Meeting The Parents Of My Fiance Who Are Witch Hunters-MyName JunQ

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Witches are consider to be evil by well a lot of people. That's the case here where I live, the former leader of this country once set a law anyone born of witch blood was to be taken away young or old.

Many Witches and warlocks were taken by force good or evil. Even children were taken by force and sent to this "school" but it was hell I should know I was there when I was taken away by my adopt parents and they were separated my adopted Mom was a witch but was not evil and my Dad was a normal Human.

But now a new person is in charge, and he got rid of the law yes witches that use their magic for evil were still being sent to prison or executed by hunters but the ones who want to practice using their magic for good or want to live at peace are free but must still obey the law.

Witches can't harm normal people and vise versa as many still see all witches as evil, specially the old school hunters.

But now times have changed.

As a witch myself, I along with  others practice our magic just for fun and learning about ourselves.

And also trying to control it specially me. As my  birth Mother was one of the most cruel witches to ever live she is dead now.

I never planned to be like her and I'm sticking to that plan.

  Hopefully my Fiancé's parents understand that right.

You're P.O.V



(Engagement ring)

I was sitting in the car very nervous as he drove. He holds one of my hands in his and laces our hands together, "Everything is going to be okay," he tells me, "Until they put a gun to my face," I tell him. He knows I am nervous, I mean hello? He's bring home a WITCH to meet his parents who are HUNTERS and I so happen to be the daughter of one of the most evil witches to ever live!

I been with my fiance Joonkyu for three years now engaged for one and this will be the first time I meet his parents. We met at my work place that I work at to make extra money as I am in collage and well he accidentally spilled his drink on me and somehow magical got my number. I was straight up honest with him when we first hanged out that I was a witch and who my Birth Mother was, and all he said was "So? And my parents are hunters but does it matter? That shouldn't stop us from getting to know each other."

And just by him saying that made me fall for him, usually other witches and warlocks just date each other because well normal people at least some still believe witches are evil or their families think that. But times are changing.

My parents, I was adopted by them since I was a baby and they were separated from me when everything happen but once the law was removed our family was back together. 

They were happy that I found the person I want to spend the rest of my life with but do worry because his parents are hunters. Joonkyu isn't one, his parents wanted him to follow in their footsteps and were angry that he didn't.

They were even more mad when he told them over the phone I was a witch, I was over at his place before we lived together and he told them and it turn into a big fight between them when I left the room crying because what they said. He cut contact with until recently they now want to see him, he agree to come and I agree to come along . He did tell me if they do anything that makes me uncomfortable or say anything horrible to me we be gone the moment I tell him. I don't want that to happen I want them to like me, and prove not all witches are evil.

"They point a gun at you we are gone before we get out of this car," he tells me. It was quiet. "I'm sorry I'm saying crazy shit," I tell him, "Your about to be in a house with hunters which they better have put all their gear away, but it's understandable why your nervous," he tells me.  "Will they accept anything we tell them?" I ask him, "If they don't that's on them and if they start trying to blame you don't listen to them," he tells me. I nodded my head and leaned over and kissed his cheek.

We kept on driving until we pulled up to a house. I was getting more nervous he makes me look at him, "It's going to be okay," he tells me. I smile and nod and he pecks my lips. Then two people a man and a woman got out of the house, he gets out on his side and then opens up my door and takes my hand in his. "About time you show up," said his Father, "Hello to you too Dad," Joonkyu says to him, his Mother is just staring at me.

"Mom, Dad this ______," he introduces me, "Nice to meet you both," I said with a smile. His Mother keeps on looking at me and ask me, "You didn't bring any spell book and potions and stuff?" she ask. Before Joonkyu can say anything I stopped him, "No ma'am all of that is at home," I tell her, "Good I don't want any of that crap in my house" she says and heads back inside. Her husband followed.

Joonkyu was already getting mad, I look at him. "It's okay," I tell him. This going to be a long day.

We then head inside and admittedly I felt a burn on my exposed skin. Joonkyu noticed, "Mom! Dad! Did set up War Burn?" he asked them. War burn is like a sage  that burns witches and warlocks like a burn from fire. It goes away after a while, but still hurts.

His Dad comes over and sees my shoulders, "Oh guess I must have mistaken it for sage," he says. Joonkyu was getting mad, "I'll open a window," says his Dad and he does. The burns slowly started to go away, "Come let's sit in the living room and have some tea," said his Mom.

Living room

We sat on the couch, Joonkyu not letting go of my hand at all. "You ever going to let go of her hand?" asked his Dad, "Nope who knows what you will do if I did," he tells his Father. His Mom came in with Tea and the aroma of it got to me, but I try to keep it cool. "So ______," says his Mother, "Yes," I said. "Do you always wear clothing like that? I mean it screams witch," she says to me. I look at my outfit, "Other people even none witches dress the same as her Mom heck I'm wear a lot of black too," he says to him Mom. His Mom drank her tea, I then take a cup about to drink it when she said. "A witch by the name of Sindel use to own a necklace like that," she said. I froze. (AN: Been playing a lot of Mortal Kombat lately.)

Joonkyu stood up, "Mom!" he said. I grab his hand and make him sit back down. I took a deep breath, "I'm going to take a guess you heard the rumors she had a child and yes those rumors are true I am hers, but she was killed after I was born I was adopt by a couple a witch and a normal man if want to know," I tell her. She was silent, "I thought everything of that woman was confiscated how did you get that?" His Father asked me. "The Hunters Association thought about letting me have one thing of hers so they gave this to my parents to give to me." I tell him.

He then became silent, then a knock on the door and his Mother went to go answer it. I tried to drink my tea again but Joonkyu stops me. "Who knows whats in it and I can tell by your face when she brought it out the smell got to you," he tells me. "What you think we are trying to poison her?" ask his Dad, "Not just that," Joonkyu says. His Mother then came back with a woman and her daughter.

"Joonkyu stand up and say hi," says his Mom putting on a nice act. "Hey," that's all he said and focus back on me. I can tell his Mom is mad, "Kwan this Joonkyu," she says to the girl. "Nice to meet you, your Mom has told me a lot about you," she said. Joonkyu looks mad, He stands up. "That's it!" he said. He was mad, "First you were both rude when we got here, then you purposely leave a trap for ______, bring up how she's dressed, her birth Mother and now you bring whoever this bitch is try and get me to leave my pregnant fiance!" he yells. Everything was silent I hide my face in my hands, I started whispering a chant.

"She's what?" ask his Mom, "She's pregnant and guess you didn't notice the ring on her finger," he tells her. I can feel by the energy in the room they were mad the girl and her Mom left. "It was already bad enough that you are with a witch who happens to be the bastard child of one of the most evil witches to ever live! Now here you are telling us your getting married to her and she's pregnant," she said. I just kept on silently saying the chant over and over again but it was hard because of everything. "Yes and don't call her a bastard child she didn't ask to be her daughter!" he tells her. "Your not marrying her and get rid of that child we don't need anymore of Sindel's blood walking around," says his Dad. "She is nothing like her Birth Mother just like I'm nothing like you!" he tells his Dad.

"Power with in me please protect me and my baby please do not let harm come near, please give me the strength to protect my child," I said to myself, I would do a spell but my mind went blank only thing I can do is to gather my power. "You disappoint us so much," said his Mother. "Why? All because I decide to control my own life?" Joonkyu asked his Mother, "You know what that's it!" says Father, "Put that away!" Joonkyu yells I guess his Father grabbed a blade. "I'm going to take care of this honey grab her!" His Father tells his wife.

"ENOUGH!" I yelled and uncovered my face, glass and things shattered and Joonkyu's parents fell to the ground. I stood up with tears in my eyes. "You harmed us you can get in trouble for this!" says Joonkyu's Mother smirking, "I can get trouble? When all I did was protect myself which I have a right! Not only that I am under the Association protection since I was a baby when my Mother was caught, and I think you forgot this thing called memory magic it be easy to show the head that!" I tell her.

They were quiet. "I knew I wouldn't be accept by you because who I am, but how badly you treated me and your son today who knows what you will do to our baby! I don't want either of you near our baby or in it's life." I told them. Joonkyu takes my hand in his, "We are done here never contact us again!" he tells them and we left. We got in the car and headed home.


I was in the bath making some rose petals float in bubbles Joonkyu sits in front of me , "I'm sorry," he says to me, "You been apologizing since we got home stop it's not your fault," I tell him, "But I failed at my job to protect you and our baby," he tells me. I lean over and kiss his lips, I hug him. "You were there by my side not leaving me alone with them, standing up for me you did protect me," I tell him. He smiles at me and kisses me again.

We get done with the bath and laid down in bed holding each other. He looks at me and I look at him, "You and our baby is all I need," he tells me. I smile at him, "I love you," I tell him, "I love you too," he says to me.

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