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Mason Maloney

"Mason?" Bella asked as I was zoning out, looking down at my pizza at lunch on Monday.

"Hm?" I hummed a reply and looked up. Bella, Pete, and Ross were all looking at me. The boys had annoyed looks while Bella's was hopeful.

"Do you have Sam Knight's number?" she asked innocently, batting her eyelashes.

I groaned. "Why?"

She gave me a deadpanned look. "Because I need it."

"I thought you said we weren't supposed to talk about him here," I reminded her of what she had said at the football game.

Bella rolled her eyes. "We can't talk about him at games."

It seemed like she was just making up the rules as she went along, but I didn't want to push the subject even further.

"I'm not giving you his number," I told her sternly.

"Told you he wouldn't," Pete boasted with a smirk. "You don't need to be getting involved with him anyway."

Bella crossed her arms and pouted, looking down at her salad. I tried not to think about the fact that one of my best friends had sex with Sam, but she made it hard to ignore. It was like she had fallen in love with him afterwards and I knew he did not share those same feelings.

"Yeah, Bella," I agreed with Pete. "He'll just hurt you."

She would only get hurt by his lack of interest. I didn't think he was the type to lead a girl on and break her heart. It was the girls who stupidly fell in love with him that got hurt and I guess Sam really couldn't be blamed for that even if I wanted to be able to blame him. It wasn't like he promised Bella anything more than that night they shared together.

I could tell by the look on her face that Bella wasn't going to give up her pursuit of Sam. She had always been very determined to get what she wanted and right now, she wanted Sam Knight. No one would be able to stop her, no matter what we said.


Bella sat at a table by the window in the bakery while Sam and I stood behind the counter. I eyed Bella warily as Sam was taking care of a customer. She had been there for nearly as long as I had, munching on a muffin and reading a book she had for English class. Bella claimed it was quiet here and that she wanted to see me, but I knew the real reason why she was sticking around.

Sam paid her no mind, not even sparing her a glance when she looked longingly at him. It was like he saw right through her or he was blocking her from his memory. I felt bad for thinking it, but I wanted Sam to forget about Bella. I couldn't tell if I wanted this for her sake or my own.

Part of me wanted to believe that I wanted Sam to stay away from Bella purely for her best interest, but the other part knew that wasn't entirely true. I hated the fact that Sam and Bella shared such an intimate moment while he wouldn't even speak to me. I didn't want to call it jealousy, it wasn't like I wanted to have sex with Sam, I just wanted him to at least pay attention to me.

God, I sounded so needy.

"Is your friend obsessed with me or something?" Sam asked, not quietly as he pulled me from my thoughts.

I looked over at him to notice his slightly messy hair was falling into his face. He pushed it back with his hand, a loose strand falling back down on his forehead.

"No," I lied defiantly.

"Right," he said, unconvinced.

I rolled my eyes. "You need a lesson on humility."

He scoffed and shook his head. "It's obvious she wants me."

The two of us glanced over at Bella as she quickly looked away from us to act as if she hadn't been staring.

"Maybe you shouldn't have slept with her," I mumbled, my eyes lingering on my friend.

"Does it bother you?" Sam asked curiously.

He wasn't asking smugly like he was trying to get a rise out of me. It was like he genuinely wanted to know and was surprised at my attitude toward the issue.

"No, it doesn't bother me," I replied, looking back at Sam.

It did bother me.

Sam gave me a thoughtful look. His facial expression had softened back to what it was like when the two of us got along. I missed when he looked at me warmly since now he mostly gave me a cold stare.

"I need this Saturday off," Sam announced, changing the subject.

I stared at him with wide eyes. Him and I were supposed to open the bakery on Saturday morning then the two of us had the Saturday after that off. Charlene tried to make sure she gave everyone at least one Saturday a month off and there was no way someone would want to come in to cover for Sam.

"You need to see if someone will switch shifts with you," I told him with raised eyebrows. I highly doubted anyone would want to take an opening shift that they weren't supposed to work.

"What about that Sandy girl?" he asked, crossing his arms.

I shook my head. "She's working in the afternoon, she won't want to work a double."


I shook my head again. Rachel barely made it to her own shifts.

"Well, I'm busy. I can't come in," Sam responded in an annoyed tone.

"We have next Saturday off, it can't wait?" I asked mimicking his tone.

Sam gave me a cold stare. "No, it can't wait."

I felt something inside me snap. Anger and annoyance flooded through my veins as I stood in front of Sam.

"You can't just ditch me!" I snapped loudly.

He put a finger in front of his lips, telling me to quiet down. I looked around the bakery to see that only a bewildered looking Bella sat at one of the tables.

"I don't know what to tell you," Sam said quietly, walking closer to me. "I really have somewhere to be."

"You could have talked to Charlene," I snapped in a hushed tone. "You know Saturday mornings are busy."

I couldn't help but think Sam was ditching me on Saturday for some trivial reason. He had ditched me before to stink up mine and Nathan's car. Who's to say he's not just pulling some stunt with his football team?

Before he could reply, a customer walked in the front door. Sam instantly brightened up as he turned around and his smile only widened when he realized he knew the woman who had walked in.

"Sam!" the woman exclaimed happily. "I need two dozen cookies, can you make that happen?"

Sam looked to me for confirmation and I nodded my head.

"What kind would you like?" I asked the woman kindly.

"Half chocolate chip and half sugar cookie if that's possible," she replied with a sheepish smile. "I totally spaced out on my daughter's class party tomorrow."

I nodded with a smile and walked back to the kitchen to get the box for her cookies. After rummaging through different shelves, I finally found the correct box and went back toward the front of the store to get the cookies from the cases. When I arrived back, Sam and the woman were having a light-hearted, casual conversation.

Sam laughed loudly at something the woman said and shook his head. "Lila would have been pissed."

The woman chuckled happily. "That's why you can't tell her!"

I finished gathering the cookies and closed up the box before setting them easily down on the counter.

The woman looked over at me with her bright eyes. "Thank you, Mason," she said, reading my name tag.

I smiled warmly at her despite my annoyance at Sam. "You're welcome."

Sam rung up her cookies and the two exchanged more casual words while she paid and I stood by awkwardly.

"I'll see you at home, Sammy," the woman said with a small wave.

"Bye, Mae," he responded kindly before she walked out of the bakery.

I moved to lean on one of the pastry cases, leaning my head back on it. I stared at the back of Sam's head, practically burning holes in it. There was no way he should be able to get me so angry, yet he did.

And he was good at it.


Bella didn't leave the bakery until we started getting ready to close it up. She bid me a goodbye, but let her eyes linger on Sam who didn't give her the light of day. Bella looked slightly defeated as she looked away from him and walked out of the bakery.

Sam was counting the till while I swept the floor. We had already taken all of the pastries out of the cases and threw away what didn't sell. Sometimes we brought the good stuff home with us since we had to throw it out anyway, but it was best if we didn't do it every day. I was sure Sam didn't tend to eat much of the baked good due to a strict in season diet and I just didn't want to eat like crap all the time.

The two of us didn't speak to each other as we closed up shop. I looked out the window as I swept and sighed. Nathan wasn't here yet. It was almost eight o'clock and if he was going to show up, he would usually be here by now.

"I finished up," Sam said, startling me as he walked up behind me.

I nodded, giving him a blank stare. "Okay."

"So..." he started, pointing out the door. "I'm going to head out."

I shrugged. "Fine."

Sam sighed and muttered something under his breath before walking by me and out the door. I couldn't decide whether I should wait for Nathan in the shop or just start walking home. I pulled out my phone to call him, holding the phone between my ear and shoulder as I continued to sweep.

No answer.

I cursed under my breath and let out an annoyed sigh. I grabbed the broom and brought it back to the kitchen, propping it up against the wall before tearing my apron off and leaving the bakery and making sure to lock the door.

Once I was outside I was hit with cold air and a slight drizzle from the sky. I crossed my arms to hug myself and rubbed my hands against my skin to warm myself up as I started my trek out of the parking lot.

"Mason!" I heard Sam's voice yell. I hadn't even noticed he was still in the parking lot when I walked out. He pulled his car up next to me slowly, then stopped.

I looked over at him expectantly, waiting to hear what he had to say.

"Are you going to walk home?" he asked me, looking slightly worried.

"Yeah," I said nonchalantly, shivering as I did so.

"It's freezing," he said, stating the obvious. "Get in, I'll drive you."

Sam looked at me with his alluring green eyes that could probably charm me into doing anything, but me being the stubborn ass I was, refused.

"I'll walk," I answered, starting to move away from Sam's car.

He drove slowly beside me as I walked away. "Are you crazy? You'll get sick!"

"I'll be fine," I told him, pushing my hair out of my face.

Sam continued to drive slowly beside me as I walked down the sidewalk. He had even put his hazard lights on, prompting other cars to drive around him. I forced myself to continue looking forward, so I wouldn't get sucked in by his handsome face.

What was I saying?

It was no mystery why Sam riled me up so much by doing so little. It was because he confused the hell out of me without even meaning to. I had never thought of another guy as handsome before, but Sam had changed that in me. The two of us were never close, but the second he stopped being kind to me, I felt hurt. He made me feel differently than I ever had before and I didn't like it. I didn't like that if I looked at his concerned face, I would feel obligated to get into his car.

"Mason, get in the car, now," Sam ordered sternly, sounding agitated.

I ignored him, walking forward with water pelting my face.

"I hate your stubborn ass, I really do," he let out angrily, still driving slowly beside me as if I would listen to his demands.

"Than leave me alone!" I snapped, keeping my gaze straight ahead.

"Are you purposely trying to get sick?" he questioned me loudly.

Again, I ignored him. Maybe if I got sick I could call out of work tomorrow and leave him all alone and see how he liked being ditched. Who was I kidding? That wouldn't do anything. He would still ditch me Saturday like he planned on doing. Not to mention, I would never do that if I could help it.

When it came time for me to cross the road into my neighborhood, Sam still followed me, yelling incoherent words as I blocked him out as best I could. By the time I got to my house, I was considerably damp. It didn't rain hard, but I had been walking for half an hour so the water had seeped into my clothes and nearly soaked my hair. Sam stopped outside my house when I started ascending my driveway.

"Go take a warm shower!" he yelled out to me, my back facing him as I reached my front door.

I entered the house and closed the door. I peered out the window to see Sam pulling away from the curb, his taillights dulling with distance.

"Mason, what happened?" I heard my father ask behind me.

I instantly turned around to see him standing before me with his hands on his hips. He took in my appearance as he waited for me to explain.

"Uh..." I trailed, trying to think of an excuse.

"Didn't Nathan pick you up?" Dad asked incredulously.

"No," I squeaked out, fearing that I would be getting my brother in trouble.

"Where is he?" my father demanded.

I shrugged. If I could have gotten a hold of him, I wouldn't have had to walk home.

"You could have called me, Mase," Dad said in a softer tone, pulling his phone out to most likely call Nathan.

I nodded in understanding before breezing by him to get upstairs to my room. Nathan deserved to get in trouble, but I didn't want it to cause a rift between us like I knew it would. He would view this as me ratting him out rather than it being his own mistakes for forgetting me and being unreachable.

Once I was in my room, I quickly stripped out of my wet clothes and slipped on a sweatshirt and sweatpants to warm myself up. I flopped down on my bed and stared up at the ceiling with my hands resting on my stomach.

It was then I decided I was done worrying about whatever tension there was between me and Sam and me and Nathan. I was done worrying about the issues the had with me and with each other.

When I fell asleep that night, I felt lighter.

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