Part One

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Hey guys! Thanks for reading my third story. It means a lot. This novel was really fun to write, considering it's sort of based on one of my favourite shows. Well, I wouldn't say based, but it's definitely inspired, and does have a few similarities. I tried to keep it original though and switch a few things up.

Also, just a small disclaimer here, this is one of the first stories I ever wrote, so the writing might not be as top notch (in my opinion) as my latest novels I've written. But nevertheless, I hope you enjoy the story as much as I did writing it! This one as well needs some editing, I'm aware of that. But I am pretty busy at the moment and I can't find the time to edit, but I will get around to it eventually.

Anyways, happy reading! And feel free to give me some feedback, and vote! Lol thanks!


  I could see the headlights of the car whaling towards me as my vision blurred. I quickly stepped to the other side of the road; letting the car pass on by. It was a chilly night this evening. I could hear the wind whistling through the trees above. A flash of lighting struck the sky, showing off its dazzling purple-blue colours. But the lightning itself was not dazzling as it bolted down onto the earth, striking anything in its path. Killing instantly. I must hurry. I'm surrounded by trees. I can't get caught in this storm. But sure enough, with one loud crack of thunder, it started to pour. Just my luck. I seemed to have bad luck in certain situations in my life; this part of it for sure.

  It felt like I had been walking forever. But in reality, I had only been walking a few days. The walk seemed much longer now than it did before. Although, before I was running for my life, and I had to walk fast; or run. That's what I did when I first became free. Now, I was only on a mission, but there was no point time to get there. I had time. And at this point I was drenched from the big wet drops of water, there was no rush it seemed. It couldn't get any worse; or so I thought. But then my brain started in full gear, and thoughts came towards me in a hurry. I'm surrounded by forests. By trees. If lightning begins, I will be toast. A strike of lightning could hit a tall tree, causing it to crash down on top of a poor girl passing by. Me. Or I could be struck. Or a car could not be able to see me, and I would be hit. Or. Or. I could be found. But not by a friendly passer by. Found by someone else. Found by...SNAP OUT OF IT! Don't think like that!

I caught myself before it got worse. I seemed to always think of bad scenarios when things weren't turning out my way. Kept thinking about how the situation could get worse; and then at that point, I would be scared shitless about everything going on around me. Like in this situation. But I wasn't as scared now since I had been through so much in these past four years. Not a lot frightened me now, not like before. I had become more tough, which was great in a way. Or at least I tried to be tough. Act like it. But that also made me act reckless, and that wasn't great.

  I have to get home. I kept telling myself. But at the same time, I was contemplating turning around at that very moment, and going to where I had been these past years. Everything was easier at that place; not here. Not back home. I could tell people anything I wanted, and they wouldn't go asking around or looking up things about me. They wouldn't question it. Question me. They left me alone, which I enjoyed. If they knew who I was, they would have sent me back awhile ago. Or perhaps they wouldn't care, and let me live my life as someone else. But I would not know for sure.

  A few times passed that I had forgotten why I was walking; but then I would remember after thinking about it for a moment. Although I was only eighteen, my mind didn't think straight as much anymore. I forget things easily. It's better that way. I don't mean to forget things, it just happens. But I'm alright with it. That's why it was so easy to stay away. I just forgot. But I have to snap out of this hazy cloud that I have had my head in for four years now. People are going to want to know what happened to me and to be honest, I don't know all myself. But I have the basics.

  I covered my ears as I kept on walking down the dark road; trying to muffle the thunder as much as I could. The only light I could see was from the headlights of cars ahead, and the dim lights of a city that was far away. The city I was taken from. The cold rain poured down as I gripped my jacket tighter, looking for warmth in a place I would not get it. I was now drenched, my long hair flat against my face, but it was clearing up suddenly. My feet squawked at every step I took, even with my shoes off. My belongings in my bag would be all wet too. But I didn't care about that, there was nothing valueable in there anyways. I was suprised that no car had tried to pick me up yet. In most of the movies I had seen, when there is a girl walking down a highway in the rain, someone at least slows down to speak to her, but so far, no one had. Now that I think of it, I haven't seen any movies like that. That was all in my head; my imagination. Maybe they just didn't see me. It was pretty dark. But that was ok, I'm always alone and don't mind it. I like feeling and hearing the quietness surround me and put me into this coma of peace.
Puddles splashed as I walked into them, not caring since I was as cold and full of water as them. I decided to walk all night. I could have stopped and slept under a tree in the forests that were on either side of me, I had done it before. But tonight was different. I didn't feel tired. I just kept on going. Like I was on a mission. But if I was on a mission why did I regret every step I took? What was waiting for me at my old town? And at that moment I started to wonder why I ever decided to go back home. Everyone has forgotten about me. They have moved on. They must have; it has been four years after all. Surely they have moved on. But not once did I turn back. I just kept on keeping on. Forgetting about the thoughts I had a minute ago, and letting the road stretch beyond me.

  The storm eventually stopped, but I didn't dry. My feet made an even louder noise with more steps. The dark sky slowly started to lighten, as the moon directed the sun to come up. I was surprised at how close to the town I had become. I thought it was much further away. I could already see the sign that welcomed me to Dalyville. The town was small; everything was pretty close together. News travelled quick. It was one of those towns where you knew everything about everyone, and no one forgets what people have done. That was one of the reasons I chose to stay away from this place. But I knew it couldn't last forever, I had to return.

  As I saw buildings come more into view, the sun rose above and shined brightly on my face. I stood there for a moment, letting the warm light wrap around me like a blanket. It felt nice. I couldn't see the sun for those few days I was walking home.

I was harshly interrupted by a car horn that honked closely to me. I looked back as a yellow tinted truck slowly came to a stop beside me and the window rolled down. And I knew who it was instantly. It was Billy Kam's old truck. He was a friend of the families. Or used to be. He had a son that was a few years older than me, Jake, and we used to hang out every time Billy would come over to watch Football with my father. I remembered how Jake would brag about how he would get his dads' old truck when he gets his licence, and then I would joke about who would ever want that piece of junk. I remember before I was taken, Jake and I were so close. Considering our dad's were best friends, that meant we would become friends. Jake was two years older than me, which wasn't much of an age gap. I'm pretty sure he had a thing for me before I was taken away, the evidence being from him asking me out. But, I turned him down for the soul reason that we were already too close a friends. I knew that hurt him, but I just didn't feel the same way that he did. He didn't take it too well, and he seemed to drift further away from me throughout the weeks until everything that happened. The tension and somewhat anger I could tell building inside him. The rejection getting to him.

  As I looked into the truck I realized Jake wasn't in the car, it was just Billy. I wondered if he would recognize me. But the blank face he gave me as he rolled down his window answered my question.

  "Are you lost?" he asked while he scratched the scar he had on his right temple. I just stared at him like a deer in the headlights, waiting for him to say 'hey, I know you', but that never came.

  "," I answered him in a stutter, as he kept me further on my toes. "I'm just out for a walk. Needed some fresh air," I explained to him. He gave me a funny look.

  "You been out for a walk the whole night? You're drenched. Why are you soaking wet?" he asked me with a puzzled look smeared across his face. I paused, trying to come up with an answer. An excuse more like, not wanting to reveal too much.

  "I just fell in a puddle. Wasn't looking where I was going."

  "You sure you don't need a ride somewhere?" He asked me.

  "No I'm fine. Thanks," I answered him before I started on my path again.

  "Alright," he yelled as he rolled up his window and sped off in the opposite directed I was going in. Why did I lie? I started to wonder.
He could of just driven me to the police station. But it seemed like ever since I was taken away from this place, I lied more and more. Lying was my second nature. But I had to start cutting it out. But that's easier said than done.

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