Chapter Sixteen: Trapped

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    A few rows of barren metal shelves and an old oil drum were all that Corbin could make out through the iron bars of the cage he found himself in. He had just enough room to get on his hands and knees, then the heavy chains clasped securely around his wrists and ankles, and bound to the four corners of the cage, prevented him from reaching a more comfortable position. The immediate area around him was dimly lit by a single flourescent light overhead, but as the fog in his head lifted, his fuzzy eyes adjusted to the confusing darkness around him.

    Corbin tested the chains holding him and found them to be very earnest in their efforts to contain him. He could barely lift them, let alone pull against them. He scanned the seemingly vast space around him again to see if his clearing vision could find something that he might have missed earlier, but there was nothing else to be found. His thoughts went from trying to figure out where he was to how he'd gotten there. Kyle, a sharp pain in his neck, and a strange person emerging from Kyle's form were the only things he could conjure from memory.

    Before he could get too deep into his thoughts, the singular cadence of an individual's footsteps entered the darkness, growing louder in their approach toward him. He drew courage in through a deep breath that he held as he anxiously awaited the appearance of his captor from the surrounding darkness.

    Corbin had no idea who to suspect, but the tall figure wearing a buttoned long coat and wide brimmed hat who strode up to his cage with a delighted grin was far from his guessing fears.

    "Ah, I'd hoped you be awake when I returned," said the man in a rather pleased voice.

    "Who...who are you?" Corbin questioned as he studied the man's unfamiliar yet striking features under the dim glow of the light.

    "Hmm, well I have many names, but I've always been partial to birth names. They seem so much more authentic, don't you think...Corbin?"

    Realizing that he had not yet told anyone of his newly discovered name, Corbin eyed the man more sharply. "How do you know my name, my real name?" he asked curiously.

    The man leaned in toward the cage with a fiendish glare. "Oh Corbin, I know so much more than that," he implied, chasing his words with a devilish grin.

    Folding his arms behind his back and beginning a proud pace next to Corbin's cage, the man continued. "For instance, I know all about your mother Emma and your father Hayden; your sisters too. I know about their special heritage, and yours. That's the reason for the chains you see, I know what's inside you," the man revealed as he stopped to stare directly into Corbin's perplexed eyes.

    "Who are you!?" Corbin demanded, growing frustrated at his bragging captor.

    "I guess you could say I'm your guardian angel," the man hinted.

    Corbin's expression changed into one of disbelief and sudden trepidation at the being standing before him, then he uttered in a whisper,"Jarell..."

    A mannerly bow of introduction from his captor was followed by,"I guess you met Gideon during your weekend away. My, he does hold a grudge doesn't he?"

 Corbin swelled with fears that he was now at the mercy of a deranged supernatural being, a fallen angel; but as the knowledge of his captor's identity settled on him, the puzzle pieces of his childhood abduction and its effects on his life, his family, fell into place. An ignited anger within began to consume his fears.

    "You took me from my family, you robbed me of my life!" Corbin accused through flaring nostrils and gnashing teeth.

    "Oh, don't be so dramatic Corbin. I took you from a place where you would never amount to anything more than the family dog and placed you here, under Samuel's care until I was ready for you to be at my side, to aid me in bringing this world to its knees. I've given you a life of significance. You should be grateful,"Jarell reprimanded.

    "Grateful? Grateful!? You stole me away from the only thing I've ever wanted, and for what!? To be at your side while you try foolishly to conquer the world?" Corbin mocked.

    "I would watch your tone if I were you boy," Jarell warned.

    "I'll never help you!" Corbin spat defiantly.

    "It will be easier on everyone if you adopt a more compliant attitude Corbin," Jarell advised, implying diabolical intentions that gave Corbin reason to pause.

    "What do you mean?" Corbin asked, knowing all too well what Jarell's threat implied, but still feeling the need to clarify.

    "I mean I have no interest in your sisters, so don't give me one," Jarell indicated. He furrowed his brow in thought, then rubbed his chin. "Although, the youngest one does have great potential."

    Jarell's words fanned the flames of Corbin's anger and he lunged against his chains in a vain, rage-filled attempt to get at his captor through the cage that had him trapped. "If you lay a hand on them I'll tear you apart!" Corbin vowed.

    Jarell smiled wickedly at Corbin. "That's the spirit boy! That's the spunk I'm looking for!" he ridiculed. "With that attitude you'll be the world slayer I need in no time," he added.

    Corbin's anger-filled attempt to break his bonds quickly burned out against the unyielding strength of the steel chains, his burning limbs fell hard to the cage's bottom under their weight.  Jarell chuckled humorously at Corbin's futile exertion. 

    "Rest up Corbin, you'll need all your strength if you're going resist me," he taunted. "There's a train coming in the morning that will takes us to our destiny. Soon, you will understand the way of things," he said as he turned to begin walking away.

    Corbin gritted his teeth in fury as he watched Jarell's tall presence slip into the darkness beyond the light's reach. A concern suddenly popped into his thoughts, taking his anger away instantly.

    "Kyle! What happened to Kyle?" he screamed in the direction of Jarell's echoing footsteps.

    "He died!" Jarell answered bluntly, and coldly.

    Again, disbelief flooded Corbin's mind, but remorse covered his face as he sank down in the cage. Tears of grief poured from his eyes as his head fell down with his mourning shoulders. He wanted to believe it was just a cruel lie, but his current predicament indicated otherwise.

    The hours of night passed slowly into the rising sun of Monday morning. Shade's coupe rumbled onto the streets of Torrell with a purpose as it prowled around the small town, looking anxiously for any trace of Corbin. Gideon scanned everything that passed by through the coupe's specially tinted windows that allowed him to defy the burning wrath of the sun. His cell phone buzzed to life with it's electronic ring and he answered it quickly to find Gale on the other end with directions he'd called for earlier.

    After making use of the internet to pinpoint the Lynch mansion within the small town of Torrell, Gale gave Gideon turn-by-turn directions over the phone which he relayed to Shade who followed every command while thinking about a plan of action once they reached their destination. Before long the grand, gated entrance to the Lynch estate came into view and Shade eased the car up next to the intercom that was situated near the standing keypad, then looked over at Gideon who was finishing his conversation with Gale.

    "We have arrived at the estate, so Shade and I will question those inside. Keep trying to reach him on the phone and see if Lydia is up to reaching out to him with her gift, but advise her not to trigger his; without any details on his situation I think it would be unwise to do so. Don't worry Gale, we will find him," Gideon instructed, then he ended the call.

    Looking over to meet Shade's focused stare, Gideon matched her readiness with a confident nod. She pushed the switch on the driver's door to lower her window, then reached out to the intercom. When the servant's voice crackled out of the speaker, she explained that she was an old friend of Chris' and that she was told she could find him there. A few seconds later the proud gate began to slide open, clearing a path to the mansion ahead. Shade raised her window, then prepared to drive through. 


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