Extra Storyline: Karma's Opinion

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Author: It's been awhile, let's do another Questions and Answers. Featuring Karma Akabane.

(F/n): My not-as-capable, uninspiring twin brother.

Karma: You just had to go there. And why are you here this is my interview.

(F/n): Because someone needs to hold your hand.

Karma rolled his eyes.

(F/n): Anyway I just want you to know Splish-Splash your opinion is trash. Have fun with the interview.

(F/n) left the chat.

Author: Ahem. Let's begin.

Question one: What is your name?


Author: don't look at me I didn't come up with these questions.

Karma: Let me guess you went on google then copied and paste.

The author gave two dry coughs: I hope none of my teachers sees this...

Question Two: How old are you?

Karma: Before or after the time skip.

Author: like during the epilogue.

Karma: 21 years old, 23 during the wedding.

Question Three: What is your sexuality?

(F/n) shouting from offstage: He's gay!

Karma glares at the culprit: No I'm not.

(F/n): Oh sorry my mistake,

Karma: Thank you.

(F/n): He's gay for Nagisa.

Karma: (F/n) I'll give ten seconds. Run.

(F/n): f***

... This scene is far too graphic for our more sensitive viewers. We'll resume shortly...

Author: And we are back. Please ignore the bloodstains. Let's continue.

Question Four: What are your thoughts on your brother in law, Asano Gakushu?

Karma: What do I think of the ass.

Author helplessly looking at his notes: Please give me a proper answer.

Karma: He's between a sacrificial lamb and an unpaid maid.

Author: ...Care to explain?

Karma: As you know I use to take care of (f/n). I cook for her, do the chores, and deals with her mood swings.

Author muttering: And poisons her food...

Karma: I'll pretend I didn't hear that. Now I dont have to do any of that stuff.
She's sick? Her husband can take care of it. She suddenly blows up? Ditch and run. Her husband can clean up all her mess.

Author writing in her notepad: He replaced you as a punching bag.

Question Five: What is one fascinating thing you found out about Asano Gakushu?

Karma is now bored: His least favorite subject was Ethics.

Author: That explains a lot.

Question Six: Were you surprised when (F/n) and Gakushu started dating?

Karma: Well I knew Gakushu had admired my sister, but I didn't think she would take him up on that.

Author: Well it seems Gakushu was also surprised by her boldness during graduation.

Question Seven: Besides Gakushu who would've been a potential partner for (f/n).

Karma: LabRat is a choice, I guess. But I dont think he's dumb enough to subject himself to that.

Question Eight: To your knowledge, is your brother-in-law an M or an S

Karma: To put up with (f/n)? Definitely an M.

Author: But doesn't that make you an M.


Question Nine: How often do you fight with Gakushu?

Karma: We fight whenever we see each other. And we settle them like proper gentlemen... with our fists.

Author: Fight over what?

Karma: No reason I just can't stand his face.

Author: Then, how often do you fight with your sister.

Karma: Just as often... but I back down once she decides to bring out her twin blades.

Author: I believe there's a story behind those two blades right?

Karma: The sword given to her by mother, broke when she fought the Reaper near the end of the story. (f/n) had them reforged into twin blades. They are called twin blades but one's clearly shorter than the other.

Author: According to my notes (f/n) said they resemble the two of you.

Karma: The shorter one must be her, it's like looking in the mirror.

Question Ten: As you know (F/n) is basically a DBZ android. What are your thoughts on that?

Karma: How can you compare the two? Androids from DBZ barely has any flaws, meanwhile, my sister is useless in the kitchen. Clearly got the short end of the stick.

Author is deeply offended: ... are you criticizing my creation. (<--- didn't say this out loud)

Question Eleven: What would you say (f/n)'s spirit animal and plants are?

Karma: Here's the thing I dont really understand why some people think she's a cougar.


Author: Then what is her spirit animal?

Karma: A prideful alley cat.

Author inwardly chided: Isn't that the same thing?

Karma: ...as for plants... a tree.

Author: what?

Karma: During the winter she looks like she's dead.


Question Twelve: We ran out of questions, so let's have a round of Never Have I Ever...

Karma: This is so random.

Author: Hahaha that's so weird Hahaha (whispering to the stage crew) What are you doing?!

Director whispers (yells) back: You try coming up with the questions! this is hard enough as is with those ten-second answers.

Editor: Just go with the flow... We need to crank out another 500 words from this interview.

Karma: You know I can hear everything right?

Author gives him a thumbs-up: Don't worry we'll just edit it them out, our editors are very good.

Editor's notes: lol sure.

(1)Never Have I Ever... Accidentally made (f/n) lose a limb.

Author: ...this question is just wrong on so many levels.

Karma: Then it's a good thing losing a few limbs doesn't really affect her too much. She can just reattach them.

Author: ...

Karma: The answer is yes, (lifts up a dismembered limb) look I have her arm right now.

Author: what the f**

(2)Never Have I Ever... Sent a foot pic.

Karma: Did you get these questions off the internet?

Director: No it was from a drunk dude I met at the bar...

Karma: no I've never sent a foot pic.

(3) Never Have I Ever... worn a dress

Karma: ... I refuse to answer that.

Author: so you have?

Bling* Incoming text message from (f/n). Karma took one look at it before crushing his poor phone to smithereens. Earning one confused author.

Another bling went off on Author's phone indicating a text message from (f/n) as well.

Editor (facepalms): How unprofessional.

Author burst out laughing: Oh my god I can't (wheeze) I can't this is the best thing I've ever seen.

(insert karma in a wedding dress)

Bonus scene:

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