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After avoiding the police for an entire day, which Cassidy saw as a victory, she was summoned back to the station. And this time, she wasn't sure what lovely information they were going to impart to her.

Detective Wyatt stood at the station's entrance, waiting for her to arrive. She found herself smiling simply looking at him. He was in casual wear again. It appeared as though he never wore a uniform. His shirt was ruffled and seemed as though it needed a good ironing and his hair was its usual mess atop his head. He greeted her with an easy smile.

"Cassidy, so nice of you to come by," he said, as she came closer.

She stopped a few feet away from him.

"I didn't have much of a choice, did I?" she asked, trying her best not to be sarcastic but it still came out wrong.

Adam had called her early that morning. He informed her that the team from the National Intelligence Unit was at the station and that her presence was requested. She knew if she didn't show up they would call again, so she figured, why not get it over with one time?

She was going to talk to these people and convince them that her sister was innocent. That Rose was not the person they were looking for. They were higher in the chain of command than Wyatt, or at least she thought so. If they believed her, they would make Wyatt stop suspecting Rose, which was all Cassidy wanted.

"No, I'm afraid you didn't," Wyatt answered, his smile dropping a little.

He motioned for her to enter the station and walked in beside her.

"Why do these people want to question me? I can't give them any more information than what I've already given to you," she pointed out, as they walked.

"I know that. But they wish to speak with you themselves," he answered.

He wasn't leading her to his desk, or even the conference room where they had first spoken. She had never been to this section of the station before.

"Where are we going?" she asked, slowing in her step.

"The interrogation room. They want to speak with you there."

"Interrogation room?" she questioned.

Cassidy stopped walking immediately and looked at Wyatt confused.

"Why do they want to speak with me there? I haven't done anything wrong."

He let out a sigh and ran a hand through his hair.

"I know you haven't. But they're insisting all conversations take place there. It's out of my hands," he answered with a shrug.

They really were higher in the chain of command if Wyatt had to listen to their demands.

"Let's get this over with," Cassidy conceded, already dreading this interview.

Wyatt led her to the interrogation room and introduced her to the two agents inside; an older man, Agent Jones, whose face seemed to be in a permanent scowl, and a woman, Agent Field, whose expression mirrored her partner's.

The frosty looks aimed in Cassidy's direction were making her shiver. If intimidation was what they were going for, it was definitely working. Cassidy was feeling pretty unsettled at the moment.

The room was cold and had nothing in it but a steel table and two chairs, one on either side of the table. There was no two-way glass like Cassidy saw in the movies and tv-shows. Both Agents were standing at the farthest wall away from the door. Cassidy walked in hesitantly, the coldness seeping into her skin.

Wyatt moved, trying to leave the room, but Cassidy grabbed his hand before he could reach far. He looked back at her, his chocolate eyes boring into hers.

"Are you leaving?" she asked, worried a bit.

She didn't like the looks of these agents. A familiar face in the room would help calm her nerves.

"I was about to," he answered hesitantly.

"Detective Wyatt is not needed for this interview," Agent Jones interjected.

"Except he is. I'm not talking to you unless he remains," Cassidy answered, making her voice sound strong.

The agents were making her uncomfortable and nervous. Maybe having Wyatt stay would help her gather up her courage. She didn't want to look weak in front of them.

"Cassidy, the agents just want to ask you a few questions," Wyatt said softly, trying to appease her.

She shook her head and lowered her voice to speak to him. The agents could probably still hear, but she still felt it private enough.

"I'll feel more comfortable if you're here. Can you stay, please?" she added.

Wyatt looked as though he was about to argue more, but she squeezed his palm harder, trying to convey her nervousness. He must have seen it in her eyes, because slowly he nodded and agreed to staying.

"I'll be in the corner," he told the Agents.

Knowing that she had some support in the room, even if it was from the man who currently thought her sister was a serial killer, was enough for Cassidy to relax a little.

"Okay, let's get started," Agent Field said, grabbing her multiple folders, as she took a seat.

They had more information on her than Wyatt did, Cassidy thought as she took her seat at the table.

"Just for the record, you are Cassidy Monte, correct?" Agent Field asked.

"Well if I wasn't, this interview would be a waste, don't you think?" Cassidy answered sarcastically, not being able to stop herself.

That was a dumb question to ask. Why else would she be sitting in front of them if she wasn't Cassidy Monte?

"A yes or no would suffice," Agent Jones remarked, sternly.

"Yes, I am Cassidy Monte," she answered, trying not to roll her eyes.

Hard to believe a minute ago she was almost scared of these people. Right now, they didn't seem all that intimidating. Maybe she should tell Wyatt he could leave. She could handle this on her own.

"And Rose Monte is your sister?" Agent Field queried.

"She is."

"When was the last time you saw your sister?"

Agent Field seemed to be the one asking all the questions. Agent Jones stood to the back of the room, simply watching Cassidy, which was as freaky as it sounded.

"Twelve years ago," she answered.

They should already know this. Why were they asking her this again?

"And you haven't had contact with your sister since the house fire?"

"I haven't. I saw her in the hospital but I was more hurt and had to stay an extra week. By the time I was out, I had no idea where she was," Cassidy replied, feeling sadness trickle into her. Talking about Rose always made her sad. However, she refused to cry in front of these agents.

"Has she tried to contact you at all in the past twelve years?" Agent Field questioned.

"No she hasn't. I have no idea where she is. I've been trying to look for her and I haven't been able to find her," Cassidy stated.

Their line of questioning seemed rather provoking to Cassidy. Did they think she was secretly in contact with Rose? If she was, she wouldn't be here right now. She probably would be in hiding with her sister.

"Did you know your sister was in Beacon?" Agent Field continued.

Cassidy rolled her eyes and tried to keep her annoyance off her face. All their questions were centred around one detail, that Cassidy knew where Rose was. But that wasn't true.

"For the last time, I have not seen my sister in twelve years. I have not had any contact with her. I could pass on her on the street and not know it's her. If that's all you're going to ask me about, I think this interview is over," she argued, trying to keep her voice level, but failing.

She was about to stand when Agent Field asked her next question.

"Do you have any idea why your sister is murdering people?"

Cassidy sat back down and fixed her gaze on Agent Field sharply.

"My sister is not a killer. You have the wrong person," she stressed, trying her best not to shout at Agent Field.

"What makes you so confident in your sister? As you just said, you haven't seen or spoken to her in twelve years. I'm sure you're not aware that your sister was in jail."

Agent Field delivered that last sentence with a small smile on her face. She knew she had stumped Cassidy.

Cassidy froze for a moment, unsure what to do. That wasn't true. It couldn't have been true. Wyatt would have told her. She swung her gaze back at him but he was studiously staring at the ground, avoiding her gaze.

"No, I was not aware of that," Cassidy replied softly, her mind reeling.

Rose had been in jail?

"Your sister spent two years in jail. She was arrested after assaulting someone."

Assault? Rose had assaulted someone? That didn't sound like her sister.

"Who did she assault?" Cassidy asked. She was sure there was more to the case. Rose wouldn't just do something like that for no reason.

"We can discuss that later on," Agent Jones remarked.

He nodded at Agent Field who flipped through her pages, not answering my question.

"But I want to talk about it now," Cassidy argued.

"Tell me about your childhood," Agent Field asked, redirecting Cassidy's thoughts.

The switch in topic almost made Cassidy answer truthfully but she caught herself just in time.

"What do you want to know?" she asked instead, stalling.

Her childhood was something she had done her best to forget. She had gotten so used to the lies that she told when anyone asked. But should she tell the agents the truth or the lie, she wondered.

"The fire. Do you know what started it?" Agent Field asked.

"The police report said it was a candle. The curtain got caught on it and the room lit on fire," Cassidy answered.

That had been the worse day of her life. Without meaning to, thoughts of the fire and all the smoke filled her mind. She shook her head bringing her back to reality as Agent Field continued with her questioning.

"And you believe a single candle can burn down an entire house?"

"That's what the report said. I was eleven and I was asleep. I don't know anything about it."

"How did you end up on the sidewalk?"

"I don't know," she answered shrugging.

Agent Field could question her all day about this but it wouldn't make a difference. Cassidy honestly didn't remember anything about the fire.

"Your parents, what were they like?"

Cassidy's palm started to sweat. What was she supposed to say to this? The truth, or the lie she had perfected?

"Why do you want to know?" she asked, trying to misdirect them.

"Patterns have shown that serial killers come from broken homes. Broken homes meaning abuse both sexual and physical. Some parents are even dead leading to a hard life for the kids. So tell me what your parents were like?"

"So you're assuming that Rose came from a broken home? That that's what made her a killer," Cassidy argued.

"It has been proven multiple times," Agent Jones stated.

"But by your argument, I could also be a killer. Rose and I grew up in the same household."

Cassidy waited to see what the agents had to say to that. Agent Field looked embarrassed and looked down at the files in her hand, avoiding eye contact. Agent Jones, however, was fuming. His anger was written all over his face. Guess he didn't like being bested at his own game.

"Just answer the question. Tell us about your parents," he growled.

Cassidy had to try her best to hold in her laugh. It was nice to see the Agents were the uncomfortable ones.

"My parents were," she paused, thinking about the correct word, "tough," she decided on. "They wanted us to do better."

"Did they ever hit you?" Agent Field asked, gaining back her bravado.

Thoughts of her father and her childhood, bombarded Cassidy's mind without her trying. All it took was hearing about her parents for her past to break down the walls she had constructed and flood into her brain.

"Well, my dad-"

A knock at the door thankfully interrupted them. Cassidy breathed a sigh of relief. She honestly had no idea where she was going with that sentence. She hadn't made up her mind about whether she was going to tell the truth or the lie.

Agent Jones stormed to the door angrily and swung it open with a bit too much force.

"What?" he barked at the person.

"I'm here to see Detective Wyatt," a small voice said.

Agent Jones turned to glare at Wyatt. Wyatt ignored him and motioned for the person at the door to come in.

His curly hair was the first thing Cassidy saw. Adam, she thought.

"What is it Adam?" Wyatt asked.

Adam handed Wyatt a file. His face was filled with worry and concern. He was also doing his best to not look at Cassidy.

"What's this?" Wyatt asked as he opened the file.

"The report on the stuffed animals came back," Adam answered, still not looking at Cassidy, even though she was staring openly at him.

Cassidy swung her gaze back to Wyatt and observed him as he read the file in his hand. His expression slowly changed from curiosity to shock. By the time he looked up at her, she was sure there was also pity in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" she asked. Something had to wrong for him to be looking at her like that.

"Analysis on the toys came back," he said softly.

"And?" she prodded.

"In each animal there was a note." He seemed almost hesitant to continue.

"A note?" she asked confused. Where would someone hide a note? She hadn't seen any on the animals.

"Yes, notes," Wyatt answered nodding. "Each of the notes were addressed to you.""

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