Choosing Ceremony

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<Grace pov>
I sit next to my dad who seems very nervous. He looks at me for a second than looks away. The abnegation leader gives the same speech he gives once a year. I am pretty sure no one is paying attention. At the end of the speech he says," Faction Before Blood," and we all repeat it.
Names are being called up one by one. I see an Amity member go to Erudite and an Erudite join us. I hear a few more names being called. And i kind of zone out, then i hear mine.
I walk up to the stage, receiving weird looks from some of my faction members. I walk up the stairs to see five bowls in front of me. Each one has something that relates to someones faction. The abnegation man hands me a knife. I slide it on my palm as it pulls blood from my skin. I put my hand over the coals and i hear the blood sizzle as it hits the coals.
I hear people scream and clap. I look at my faction, people are jumping up and down. I go back to my seat and feel the anger coming off my dad. My mom is faking a smile, and so is my dad. My mom pulls it off, while Max looks at my dad suspiciously.
After the ceremony is over our faction jumps up and runs out the door. I get to the front of the pack faster than the rest. The first cart i know is for dauntless leaders and elders. So when we climb up the rail i let the elders go first.
Once all the elder dauntless climb up, i head up. I see three Erudite and two candor and one amity in the sea of people. Once the train comes i hop into the second cart. We only have six initiates, so i am guessing there are not going to cut anyone this year.
30 minutes pass when i hear someone call out that we are here. I am the first to jump out and land on my feet while others tumble. I see Eric standing on a ledge. He seems so cold and strict. I turn around to look at the crowd. Nine dauntless born and six initiates from other factions.
"Welcome to Dauntless, to actually enter you have to jump off from here," he says while pointing down.
"Is there something at the bottom," i hear a candor say.
"You will find out," Eric says.
Everybody looks around at each other.
"Initiates from other factions are first, so hurry up," he yells.
An Amity boy is the first to step up and jump. We hear him scream all the way down. The two candor girls go after each other. Then the two Erudite boys, and Erudite girl. Now its dauntless born turn.
I jump up to the ledge first and jump off. I land on the net below and bounce up and down. I crawl to the edge of the net to see a familiar face. Four is standing at the edge and helps me out.
"Name," he asks. "Choose wisely you won't be able to choose again."
"Ace," i say.
"Dauntless born jumper, Ace," he shouts.
He points me into the direction of an older dauntless lady.
"Hi, im Lauren," she says.
I nod my head and shake her hand. We wait for everyone to come down. Once everybody was down i see Eric come down. Four tries to help him out and he glares at Four. Four steps back and Eric jumps down.
"Dauntless born go with Lauren. You probably know this place already," Four says.
I follow Four cause i have never been around the compound. Four gives Lauren a thumbs up to show i was going with him. Lauren calls her group and they walk away. I walk next to Four and he shows us the training room and everything.
"Four," says Eric.
"What," he says.
"I will walk Ace to her dorm. Then i will take her to the mess hall. Okay," he says.
Four looks at me and i nod. Everyone looks at me weird. I walk away with Eric, he leads me to the dauntless born dorms.
"So why Ace," he says.
I just shrug and we keep walking.
"Why don't you talk," he says.
I stop for a moment, flashbacks come back to me about why i do not talk.
Eric grabs my arm to steady me.
"You, okay," he asks.
I nod and start to walk again. We reach the dorms to see the dauntless born still there. I see one bunk open at the front of the door. No one was on top or bottom so i take the bunk.
"Everyone head to the mess hall," Eric says.
I look up to see him staring at me. I stand up and follow him out the door. When we reach the cafeteria i see Four sitting at a table with some initiates i go and sit next to him. Leaving Eric behind.
"Hey," i say quietly.
"Hey, everything okay," he asks.
I nod. I grab a hamburger and an apple and start to chow down. Four grabs some Dauntless cake and i go grab a piece too. I know how much he loves it and give mine to him.
He smiles widely and thanks me.
"So what is your name," a girl asks me. I notice she was one of the candor girls.
"Ace, you," i ask, taking a bite of my apple.
"Lex," she says.
"This my friend Tayla," says Lex.
I smile at her. She smiles back. Four looks at me bewildered. I feel comfortable around these two girls. I feel like i can restart. I get up and throw my apple core into the trash, and wave good bye. I head out the cafeteria.
As soon as i turn the corner i see my dad standing there. I freeze, he walks up to me and grabs me by the neck slamming me into the wall. I could smell the alcohol in his breath. He keeps slamming my head into the wall. I can feel something warm oozing down my neck. I feel like i am about to pass out, that is when i see a hand grab my dad's shoulder.
The hand pulls my dad back and punches him across his face. My dad crumples to the floor. I slide to the ground. I see the man that just saved me pick me up. I try to look at his face only to black out.
<Erics pov>
I watch as Ace walks out the door. I stand up from the leaders table and excuse myself. Once i step out the door i see a man slamming a girl on the wall. It only takes me a moment to realize who it is. I grab his shoulder and punch Mr. Mez across the face watching him fall to the floor. I feel anger rising, but i calm when I see Ace on the ground. She is bleeding. I pick her up noticing she is unconscious in my arms.
I run to the infirmary and drop Ace off for Selma to look at. I run back towards the cafeteria to see Max standing over Mr. Mez.
"What happen," he asks me with anger in his voice.
"I saw him slamming Ace head into the wall. I lost it and punched him across the face," i say.
Four is standing there also.
"Where is Ace," Four ask.
"Infirmary," i answer.
He runs past me and heads straight for the infirmary. I feel a bit agitated that he is running after her. It bothers me for some reason.
Max grabs Mr. Mez by the collar and starts dragging him. I stop Max and pick up Mr. Mez hauling him over my shoulder.
"Where to," i ask.
"Infirmary, and once he recovers enough to open his eyes, my office," he says.
I head towards the infirmary. Once i enter i see Selma fixing a cut on the back of Ace's head. Four is holding her hand. I get mad. I put Mr. Mez on a bed far away from Ace. She tries to get up.
"Stay down," says Selma.
"I'm fine," i hear Ace say.
"No you are not," i say as i walk over and hold her down.
"Four can you tie down him," i say nodding my head in Mr. Mez direction.
Four gets up and glares at me before he walks over to tie down Mr. Mez.
"You almost done," i hear Ace say.
"Yes, but you have to rest here for a little, okay. You were unconscious, so i need to keep an eye on you," says Selma.
"I am fine Selma," she whispers, but then she closes her eyes and dozes off.
I let go of Ace's arms, knowing she is asleep. Four walks over to me.
"See you later Selma. Keep me updated," Four says.
I sit there next to Ace's bed. Selma looks at me weirdly.
"Max, wants me to take that guy," i point at Mr. Mez. "Straight to his office once he wakes up."
She nods and walks back to her office. I watch Ace as she sleeps, breathing slowly in and out. Its calming.
Fifteen minutes later.
"Hello," i hear someone croak.
I look over to see Mr. Mez who is struggling a little with the restraints. I stand up and let the restraints lose. I grab him by the collar and start dragging him to Max's office. Once i reach Max's office, i knock the door and enter. Max is sitting there he looks quite angry.
"Mr. Mez," he says.
Derreck nods just like his daughter.
"I have given you to much freedom. You beat your child at home and when she started initiation you beat her up. You know what we do to cowards like you. Beating up your own daughter!? What is wrong with you!? You are here by given a choice. Become Factionless or kill yourself," says Max.
Derreck's eyes fill with tears.
"What about my wife," he says.
"Rose will be taken care of," Max says.
"No you don't understand. Rose is blind," says Derreck.
"Your wife can see perfectly," Max says.
Derreck hangs his head.
"Not anymore. I hurt her Max. I hurt my wife," he says.
Max looks at him a loss of words. He calls the guards to go check Derreck's house.
Max gets a call back telling us that Rose is in bad shape and need to be taken to the infirmary. Max slams his hands on the table glaring at Derreck.
"I will kill myself," he says.
"If you had not chosen death. I would have killed you myself," seethes Max.

Right when he says that we hear a knock at the door. I open it, i see Ace leaning on the door when i open it. She falls i catch her. Max jumps out his chair and runs to me grabbing Ace out my arms.
"Ace you are suppose to be resting," he says.
"Let him live," she whispers.
Derreck looks surprised. I look at Max who seems surprised.
"It is to late," says Max.
"We already choose his punishment, and what he did was wrong," he says.
Mr. Mez stays still head hanging down, tears running down his face. Ace looks like she can barely keep her eyes open.
"Eric take her some where, where she can not be hurt," says Max.
I nod and pick up Ace, i know where to take her. I head to my apartment. I unlock the door and kick it open. I close it using the back of my heel. I head towards my bedroom and place her on my bed. She lets out a grunt. She opens her eyes and says,"Where am I?"
"My room," i say.
She just flops back down on the bed.

I hear a knock on the door. I go and open it. Four is standing there.
"Where is she," he growls.
"Resting," i say.
He pushes past me, i grab his arm.
"Let go," he growls.
"Max told me to take her somewhere safe,"i growl back.
Four faces me.
"She is like my little sister, and i swear if you hurt her i will kill you," Four says before leaving.
I close the door and head towards the bed room. Ace is stilling sleeping. I get a blanket and put it over her while i go to the couch. Tomorrow is the first day of training and i hope she is ready.

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