Hurt and Love-Block B Jaehyo

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I got this idea from Nasty Nasty Knock.

You're P.O.V

I sat in the living room in the dark with a glass of wine next to me watching old home movies of me and my boyfriend of four years Jaehyo. I was smiling in the films but here me now I was not. I took a sip of my wine and heard the front door open and close, I then heard footsteps. I knew it was Jaehyo, I use to greet him with a smile every time he came home but I don't now. He walked up behind the couch, I knew he was behind me. "What no " Hi welcome home!" Just silence!" he said to me. I didn't say anything, I don't remember the last time I had a decent conversation with him.

I just drank my wine and watch the film.

"Ir's a beautiful day for a walk," Jaehyo said in the film he was filming the park and the points the camera at me, I was walking ahead of him. "And here is the most beautiful girl in the world," He said I turn and look at him and smile. When was the last time I smiled? When was the last time he called me beautiful? I don't remember.

I just hear him smirking behind me. I don't need to look at him to know he was laughing, "Really watching old videos on how things use to be? My god are you pathetic! You know these won't bring back those times," he tells me. You don't think I know that! But I still don't answer him, he then messes with some of my hair. He was really close to my face, "Face it baby girl nothing is going to bring that back!" he tells me, I didn't respond. I can tell he was mad I wasn't giving him the reaction he wanted. "Bitch!" he said under his breath. He then fixes his jacket, "I'm going out," he tells me. I don't respond I just grab my wine glass and just look at it,I then heard the door slam shut.

"Who's really the bitch here babe? Me or that whore that I once called friend that you been fucking?" I said out loud. No answer "Or is it really you?" I said. I then look at the film. I see our smile faces and him hugging me and kissing me. I haven't felt that in eight months, "I'm not going to waste my tears on you Jaehyo, I'm also not going to stop you," I said looking at my wine glass. I then heard my phone go off it was a text.

B-Bomb: Hey you free?

I smirk and text back.

______: Yes let me get changed can you maybe pick me up?

B-Bomb: Sure. Wear something nice.

_______: Sure. Give me a few minutes.

I then turn off my phone. "But yet again Jaehyo I won't let you to be the only one having some fun, I just having a bit more since Minhyuk is your best friend yet again you are fucking his ex-girlfriend." I said to myself. I then get up and turn off the tv and went to get ready.

End Of You're P.O.V

Jaehyo's P.O.V

The music in the car was playing Jiwoo was on her phone. She then began to check her make-up, "So how's ______?" she asked me, "Why you ask?" I ask her, "Just asking because what I have heard from a few acquaintances that she hasn't been herself," she said. "She's mute basically she never talks to me or looks me in the eye anymore, hell even when she found out I was expecting her to cry but no she didn't," I tell her. I started cheating on my girlfriend of four years for eight months now, Ever since we moved in together two years ago things changed. It was amazing the first year in a half of living together but then I don't know something in her just changed and she wouldn't tell me why, and the thing was we weren't fighting, sure we had a few arguments but what couple doesn't.

It's just that she's not the same girl I fell in love with something was not the same she just changed one day, and well Jiwoo noticed and she started giving me the attention I haven't been getting and things happened. I don't have any romantic feeling towards Jiwoo, I'm not going to lie anytime I kiss her or have sex with her I image ______.

"Like I told you before Oppa just break up with her," she tells me. I tightly grip the stirring wheel, "You still love her?" she ask me. I didn't say anything, she just rolled her eyes. "Let's just stop talking about her alright," I tell her. We then pull up to the club we were going to be hanging out at. We then get out of the car, I then see some our friends on the top floor that we were meeting. "Hey where's B-bomb?" I ask. "Not here and do you expect him too?" said Zico. True, B-bomb hasn't really talked to me since I started seeing Jiwoo. Jiwoo is B-bomb's ex so of course he was piss off at me.

The two most important people in my life are not talking to me, but I deserve it. But I'm not going to let them ruin my night, I was drinking having fun. I sat down at the booth with Jiwoo wrapped under my arm. "So you two official yet?" P.O ask us, "No," I said. "So you still in a relationship with _______?" he asked me. I was silent. "Please their relationship is good as dead, it was in the beginning honestly I never liked her," Jiwoo said. It was silent. "Jaehyo?" said Jiwoo. "I'll be back," I said and got up from the booth to go to the bathroom.

I splash some water on my face and look at myself, "Why does everyone have to mention her? Why continue to make me feel like shit? Yet again I am hurting her," I said to myself. I then lean on the railing and see people dance. I then had to take a double-take because I thought I saw B-bomb and _______. I just focused on this one couple thinking it was my best friend and girlfriend. "No that's impossible she's at home watching old home movies and drinking wine." I said and I walked away.

End Of Jaehyo's P.O.V

You're P.O.V


I hug B-bomb as he hid my face. "He's gone," he tells me. I look up at him, "Sorry I didn't think he would be here," he tells me. "It's fine just like me he's going to find out," I tell him. We then sat down at a booth and order a couple drinks. "Do you really want him to find out? He might not be like you," he tells me. I look at my glass, "You and I both have been hurt by him because of her. He needs to feel the same pain we did," I tell him, "Usually a normal person would break up with their cheating partner even if they still love them," he tells me. I smirk, "Well I'm not normal," I tell him, I took a sip of my drink. It was silence between us, "I'm still shocked you agreed to this," I tell him, "Like you said you and I both been hurt by him because of her, and besides I want to also teach that bitch a lesson," he tells me.

I look around me, B-bomb and I started this two months ago. Mainly because I did finally broke down one night, I went over to his place to talk and things happened. We both don't have feelings for each other in anyway we are both using each other for comfort. He knows I still love Jaehyo, and he respects that. He mainly wants to teach both Jaehyo and Jiwoo a lesson, he wants Jaehyo to realize what he is losing and for Jiwoo teach her not to fuck around people's relationships all because she's bored and wants something. She's a spoiled fucking brat that her daddy spoiled to the point she throws a temper tantrum if he didn't get the right shade of pink for a very expensive car that she's not really going to drive.

Jiwoo blamed me for the reason her relationship with B-Bomb failed. The reason? She cheated on him with some married guy who was buying her shit that B-Bomb wouldn't buy her. How I found out she told me drunk, so I did the responsible thing and told B-bomb.

I just look at my surroundings I then see Jaehyo and Jiwoo together, he was kissing her. I held in my anger and chugged down my drink. "You want to leave?" B-Bomb ask me. "Yeah if I stay here any longer I'm going to go rip her away from him," I tell him, he then leans over and kisses my neck. "You can channel that anger at something else," he tells me. I look at him and smirk and peck his lips. We then got up and left.


I got home before Jaehyo did, so I went to go take a shower and change into my pjs. I was sitting at my vanity brushing my hair I notice around my collarbone and neck area that B-bomb left a few marks, not hickeys but little bites. A normal person would hide them but i'm not normal at all and Jaehyo comes home with marks by her all the time. As I was brushing my hair, I heard the front door open and shut. Then footsteps and the bedroom door open it was Jaehyo, I didn't look at him just kept on brushing my hair. "Why are you still up?" he asked me, I didn't say anything. He then walks over to the bed to grab his pjs that I left for him to go shower, as he did I laid down in our shared bed and rested my head on my pillow, I tried to sleep but a bit later he came back and laid down next to me. He was close to me to the point that he was breathing on me.

"Hey did you go out?" he asked me, I was silent for a second but decided to speak. "Why you ask?" I ask him, "Because I found your tank-top on the ground in the bathroom and it smelled like alcohol and men's cologne," he tells me. Usually a normal person who is cheating on their partner would be freaking out, but I'm not normal. "Why do you care so much?" I ask him, "I don't like the fact I smell men's cologne on your clothes!" he tells me. I look at him, he was getting mad. "And I don't like woman's perfume on your clothes either" I tell him, I was still calm. He then looks at me, the light was still on so he can see B-bomb's bites. "What are those?" he asked me, I didn't say anything I just gave him a stone face. He just looks at me. "Forget it," he says and lays down on his side of the bed his back facing me.

I just turn to my side and fell asleep.

End Of You're P.O.V

Jaehyo's P.O.V

I waited until she was fast asleep to grab her phone. I unlocked it and checked her messages, The first one I see is from B-bomb. I was scrolling through and I felt so much anger, the latest text between them was tonight. I put her phone back and got up and stepped outside and grabbed a cigarette to calm down. My girlfriend of four years is cheating on me with my best friend. Once I finished my cigarette I went back inside and sat on the bed, I look at her. The though of my best friend touching my girl and kissing her, makes me sick. I then heard my phone go off it was a text from Jiwoo. But I didn't bother to read it or even respond to it, all I can think about is my best friend fucking my girlfriend.

The next day

I woke and notice she was not in bed. I then get up and look around and she wasn't home, guess she went to work. I then call B-bomb, I just need to know why? "Hello?" He said, "It's me we need to talk," I tell him, "About what?" He ask me, "I know you are sleeping with ______," I tell him. I can hear his smirk, "Now you fucking know how she feels to be cheated on," He tells me. I was getting mad, "I got to go bye," He tells me. I was so piss. I then see that Jiwoo was trying to call me but I cancel the call.

End Of Jaehyo's P.O.V

You're P.O.V

I was sitting down at my desk when I got a text from B-bomb.

B-Bomb: He knows now he just called me to ask me why.

I smile, "Things are going to get interesting now," I said to myself.



I was getting ready to go out tonight. I was sitting at my vanity putting on some make-up, when the bedroom door opened it was Jaehyo, I didn't bother to look at him. "What are you doing?" he asked me. "Putting on some make-up," I tell him. "You going to go see B-bomb aren't you?" he asked me, the tone in his voice seems angry. I put down my lip gloss , I look at him and stand up. "So what if I am? You see Jiwoo every night, why are you the only one allowed to sleep with other people?" I ask him. He didn't say anything, I just smirk.

"Now you know what it feels like when you lost someone you love dearly," I tell him. I then grab my purse and left. I then get into B-Bomb's car, "You alright?" he asked me, "I'm fine just drive before he comes outside," I tell him. He did what I said.

End Of You're P.O.V

Jaehyo's P.O.V

I was so piss, I just hit the bedroom wall. Then my phone went off it was a text from Jiwoo.


I didn't bother to respond. I'm just so frustrated because. Well she's right. I need to fix things.

The next day

I knock on B-Bomb's door and he answered. "What do you want?" he asked me, "We need to talk," I tell him, "You should be talking to _______ not me," he said, "It's ________ I want to talk about!" I tell him, he looks at me. "You know something I know you do!" I tell him. He looks at me, "Before I let you in do you love her still?" he ask me, "Yes! I do love her with all my heart!" I tell him, "Even when you were with Jiwoo?" he asked me, "Anytime I did things with Jiwoo all I can think of and image is _______," I tell him. He looks at me, "Come in," he said. I go in and sit down on the couch he sits in his chair.

"So what do you want to know?" he asked me, "Why are you two doing this? To get me to realize what I lost or is there feelings involved?" I ask him, "First off no we don't have any romantic feelings for each other you can say it's the same thing your doing she wanted attention and comfort and between me and her this is a friends of benefits thing, do I like it? No I don't. And yes to make you realize what you are losing," he tells me. I was silent, "I will tell you this she came to me crying finally broke down and not going to lie to you things went too fast and we did have sex, but we both didn't enjoy that we did, and that did cause this. Her idea if you want to know," he tells me.

I was still silent, she cried and went to him, I lead her to the arms of another man and that man happen to be my best friend. "Now my turn why Jiwoo of all people?" he asked me. "I don't know why, ______ changed and things weren't the same and Jiwoo was there and she gave the attention that I been wanting." I tell him, "Changed? What do you mean change?" he asked me. "_____ for some reason she just was not the same she went from being the happy girl that I love so much to so depressed and stone-face. Around the time you broke up with Jiwoo," I tell him, he just looks at me, "So she never told you," he tells me. I look at him. "Never told me what?" I ask him, "Look Jiwoo blames _______ for the reason I broke up with her, because Jiwoo told ______ drunk that she was cheating on me and ______ told me because she's my friend. Jiwoo was piss and started making ______'s life hell, ______ never told you because she didn't want you to worry, but everything that Jiwoo did caused ______ to stress out." he told me, I was piss. Not at ______ but at Jiwoo all because ______ did the right thing.

"That's not all," he tells me. "What?" I ask, He let out a breath. "______ called me one day because she was in a lot of pain and you were busy at work so she didn't want to bother you, she told me something was wrong so I took her to the hospital and well," he said and stopped.

(AN: Trigger Warning)
"What?" I ask, "She suffered a miscarriage," he tells me. My eyes widen, "______ was pregnant with your baby, you can say that lose caused her to close herself off from you, she felt so horrible because she knew you wanted a baby so badly and the moment she finds out she had one she lost it," he tells me. Tears left my eyes, "Why didn't she tell me?" I ask, "She was scared, she thought you would leave her and blame her,"he tells me. "I would never blame her," I tell him. "Now you know the truth," he tells me. "Just why didn't she tell me?" I said. "Like I said she didn't want you to worry about Jiwoo, you know her, she doesn't want people into her problems but when she lost the baby I never seen her so broken before in my life, even when I was with her, I can tell she was still broken," he tells me.

I was just silent. "I need to fix this," I said, "You think?!" he tells me. I then get out my phone and call up Jiwoo and put her on speaker. " Oh now you call me asshole! After I have tried calling you and texting you for fucking hours! You now decided to call me!" She says to me, I mute her for a second. "You dated her?" I ask B-Bomb, "You slept with her?" he tells me. "Make a note that we avoid bitches like this in the future," I tell him, "Got it," he said. I then unmute her, "Jiwoo I need to tell you something," I tell her. "What!" She said, I took a deep breath, "I don't want to be with you anymore, heck I should have never been with you in the beginning, I love ______ and I never stopped loving her. Hell anytime I was with you I imaged her, I don't have any feelings towards you and never will," I tell her. "Three, two, one," said B-Bomb. " WHAT! HOW FUCKING DARE YOU BREAK UP WITH ME OVER THAT HOME-WRECKING BITCH!!! AND YOU IMAGED I WAS HER? WHAT THE FUCK HOW DARE YOU!!" She screamed. "Give me the phone," said B-bomb and I gave it too him. "First off Jiwoo, _______ is not a home-wrecker you are, you cheated on me with a married man and decided to try and get ______'s boyfriend. All because ______ did the right thing and told me the truth, you decided to make her life hell." he tells her. "Why are you here Minhyuk?" She asked him.

"Jaehyo came to me to talk and fix things and first step to fixing this mess is getting rid of you," he tells her. "How dare you!" she said. "Oh for the recorded _______ is better then bed then you," he tells her. " YOU!!" She said I then took back the phone. "It's over Jiwoo go do something better with your life and leave me, ______, B-bomb and anyone else we know alone, and if you ever come near any of us we will be calling the cops," I tell her and then hang up. I look B-bomb. "Minhyuk I need to apologize to you as well, I messed around with your ex and I shouldn't have I'm sorry," I tell him, "I will forgive you now but _______ is the main person I'm worried about don't I repeat don't ever do this to her again! I won't forgive you if you do," he tells me.

I nodded, I then went home.

End Of Jaehyo's P.O.V

You're P.O.V

I was once again at home, with a glass of wine watching old home movies again. I don't know why I do this. Maybe because I miss how happy we were. I then heard the front door open and close. Footsteps getting closer. "We need to talk," he tells me. I don't look at him, "About what?" I asked him, "About us," he tells me. I smirk and grab my wine glass, "We're broken end of story," I tell him. I then try and

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