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(I has made art!!! :) btw I wonder should I replace all the bucky art with my own? Use my own art from now on? Or Keep using bucky art just put some of mine every once in a while?)

  Kai's pov
  He turned around and looked at me confused with his now yellow eyes, I held his hand and he was just confused. A man walked over to us "I see you've met Calamity Clay already" (is that what that jerko called him? Idk! I'm going with what I know! Don't judge me for being a ninja instead of a knight! The episodes came at 6:30 in the morning and I missed 2 or 3 of them in the week) Calamity Clay? He's not disastrous "I'm sorry who are you?" He still had the smug smile "I am [insert name here] tell me, are you a citizen of this village? You don't look like the rest" (*whispers* I forgot his name...) I fold my arms and ask "What's it to you?" He looks at me confused "It was just a question" I reply "I'm a tourist" he smiled and said "Well then, Calamity Clay here and I can give you a tour here in exchange for gold" I shrug and say "Sorry I don't have any money on me, I can give myself a tour" after I said I got no money he got rude.

He says "Clay! Attack that um... solicitor!" Clay looked at the guy confused "Why? He didn't do anything, he's just a tourist so maybe he spent all his money on the way here" [insert name here] started to yell at Clay, I pull out my sword and said "Hey Back off badhair... day? Idk, leave him alone" he looks at me afraid but then he saw my sword "An entire sword made of gold? Do you happen to be related to the Richmonds?" Wha? I reply "Heck no" I look at Clay "What is going on here Clay?" He shrugged, [insert name here] said to me "Maybe we can reach an agreement, sorry for being rude at first, maybe Clay here can give you a tour and help you get comfy in anyway-" I wrap an arm around Clay and say "I'm already quite comfy with just his presence" Clay looked uncomfortable, he didn't even comment how inappropriate this was.

The man continued "-then maybe you can give us that sword of yours as payment, carrying that sword of gold around must be tiring and heavy" I held Clay's hand "You do realize you're asking a tourist with no money for his only form of protection to pay for a tour which he could probably do by himself in a world where evil is unleashed with a power crazy cloud with an army of stone monsters" he stared, then he said "Ok that does sound a little stupid" I heard some panic, "Oh that's nothing" I reply "What's nothing?" (To not waste time I'm calling him Jerko) Jerko says "The panic" I reply "How do you know it's the panic I'm hearing? What if I just heard it now that you point it out?" He paused then said "I have something to check on!" He ran off, I look at Clay distracted, I steal a kiss

 Lance's pov
I walk through the village, suddenly I heard something break behind me, I saw Kai in the wall, I ran to him "Woah are you ok Kai?! What are you doing here? What happened?!" He gets out and said sheepishly "It seems Clay still has problems with me kissing him in the open" Clay? I look in his direction and see Stone Clay walking towards us with an angry look, he shouted "WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Kai folded his arms and said "Rude, if you don't like my kisses you could have just said so" I look at him confused "Why are you not the least bit worried?" He shrugged "I dealt with worse things, at least my bones aren't broken!" I reply confused "Still... you even got a black eye" What is wrong with him?

Clay shouted at him "I DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU PERSON!" I quickly get between them and ask Kai "Kai how do you even know that's our Clay and not just some stone soldier that looks exactly like Clay and came around the same time the statue dissappeared?" Kai put his hand over his heart and said this to me "I know this is gonna sound very stupid but to be honest... when I was nearby him I felt that weird spark I have whenever I'm near him, it pretty much tells me he's there, I don't know if it's my mind playing tricks or destiny sending signs but that's how I know" that was both romantic and stupid, Macy came by and explained what she knew, I saw it myself, Clay's being used.

I told Kai to keep him distracted while we deal with Jerko. (I can't rewatch the episodes on the Internet because I have no Wifi at home, to be honest I didn't know what wifi was until two years ago, don't judge me!) Kai failed at stopping Clay and we ended up battling with him (I'm ashamed of my poor memory) to be honest I thought I was gonna die but I got him to snap out of it when I reminded him of who he was and also stated some of the knight's code to him, we were all able to return the gold and the town renamed itself as Stinkin Rich and Happy Ville, the town celebrates by buying a second banjo and eating roasted tumbleweed (if memory serves)

 Clay's pov
I sigh and try to regain all my memories to make sure I'm not forgetting anything, I heard some grunts and groans, I found both Macy and Kai, Macy was shoving his arm in, Kai whines a little "C'mon, hold still" he replied "It's just a dislocated shoulder I'll be fine" he jerked away when he saw me "Clay is that really you? Not Calamity Clay just Clay Moorington?" Calamity Clay? I nod, he hugs me, I hug him back and hear something pop, Kai smiled and said "Well that did he trick, even stone you're still cuddly" I'm pretty sure I still hurt him, I let go and say "I've missed you" he replies "I've missed you more, glad to have you back" we held hands, even though I can't feel it in my palm I still feel that spark when I'm close to him. I gasp, "Kai your eye!" He sighs and says calmly "Don't worry, I've been through worse" I sigh, his stubborn hot-headed personality worries me enough already.

I ask them "What happened while I was gone? Where are the others?" Lance says "Everyone is fine and they'll be glad to hear you're back but Jestro dissappeared, we don't know if he ran away or if he was kidnapped" what? "So you didn't do anything about it?!" Lance took a step back "Calm down Moorington, we were too busy protecting the villages and people we didn't have time" I get upset "So Jestro's not worth your time?" He replied "No! I mean yes! I mean Jestro is important too but we can't exactly split up, Clay" before I scold Lance more I felt someone's hand on my shoulder and see the eyes of my lover, I calm down and leave Lance alone. I apologize to him and we walk back to the fortrex, we were all reu(k)ni(g)ted and the Nexo Knights are ready to defend the realm now more than ever.

(Yay! Tis the 20th chapter of Kai x Clay I feel so proud! Hope you liked it!)

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