Kidnapped by a Pyschopath- Chapter 5

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"Author fun fact: This story is based off of a dream I had once."

That reveal had me stop struggling in place, the man's arms wrapped around me. My eyes widened as he slowly released my bunched up wrist and brought his hand down from my mouth. He was cautious while doing so. He didn't want me screaming.

I took in his messy appearance. He supported a black jacket had been wrinkled and was unzipped. He looked out of breath suddenly. His blonde hair was sticking out in slightly different directions. He had sharp blue eyes and a single black lip ring in the bottom corner of his lip on the left side. (His view)

He wiped off my excess salvia on the front of his dark jeans and holds eye contact, backing away from me slowly as to say he was giving me room to breath openly.

"What do you mean "I know who you are"?" I asked in a rude manor, crossing my arms across my chest. "I have never seen you and believe me if it was here, I would've remembered." I sibilated while throwing my arms up to represent my hate for this house. This place. Everything.

He looked around the room, following my frantic waves and chuckled. "Look," he said when noticing my glare. "It's been an extremely long time since we've seen each other, I'm talking elementary school long." He started while taking a seat on the bed noiselessly. "It wasn't at this house and I definitely didn't look like this."

I released a huff of air and ran my handing through my extremely tangled curls. "Keep talking, Stalker."

He smiled at my comment while looking down at the carpet. His smile allowed his cheek to cave in on his right side producing a cute little dimple. It made me smile. Slightly. "I knew when an kidnapping was called for you from the boss that I recognized your name. Amber Rain. It's very. . .unique and it brought back a certain memory from the first grade." He started to chuckle.

That right there sent a wave of nostalgia rushing through my blood. "Dylan. . . Dylan Twine?" I stuttered out severely confused but hopeful. "There's no way. . ." I whispered.

"Bingo." He laughed while running a hand through his hair and meeting my eyes.

I walked forward and stared closely at his face. The high cheekbones, the dimpled, cheeky smile, the ice blue eyes. I knew this man. I haven't seen him in almost twelve years, but I could never forget my childhood best friend.

Memories of us having sleepovers, playing in my backyard treehouse, and watching thousands of films together came flooding back to me in an instant.

"Holy mother of shit!" I laughed while covering my mouth. "What the hell? I thought you moved to Indiana after the first grade because of the military?" I said with a true grin. "Amazing! God, it's been so long!"

My sudden excitement of knowing someone "on the inside" as you would say was replaced by confusion. My most popular emotion lately making a reappearance.

"Wait, what in the world are you doing here? In this type of business or family crap?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Well," he begun while scratching his head awkwardly. "That's a story for another day. I promise. But, right now we need to talk."

"Okay, I'm gonna hold you to that." I chuckled, my mood more elevated. "And yeah, we need to talk."

"For starters, why aren't you dragging me to the crazy blue eyed psychopath who wants to murder me? Don't you work for him or. . ." I continued.

"Sort of, I'm required because my family is in debt with the Italian mafia and-"

"-Woah, woah, woah." I said stopping him sharply. "Wait a flipping minute, Dylan. The Italian mafia!" I frantically shouted out of breath. "What the fuck! Are you kidding? What does the Mafia want with me- oh lord I'm going to be put into sex trafficking. I knew it. My life is over. Oh shit-"

"Hey, hey, hey." He calmed while grabbing my flailing wrist gently. "Hey, breathe. In and out. It's okay. You're not going to be sold into sex trafficking." He chuckled. "But bad things are going to happen if you don't lower your voice." He whispered.

I took a huge gulp of air and felt better. But not by much. "Who is this guy, Dylan?"

"His name is Caden Moretti, and he is the leader of one of the biggest Mafia family's in the world." He spoke quietly while walking over to the draped windows. "Oh shit, don't tell him you know all that or I'm sure I'll get a bullet in the head."

My lips curved up at his worry but I nodded, stopping at a recollection over his last sentence. "Wait," I said backing up. "You're going to make me go back to him. He'll fucking kill me!" I squeaked. "No!"

He carefully pulled a slip of the silky curtains back; a stream of light to streaked across his face. "Amber, men are everywhere you will never make it out of here in one piece if you try to run again. Most likely there are alerts for you being sent out to other mob houses right now. Even if you got past mansion guards you'd never get out of the state. You have to think about this logically." He slowly mumbled as he scanned the outside area.

He then closed it and turned back to me. I frowned. "Dylan, you have to get me out of here."

"Amber, I'll try to think of a way to get Caden to not. . .hurt you. But, you honestly don't understand what kind of power this man has. From what I've heard he has a huge vendetta against your family. That's why he. . . um, kidnapped you." He explained.


"I can't explain everything right now. Caden is extremely angry and if he doesn't find you soon, bodies will start to fall. Some of who are my friends. I have to get you back to him."

"What do you think he'll do to me! I. . . I spit on his face." I uttered with a cringe across my face.

"You didn't." He gapped at me.

"I did."

"Jesus. . . Look, I know he won't hurt you too much. . .he wants something from you. He wants something from your family. You're his leverage."

I thought back to his questions about my father. I wasn't sure what they were about or their relation to our conversion, but now I know there was a deeper meaning to them.

"I don't have anything for him. I know nothing!"

"But, you may be the answer to finding whatever he is looking for, Amber. If he if finds it, he may let you go." He reassured me. "I just needed to tell you all of his and who I am because I'm going to try to get you out of here faster. I don't want you suffering." He finished with a small smile.

I bit the inside of my cheek nervously as I looked towards the lock door. After a few moments of deciding I turned back to Dylan.

"You promise you'll help me out and that he won't murder me slowly." I said in a half-joking tone.

He nodded. "I pinky promise, Amber." He said with a smile. I smiled as I thought back to first grade and the importance of a pink promise. Ah, sacred bonds.

My smile faltered. "Okay. . . Okay fuck, I'll go back," he grinned with relief in his eyes. "But, if he lays a hand on me I'll bite it and run again." I laughed only half-kidding.

He nodded before turning me around and grabbing my wrist together. I started to struggle at a sharp pain but realized his intentions. He needed this to be real.

"I'll say I caught you hiding under a bed. Do not mention you know me or that you know anything about Caden and his agenda, the Mafia, or me." He spoke sternly. "Nothing."

I agreed with a nod and he pushed me forward while unlocking and the door with his free hand.

When he swung it open I was surprised to see the hallway was empty. I suppose the men went to search other areas of the perimeter.

He walked quickly down the beautifully decorated hallway and down the grand staircase. Once we got down there everything became quiet and still.

Men who were just rushing around and running in and out of doors stopped and turned as Dylan cleared his throat.

Some pulled out their cells and started speaking more foreign words and some pulled out their guns and aimed them at me, their eyes all blazing.

"Oh fucking great! It's my favorite girl!" I heard an exotic Italian accented voice cheer sarcastically. I jumped when a gloved hand gripped my shoulder harshly. "When will you learn, runner. Tsk fucking tsk."

I turned to see the beautifully crafted face of Shadow as he stood tall with a scowl painted across his face.

"Shit." I mumbled.

"Shit is right, Miss Rain. You've done something that would get any man a bullet to the brain." He said while shaking his head in a mock-disappointment manor. "Too bad!" He mock-pouted. "I'll really miss y-"

"-Ugh! Can you just fuck off, Shad-"

I begun to snarl when I felt Dylan kick my calf and cough. His cough sounded like a 'no' so I shut my mouth and turned my head away.

The men around us watched the exchange and looked terrified when I said those five words. I didn't understand their deal though, Shadow wasn't that scary.

Doors opened across the large living room and it went -if at all anymore possible- dead silent. It seemed the birds stopped chirping and the generators stopped buzzing. Everyone stopped breathing.

"Miss Rain," his loud voice cut through the tension thick air. "A word, now." He deeply spoke with darkened, cold eyes.

I shivered as he stepped forward.

•          •          •          •          •          •          •

Dun dun dun! I would be shaking if I was in Amber's position right now.

Question: Have you ever had a dream seem so real that you could write a book about it?

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