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top:my queen

frost:what happen

top:there's a speedster he call himself the accelatered man

frost:savitar is in a travel with samantha,they're training so i need to go where List

accelerated man:right herré

[frost and accelerated man fight]

frost:well it looks you're faster than the flash was

A.M:you're reign will over,you need to be saved

frost:im not a princess not need to be saved[she shot an ice trough his leg]im a queen i got this handled

A.M:well,you're more powerfull than i think,come on kill me do it now

frost:if you ask[she kill him]that feels better

A.M:wow wow you fall in the remnant trick

frost:ah com'mon you are a...hunter,what

A.M:so you know my name

frost:you're a monster,or your earth 2 versión

A.M:oh and you're not a monster

frost:this will be revenge,of what you did to me

A.M:let's fight

[they both fight]

frost:well,well,well look at the zoom,or the zoombie,jajaja

A.M:so your plan is kill me,killer frost

frost:yes[he kill the original]well what now.[top takes a.m body out]

samantha:we back,hi mom

frost:hi samantha,and you're father


frost:barry,barry! what happen

samantha:we we're running and there were a bomb in the ground

frost:barry,this wild hurt

barrytar:do it cait i trust you

[frost freeze barry's leg to make him not lose more blood

samantha:im sorry i should help you

frost:it's okay is not your fault[she hug samantha]you don't have the fault of nothing


frost:don't move

barrytar:you're my greatest love and your mother,you're perfect your mom's power and my speed,not a normal person deserve you

samantha:about that...

barrytar:you have a boyfriend


samantha:how did you 

barrytar:top's son

samantha:well you know it,plis dont kill him

barrytar:i will not do that he make you happy


barrytar:your happines is all i want for you

frost:are you cure

barrytar:yes i am

frost:good, im happy you are,cause you complete me

barrytar:and you complete me

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