Chapter 2⃣2⃣

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Jungkook POV

Oh lord I have to carry this girl? Uggghhhh how annoying.She drank so much she passed out now she's in my arms.

None of my boys are here they shoulda carried her.

Well I had no choice at this point and I just decided to give her a piggy​ back ride to my car.How embarrassing.

People past by and stare at me like I was going to rape her or something.I can't wait to arrive where my car was.

At least shes not heavy so its kinda easy on me but not really tho.

Walking on the street with a girl who had passed out.Just why am I doing this.Am I her slave or something.

Well its dangerous for her to be all alone at this state.So being a gentleman that I am I had to help a poor bitch in distress cos she ain't no damsel.

We were really far from the car.Her weight increases by the second.I cant wait to get where my car was parked.

"What the fuucckkk" I shout out as I looked at the empty space where my car was supposed to be parked.

"Where the fuck did my car go??"

I look around and I see a ticket at the side.Apparently my car was parked at the wrong place.

"Fuuucccckkkk"I shout out again as am being stared by passers by.

Now I have to carry this bitch to where a taxi is? And ? Ohh?? What the fuck again.

"Where is my wallet?"

Just then my mind flashed back and I realized I had kept dropped my wallet at the bar.How stupid.

"What do I do now?"

I kept y/n by the side and went to the bar to get the wallet but then I saw nothing.

I asked the ahjumma( older lady ) but she said she didnt know.

No biggie I'll just call min to come pick us up.Yes he should be up at this time right.He just has to be.

A thought dreaded in my head as I realized the most fucked up thing.


What has this girl gotten me into.?

I walked towards her and looked down at her with my arms folded.I just didnt know what to do with her at this moment.

Atleast she should have some money on her or is she a thief that goes around drinking in bars without money.

"Yaahhh ... Wake up ... Wake up "I said poking her shoulder slightly.She just kept mumbling to herself.

"Give me money"

I poked her on and on even pulled her hair a little no response  and then i realized I had been holding her purse all this while.

Its not nice to enter someone else purse but at this point I have no choice.

I start searching her purse and I see really strange things.Just where is the money?.

"Thieeeeffff..."I heard as I raised my head up and it was y/n who shouted out.

"Am not...its its..."

"Its whaaatt your a thief and a pervert going through a lady's purse."

"Well I cant exactly call you a lady but..."

Before I could finish the sentence I was making she pounced on me and started pulling her purse but i didn't let it go.

We kept pulling and pulling.

She suddenly let the purse go and looked at me angrily and then pounced on my hair and started pulling it.I tried to remove her hand from it cos it hurt.

I had no choice at this point myself its not manly to do but I pulled her hair too.

So there we were pulling each other's hair at the road.

"Wait I'll give your bag...just let go"I said desperately.

"Ande nooo"She said back.

I struggled for a while but then I dragged her hands off my hair pushing to the ground.I think she cut some of it.

She looked up at me with so much anger glaring like she was about to devour me.

"Oh no not again"I said as I started walking backwards.She stood up and came closer.

I didn't know how but suddenly I started running and she followed me.Then I stopped for a while and saw she was right  behind me.

She had stopped running now and was wondering about.I stooped and looked at her.

There she was laughing all by herself.

"Jerkookie...jerkookie" I heard her saying over and over again as she laughed.

"I just want your hair my precious come to me"she said looking at me with her teeth out and then with her hands forward gesturing for me to come.

She just stood there with her hands extended forward and then her eyes were closed.

I went closer to her and her eyes were closed but with her hands still extended forward and she kept mumbling something.

I looked at her for a while and then she collapsed but I caught her.

I looked into her purse once more and there I saw money.Pheww finally.

I carried her on my back again to go get a taxi


"Dad dont go..."she said while turning around on the bed.

She extended her hands upwards.I just sat there looking at her.

She suddenly sat up on the bed and which made me surprised.She turned and looked at me for a while and stood up coming towards me suddenly.

Then she looked straight into my eyes and then hugged me.She had actually put my head on her chest area cos I was seated.

My heart was pounding so heard and I was in an unshakable position.

She started patting my head very slowly and then she said.

"You won't leave me again right??..right?"

What is she saying.

"I ... I won't .."I answered instinctively.

"Dad promise me ok"she said again.

I stood up from where I was and then looked straight at her and I saw tears in her eyes.

I immediately felt like crying too.I don't know why but she makes me soft.

I didn't know the savage queen could be this soft.

Did her dad die or did he abandon her?.

I hugged her as her sobs increased.

"Shush...don't you cry"I said patting her back like she was a little baby.

She withdrew from me and then pushed me away.

"Go away bad josh I hate you"

Damn is this girl bipolar or what?


"Who is josh " I asked the y/n who had ran to a corner.She started explaining everything.


I had had a really stressful day and all I needed was some rest so I went to my favorite drinking place.

I kept drinking and drinking.I had never drank by myself before so I didnt know how to control it and drank a lot.

I think I saw that guy jungkook there or not I don't know.


"Oh my head hurts...Everything hurts"I said as I opened my eyes to a slightly familiar place.

Holy Mary where am I ?

This looks like umm his place..HIS PLACE??


What the where did my clothes go?

I turned and around and there he was with his upper body naked with just a towel on his waist.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME PERVERT"I shouted out at the top of my voice in rage.

"Now now ... Is that a way to talk to your savior?" Jungkook said

What a filthy jerk

"What ?? My savior??....More like my rapist"

"How can you call me that ... Am hurt " he said with the most suffocating smile ever.I felt like choking him where he stood.

"Last night was real hectic.Your such an animal in bed do you know that"

"What ?? An animal in beedddd..??"

At this point I felt like crying.Just what did this jerk do to me and Where are my clothes.

Sorry for the long chapter guys buy I hope you like it tho.Please comment your thoughts below and also dont forget to vote...

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