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Jessie Larson - Dan Howell
(Plez don kill meh)

{Eight Years Ago - Year 2000}

Mom and Dad are angry...I don't know it because I showed them my talent? What's wrong with them, why are they mad at me? Did I do something bad?

"O-okay honey, l-let's get in the car. We're going somewhere!" My mom says, she looks scared.
"Yeah, we're going to h-have fun!" Dad replies.
"Okay, where are we going?"
"To a big place, you can make some friends! Just like you!"

{Some Time Later}
We end up somewhere in the city, it's a big building. It says something about 'mental health' on the big sign, but mom and dad push me into the building before I can read the rest. We go up to a desk where there is a lady sitting there on the computer.

"Hello, how may I help you?" She asks with a big smile on her face. "Oh, what's your name little guy?"
"I'm Jessie! Mommy and Daddy said I'll make some friends here!"
"Aren't you a cutie!" She then directs her attention back to my parents "Now, what do you need?"
"U-uhm, we need to see Dr. Dins. I-it's about..." Dad then look at me. I'm confused...I'm not sick, why should I be here to see a Doctor?
"Alright, let me tell him, you may go and take a seat, I will call you when you can go see him."
"Thank you so much."
"Mommy...why are we here?"
"We're going to h-help you!" She still has that same...scared she's seen a monster. Am I a monster? Did I do something bad? What's wrong with me? Why are mommy and daddy scared?
"Dr. Dins may see you now."
We get up and walk to a room, there's a man in there. He doesn't look like a doctor to me...
"Hello Mr. And Mrs. Larson, what seems to be the problem?"
"Somethings wrong with our son! He did something and-" he cut mommy off.
"Now now, we speak in private, not in front of the child," he walks over to me. "Hello Jessie, can I trust to leave you in here while I go talk to mommy and daddy?"
"S-sure mister!" I give him a big smile.
Mommy, daddy, and that man leave the room, leaving me in here by myself. I look around, this doesn't seem like a doctors office, there's a large couch and a chair. Right across from each other. There's a little table between the two. On the table is a clipboard and some papers with my name on it, a bowl with what I believe are stress balls in it, and a jar with pencils in it. Not long after the man walks back in here, leaving mommy and daddy outside.
"Hello again Jessie, would it be alright to ask you a few questions?"
"Sure Doctor...?"
"You can call me Mark."
"So, your mom told me that you showed them something, may I ask what that is?"
"Uhm...I don't know..."
"Do you trust me, Jessie?"
"Yeah, you seem nice enough."
"Then why can't you show me?"
"I...I think that you will be afraid like mommy and daddy...I don't want that to happen...not again..."
"How long have you been able to do this?"
"Uh...since I turned two!" I held up two fingers, like I was proud or something.
"And how old are you now?"
"Five and a half!"
"So it's been a while."
"Well, can you please show me?"
"I-I don't wanna..."
"Please? I'll give you a gift!"
"What kind of gift?"
"Anything you want."
"Uhm...o-okay..." I close my eyes tight, trying to do it again. It take a lot of energy from me so it makes me really tired, I can only do it once a day it seems. I open my eyes again. "Sorry mister Mark, I can't do it again today..." I say, plopping down on the couch.
"That's alright! Why don't you go play with the others while I talk to mommy and daddy."

He opens the door, leading me to the area where there are tons of kids playing. I see this little boy, he looks my age. He's sitting at the table coloring. I walk up to him.
"H-hi! I'm Jessie!"
"Hello, I'm Alex!"

Alex Medling - Charlie Puth
(Again, plez don kill meh)

"What you drawing!?!"
"I'm drawing a happy family."
"Oh, is that your family?"
"No, mommy and daddy always fight. It makes me upset..."
"Oh, well, don't be upset! It'll get better!"
"If you say so."
"Hey, do you wanna be friends!?!"
"S-sure!" He smiles and his cheeks go red.
"Why is your face so red?" I get closer, to get a closer look at him.
"H-hey! Not so close!" His hair goes from brown to pink in a matter of seconds, and he has flowers growing all around him.
"Y-you don't think it's weird?"
"Weird? This is so cool!"
"I think we're going to be great friends!"

A/N: okay, so that's all I'm going for now. I'll post something from present time in the story, then a back story, then present time and so on and so fourth. And also, I'm sorry if I have spelling errors, please point them out if you find any. I know it annoys my friend *cough* Tae *cough*. I make quite a few errors and I'm sorry for that. If you don't like this story, then to bad. If you do, then thank you. Thanks you's all so much for reading this dumb story of mine. Buh-buy! 😘

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