Chapter Twelve: New Faces

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    The morning sun was shining brightly in the clear blue sky above Allender Manor by the time Shade's dark gray coupe turned onto the drive. The special tint on the coupe's windows kept the sun's rays from penetrating and searing her two vampires passengers. A phone call to the manor earlier, on their way back from Compound B, had relieved them of the need to take any urgent risks during their return since they learned Corbin and Lydia had returned safely to the manor, with Sara. Still, Shade nailed the accelerator, surging the car forward with roaring bursts of its engine as she ripped through the gears, making the long driveway disappear in mere seconds. Announcing their arrival was part of the reason for Shade's spirited romp up the drive, the other part being that it was just exhilarating fun.

    Shade whipped the car around to the rear of the manor where one of the garage doors was already open in anticipation of their return. She shot the car into the open bay, screeching the tires to a halt on the concrete floor. Simultaneously, she killed the engine with one hand while tapping the remote module clipped on the sun visor with her other to bring the garage door down behind them. Once the daylight was safely blocked out, both doors on the coupe opened, allowing those inside to pile out.

    Gideon and Amanda crawled out from the passenger side while Shade pushed her seat forward to let Vivian and her brother Sebastian out of the cramped back seat. Vivian turned to offer a balancing hand to the scrawny boy, whose clothes were little more than rags, as he climbed out of the car. He half smiled gratefully, taking her hand while carefully guiding his feet out through the open door. Shade closed the door behind them as they stepped away from the car, staying shoulder to shoulder in the presence of people they didn't really know.

    The fact that they were twins was obvious as they stood together. His hair was long and messy from years as Jarell's mistreated captive, but his youthful face mirrored hers though it lacked the anger which was always residing just beneath the surface of his sister's. Where her eyes were mistrusting and her posture dangerous, his eyes were gentle and his overall demeanor seemed meek. He hadn't spoken much on the way back, just a few whispers to Vivian as he leaned happily against her in the back seat, resting his tired head on her shoulder.

    Amanda wasted no time in rushing away into the manor so she could find Corbin, who met her in the hallway as he was making his way to the garage to check on everyone. She fell on him with a passionate kiss, holding both his cheeks in her hands. He wrapped his arms around her waist, going in for another kiss once the first one ended, much to Amanda's approval. Gideon passed them by on his way in, smiling to himself at the sight. When their lips finally parted, they shared a silent moment of adoring expressions as they pressed their foreheads together in an affectionate manner which conveyed without words how much they loved each other. The impact from recent events had emphasized that love even more.

    Shade came along next with Vivian and Sebastian trailing close behind her. She stopped, smirking delightedly at the two lovers as they parted. Corbin looked curiously at Shade, whose torn and dusty black leather outfit indicated a scuffle or two, as did the scattered blotches of dried blood which he suddenly noticed on Amanda's clothes. Looking over Shade's shoulder at the two young strangers behind her, who kept their distance, he met Shade's gaze and asked,"So, what happened?"

    Shade started walking, motioning with her hand for him to follow. "Come on, we're gonna need everyone to get this story right." 

    A few minutes later the dining hall was buzzing with chatter as everyone met around the grand table, which was the only suitable place in the manor to accommodate such a gathering. At the head of the table sat Gideon. To one side of him began a row of Gale, Ethan, Shade, Lydia, Corbin and Amanda; while to his other side sat Vincent, Sara, Vivian and Sebastian. Gideon brought the rustling exchanges between everyone to a close by patting them down with his arms the way a conductor would bring down the tempo of an orchestra.

     He started things off by apologizing to the Allenders for keeping the secret of finding Vincent from them, but defended himself by reminding everyone that sometimes for the safety of all, secrets must be kept. There wasn't anyone at the table who didn't understand and appreciate those words. Then after introducing all the new faces at the table for everyone's benefit, he appointed each person gathered to reveal their part in the events which had just transpired. Gideon sought a thorough evaluation of everything which had occurred, hoping to sift all the details for any leads or valuable insight into the Hand of Jarell. Eventually, over the course of much discourse, the whole story unfolded.

    Vivian gave a wow-inducing demonstration of her power by briefly changing her likeness into that of Corbin's, then morphing perfectly into the spitting image of Shade before returning to her natural form. When the truth of Sara's secret was proudly revealed by Vincent, every jaw dropped under amazed and disbelieving stares which were all aimed in wonder at her. Sara didn't mind though, her chipper demeanor flourished with a modest grin at each of their dumbfounded faces.

    Gideon graciously offered the accommodations of one of the condos he owned in Bergstad to Vincent and Sara for as long as they liked, and even agreed to call in a favor or two in order to find Vincent a job that suited him if he so desired. With much thanks on his and Sara's behalf, Vincent accepted. A similar offer was made to Vivian and Sebastian, but they respectfully declined it, citing the need for more privacy than the sleepless metropolis area could provide for the new life he and his sister were about to begin. He did, however, humbly accept Gale's invitation to remain at the manor for a couple of days so they could rest and prepare for the journey ahead of them.

    The discussions ran deep into the day until Gale suggested taking a break for a late lunch, much to everyone's hungry approval. She left the dining hall to use the phone in the kitchen to order a stack of pizzas, and those gathered began to slowly disperse from the table. Lydia, with a friendly glow about her, rounded the table to take Sara by the hand. After  promising a full tour of the manor, she began to lead an enthusiastically smiling Sara out of the dining hall. Corbin wandered over to Vincent while eyeing Sara.

    "She sure is something Vincent," he praisingly remarked.

    Vincent turned to watch Sara with a doting stare as she left the room with Lydia. He smiled happily to himself as he replied,"She sure is."

    Corbin then made his way over to Sebastian with an invitation to use his personal bath room for a shower, something Sebastian's unkempt appearance suggested he needed badly. An appreciative nod proclaimed Sebastian's acceptance, so Corbin led him off toward his bath room with the added promise of some clothes from his own wardrobe to replace Sebastian's tattered garments.

    Shade and Amanda struck up a conversation with Vivian that began with lighthearted, but sincere, apologies for previous behavior. Sentiments that Vivian echoed. They dove off into a a few rounds of respectful comments and praise for each others abilities while Gideon stood quietly by himself just observing the interactions between everyone with a pleased expression fixed under his blond hair. Gale returned from the kitchen, drifting over to Gideon with a soft spoken assurance.

    "We have plenty of freshly donated blood on hand, from Ethan and the rest of us, so you and Amanda may dine whenever you like."

    Gideon bowed his head slightly, in a mannerly showing of thanks, then he covered Gale with an appreciative gaze.

    Gale's regal demeanor shifted under the weight of a curious question. "Gideon, what about Compound B? You haven't said much about it since returning."

    Gideon wrinkled his brow in thought for a moment, then said,"Well my dear, there is not much to say. Jarell, as usual, was very good at keeping his secrets. No one at Compound B had any knowledge of Jarell's operations outside of that facility, and Dr. Harper was nowhere to be found. But one thing is for sure: Jarell has returned."

    Gale frowned with disappointment, but a victorious grin lit up Gideon's proud features as he adjusted his posture accordingly.

    "Rest assured that Compound B is no more, and Jarell has suffered a blow which I am quite sure he shall not soon forget. We must be ever vigilant my dear, but Amanda and I will continue our efforts to eradicate the Hand of Jarell from all our lives."

    Gideon's confident assurance chased Gale's frown away, but inwardly she continued to worry about the threat against her family, wondering if they would ever be free from the terror of Jarell. Before she could fall too deeply into that pit of anguish, Ethan arrived at her side with a concerned expression that pulled Gale away from Gideon.

    "What's wrong Ethan," Gale inquired.

    He shrugged, then said,"Oh, nothing in particular. I was just wondering how you're doing. Are you, um...handling all this okay?"

    Gale comforted him with a warm gaze that invited him to share a loving peck on the lips, then she turned to put her back against his chest as he instinctively slid his arms around her and nuzzled his head against the side of her's. As she watched Gideon cut into the conversation with the others, she took a deep breath and exhaled with a happy smile all to herself as she felt Ethan's arms squeeze her with care.

    "I am now," she answered.


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