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Raya looked at Kevin's stomach as he ate a bowl of ice cream on the couch. He noticed she was staring at him and turned his head at her. She smiled.
"Is it a boy or a girl?" she asked.
He shrugged and made a noise of nonchalance. Raya made a face and crawled closer to her father.
"Daddy, do you hate your tummy?"
"Uh huh." He answered without taking a beat.
"But I was in there too... did you hate me?" Kevin shook his head no. "Then how come you hate it?"
Kevin grabbed his notebook beside him and wrote on it.
They took me when I was little and did things to me. I didn't know it was not good. This time I know it's not good and they hurt you in the process.
Raya read it and pointed at 'process'. "What's that word?"
Kevin spelled it out for her and she sounded it out.
Sometimes Cs make S sounds.
"Prah-sess." He nodded. "What's that?"
For here it means they hurt you while they were trying to do stuff to me.
"Oh... but it didn't mean it, Daddy." Kevin looked at her. "It didn't mean to grow, right?"
Kevin thought about it for a moment and smiled at his very intuitive daughter. I'm so glad she ended up being so smart!
I guess you're right.
Raya grinned. "So are you still gonna hate it?"
Kevin shrugged, truly not knowing how he was going to react to it. So far it looked like it was only one baby this time, not multiples. He was almost done with the pregnancy as well, being in his last trimester. He hoped that he wouldn't have to through the same ordeal as before, being by himself.
There was a knock at the door and Kevin put the ice cream bowl on the counter to go to the door. He looked in the peephole and saw what looked like the mailman. He opened the door and the person looked up. Kevin instantly felt that something was wrong and tried to slam the door. The person grabbed the door and stopped it with his feet. Kevin walked backwards, yelling for Raya to come with him in his broken English. She rushed to his side as the man took off his hat and looked down at him.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't Kevin. I thought I'd find you here."
Kevin tried to keep Raya behind him and protect his belly at the same time. How do these weirdo people keep finding me?! he yelled in his head. The man started to take off his gloves.
"You most likely don't remember me. You were usually drugged most of the time but don't think I've forgotten you." He said, twirling his finger at him. "You little breeding thing, you. Looks like Mike and Amy actually accomplished something. It only took them what? Three years?" Kevin just stared. "They were amateurs. Now that you're quite ripe for the picking, I want to see if my experiment works on you."
"No." Kevin growled.
"You've become quite feisty. But let's not get into the logistics of everything. Come with me and I'll leave your little girl out of his."
The man nodded and then reached into his shirt, pulling out a gun. He pointed the gun at Raya and smiled.
"Now will you come with me? I don't mean to brag, but I'm an excellent marksman."
Raya shivered against her father's leg as Kevin shivered too. He had to protect Raya... He started to walk forward but Raya grabbed his leg.
"Daddy, no..." she whispered.
Kevin put his hand on her head to comfort her as he stepped away from her grip.
"Why do I want you?" Kevin nodded. "My dear boy, you don't realize what you are, do you? You're the missing link, the bridge that closes the gap... You don't realize what else he did to you, do you?" Kevin shook his head at the other man laughed. "Well that's okay. I only really want to use you for my own serums' purposes. You're just the perfect guinea pig! Now come along."
He walked with him as Raya stood there in confusion and fear. Before the door closed, Kevin gave her the signal to use the phone and closed the door.


Paul was very confused as he looked at the number of cases that were way too similar on his desk.
"You seeing what I'm seeing?" the other officer asked.
"You mean the same type of disappearance? Yeah. What's this got to do with me?"
"First of all, your boy Kevin is in there. Second of all, we found one other boy and he was in the same type of condition that Kevin was in, minus the pregnant part. But I think that they were trying to do the same thing. He had bruises all over his body and looked like a junkie rather than a kid." He grabbed the folder and opened it up to look for pictures. "See?"
Paul took the picture and looked at the bruises and scratches and pinprick makes all over his torso and arms. He frowned at that when his phone rang.
"Officer Drows speaking."
"Mr. Paul?"
"Raya? What is it, kid?"
"A... a... a bad man came and took Daddy."
Paul's eyes widened. "What?"
"A man came in and told Daddy if he didn't come he would hurt me. He was gonna do something to him."
Paul pinched the bridge of his nose. "Your father is like a walking victim, you know that, kid?"
"Please save my daddy!"
"Don't worry, Raya. I won't let him get away from me again. You stay in the house and don't you answer the door for anyone, alright? I'm going to be coming there shortly."
She hung up and Paul leaned over, hitting his head against the desk.
"You alright?"
"Henry, how do you keep a kid from getting kidnapped every time you turn around?"
"That was his daughter, Raya. She said someone came and took him after threatening to hurt her. That boy needs to learn that not all threats are real."
"I dunno. A boy with limited understanding of the world and only knowing how cruelty works would make sense as to his inability to see the bluff."
"Look, the kid has had bad luck and has been treated cruelly by most of the world. Knowing the evils, it's easier to give in than to fight it because he's probably aware how evil breeds evil. He just doesn't want to take a chance."
Paul nodded. "I know. It's more or less my question of how do these people keep finding him and taking him?"
"I'll try and look into it if you like? I need to talk to Mike and Amy anyway about some holes in their stories."
"That'd be great, thanks."
Paul grabbed his coat and headed out the door.


Kevin woke up, dazed and confused once more, but something else was odd. He heard the sound of a baby crying. He looked over and saw the man who had come into the house holding a screaming child.
"Naw, how cute you are now that you're out of that stupid ole stomach..."
Kevin made a face and looked down at his stomach, finding it flat. The man looked over and sneered at him.
"You're awake, I see. How was your little nap?"
Kevin tried to reach out but he was too tired. The man walked up and grinned at him.
"It looks like my serum might actually work. You are the best guinea pig, Kevin. I'm so glad the doctor created you."
Kevin made a face as the man laughed a little.
"Oh, I'm sorry, you didn't know what he was trying to do?" Kevin shook his head slightly. "You are a guinea pig. That's it. That is literally what you're job is for us. You see, we needed a human who could be flexible in regards to anything we put to it. We asked the doctor to make us a human guinea pig that was fully functional in all aspects. The problem was that he had to start fresh. He needed something that would most likely bond with the chemicals we may or may not dump into you. He found you, rewrote you, and programmed your body into something malleable... something that would give us the exact results we needed."
The man put the baby somewhere and he came back, looking over Kevin a little too close for comfort.
"You were the doctor's only true success. You were the one that doctor was waiting for but just when he was testing you out, you were found. One of your triplets survived, huh?" Kevin didn't do anything. "I guess that would be self explanatory wouldn't it? The little girl... oh and that baby I was holding. You see, unlike Mike and Amy, I know the formula the doctor used on you to make you pregnant but mine's a tweaked version of his." The doctor grabbed his chair and scooted it close to Kevin's face. "You'll be so amazed by it, I swear. The half-version worked so well on this baby that I know it'll work well on what I have in store for you."
Kevin's eyes widened as the doctor left the room for a second and he wanted to die. He just wanted a normal life with his kid and his friend. What harm was that? Why was it that life hated him that much that he always ended up somebody's bitch on a lab table? He was human and whether or not he was really intended just to be a guinea pig, he was still human. He had emotions, fears, felt pain... I just want peace... I just want... I can't take it anymore. I can't take being another crazy scientist's bitch. I can't take having my life dictated for me, my body used however they like, my mind fucked over again... I can't... I can't.


Paul had taken Raya to the police station to give a description of the man who took her father. After the artist drew him out, she nodded and said that that was who they needed to be looking for. Paul had seen that picture before and went to search his files or it. He finally came across the picture and made a face.
"Shit." He said.
"What's up?" Henry asked.
"This is guy." He said, pointing to the computer. "A disgruntled professor who had wacky ideas about science and was kicked off of the college campus. He did a one-man riot against the school for not letting him express his creativity in the scientific arts. A Professor Jenüb... According to the dean who fired him, he had all sorts of crazy ideas that weren't exactly ethical. We'll start at his house and work from there."
"Sure thing."
Paul put his face in his hands. He had to wonder how Kevin always ended up in these situations.


"Alright, I'm back!" the professor said, coming in with a large syringe.
He saw that Kevin was laying on the table but he wasn't doing anything. He frowned and went over to him. He watched him for a moment and then punched him in the stomach. Kevin made no attempt to even grunt. The professor snarled and moved Kevin's face to look at him and found him staring at nothing, mumbling. He came in closer to see what he was saying.
"I'll tear you apart... feed off your heart... I want to see your bodies swaying just for me..."
"Are you singing?" he growled. Kevin didn't answer. "Did you just go brain dead on me?"
He let go of Kevin's head and it thunked back to the table. The professor breathed in angrily and drummed his fingers on the metal table, trying to figure out what he wanted to do. He watched Kevin for a moment and then looked at his syringe. He drummed his fingers again and sighed.
"Waste not, want not."
He plunged the syringe into Kevin's stomach and depleted the liquid inside.
"Your body still works even if you've decided to check out of reality with your mind. I'll be back in an hour and I should see some results."
The professor left the room and Kevin laid there for a moment in the silence of the dark lab, only his muffled singing filling the room when he stopped. His fingers twitched and he turned to look at the ceiling, his eyes turning a piercing red.
Even in these chains you can't stop me.


As Paul was searching the neighborhood with Raya in the front seat for the professor's house, he got a call on the police radio.
"Officer Drows, we've got a 10-15 in your vicinity, do you copy?"
He picked up the walkie and pressed the button.
"Ten-four; where abouts?" The dispatcher gave him the address and he frowned. "I happen to be on that street as we speak. I'll go and check it out."
"Mr. Paul, what's those numbers?"
"It's police talk. Maybe when we get your dad back and things settle down, I'll teach you."
"Is Daddy gonna be okay?"
"I don't know, sweetie. I hope so..."
They continued down the road to the professor's house.
When he got there, found the neighborhood watching the house in curiosity. Paul put his lights on to clear the crowd as he pulled up to the house. He got out, Raya behind him, and went over to a few people.
"I heard there was a disturbance?"
"We heard a loud feral scream coming from in there and then the sound of breaking glass. We're not sure what's going on in there..."
"I'll take a look, ma'am."
A strange scream sounded from the house and Raya turned to it. She shuffled away from Paul and ran to the house. Paul looked down and saw she was running to the house.
"Shit! Raya! Raya!" he ran after her.


She opened the door to the house and was met with destruction and blood. There was blood everywhere. The sound of a baby crying caught her attention and she climbed over some debris to where the sound was. She walked down the hallway as the scream echoed in the house. She covered her ears and squatted in the floor until the screaming stopped. Once it was done she continued on her way to find where the baby cries were coming from. She opened another door and saw the baby crib and walked slowly to it but stopped when she felt something staring at her. Raya turned and saw where whatever the creature was had busted a human shaped hole in the wall and was staring at her from the other room.
She'd seen this creature before and she thought it was a dream once before. They stared at each other for a moment when the baby's hiccup caught both of their attention. Raya ignored the monster and went to the crib. A naked baby boy was flailing in the crib. Raya wished she could get in when the lights flickered a little. She turned and saw the monster was right outside of the hole, staring at her intently.
"Raya, what the hell is- WHAT THE HELL?!" Paul screamed, grabbing for his gun. "Raya, run!"
"No! Don't shoot it!"
"Raya, that's not a play thing!" Paul shot off a round towards the monster. "Get away from here! Go!"
"Stop it!" she yelled, running to Paul and pulling on his arm. "You'll hurt him!"
"Raya, stop wrestling my arm!"
During the altercation, his finger shot off another bullet, hitting the monster. Not hearing the bullet enter something, Paul looked over but the monster wasn't there.
"Where did it go?"
Raya looked behind Paul and gasped, pulling him down to the floor.
"Look out!"
She yanked him down just before the monster grabbed a hold of him and they both rolled on the floor. Paul turned around and pointed his gun at the monster.
"What the hell is that thing?"
"It's Daddy!" Raya yelled, jumping in front of the monster.
"It's Daddy! Please don't hurt him! You gotta help him!"
Paul watched as the monster just stared, not moving, its shoulder bleeding from where it had been shot.
"Raya, that's not Kevin. That can't be Kevin."
"I'm afraid it is." Someone said, followed by a wet cough.
Paul looked around and found a beaten up and broken man in the corner of the room looking at them. There was a piece of wood sticking through him and he had coughed up blood. After thinking out it for a minute, Paul realized it was the professor.
"Professor Jenüb?"
"Those idiots did a lot of experiments on that kid but they didn't realize that they had made a monster in the process." He coughed again. "He snapped on me and turned into that thing but he's got buns in the over to worry about now." He cackled even when he was choking on his blood. "My formula still worked."
"Daddy? Daddy, please come home."
Paul looked over as Raya went to the monster- Kevin. She touched his bloodied hand and looked up.
"I love you, Daddy. Mr. Paul will keep us safe again. He'll get all the mean people and they won't find you no more. Please come home... I miss you and I'm scared and... and if you don't come home I'll be sad!" She started crying. "I don't want them to hurt you no more! I don't like to see you not like you! You're a good daddy and nice and fun and smart and I love you!"
Paul watched as the monster changed and eventually, returned to Kevin. He was completely floored. Holy shit, what did those people do to him?
Kevin touched Raya's face and wiped her tears.
"No." he said softly.
Raya gasped and wrapped her arms around him.
"Daddy!" She gasped again and pulled back. "Daddy, your belly!"
Kevin looked at his distended stomach and sighed.
The man in the corner laughed, blood coming up.
"You'll give birth within the next few hours, Kevin. You're the perfect guinea pig... the perfect one..."
Paul was about to get up but Kevin walked over and it looked like he had punched the man but when Kevin pulled his hand back up, his arm was dripping with blood and there was something in his hand. He looked back at Paul and glared at him, daring him to say anything. Paul kind of wanted to but decided that Kevin was owed some sort of payback for the horrible things that had been done to him... still done to him.
Kevin threw what he had taken out away from him and went over to his son. He reached in and picked him up, sighing as he looked at the little boy for a moment. He felt his stomach quiver and then gripped the side of the crib as his belly bulged out some more. Paul came over and held out his jacket to Kevin.
"Here, wrap him up in this so he doesn't catch cold. Do you know where your clothes are?"
Kevin shook his head as he wrapped up the boy in Paul's jacket. He felt another quiver and hissed in pain as his belly stretched again. Paul looked down, seeming to finally notice his stomach.
"Are you growing?" Kevin nodded with a painful look. "Shit, kid, again?" Kevin gave him a glare and he threw his hands up. "Sorry... I mean, you have to admit it's getting kind of annoying?"
Kevin gave him a sarcastic look. Tell me about it. You think it's annoying to you? he thought. He held the boy out to Paul so that he could get a grip on his stomach as it bulged out again.
"By the rate you're going, you're going to have it soon. Come on. I'll go find your clothes, or some clothes in general, and I'll take you to the hospital. I won't let them hound you, okay? Let's just hope this is the last time."
Kevin nodded as he followed Paul, who turned to look over his shoulder.
"And next time, don't answer the door."
Kevin just sighed as they looked for his clothing. He was with Paul on the matter and hoped that he didn't have to go through anything of this nature again. He would never hurt a kid but he was so tired of having his body used against him. Pretty soon Paul wouldn't be able to take care of him and his children if he kept ending up pregnant. He frowned at that, wondering if there was something he could do to help Paul out. He'd have to ask him later when he had a pen and paper and wasn't rapidly growing a child.

A/N: kudos to anyone who can guess to two songs Kevin was mumbling and thought of up there. One more chapter and this story is over! Thanks so much for the support!

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