Chapter Nine ~ The Softer Side

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It was almost six pm when we made it back to New Orleans. We were just about to step off the plane when Marc's phone rang. He answered and told me he would meet me at the car. I nodded and headed off the plane but not before he pulled me in his arms and kissed me on the lips. I giggled and he hit me on my backside.

The last two days in paradise were amazing. Laying out on the beach soaking up the sun and making love all hours of the day made me realize maybe I had been really hard on Marc all these years. I saw a different side of him that was humbling, caring, and attentive which made him sexier.

"Enjoy your trip?" Alfred asked me with his eyebrows knotted up. I wonder what was wrong with him? He grabbed my bags and put them in the trunk of the car. I had bought a few things from the closet in Florida since they were technically paid for.

Alfred opened my door and I got in. We were waiting on Marc who was still on the plane talking. Alfred started the car as I started to text Tammy.

"You fell for it didn't you?"

"What are you talking about Alfred?"

"Another sista going in the wrong direction. Oh but I forgot white is right and black is whack."

"Excuse me?"

"You slept with him didn't you Melanie?"

"Excuse me but that is none of your business. I never said white was right and black is whack."

"I really thought you were different. You have really fooled me. Now you're a white man's mistress. You are a secretary and once he finds a lady more suitable he will throw you away like he's done with the others."

"Why are you saying all these things? I thought we were friends Alfred?"

"Please, you're a sellout. The black man is a dying breed thanks to women like you. He buys you clothes, and take you to a party and then you think you're in the same class. When he took you to his little island paradise he was buttering you up because he knew what he wanted from you. Marc Hernandez is an arrogant and selfish ass who only cares about himself and his company."

"That's not true."

"Melanie please. As many times you've call him Mr. Arrogant Asshole I can't believe you fell for him. Let me guess he took you on a ride in his boat, cooked you a wonderful dinner and took you shopping buying you extravagant things. Then on top of that, he told you he loved you. Guess what? Materialistic things are not love. He throws out that word to get laid. Now you are just another one of his whores so when he gets tired of eating milk chocolate he'll just find himself an expensive white piece. Money is power and power is having money which unfortunately babygirl you have none of the two."

"Shut up Alfred."

"You need to listen and listen good. You will never be good enough for him so no matter how much he gives you praise there will always be another white woman ready for him to choose. Melanie you are the first black woman I've ever seen him with. You are exotic and he just wants to experience something different. It's not love sweetheart, he just wants to use you."

"First of all you are overstepping your boundaries. Secondly I've dated a black man who freaking treated me like trash." Wanted to say gay but he didn't need to know that. "Marc is not only good to me but to you too. You may be just a driver but he treats you well. From what I heard he gave you a second chance and this is how you repay him by talking negatively about him."

He cut his eyes at me. I knew he had gone to jail for robbing a liquor store and served a nine year sentence. He couldn't find a job for almost year and Marc gave him one. Alfred's mother, Ms. Tyson begged Marc to give him a job all those years ago. She worked for Marc until she died two years ago of cancer.

"You can think whatever you want about me because I'm not your woman or your family. So if you wouldn't mind you can keep the negative comments to yourself."

"You two won't last long. Once he gets tired of you he will let you go. Do you know how many times he sat in that back seat and told a woman how much he loved them and would raise the partition and have sex?" He opened up the glovebox and started pulling out things.

"See, I've found all kinds of thongs, lipsticks, unopened condoms, stockings, jewelry you name it," he said pulling the things out the glovebox. I didn't care because after this weekend it would just be the two of us.

"You're a fling babygirl you might want to start searching for the right one. Preferably one that will treat you good like you deserve." He got out the car and went to open the door for Marc.

I looked out the window pissed. What Marc and I had done in the last two days was nothing short of amazing. I couldn't second guess myself. He loved me and I loved him. I didn't care what Alfred said because Marc and I were made to be together.

"That was Paul and Val. They want to get together next Friday and hang out. Want to go?" he asked sitting next to me.

"Of course."

I looked at Alfred as he looked back at me through the rearview mirror. I refused to let him sucker me into his ploy. He was jealous cause he wouldn't be able to handle a woman like me. I closed the partition and watched as Alfred's expression changed.

"What's the matter?" Marc asked me looking concern. He looked from me to Alfred before the partition went completely up.

"I'm just tired. You have officially worn me out," I said smiling hoping that smile reached my eyes.

"Maybe we should have stayed another day."

"No we have too much to do tomorrow. You have four conference calls and three meetings and the rest of your week is busy."

"You're a party pooper. Maybe we could hangout tonight."

"Actually I was going to see my dad since I haven't been here all weekend. I didn't go yesterday and I need to see him."

"Great, I will go with you."

"You don't have too."

"So you don't want me to go?"

"It's not that...I've never brought a guy to meet my father before. Chris never got a chance to meet him."

"Then I'm even more excited." He brought the partition down.

"Alfred take us to Twin Oaks Senior Living. Ms. Guillory needs to make a stop." He nodded at Marc and I rolled my eyes at him.

"What's up with you and Alfred? I can feel some tension between the two of you."

"It's nothing. The Pelicans lost last night and we were talking about them losing the game."

"Oh, okay."

I rested my head in his lap and he began to rub it. He started off rubbing the sides until his fingers managed to go deeper through the thick curls until reaching my scalp. He massaged it and used his other hand to text someone.

"After we see your dad let's grab a bite to eat."

I didn't want to respond because the massage felt so good. I had closed my eyes taking deep breathes.



"Do you want to grab a bite to eat later?"


He turned my head around taking his fingers away. I wanted to yell 'no', because I was relaxing and enjoying every minute of it.

"We can do whatever but you have the magic touch so if you don't mind can you do that again," I asked reaching for his hand.

"I'll continue on one condition."

"Why is there always a condition?"

"You stay with me tonight. I'll even cook breakfast in the morning."

"Fine. I need to get my painting anyway."

"You're not getting the painting."

"That was part of the bet. Weekends, painting and giving you some."

"Give me some of what?"

"You know the punanny, coochie, stroking the kitty to name a few."

"Okay I think I officially need an urban dictionary to keep up with you."

I shook my head. He was so green poor thing.

"Oh my goodness. It means we had sex."

"We had that a lot of times," he said with a smile on his face. I had to remember he was a foreigner.


We pulled up in the assistant living facility. We waited for Alfred to walk over and open our door.

"You ready?" I asked Marc.


Alfred opened the door and we got out.

"We won't be long," I told Alfred and he nodded. Marc grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers as we walked in the ten story building. We got in the elevator and I hit the button for the seventh floor.

There were two white nurses giving me the stinky eye. I swear people these days were working on my nerves. Alfred now them, why didn't people mind their business? I thought about giving them a show but it wasn't worth showing my ghetto ways. The elevator opened up and they got off leaving Marc and I alone.

"You're nervous. Your palms are sweating."

"I'm not sure why I am so nervous? It's not like he's going to give you a hard time."

"Anytime you do something new there is always a little anxiety that comes with it." He raised my hand to his mouth and kissed it. The elevator opened up and we got off. I checked in at the front desk and then we headed back towards my father's room.

I took a deep breath and opened the door. The room smelled of roses as I always had a dozen sent over every week. My dad would have them delivered to my mom every Friday before he came home. Since she's passed away, I wanted my dad to at least try to remember the good times.

"Hey daddy."

He turned around and looked at me. A small smirk crossed his face. He must have had a good day today. I walked in giving him a big hug. The stroke had left him eighty-percent paralyzed and nearly with no voice. The most he could do was move his neck and hands at times.

"You looking good young man," I said teasing him. He touched my hand and looked up at Marc.

"This is Marc Hernandez, daddy. Marc, this is my father Xavier Guillory."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Guillory. Melanie has told me nothing but good things about you."

My dad's eyes wondered from me to Marc. Did he know? My dad slowly raised his hand and Marc shook it. He kept his eyes on Marc and slowly pointed to the chair in the corner. Marc took the queue and had a seat while I sat on the bed next to him.

"Marc and I were in Florida this weekend. It was beautiful daddy. Do you remember when you use to take mom and me every summer until I went away to college?"

He nodded.

"I miss those days," I said trying to hold back the tears. Those were the best summer vacations I ever had and if I would have known what I knew now I would have cherished them more. He grabbed my hand and I leaned into him.

"I love you daddy," I said resting my head on his shoulder.

To see my father go from a vibrant man working out everyday and eating right to literally being paralyzed was so hard to take even after all these years.

He had aged overnight after the stroke. At fifty-seven years old he was frail, most of his hair was gone and his facial features were contorted. Most days he would just sit here watching television or staring out the window. He went to therapy but to be honest I think he had given up. I wondered sometimes if he still wanted to be around or was he waiting on my mother to take him so they could be together again.

My father was a good hardworking man and this almost seemed like a punishment for doing what was right. He and my mother were middle school sweethearts and were married for thirty-five years until she died. They always wanted a house full of children but with numerous miscarriages, I was the only one to survive. They would call me their little miracle baby and treated me like a princess.

I put my arm around my dad. Memories of the past stalked my thoughts. God I missed my mom. To see daddy like this sometimes just broke my heart. I was trying to hold back the tears except I failed.

I felt the back of his hand wiping my tears away. I took his hand and pressed it against my cheek.

"IIII...lo....v..eeee youuu.. too," he managed to say with his light brown eyes that had grown lighter over the years.

I lifted my head and kissed him. I laid back down listening to his heartbeat. I just laid there for a little while longer before getting up. When I turned I saw Marc looking at me with a smile. With my feet flat on the floor I stood up.

I could see my dad's eyes trying to stay open but he was losing a fighting battle. It was getting late and time for me to go.

"I'll see you tomorrow tiger," I said kidding and giving him a kiss on his forehead. Before I could pull back he touch my cheek. His lips moved just like a fish.

"Bubble kiss? You remember."

I could see a flash in his eyes as he nodded his head yes. I bent down with my cheek to his lips and he tried making a raspberry. I couldn't help but laugh and I swore I heard him chuckle. I pulled back and squeezed his hand.

"Good night Sir," Marc said shaking his hand and my dad gripped it as best as he could. He looked from Marc to me and I saw the biggest smile he could muster. Did he approve? I was totally jumping the gun here.

We walked out the room and Marc closed the door. The tears I had been holding in came running down my face like a waterfall. Marc pulled me in his arms and the water works started. Something didn't feel right. This was the most movement he had since the stroke three years ago. Was the therapy working or was this a warning?

Stop it Melanie! You have to think positive.

"Shhh everything is going to be alright," he said rubbing my back.

"I can't help it."

"You're tired and need rest. Come on let me take care of you tonight for a change."

We walked out the facility and headed to the car. Alfred opened my door and I got in. As soon as Marc got in I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Alfred take us to her house."

"Yes sir."

I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up Alfred was pulling up to my house.

"I don't want to be alone. Will you stay with me tonight," I asked.

"Of course."

I walked in the house and gave him the tour. We ended up in my bedroom and I just sat on the bed. He bent down and slipped off my shoes. He rubbed his hands together and started to massage them.

"Ooo, so...gooooood."

He continued to rub and moments later I was pulling him up ready to be close to him. I needed to feel him against me. He rubbed his hands up my hip, I leaned back and he pulled off my jeans. He swung them across the bedroom and moments later I was pulling at the sheets giving him full access.

My body accepted everything he was giving. I wanted to feel special, I needed him to take my mind off my troubles. It wasn't long before I felt myself floating. The intense pleasure was sending pulsating chills down my body. I called out his name over and over and just like that my body seized.

He took off his shirt and jeans pulling the covers back. He lifted me up taking my top and bra off putting me under the covers. He slid in behind me and just held me. I turned around until we were face to face. I brushed the back of my hand against cheek. I traced his features leaning in to kiss him. I could taste myself against his lips causing me to deepen the it.

He put his arms around me rolling me on top of him. We kissed and petted one another until I took my position easing down on Mt. Dickmore feeling every single nerve ending come to life. The more I gave the more he took. It started off slow and paced but I knew I wouldn't be able to last long.

He gripped my hips controlling the pace and I intertwined my feet around his legs. Rubbing my back and stroking my spot I just dissolved until there was nothing left. His breath was hot and thick against my skin and he moaned my name until he shook in my arms. He rolled me over.

"Go to sleep love," he said holding me tighter. Somehow I should have been burning up but tonight I was perfectly warm and secure in his embrace.

I woke up to an empty bed. I could smell the scent of his cologne on the pillow. I raised up naked as a jaybird with a breakfast tray on the side of the bed with fruit, eggs and bacon wrapped up along with orange juice. There was a note on the tray.

Meeting been moved up. Permission to sleep in late. I will call later,
Love M.

I looked at the clock and it was after ten. Oh no! He wouldn't last long without me. I quickly showered, dressed and headed to the office. I put my makeup on in between red lights and pinned my hair up. I made it downtown in record time. I checked my phone and still no text or voice messages.

I hurried to my desk dropping off my things and walked to Marc's office. He wasn't in there so I headed to the conference room and the door was opened with no one in there.

I was puzzled. Where could he have been? I walked back to my desk and checked his calendar. He had a meeting but it didn't say where. I tapped my fingers on the desk. Should I call? This definitely wasn't him. I tried getting work done but my thoughts were on him. Was he out with some trashy chic?

Stop letting Alfred get in your head. He loves you, he wouldn't dare.

I dialed his number and it went to voicemail. He did say he would call me so I would just have to wait. I went back to work until I heard, "Melanie it's good to see you again." I looked up to see Grayson Cunningham.

Marc POV

I walked down the hallway of University Hospital looking at the artwork from the local children. I got on the elevator headed to the Chief Medical Officer office. I knocked on the door and was told to come in.

"Marc how are you?" Dr. Jeffries said shaking my hand.

"Good. I'm glad you were able to see me."

"It seemed really important."

"It's about my girlfriend's father."

"Go on."

I told him everything I knew about Melanie's dad. He listened intensively and agreed to go and see him.

"I have privileges there at Twin Oaks. I'm sure Mike Thompson is probably treating him. There have been numerous advancements in stroke protocols in recent years."

"Cost is not a problem. I will take care of it."

"She must be really special. Is this the young lady from the gala last Friday?"

I smiled. "Yes."

"She's a beautiful girl. Her name was a buzzed at the gala. Cadence has taken a liking to her. I hope you can hold on to her."

"She is a keeper."


I heard my phone buzzing in my pocket. It was Melanie calling me.

"I have to go but let me know what happens."

"I'll go tomorrow."

I stood up. "Thanks again."

We shook hands and said our goodbyes. I walked out the door and headed back to the office.

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