12. "an old friend"

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    Breanna Michelle Santana

   What a night. I didn't get much sleep as I naturally woke up at eight AM and we finished our — yeah —  around five.

I yawned and rolled over to sit on the edge of the bed. Grayson was still sleep so I didn't want to wake him especially because it was a Saturday and I knew he didn't work on weekends.

The first thing I did was pee and then wash my hands and face, the cold water waking me up right away. I breathed in and looked at myself in the streak-free mirror.

"Eeeeeeep!" I tried to muffle my screams by closing my mouth but I was too excited. I even did a little happy dance and spun around in a circle, grinning from ear-to-ear.

That felt nice.

With a sigh, I turned the bathroom light off and put all of my clothes back on.

Right on time, my stomach growled. I figured I'd make myself more at home and show myself around the kitchen.

"—Hmm," I debated on what to eat. My eyes scanned the pantry and refrigerator until I found Belgian waffle mix - my absolute favorite. Only, there was no waffle maker. Pfft, amateur. I jokingly rolled my eyes and shook my head at Grayson's lack of supplies.

I had plugged my phone into the wall by the stove, since it was dead, and waited for it to turn on.

The whole apartment was so quiet I could hear the bathroom door shut and shower turn on.

Not too long later, I heard footsteps and the smell of Irish Springs soap filled my nose. It had always been one of my favorite smells since my dad used it when I was younger, too.
I also liked the smells of: tennis balls, gasoline, nail polish, and new tennis shoes.

"Good morning." I looked over my shoulder to speak to Grayson who's hair was a disheveled - but cute - mess. He slipped on his other sock and then said good morning back.

"I see you wasted no time getting comfortable," he laughed.

"I was hungry and you know I love me some pancakes," I beamed, flipping one over after putting the passcode into my charging phone.

"Remember-" Grayson started to bring up something from our past but I cut him off.

My bare face straight, I seriously shook my head. "Please, no, Gray. Let's not do the whole trip-down-memory-lane-thing, okay?"

He seemed to have gotten ready to say something but was interrupted by my phone ringing. I was getting a call from my father.

"Yeah, dad?" I answered the call.

"Get here now."

I looked at Grayson and said,"I have to leave. Bye, Grayson." I handed him the spatula and took my things, walking quickly to the door to leave.

"What about the pancakes," Grayson but yelled after me on my way down the steps to my car. I turned and looked up, walking backwards. I held my arms out, clueless and he did the same back to me, making me giggle. Before I got in my car, I waved and yelled for him to save me a couple of pancakes. I'd be back to get some later, if you know what I mean.


BANG! BANG! BANG! I frantically knocked on the door. Nerves became me as I waited for my father to answer. At long last, though, he did. I lunged inside and looked around.

"What is it, dad? What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong. Where were you last night?" He asked but wasn't upset.

I relaxed some and tossed my keys into the bowl. "I met up with an old friend, got carried away." Literally.

"You should've told me."

"I know, and I will from now on. That's not all I should've told you, dad," I said, ready to come clean about my honest past with his co-worker, Grayson, and not really still being with Kaign.

"Save it, I already know. Again, you should've told me sooner, but-"

"Wait," my eyebrows furrowed,"you 'know'?"

He nodded slowly, cocking his neck like he was trying to discreetly point to something but I didn't catch on soon enough. Out walked him, sending me immediate disgust.

"Ugh," I scoffed, thinking how unfortunate I was.

Please be a dream, I thought, gulping.

"Hey, babe." A kiss was planted on my cheek. I
stayed still as a mannequin and displayed no emotion at his company.

"Kaign flew in last night, did you forget?" My father talked with his teeth gritted, he really didn't like Kaign either. If only I took his advice a year ago...

"Tried to," was my snarky response.

"I missed you, you weren't returning my texts or calls," Kaign rubbed my shoulders. I lifted the shirt back to cover them and wiped the mug from my face.

"I'll give you two a second alone, I'll help your friend with his things," my father said and exited the room.

"You brought Dylan?" I smacked my lips at Kaign.

"He's my best friend, I figured we'd travel here together. When you said you were from Oregon, I gotta admit, I laughed, but this is truly a beautiful state."

"What're you doing here, Kaign? We broke up, remember?"

"I never agreed to that," he argued.

I mouthed "wow" and began to pace.

"I can't have you here. You gotta go, you gotta go."

"Go where," asked Kaign as I pushed his body towards the front door.

He faced me and questioned,"And go where, Breonna?"

I fumed,"It's Breanna."

"Same thing. Listen, I gave you your space but now it's my turn. Dylan and I are going for lunch but you let me know when you're ready to talk things out like an adult," he countered and lifted my chin before walking through the door.

I wasn't about to let him ruin anything for me.

"DAD!" I called out and raced to find him so I could come clean finally.

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