Part 51

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"(F/n)!" The teacher yelled. "To the principal's office!!"

She just covered her ears, rolling her eyes. "Yeah yeah, whatever." Walking to her desk as she waved off the teacher.
"At least let me do what I came here for."


"Times up pencils down and hand in your papers."

"That test was hard."
"What did you get on that one question."

"You know that end class actually finished really fast."
"Right? It took her what 40 minutes. And she finished all 5 papers."
"No way she actually did any of the questions."
"Your right she probably didn't even know what she was reading."

'If only they knew.' Gakushu thought, disproving his peers.


Without knocking (f/n) barged into the principal's office.

He looked up from his desk. Seeing the person in front of him he sighed. "Name, reason, complaint"

She rolled my eyes and plopped down on a chair crossing her legs.
"Smart as fuk, being too smart, need a better teacher"

"(F/n) I heard you destroyed a door during an exam." He said.

"I didn't destroy the door, I destroyed its hinges. The door is fine." She said lazily.

"You're paying for the damage."

"Yeah yeah, how much." (F/n) said uninterested.


"Is that all (f/n), because you may leave now" he gestured the door.

"Hey, do you still remember your high school years."

"What about it"

"Do you remember someone by the name of June. June Akira. She's my mother."

He stiffens at the mention of my mother's name. "...She was a former classmate."

"I did a little homework on you. Turns out you two are pretty close." (F/n) gauged his expression. "Did you ever had feelings for her?"

"It doesn't matter what happened in the past since she is no longer alive."

"I believe you two have some unfinished business." She smirked slightly. "I believe it went something like 'who can create a better masterpiece you or me."

"And where did you get this information."

"Who else." She said referring to her mother. "Me vs your school system. Should be pretty fun. I wonder who would win." She left cracklings.

[a/n): like seriously I can't tell who's the villain anymore.]


"Oh, you look alive again." Karma noted when she came home.

"Yep I'm back 100%, but I'm still in A-class." She sighs.

"Well, you never attend class anyway so just ditch every class."

"Of course."


"The results from the other day are back." He hands back their papers in academic order.

"Asano top score congratulations." The classroom was filled with praise and clapping.

He walked up to (f/n) -not even acknowledging her- and put her test face down. From this the class snickers.

"I wonder how low her grades are."
"Sensei can't even look at her"
"Must be an embarrassment"

Gakushu pov

'That can't be right. There's no way she failed this test. Test like these pose no threat to someone like her... unless'

(F/n) stood up unsuspectingly causing the most unpleasant screech from her chair.

"Ooh is someone gonna go crying to their mommy." Someone shouted and the room burst with laughter.

She ignores that rude comment then left but not before she-

'Wait... did she just, smirk.' I stood and walked to her desk.


In his hands were 5 papers all with a score of 0 on them. He quickly compared it to his own papers. "All of these answers are... correct not one mistake."

Not its the everyone else's turn to gasp. "EHHH!!!"

'Where is (f/n)...' my mind raced. 'Let's see if I'm her, I would be... on the roof.'

Third pov

"As I calculated you came." She said as he burst onto the roof.

"You..." he said while catching his breath. "Why..." he heaved again.

"Here have some water." She threw him a bottle.

"How stupid of me to think you would actually care about a measly test." He said after catching his breath causing her to chuckle. "Stop laughing!"

"You didn't have to come all the way here just to tell me that."

"Also..." he held up the paper. "Who in their right minds would write this on a test."

He pointed in the Name column where she wrote
-'you adults can go f**k yourselves'
-'the greatest god damn being on this planet'
-'I am from hell muhahaha'
-'my IQ is over 9000!!!'
-fuk yeah!!!!

She couldn't hold it in anymore as she clutches her stomach and laughed her heart out. "Your reaction... just..." she couldn't continue.

"You could've gotten a higher score than me if you didn't play this joke." he was enraged.

"Oh lighten up will you, can't I have a little fun." She calmed down a little. "its not even a real exam, if it was real... well we both know the outcome."


"By the way what happened to you this week." Gakushu asked. "you became so weak and lifeless."

"fine I'll tell you" (f/n) grew extremely serious. "i..."

"you...what" he anticipated.

"i... couldn't find my phone"

"...seriously" he let out a sigh. "And just when I thought you were going somewhere with this for once."

"Alright fine I'll tell you." She took a deep breath... then a second one. "When I was in my elementary, I was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Stuff happens and both my parents died. For two year I fell into a coma and showed no signs of waking."

"Now how much of that story did I make up." She laughed as Asano stormed off yelling "Why am I not surprised."

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