The Trail To Vermillion - Part 2

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'...Bulbasaur can you access your Ability Overgrow once again like you did in the Gym?'

'...Err...I-I...I am trying Ash but you see...But...It's like when your girl is riding you for hours now but still you are still blue balled 'cause you just CAN'T cu -'

'OKAY! Okay, shut up! I get the idea...'

Ash Ketchum released a sigh as he walked beside his current travelling companion. One day has passed since Ash left Cerulean and he figured that it would be a good thing to give some training to his pokemon. Which leads him to his current problem...

...He was trying to get Bulbasaur access the same energy that he harnessed during the fight with Marshtomp. The perverted pokemon had also tried his best to pull out the reserved grass type energy but he was failing miserably.

'...According to what Bulbasaur tried to say, he is trying to pull out the reserved grass type energy from a separate reserve but it's like the energy stored there just can't come out...' Ash thought while trying to process exactly what was the problem, '...Like...That would be like adrenaline in humans. An emergency reserve of energy to be tapped onto when danger shows itself...Hmm...' Ash hummed softly as he watched his Kirlia try to learn the new move 'Shadow Ball'. Ash figured that it would be a good idea to give Kirlia a bit more coverage in case a ghost type pokemon is pitted against him. Shadow Ball was one of the best ghost type attacks and Kirlia was psychic type so it would definetly take some time to get Shadow Ball done.

Luxio was getting more and more restless today so Ash figured that his instincts must be acting up once again. Luxio was currently on a 'hunt'. Vibrava was working on a Bug Type move Bug Buzz. Ash figured that it would be useful to counter any dark or psychic types later on.

Magikarp was not going to train till he evolves, Ash had clearly stated. Bagon meanwhile was trying to learn the move Dragonbreath. It was one of the most basic and preliminary moves that a dragon Pokemon could learn. Bagon was now 4 weeks old...Old enough to train and fight, Ash figured.

'...Adrenaline is released during moments of extreme anxiety, stress or anger in humans...Bulbasaur experienced a similar type of influx of emotions during that fight...But his emotions were...determination...anger and...a lust for battle...' Ash's eyes narrowed in concentration as he saw Bulbasaur focus on the bulb on his back to access the energy again.

'...Hey Bulbasaur? Come here' Ash told him. Bulbasaur tilted his head to the side and approached Ash. Ash said to him, '...Bulbasaur...I want you to leave your ability alone for now. Try Razor Leaf instead. That would be easier and fruitful for now...'

Bulbasaur nodded sadly. He wanted to feel that energy again...When he used that energy subconsciously that day he had never felt more...more alive. That energy was liberating. It felt like he could do anything. He wanted to feel like that once again...It was like he could take on hundreds of pokemon and still win...That energy made him want for more battles.

Ash meanwhile sighed as he looked at the setting sun in the horizon. It was going to get dark soon. Ash decided to get some Aura training done himself.

He focused on his inner aura and pulled a small amount from his large reserves. The familiar liberating feeling of using it filled him once again as the purple stones on his gauntlets glowed softly.

Since he had unlocked the 2nd phase of Aura Manipulation that day at the Rocket Attack he had noticed that his reserves were slowly getting...denser. More potent. Ash took a deep breath in guided his aura into his hands. Slowly he imagined a long spear in his mind and opened his eyes. Soon there was a dark purple colored glowing staff in his hand with a pointed edge at the end.

Ash was learning to make more and more solid things each day. Currently he could only make a shield, a spear, and a small knife like blade with aura. They were simple implements but boy...They were sharp.


Ash threw the spear at a nearby tree and the spear passed straight through the trunk making a small hole in its wake. Ash smirked as he saw the cleanly cut piece of the wooden trunk. His spears were the ultimate weapon for piercing literally anything.

Oh did he tell you that he even named his dear weapons?
Aura Knife/Blade – Sharpy,
Dagger – Stabby,
Spear – Pointy and,
Shield – Blocky

Nice names don't you think so?

Shaking his head at his own...childishness of giving names to weapons, Ash lit up a small campfire with a match and some tinder and put up the food on it to cook. They were having stew today. Ash's gotta admit though...At his home his mum cooked most of the food so he didn't have much practice, so his food was just...eatable...But now he found himself to be a pretty decent cook.

Soon after he had fed all of his pokemon Luxio came back to the camp with blood dripping down his jaw with a satisfied gleam in his eyes. Ash shook his head and went to sleep in his tent soon after he told Luxio to stay guard for the night.


Ash woke up with a yawn and stretched his arms and legs. He got out of his tent and packed up his camp after having breakfast...It was time to travel again. And today he will try to reach the damned lighthouse. And not to mention he had to hunt for the thrice damned blonde rocket girl...Damn...He was saying 'Damn' way too many damn times...

Ash took out his pokeball for Luxio and released him, 'Good morning Luxio...Today we reach that lighthouse. But I have heard news from several trainers that the lighthouse is sometimes concealed by some thick mist...I want you to keep your eyes active in Intimidate mode in lookout for the lighthouse. Can you do it?'

'Damn right I can!' Luxio responded cheerfully. Ash could have seen through the mist using his own Aura Sight but...He didn't want to take any chances with Team Rocket in that area. He couldn't afford to waste a single drop of Aura today.

Both of them started to walk with a map in Ash's hand. Although Ash was looking for the lighthouse he also had some different thoughts in his mind, '...Bill Sonezaki is one of the rare researchers in the world who can give the pass to trainers to carry more than 6 six pokemon...Professor Oak also has the ability to give trainers the extended pokemon carrying...He actually manipulated me to deliver his damned parcel...Maybe I can guilt trip the old man?' Ash thought to himself. The ability to carry more than 6 pokemon would be very useful to him...He would be going to have far more confrontations with Team Rocket after all. More pokemon, the better.

Now, to do that Ash had two choices now...Guilt trip the Old Oak Tree because he manipulated him...Or somehow gain a personal favor from Bill...

Shaking his head he looked in front of him to see that he was slowly reaching closer to the location of the lighthouse on the map. He stared to look left and right to see that his surroundings were covered by a very slight amount of mist...

Ash was put on extra alert now. Misty area with numerous places to hide and criminals who are on lookout for a parcel are NOT favorable circumstances for him at all.

Tip-Tap, Tip-Tap.

Ash was startled by the sound of gentle tip-tap and pitter-patter when he felt a small drop of water hit him on his head...

'GODDAMN IT! It just had to rain right now!' Ash thought with annoyance as he felt the small droplets of water start to wet his clothes. And his hair...His precious hair...His gorgeous silver streaked black hair after which he had spent 2 canisters of gel on was now fuckin' drenched. (Ash prided himself upon his Ash colored haired very much...And he wonders why people call him 'Ashy'...)

He started to run with Luxio by his side. A look of irritation was etched on his face too. Let me remind you kittens ('HEY! I AM NOT A KITTEN!' Ignoring the indignant shout from Luxio...Shut the hell up Luxio. Let me do my thing and write the story) do NOT like water.

'Hey Ash, I can see the Lighthouse I think...' Luxio informed Ash as he spotted the figure of a tall tower like structure in the horizon. Luxio's gotta admit, since when his ability has unlocked life had been easier for him. Especially his vision at night and his accuracy in his 'hunts'.

Those stray thoughts aside, Ash looked in the direction that Luxio pointed in and started to run even faster. The rain was getting worse and worse. His mad dash towards the tower like structure on the horizon came to a halt when he heard pained scream of agony coming from somewhere.

'Ash why did you stop?! My fur's getting all wet!!' Luxio whined.

Ash turned to Luxio with a small frown and told him, 'Luxio, I'll clean your fur later on. For now I want you to see if there are any pokemon in our area...' Normally Ash wouldn't give a single flying fuck if there was a Ratata lay dying on the street while crying waterfalls out of its eyes but currently he was in an unknown area with possible hostile threats of Team Rocket. He needed every clue that he could gather. An injured person or pokemon which may have been in that state due to possible enemies.

Luxio reluctantly put his nose up in the air and took a deep sniff of the entire area. The smells were a little messed up due to the rain but there was ONE smell that was still very prominent in the air...

...The smell of smoldering fire...

'...Ash there is a smell of fire coming from...A little distance north-west of here...' Luxio told him with caution.

Ash nodded and pulled out Luxio's Pokeball, 'You're getting wet. Get into the pokeball. I'll see to the smell okay?' Luxio nodded and touched the button on the Pokeball.

Ash narrowed his eyes in the direction Luxio pointed into and dashed. Splashing sounds were created as he ran across the wet puddles of water on the path. Soon he came across the place Luxio had pointed to. What he saw made him widen his eyes.

There was an orange colored pokemon with a very small flame on its tail holding a large leaf overhead to survive the rain. The tail-flame of the orange lizard pokemon was flickering...Just barely enough to survive...And yet, it lay there on the rock with the leaf overhead trying to survive the rain.

Now, fire pokemon were generally uncommon to see in these parts of Kanto. But it was even rarer to see this particular pokemon. Ash approached the Charmander which looked at him with a disinterested look of apathy.

Ash stood in front of the lizard pokemon with his arms crossed over his chest as if waiting for the pokemon to say something.

Unfortunately the pokemon said nothing except groaned in pain once again as the rain was fell on him in a slant angle. Ash shook his head and decided. He was keeping this Charmander. He had always valued the will to survive and determination his whole life. That's exactly why he recruited Magikarp and Luxio.

The small Shinx that he saw that day had endured the cuts and bruises and still wanted to save his mother. It survived the entire ordeal and now he was this bloodthirsty Luxio who would not even blink to take a life if it meant the survival of himself or his comrades. Magikarp had also survived the time it stayed out of water with those cuts and bruises and was on the way to become a Gyarados.

And now, there was a Charmander in front of him which was enduring the harsh rain falling on its flame. He was not letting it go.

With his decision made he went ahead and started to slowly pick up the Charmander much to its horror, "CHHHARRR! MANDER!! CHAR CHAR CHARMANDER!!" It yelled out furiously.

Unknown to it of course, Ash perfectly understood it, 'WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING BASTARD?! LEAVE ME ALONE DAMMIT! MY TRAINER IS COMING FOR ME SOON!'

Ash blinked. This pokemon was...trained. And it had a trainer? Okay...Ash's pride was hurt. Truly that had hurt his pride...Why you ask?

He was now ranked #2 in coldhearted-ness. Charmander's trainer had reserved the #1 position.

Ash's mind quickly deciphered all what may have happened to Charmander. Its trainer gave it a false sense of security by telling it to wait on the rock and then left it.

'...Oi, to answer your questions, I am picking you up, taking you with me and saving your life. Failure to comply will result in slow and painful death by extinguishing of your tail-flame. Second, your trainer has left you to die. Thus, he is no longer is your trainer. Third, I am not A bastard. I am THE great Bastard of all times...Considering the fact that my father left me and my mother ages ago, the statement is true literally and metaphorically...Now, you're coming with me'

Charmander blinked. Once. Twice. Thrice. How this...Absolute Bastard managed to say that with a straight face without a hint of emotion on his face, Charmander will never know. He processed the next bit of information,

His trainer had left him...

In the rain...

To die...

Solutions : 1. Die a painful death due to the vanishing of his tail-flame. 2. Go with this jerk and still have a chance to survive under a...decent trainer who could use the sacred force...Wait a damn minute...The sacred force? What in the name of Entei's Blazing Balls was up today?

So the fire lizard pokemon just settled for a simple shrug and made a decision. For the sake of his sanity.


'Good' Ash responded immediately seeing the simple shrug of the pokemon. He liked this pokemon.

No extra drama.
No shedding useless tears.
No overly emotional cheesy bullshit.
Just analyze the situation.
Check your options.
Choose the best option for yourself.

Yup, fun times were ahead of them.

End. So yeah, Ash's got Charmander. Not actually caught him but that will happen in the next chapter. Charmander's personality will be a lot like Ash. Mostly unemotional. Kinda a jackass and absolute asshole of the highest order. And most of all...Hardcore badassery.


So...Yeah...I have nothing to say now...

Me : *Shuffles the contents of a nearby bag and take out an overused, broken tape recorder somehow held together with glue and tape and hit the play button*
Tape Recorder : SssTTaayY SaaaFFeeE In ThhiIISSs OutBBbrEEAaAkK. ReeAAadD And ReeVvvViewW. VooOOTtTEe If YouUUUu Like – SNAP! BZZZZZTTTT!
Me : Goddamn it! It broke again...Where the fuck did I keep the superglue now?

*Searches the entire room for superglue but finds nothing and then scratches my head*

*The door suddenly opens and a cute 6 year old girl with deep brown hair tied into twin ponytails with a blue ribbon enters. She had the same black eyes as me and my father. She was wearing a light blue top with a teddy bear prints on it along with a matching light blue skirt. Her eyes were stained with tears and her bottom lip was quivering cutely. There was one doll stuck in her hand and another stuck on her dress. A small white bottle was stuck on her right arm. The small bottle was titled 'Superglue'*

Little Sis : Big brother help me! WAAAAHHH! The water in this bottle is being mean to me! Now dolly and Barbie are not letting me go! WAAAAHH!! *flailing her arms helplessly in chibi style*

Me: *just sweatdrop

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