, not that I minded. Cara was always a little more out there then me in some areas. But like her, I was out there in other areas that she wasn't. The thought of being away from her for the next few years made me sad. Cara jumped off and landing on her butt making me burst out laughing.

"You can't do better than that!" She said brushing off her pants. 

"Watch me!" Swinging back I jumped landing on my feet. Four years of gymnastics really helped in that area. My phone vibrated in my back pocket. Pulling it out to see Simon was calling me. "Hey what's up?" I asked after answering. 

"Are you guys sick or something?" he sounded a little worried, but I knew that he probably thought we ditched and didn't tell him. He was most likely just feeling completely left out. I chuckled. 

"What do you think? Cara thought she needed an entire day to get ready for her date with..." I looked at Cara totally forgetting his name again. 

"Michael." she yelled.

"With Michael." I repeated. 

"He sounds like a total douche." 

I chuckled, "That's what I said! Anyway you are more than welcome to join us after school if you want or you could join us, I mean there is only one period left." I could practically see him smiling through the phone. 

"Okay I'm on my way." Then he hung up.

"Simon's on his way." Cara smiled making me roll my eyes, "We are just friends." 

"Uh huh. Race you to the top." I smiled before sprinting towards the the play set. She beat me to the top with ease. 

"No fair you got a head start!" She sat down hanging her legs through the bars. She was lucky she had legs like that. I sat beside her and crossed my legs instead. 

"Simon just pulled up in his car." I ducked my head to see below the trees to see Simon. I was a head taller than Cara so high heels were not for me.

Simon was pretty attractive I had to admit, but when he asked me out last year we both agreed it was better to stay friends. Even though Cara tried to hide it, I could tell she liked him. That was one of the other reasons I said no. Cara deserved a guy like Simon and if he stopped being a little poop and opened his eyes he would see the girl who has always liked him. 

"Hello ladies." Cara blushed a bit and smiled. I watched as Simon climbed the rock wall before sitting down next to me. "How are the fugitives?" He asked leaning back on his hands. 

"Very rebellious, thanks for asking." I said giving him a smile.

"So what school does Michael go to?" Good question. 

"Careful Simon, you might actually sound jealous." She chuckled. 

"Who goes on a date on Wednesday?" Simon asked raising an eyebrow. My phone vibrated and I pulled it out of my pocket. 

"Guys I have to get going." I said standing up. 

"Do you need a ride home?" Simon asked. It would be quicker, but it would be the perfect time to get these two alone. 

"I'm okay. I feel like walking." I said as I got ready to go down the slide. 

"Here I can walk with you." I smiled.

"Simon I'm okay. Spend time with Cara. I'll live." He looked a little disappointed but went back to sit beside Cara. I slid down the slide and placed my feet on the leaf covered ground. My mom wanted me back before my father got home. They were divorced and he only came for dinner once a week. Tonight was my brother Connor's archery lessons and I was supposed to drive him there. I had quite the walk home, maybe I should have taken that offer for the drive.

Grayson's POV

I woke up the next morning and began to pack boxes Raymond had given to me. I didn't have many things, as human objects never really fascinated me in the way they did for others. Maybe I just didn't like them because I despised humans. 

Titus loved human movies for example, I couldn't stand them. Naveen loved music and played almost every instrument. Declan loved cameras, he did everything from taking pictures to filming. I on the other hand hated anything that had to do with humans. I hated using cellphones and computers, I was just different from the others. The girls lived with Beth in the house next door. Diara was a lot like me when it came to humans because she could remember what they did to Amya.

I shut the door and smirked. I let my eyes glow and everything that I needed packed itself away in the boxes, even sealing itself up and writing my name on the side. There was one thing I was looking forward to doing after we moved, and that was being able to train freely. Titus burst open the door a smiled. "I knew it! You used your powers!" 

"Shh! Not so loud." I said covering his mouth. I loved Titus and swore to myself that he would always be safe. "How did you know?" I asked. 

"I could feel it. The energy you give off is strong. Besides, it's not like any of us aren't guilty of using our powers at some point." I raised an eyebrow realizing he was right. None of us were saints when it came to not using our powers. "I mean I healed a bird last week because it had kids to look after. But anyway, your power is so strong, I'm so jealous." Titus' main power focus was on healing. Most of us had one specialty. Diara was good at making things break and being able to put them back together again. Declan was good at telepathy, makes sense because he never spoke. But all of us had our own gifts.

"Do you know where we're moving?" Titus asked. I shook my head. 

"Somewhere in Canada." I responded. Titus smiled, "What?" the grin on his face grew. 

"Raymond just bought two houses in London, Ontario." That sly dog. 

"Guys could you come down stairs for a minute!?" Titus rushed out of the room and I followed pounding down the steps behind him.

Raymond was in the kitchen with Beth smiling before he turned the laptop around. "We're moving tomorrow!" How great. 


I laid awake in my bed staring at my ceiling. I was used to moving all the time, house to house after our location was discovered. If it weren't for Ray's birds, we would never have notice on the Midnight Experiments men whereabouts. 

After we found out the houses weren't going to be close to each other I freaked out a bit. Instead of being side by side the girls would be living across the street. I couldn't protect them as easily anymore and that scared me. 

I heard a car pull up and stop making me sit up. Raymond had left tonight to drive our stuff to Canada. He shouldn't be back for a while. I pulled back the covers and looked at the black car that stopped in front of our driveway. "Guys, get up now!" I threw on a shirt and rushed out of my room quickly. The boys were already out eyes glowing slightly, ready to fight. 

"Grayson what's going on?" Asked Diara. 

"There's men outside. Listen to me, stay together go to the cave."

"What are we going to do?" Asked Naveen. I walked into my bedroom and looked out the window again to see the car still hadn't moved. 

"Stay here." I whispered. 

Titus' eyes glowed brightly, "Not happening, we are going to do this as a team." I shook my head. 

"I'm just going to make sure Beth and the girls are safe. I'll be back, I promise." I walked down the stairs at inhuman speed and opened the back door. I hopped over the fence and sped to the other yard. I unlocked the back door with my powers before I slid it open.

"Diara?" I whispered. I heard sobbing in the living room so I followed it. Beth was on her knees with a gun pointed to her head. 

"Grayson don't come closer!" 

"SHUT UP!" The man said before hitting her in the face with his gun. 

"Don't touch her." the man gave a cocky smile, daring me to test my luck.

 "Or what alien boy?" I could feel electricity pulse through my veins making my vision go white. The lights around us flickered before exploding causing sparks to rain overhead. Glass shattered everywhere before I rose it in the air. The man took the gun off of Beth and pointed it towards me. Bullets can't hurt me. He fired the same time I shot the glass forward. The whiteness faded before I grabbed my shoulder.

Pain, I felt pain. I looked down to see my hand was covered in blood, my blood. The human was pinned against the wall with glass shoved into his body. Blood dripped down the wall as he breathed shallowly. I picked up a fallen piece of glass a looked him in the eyes as I shoved it in his throat. Blood covered my hand before I let go.

I looked towards Beth with tears in my eyes. I fell to my knees as the pain spread down my arm. I gritted my teeth and jabbed my hand into my arm pulling out the bullet. I shoved it in my pocket before pushing myself off the ground. 

"Grayson we have to go." I nodded at Beth before the door burst open. Diara stood there with her glowing eyes. 

"They're all dead." She looked towards the man pinned to the wall and her eyes returned to their normal colour of brown. "Did you do this?" I nodded as Diara pulled me into her small frame. I winced making her pull back. She pulled up my sleeve to see the bullet hole. 

"Let's get Titus to patch you up."

I walked outside to see Raymond's truck pull in. He opened the door and looked straight at me. His eyes went wide at my blood covered shirt. He clearly didn't make it to the border before turning around.

"Grayson-" he cut himself off as he saw Beth walk out. Her face was already bruised from the guy hitting her with his pistol. He ran towards her and pulled her into his arms.

"They attacked first." Said Naveen who was also covered in blood, human blood by the smell of it. 

"Where's Titus? Grayson was shot." Raymond's head shot towards me. 

"You've never been shot before, how did it pierce your skin?" 

"I don't know, but I kept the bullet for you to analyze. But I suggest we leave tonight." Raymond nodded.

"We need to clean all of this up first."


With one phone call men came in and cleaned up the mess we had made. The bodies were taken and the furniture was carpets were ripped up and replaced. Titus had healed my wound as much as he could, but for some reason he couldn't remove the scar. I was driving because Raymond needed to rest and I don't think sleep was going to come to me tonight. My family could have been seriously hurt today.

I had killed a human for the first time in my whole life. To protect Beth and my family mind you, but it didn't make me feel any better. We had crossed the border a few hours ago while everyone else was sleeping. We were now in Canada.

Declan woke up slowly and shifted Raymond to the back seat so he could have shot gun. "Are you okay?" He asked after a few moments of silence. 

"Not really." I answered back. 

"I know what you did, it's written all over your thoughts." I sighed. 

"I killed a human tonight." Declan nodded. 

"So did I." That was the last words he said for the rest of the drive. He did choose the radio station though.

I pulled into our new street and found the moving trucks easily. I pulled the truck into 234 while Beth pulled into 368 across from us. Declan got out and woke the others. Raymond walked to the door slowly and unlocked the door. "There's no furniture yet." he said sleepily. No problem.

I raised my hands and the truck opened before the furniture began flying in and setting itself up. "Grayson-" but it was too late, it was done. I smiled and turned to face them. I looked outside. 

"No one is awake at 1:30 in the morning." Naveen shivered as he spoke. Canada was a little colder than we were used to. 

"The power you give off is incredible." Raymond nodded. 

"I could feel it too." There was a knock at the door before the girls came in. 

"I could feel it from across the street. We were wondering if we could stay with you tonight." Raymond nodded before they all got ready for bed. I sat in the arm chair and watched all of them, there was no way I was going to sleep tonight.

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