Chapter Thirty: Seltic's Journey

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*in comes me with a shamed look* So like you guys ever thought you did something and went about your life thinking "I did this and that task and now I can relax and chill and HOLD ON A MINUTE I DID NOT PUBLISH MY NEW CHAPTER" welp that is mua... 

It's sorta longish... but hopefully clear. 

My request to you when you read this is, highlight to me any part that seems confusing, muddled or just blah. I know what is in my head but goodness knows you don't! (or do you *Suspicious look*) 

Seltic woke up feeling like a stone. He had no current recollection of being a rock, but then again, he had no recollection of anything but his human state and his name. He struggled to open his eyes, but they apparently had obtained their own free will during his absence and he failed to see.

Wondering about the loyalty that the rest of his body had to him, Seltic tried to feel his way up and down. Feeling rather upset, he realized that only his mind was in his control. Deciding to use his mind to the extent that he could he began to figure out who, where, and when everything was. He was more confused as he remembered his name, normally you'd remember your life as well, but all he could recall was that his name was said to him and that he was here. In a dark world and with a human body that he should be able to control but couldn't.

Over the next few hours he discovered that he could hear things going on, at first it terrified him as he couldn't see who or what was making the sounds, but after a while they seemed regular and harmlessm, a combination he was grateful for. As the time passed he found he could feel his body, feeling his fingers move, his toes stretch and finally... his eyes open.

Seltic was in a white room, dark in the apparent night, but clean and empty. He found himself crawling at the feeling of vines and snakes weaving their ways around his arms, legs and head. He saw some were attached and was weary to remove them, had he forgotten how pain felt?

His questions were aimed at himself, but he couldn't be bothered to look for an answer, currently he was hungry which grabbed at most of his little attention. He heard a sound and felt his eyes turn to the source without his permission. What he saw there was another human, looking at a slab of something in her arm and paying little attention to his direction. She turned on the lights and hummed a little. Seltic thought it was a language and strained to try and understand the strange bending and weaving of words, it was so consistent he couldn't make out anything individual save when she breathed. Finally, she made her way to him, still distracted by the slab of something in her hands. "Let's see how you are doing today..." she said cheerfully. Looking up at last she froze and went pale. Her voice caught and her eyes widened beyond the normal. She screeched and ran out of the room so quickly that Seltic forgot about her almost instantly.

"What do you mean he's awake?" Winston felt himself asking for the hundredth time as he, Jane and Ella headed to the ICU.The boy that Jane had rescued so many months ago was found awake and sitting up by the usual caretaking nurse that morning. She had found Jane as fast as possible to tell her the news. Not only was the onset of the the boy's waking a surprise in itself, but it couldn't have come at a more alarming hour. Just last night Winston and Jane had sat with Ella to discuss the finding of the skull and the possibility of going off to find life. Ella surprisingly, said nothing to counter their plan other than that they should take her too, to which they agreed.

Jane burst through the door and finally made her way down to the room.

The boy was indeed up, and confused by the look on his face. Nurses and doctors were swarming around the room taking blood samples, hair samples, and checking his vitals every other minute. Ella looked at the crowd and ordered them aside and silenced them. Jane walked slowly to the boy. He seemed to have changed a great deal since she had seen him first buried. His skin was a smooth and healthy cream color, his hair was brown and soft, and he was a good weight. Most shocking was his eyes, they sparkled with an unearthly essence in their blue tint. And unlike so many eyes, rather than seeming deep, they seemed shallow, like the shallow waters near a beach, their surface reflecting the warm sun.

Jane walked over to him and bent down so that she was eye level. She reached out and touched the boy's hand, "Child, what's your name?"

The boy's face was still, then he smiled and whispered in a hoarse voice, still high in his age. " Eivitic Seltic."

His words sent a chill down her spine, not due to the answer, rather the strangeness of the language of which it was spoken in. She spoke again, "Where do you come from?"

"Tavzin ou tou Elise roge dutm." He answered, then he saddened and added, "Vitli eshka heis tou Elise veig Anex." Jane remained silent then she turned to her colleagues who mirrored her terrified expression on their own faces. "He understands us..." Jane mumbled. "But we can't understand a word from him..." Ella continued. Her frown turned as she said, "Let's see if we can communicate this way, we don't have much choice." The boy suddenly seemed to understand that they couldn't speak his own language and he looked confused and frightened. Jane took his hand again and said, "It's ok, we just want to help, you are the first child we've seen in a very long time."

Seltic gazed up at her with his oceanic eyes and asked, "Wai?" Most of the doctors didn't pay much heed to his words at first, believing them to again be in another language but his next words had them swivel in their spots, "Wai no keeds?" His accent was strong but he spoke now in the same tongue and although freaked out, the scientists felt relieved.

Jane shooed the doctors away and left herself and Ella to interview the child alone. She re-asked the questions understanding his name as Seltic and that he was coming from a place called Elise.

"Do you remember how you ended up underground?" Ella asked quietly, she was careful, hoping that it wasn't a trauma, her fears proved right though and the boy locked up for a moment.

(Author's note: What happens here is that he is TELLING/speaking this to Ella and Jane, this is just a 3rd pov summery as though we are listening from an outside pov. It is not happening in realtime and is like a recollection - just in case it was confusing)

When he spoke, it was the voice of an aged man, one worn down with what he's seen in his life, enough to pull the heart and soul down, as if the time spent with gravity began its toll on his spirit. In short he explained how he was born to his beautiful mother but then at a young age, though still clear in his memory, taken by men who wore loincloths and axes. He described them as having scars all over their bodies, with mean eyes and cruel smiles. Seltic then explained, painfully, how for years, they worked him. Forcing him to clean prison cells of deranged prisoners. Men who would kill themselves at a moment's chance, as a result of the pain inflicted on them. The boy went into horrific detail on some of these prisoners. He described one as having her arm chewed off, as if by an animal, another that had their eyes gouged out, but were unaware of it as they thought they were simply blindfolded. He described the madness in those cells, where people would begin to scratch at the walls laughing, wondering why their nails would fall off and why red liquid would seep from their fingers. He spoke of the screams as they remembered horrific pains that had brought them to this state of mind, but then the laughter that followed as they forgot once more of what they feared. Seltic could no longer hold back as he spilled the horror and terror he felt every night, trying to rest while hearing footsteps on the stones, the ever-steady drip of water. Falling.

(Author's note (again): here we are going into Seltic's memories, so we are diving into his POV and are visiting his Current Thoughts. This is no longer a recollection of the discussion he is having with Jane and Ella but a personal recollection that he is having as he told them about the screams. So what happens is he is lost in his memories and is not telling Jane or Ella any of the information that is his own)

Falling slowly, but loudly. There was fear in the air, from those that didn't know what fear was and from those that caused the fear. There was an ever so steady beat, something like a heart, but mechanical, something like the thump of one walking with no purpose in a circle. Seltic remembered that the person had stopped walking one night, and that night the thumping had come to his cell.

The thumping was a man, grinning, maddening. His mouth foaming with white, his teeth sharp and glinting in the malevolent firelight. His crooked figure was disfigured and arranged as if by a puppeteer who had yet to learn basic anatomy. The man's eyes were wide and mad, with two small black dots that swiveled in opposite directions. As he neared the prison cell where Seltic lay unmoving, he began to speak, not words, but a sound. "Thum, thum, thum, thum..." The steady beat was in time with his feet as he walked, one arm held aloft holding the flaming torch, another swung at his side. His head swung around freely, twitching as if from a fly, his mouth opened wider as he came closer and he seemed to get excited as he neared Seltic. His "thump thump" getting louder and faster. Now they weren't in time with his feet, now he was dragging his feet, now he was at the gate and unlocking it.

(Author's note ( I promise this is the last one): Now his memory thing is over (flashback) and he is back in the real world, Ella and Jane saw him space out and panic, but they only know what he told them and not what he recalls individually.)

Seltic snapped back to his reality just as his heart monitor was beeping like crazy. "Sorey." He muttered, wiping the sweat off his brow. Jane traded a scared glance with Ella as they paled in the horror of his story. "I dis-appered then." Seltic continued, "I woke, and was under theh gound. I dont no wan I got there. So I started deeging. But I didt no what waas up or daoun." Though his voice was shaking and his face was sweaty, his words were as clear as ever.

Ella paused the boy by asking, "How did you disappear?" She obviously thought it was a fast way to explain his escape and wanted more detail on it. Seltic tilted his head, like a confused pup, and then said, "I - I dis-appeared. Like mai mom toold me." His face lightened up as if though he understood and he said, "Oh I never did it bi-fore, or I wood hav tried bi-fore."

"You vanished into thin air and somehow appeared underground?" Jane said skeptically. Seltic nodded, "I have to go back!" He said and sat up straighter, "My mom will be sad and worried." Ella and Jane traded glances as the boy's accent suddenly lifted, his voice still holding a twinge of strangeness but otherwise sounding just like one of their own.

"How do you want to do that?" Ella asked, careful to keep him from doing anything rash. "Easy!" Seltic replied. "I'll take you with me, my mom will want to know who saved me too!" He held out his hand and grasped Jane's. "Seltic, I - I don't think you understand." Ella tried, "You are in a different part of the world. You come from Elise, there is no such land here. And your talk about disappearing, if it is true, well is just further proof that you are far away from home." The boy was confused, perhaps a little let down, but more so of the fact that he felt that Ella just didn't understand him.

It was a while more before the information was shared with the crew in the hospital, and even longer before a few police and detectives came to interrogate the boy, they hoped to find that he had been simply living in hiding and raised in a false assumption of the world around him. But even underlie detectors and hypnosis, they had the same results, all pointing to a very different lifestyle then one in Ranine.

"Maybe he really did come from somewhere else." Winston thought aloud. His worries lay low for a while as he thought it over. This would mean a chance of human survival, or perhaps the hope of having someone live on. Ella looked over to her brother and said in a low voice, "I think that it's time to try and go across the sea again. The skull and now his origins ... nothing lines up anymore." A nurse rushed into the room then, her face pale and worried, she held printed lab results, not a very welcome sign. And even more disturbing, she had a pencil in hand as well as many hand-scrawled notes. "Doctor Ella. This makes no sense. His blood type is impossible. It - it doesn't exist!" Ella smiled at the nurse, clearly in her rush she had messed up on the work. "Let me see."

At first she thought the boy may have had sickle cell anemia. Then she realized that the photo of his blood cells showed them as they were. Spheres. Not the usual cell shape, but a round sphere. "Oh. well. This makes no sense." Her brow furrowed.

Winston reached for the lab printed results and began to form calculations on his own, quickly matching the blood types and looking at the lab results to the anti- A, B and O cells. Nothing aligned. When the blood clumped up it meant it had a reaction to one of the antibodies. But the blood never clumped. It was just as the nurse said, Seltic's blood type could not exist. "We were going to give him a transfusion... then this happened."

"How badly does he need it?" Ella asked she looked worried, but not as much as Jane who was sweating and beginning to pace. "He needs it really bad Doctor." The nurse said again.

"Ella let's just go. We can take him with us." Jane exclaimed finally, her frustration getting the better of her judgment.

Winston gaped at Jane in shock, "Jane are you crazy? If we die, we'll take him with us and then there will really be no hope for humanity." His words were stumbling over one another, he was in shock that Jane would suggest such an idea. To take Seltic with them on the trip overseas was just murder as well as suicide. Jane turned on him, a furious glare in her eyes, she looked ready to explode as she responded hotly, "Listen, by the time we even manage to reach land, if there is land, and if we find people and manage to get blood from them and head back, Seltic will be dead. Even if we were able to do all this in a month or something, it would still mean his death. We are looking at a few weeks maybe, of his survival. So if he's going to die anyway, at least he would have died trying to get home." Her last words stuck in her throat through a sob and she sniffed loudly.

Ella gestured to the nurses to leave and walked over to Jane, she embraced her tightly. "Jane, sweetie, we cannot take him with us unless he was willing to come. Do you want to ask him now?"


"You are both crazy," Winston said. "The chance that there even is life that we can find there... It's so small. And besides, no one would be willing for us to try again after the last explorers."

"We are all going to die anyway, what's the loss in dying sooner rather than later with even the slight chance at saving the human species?" Jane said miserably.

Since the last explorers set out nearly a hundred years ago, there were no attempts to set out again. Those that did never came back, cameras and satellites never seemed to get any video of the other side of the planet, as if an entire barrier of energy would destroy them upon contact. The only footage they had was one of some light that ran as far as the camera could see. From one pole to another. Perpendicular to the equator, and much more visible. The light was whistling, and right before the camera burst into flames, there was a glimpse of the ocean past the other side of the wall of light. Now the skull and footage of the water was the only hope of a chance of life.

Nearly three hours later, Jane, Ella, and Winston were prepared for a few months abroad. Just as they were going to see Seltic about joining them they were stopped by the head of the hospitals. He was a greying man, perhaps forty years old, he looked thirty years older though, he had rough features, heavy set eyebrows, and trembling hands. He was leaning on a cane heavily while being flanked by some government official police.

"I couldn't help notice Dr. Ella, that the recent condition of your hospital was being kept a secret from the government officials. We were not alerted to the presence of a live child being housed in this building. Thanks to this carelessness we were charged with withholding humanity's possible chance at regrowth, and you along with your co-working partners, Jane and Winston are being arrested."

The silence that followed the announcement was so thick, it was as though a blanket was placed over everyone. Ella's expression grew from confusion to horror and then to anger. "How - How dare you accuse me of treason! The boy was as well as considered dead until a few hours ago!"

"Officers, you have my permission to detain Dr.Ella and all her accomplices present."

I hope you liked the chapter! *claps hands in excitement* I wasn't sure how to work it all out but I hope it sounds sensible enough, as always, any suggestions are welcome and appreciated!!!

Thank you so much for reading, your support means so much to me, it inspires me to continue. All the views and comments and votes all flatter me so much, I often don't feel like I deserve them! 

Ah well, let me know what you think and where I can improve at! 


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