2|| Simulation Tests

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🎶 This may be the night that my dreams might let me know
All the stars are closer... 🎶

I get back on my feet, massaging the back of my head. And suddenly he is gone.

I try my luck and just continue to walk straight ahead in hopes of finding him. What kind of mentor is he? I'm sure what he did right now is somewhat illegal, he can't just do that.

A group of people move towards me, wearing the exact same white uniform I am, except it's cleaner and better. Even their equipment bags are better. Is everything better here?

They all quickly move out of my way, marching to the front doors. And as soon as those glass doors close, my eardrums evaporate into nothingness.

"Waluna D!" I flinch and turn my head back, so fast almost twisting my neck in the process. I attempt to walk up quietly to the elevator, but it's impossible with the sound of my boots squeaking. I finally stand beside him.

The doors close. Our height difference is laughable, along with the silence that follows. I bite my lower lip hoping not to laugh so he doesn't shout at me, but it is getting difficult each floor we descend to. I lower my head and we are still inside so I can't hold it in anymore.

I try covering my mouth but it just makes it worse...

"The fuck is your problem?" His green eyes stare at me.

"What the fuck is YOUR problem." I poke his arm.

" -You drag me by my ankles, yell at me for no reason at all-" The doors open, he doesn't let me finish my sentence before grabbing my arm once again, dragging me away.

"This is what I mean..." I chuckle to myself letting myself getting dragged. He pushes me inside the first room we encounter and orders me to sit down.

There is nothing in this room besides the medical chair and a small table in one of the corners of the room, with a monitor on it.

Hopefully this test finishes on time, I cannot stand this cheap version of Gordon Ramsay.

He hovers an object over my head and all of my details show up in one of the white walls.

"Relax and everything is going to be fine." He hands me a clear cup with liquid in it. I stare at it and then back up to him.

"It's not going to kill you, trust me." He lifts his hands up.

"Yeah, trust you." I rest the cup on my lap. He rolls his eyes and crosses his arms in front me. Proceeding to remind me he was forced to do this.

"Do you have any questions?" His monotone voice amplifies his annoyance.

"What's your name?" I smile at him.

"Michael." He immediately walks away before I ask more.

Well, let's get this over because Zoey is waiting for me.

I finish the liquid in one big gulp, which probably is a bad idea.

Before I can blink all my muscles are numbed, I completly forgot how strong the drink is. My eyes close...

I was hoping I'd wake up in the same place I did when I first did this; The beach, but I don't feel like I am in one.

I am in a boat. Not even a good boat, an old, dirty boat. From what I remember some monster is supposed to come here and trigger your powers but I don't know what kind of monster is coming out of a boat. Also the sky is strangely dark blue...

Maybe it's going to come from the waters. Oh please, not a sea monster. I lean over the edge to stare at the waves crashing against the boat making sure I'm ready for something to jump out, but it's only making me nauseous, so I calm myself down by walking around the broken wooden deck.

The small breeze makes me feel better in no time. I notice the windows in this boat haven't been washed in years, but there's something that's been constantly creaking since I've been here. I gradually move myself towards the noise, with its shadow moving erratically, I prepare my hands and level my breathing.

My awareness increases with each foot step, I can hear the repeated rhythm of the waves and the creaking noise of whatever is on the other side of the deck. I embrace myself preparing for the worse and turn the corner with my hands ready.

It's a flag. On a broken flagpole.

I finally exhale, and let down my guard. Maybe this time there's no weird creature to attack. I rub my face trying to keep myself awake, even in this state of mind I feel tired.

The weather commences to change itself to a storm which is not a good idea knowing I'm in the middle of the sea, in a broken boat. The winds confuse the waves and they come crashing down the boat from all directions. I bend my knees to stabilise myself from the heaving movement of the boat and in no time the waves start eating the boat. It starts deconstructing into pieces.

With only the movements of my hands I'm able to hold majority of the old metal and wooden structure together, but the weather is not working in my favour.

As I'm on the peak of concentration, the boat violently rocks to the side and I end up slipping, falling on my back loosing all of the pieces to gravity and the boat starts sinking to its doom.

I can't swim.

The icy water rises from my feet to my knees, I break inside the weak door into the cockpit and look for a floater or anything of the sort, making an absolute mess in the search. My eyes rapidly dart from one place to another. There is nothing I can use to save myself.

I massage my temples trying to think of what I'm supposed to do here but a quick light flashes from the outside. I push my legs to get out onto the deck again, now that the water level is up to my thighs. As soon as I'm outside a thunderbolt strikes, and I'm greated with a great gush of wind.

You gotta be kidding, is Michael messing up with the controls somehow?

"Waluna! Help!" That voice. That can't be, my heart is now beating against my palms and my eyes widen scanning the chaotic surrounding until I see her small frame being almost engulfed by the water.

"Clarissa! Wait I'm coming just wait!" My voice shakes as I abruptly change my pace and move down to save her, the cold water made my legs slightly numb but that didn't bother me as much as the need to save her.

Another flash of light is appears and somehow my brain informs me of where it's going to strike. My brain feels like it's pulsating. We were both being rapidly drowned in the sea.

"Clarissa move to me now!" I plead her but my voice seems to be lost in the noise of the waves devouring the boat to pieces. I can't do this again. The water is up to my chin now.

Her pale face is seen struggling, her body trying to resist the flow of water pulling her down. I look up at the sky as another lighting bolt makes a hole in it, creeping down to the boat leaving little patterns on the way before dropping fully. It was heading down to strike her.

Knowing the length of time I have left I jump onto Clarissa, taking the hit from the lightning bolt on my back. It pushes us down the water's surface.

Going back up to breathe, my senses seem to be shot up by a 1000% but hands suddenly repel each other. What is going on with me, where's Clarissa?

I desperately push my body down, extending my hands out in hopes of touching her body but there's nothing. The water is now to my ears and I don't want to come to the terms that I lost her, again.

"Clarissa!" I foolishly spit out water.

"Clarissa where are you? Clarissa, please!" My voice trembles. My arms and legs don't feel right. My feet are unable to touch the floor and that's enough to make me panic.

My arms flop around, trying to hold on to something but it's useless. There's nothing to hold on to, the boat is gone, Clarissa is gone there's just water.

"Waluna wake up now!" I turn to the direction of the sound, perplexed, but it makes me drop deeper than before, my whole body is pulled inside the dark sea.

"Waluna come on now!" Michael's hands shake my shoulders forcing me to wake up.

I immediately get up from my seat taking in the oxygen my brain thought I lost. Michael holds me down as I try to get away from him.

"Hey, hey! Listen to me very carefully." He grips my shoulders harder as I hold back my tears.

"Run to Dr Lysander's office and wait for me there. If-" The change in his voice frightens me so I try to get away from his hold, but it's unsuccessful.

"If anyone asks just say you injured yourself." His eyes soften as he lets me go.

"Is everything okay-"

"Just go now!" The urgency in his voice flows through my body, and bolt out of the room not looking back.

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