He Has Her Heart (Part I)

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Y/n's pov.
I didn't want to be here right now.

I just wanted to be alone and cry for hours.

Everybody was wearing black and people were crying.

I looked at the grave and read it.

'Y/m/n Y/l/n.
She was an amazing mother, sister, daughter and friend to all of us.'

As the guy talked, I stood up and walked away.

I didn't want to be there.

>Days Later <

"Y/n. You need to go to school and manage it with your father." My aunt said.

These past days, I've been staying with my aunt and my cousins.

I didn't want to be with my father because he wasn't there when my mum died.

He didn't even come to the funeral!

"Fine. Give me ten minutes." I tell her.

I started preparing for school.

When I was done, I walked out of the house and walked to the school.

>Minutes Later <

"So, as you heard, Y/m/n Y/l/n, the principal, just died. Her husband and daughter will be taking care of the school. I expect you all to be good and respect them." The teacher explained.

They called us in and my father went in first.

"Hello. I'm James Y/l/n. I'll be the new principal." My father explained.
"This is my daughter. Y/n Y/l/n. She won't be studying here because she actually has a career. But she'll be making sure the school is in proper condition. I'll set a group for her so she can study a bit but that will be it." My father added.

We left the class and walked to mum's old office.


"So, Y/n. You already picked your group?" One of the teachers asked as she walked in.
"Yes." I said but it sounded like a question to me.

"Who are they?" She asked again.
"Uhm... William Roberts, Oscar Perez, Richard Baena , Laura Diaz, and Lauren Jauregui." I said picking random students from a random class.
"Okay. I'll call them in a bit." She said leaving the room.

I sat on the little couch in the office while scrolling through my phone, and while my dad was doing his paperwork.


"Okay. So, I've got the students." The same teacher that I talked to minutes ago said while entering.

My dad stood up, so I stood up aswell.

"Here you go. William Roberts, Oscar Perez, Richard Baena, Laura Diaz, and Lauren Jauregui." She said.

The students entered with smiles on their faces.

"Great!" My dad said clapping his hands.

"You guys are going to help my daughter study for a bit, since she doesn't have a lot of time to study in the school, you guys will come to my house and study there with her." My dad said.

"Hey. I'm Y/n Y/l/n." I said introducing myself to the students.

They introduced themselves aswell.

It felt like they were my siblings, it felt weird. Except for one though.

Lauren Jauregui.

I felt something with her.

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