05. A Price for a Drink Prank

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"Do I have to?" Chloe whines once I bring up the topic of the school shuttle bus. She doesn't like the idea of it for some reason. Maybe because I have always brought her to school myself since day one.

We, again, are now stuck at the intersection, waiting for our turn to get out of this horrendous traffic. If I said earlier I hated Monday, now I'm starting to believe that Tuesday is no better.

"Yeah, I've been thinking about this. I'm planning to take a train to work instead of driving there."

Chloe takes a deep breath and sighs loudly. Such a drama queen she is. "Does it mean I have to get up earlier?"


She moans and grunts at my reply as if the world has turned against her completely.

Chloe hates waking up in the morning. She used to be an early bird, but since last year, she's developed a new unhealthy attachment to her bed. Waking her up is becoming a new chore for me. Well, she is my kid after all. I still remember how my mom used to prank me to get me out of my bed.

"If I have to drop you off first, we still have to start earlier anyway, so that I can catch the train on time." I'm eyeing her from the rear-view mirror. "It doesn't matter if I take you to school or if you go by bus, you will need to wake up earlier, sweetie. And the train station is closer to our home, it's just more practical for you to go with the shuttle bus."

"What if the kids on the same bus are mean? Marissa gets annoyed a lot by the boys on the same bus with her."

"Have those kids done something to Marissa?"

"Well, they often bother her, like hiding her stuff or pulling her hair."

I frown. "Hmm, has Marissa told her parents about this? Or maybe told the bus dispatcher?"

Chloe shrugs. "I don't know."

"She should. Tell her to."


"And don't worry, I'm going to make sure you get the best shuttle bus with maximum control." I hit the accelerator once the traffic light turns green. "But if other kids in the same bus try to bully you, you know what to do. Remember last summer when you fought the boy in your class? This is no different. But then you need to tell me right away."

"But the headmaster said fighting is not good."

I bite my lower lip, thinking about what to answer her. "True. If you can avoid it, then it's better to stay clear of it. But if a boy hits you like last time, I permit you to hit him back. A boy should never hit a girl." I glance at my daughter who is listening to me religiously. I add, "We should never hit anyone. But if they attack us first, then it's okay to defend ourselves by attacking back. Do you understand?"

Chloe nods. "Yes."

My daughter's school finally comes into view. I slowly pull over several meters before the gate. When the car stops fully, I turn my head to watch her getting out of her seat booster. "We'll talk more about this tonight, okay?"

"Are you going to be at aunt Sophie's on time tonight?"

"Yes, I hope so."

"'Kay. See you tonight, Mama." She leans over to give me a peck before jumping out of the car.

"Enjoy school!"

Smiling, I watch her zigzagging toward her school gate. Her long brown hair dances in the air as the wind gusts through. Her small torso is hidden behind her polka-dot red backpack, making her look like a walking ladybug.

Chloe was born lightweight. I remember how I blamed myself for that since I believed it was because of my alcohol consumption in my first trimester of pregnancy. Even though it wasn't intentional and the doctor didn't confirm it, the guilt refused to leave me for a very long time. I'm just glad that she is starting to catch up with the average size of kids her age now.

Chloe turns her head as she grins and waves at me before disappearing behind her school iron gate. An instant rush of warmth blankets my heart. That little girl has no idea what she's doing to her mother.

It's the second day of work, and I hope my lucky stars are still beaming somewhere up above. Yesterday evening, I was darn sure I would lose my job, but here I am now, ready to tackle my next challenge at work.

I take a deep breath and stride confidently to my cubicle.

"Good morning, Charlie!" Sebastian greets me, a little too enthusiastic, but it's not enough to hide the odd glint in his eyes when he looks at me.

I picked a classier work attire today. A royal blue dress with a square neckline and beige pumps -something I never did at my previous work. I always received compliments every time I wore this dress and that is the very reason I'm wearing it today, to cast away bad luck during my first day of meeting clients. But I'm not sure if Sebastian's gaze is referring to my dazzling appearance right now. My gut feeling says it's something else but I push it aside. A guilty person tends to get paranoid, right?

"Morning," I reply while looking at the empty cubicles next to mine. "Where are the girls?"

"At the pantry. They often have their breakfast together before work," Sebastian answers before glancing at his wristwatch. "They should be here soon."

"Okay." I put my bag on my seat before leaning against my desk, almost sitting on it. "So, what time are we leaving for the first client's meeting? I can drive if you like."

Sebastian taps her pen against his desk. "About that... I think Max wants to have a word with you first." With that, his gaze shifts to Max's glass door behind me, making my bright smile freeze and my breath stuck in my throat. "It sounds urgent."

Urgent doesn't sound good. Does it have anything to do with the incident yesterday evening? Am I in trouble? Am I getting fired? "No!" I squeak but quickly correct myself, "I mean, no problem. Sure. Is he inside now?"

"Yeah, he's been waiting for you."

I nod and stand up, calmly adjusting my dress while feeling like a wrecking ball inside. This is it. I'm finished. My career at this multi-billionaire company ends as fast as it starts, drowning in a pool of black coffee with ghost chili sauce in it.

Yesterday was a total mess. After Emily Knight threw the spiced coffee at her brother's face, she stormed out and never looked back, leaving me alone with my drenched CEO. Seeing his expression at that very moment, I would have laughed if my job wasn't in jeopardy. So, I grabbed a box of tissue from the coffee table and rushed to him.

The next scene was a blur. I helped him dry up, I grabbed a towel soaked in milk to dab on his face and neck to prevent it from burning, and I sprinted to his car in the basement to grab his extra clothes. He complained about the unusual prickling sensation on his skin, but I assured him that was just the irritation from the boiling-hot coffee. Nothing more nothing less.

Following my suggestion, Mr. Knight washed his face in the restroom while I wiped his desk and took the cup back to the pantry, clearing the crime scene. I was just hoping that he hadn't tasted the spiciness on his lips since Emily threw it straight at his face and neck area.

He came back to his room with his reddish face and a clean shirt. When he said nothing about the suspicious spiciness, I sighed in relief. Still, I went home wondering if he actually knew something was off and finally put two and two together.

Apparently, he did. Otherwise, I won't be here, standing in front of Max's door that is already open.

I knock softly. "Good morning, Max. Sebastian said you wanted to talk to me."

Max, who is bending over and rummaging through his drawers, turns his head to me and smiles. "Good Morning, Charlotte. Yes. Please come in. Close the door behind you, will you?"

"Okay." I close the door and walk to his desk. I've never been fired before, but I know it's going to be as sucky as when my ex broke up with me. I sit down and wait until he's done fishing some files out of the drawer.

"So," he says after throwing the documents to his desk, "we have a situation right now."

I gulp the imaginary lump in my throat. "Okay."

"It's about our big boss, Mr. Knight," he adds.

Panic courses my entire body. "I can explain," I squeak.

Max frowns. "Huh?"

Noticing the confused look on his face, I inwardly scold myself. Obviously, we aren't on the same page. Maybe I'm not being fired. "I mean, can you explain further... please?"

The frown hasn't left his face but he nods. "Mr. Knight's executive assistant resigned yesterday without notice, and the HR department is trying to find his replacement as soon as possible. In the meantime, he needs someone to help him with phone calls and schedules."

I'm holding my breath. I don't like where this is going.

"And since you have the experience of being a secretary to a president director, and considering that you haven't started with your accounts, he wants you to take the executive assistant position temporarily."


"It's just for a week." Max winces, and I know right away he's lying about the time frame.

I clear my throat. "Thanks for the offer. But I don't think it's a good idea, Max. You see, I only have six months to prove myself to this team. If I go to the thirteenth floor and start this job later, how will I achieve my target in time?" I try to wriggle my way out of it.

"This isn't an offer, Charlotte," Max replies softly.


"Mr. Knight assigns you to fill the temporary position."

I can't believe my ears. "He can't make me. This is against the contract we signed!"

Max knits his eyebrows. "Oh? He said you would do this after the conversation you two had yesterday."

"Huh? What conversation?"

"The one over a company you're planning to tap since the CEO happens to be his old friend. He said you would help him out with the secretary task if he agreed to help you connect with the man. I honestly think this is a good opportunity for you, Charlotte."

I'm trying to recall every scene on the thirteenth floor yesterday but nothing about approaching a new company comes up. Am I having partial amnesia? Or is Mr. Knight having hallucinations? I'm beyond confused. "Are you sure he was talking about me?"

"Of course. There's only one Charlotte Garnett in this office."

Something is definitely wrong. It doesn't feel good. "And what company was he talking about if I may ask?"

"I'm not sure he mentioned the company name, but it's the one that produces your favorite brand of ghost chili sauce. Rompa Rampa, is it?"

I'm almost tipping off the seat. My heart drums wildly against my chest and my stomach churns. He knows. He noticed it. I fucking knew it.

Is this my punishment for my attempt to prank him? What if I refuse? Will he fire me on the spot? Or worse, will he sue me? But he has no proof, right? I got rid of all the evidence.

My breath hitches in my throat. The camera surveillance.

"Is there a camera in the pantry room on the thirteenth floor?" I ask in horror.

Max seems surprised by my random question. "Uh, I believe so. The thirteenth floor has cameras almost in every corner of it. Why do you ask?"

I feel my vigor leaving my body once I realize I'm being blackmailed by my own boss. What is his plan? Is he going to enslave me from 6 A.M to 9 P.M every single day? Is he going to poison my drink for revenge? Oh shit, am I going to die alone and unheard on the empty and eerie thirteenth floor?

"Charlotte? Charlie?" The next thing I know, Max is waving his hand in front of my face. "Are you alright?"

"Y-yes... I'm fine," I answer after I can find my voice. "When do I start?"

"As soon as you're ready."

"Does it mean today?"

"It means now."


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