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JUST A NUDE by Savaginity
33 ;; Do not read others' diary

November 21st, 2018

The next investigation session was pretty much the same.

They tried their best to trick and make Jimin spill something that could take the case further, but Jimin kept it vague. There was no way he was going to explain the whole spooky, ghost shit to the police officers. They will put a bullet through his head for having such creative fables. But he knew there was no way they were going to leave him alone.

Jimin sighed before entering his dorm, locking the door behind. He placed his keys down and was about to pull his phone out when his eyes fell on the diary on his desk. Jungkook's diary. Oh shit, he wasn't ready to see what was inside that. But he knew he had to. There were high chances of getting some answers from that diary.

He rushed to his desk, placing his phone beside as he sat on the chair before opening the diary. The first page, January 1st 2018 was empty, few drops of blood covering the frayed ends of the paper. It was odd. How the first page, new year was empty with just drops of blood. Was that a clue, too?

However Jimin's stomach twisted at the sickening crimson. He flipped the next page, reading out what's written.

January 2nd, 2018
The boy who came to my house was...so pretty. He came with his father to meet mine. Apparently our fathers are friends or whatever and we've been friends when we were kids. I don't remember much as a kid tho. But hell! that guy was so pretty. I kinda wish I went to the same college as him. Sucks to be younger than him

Jimin's eyebrows hiked up at that. "Who exactly was he talking about here?" he mused.

He flipped to another page. Not all dates were written something with. He ignored those empty ones and only noted the written ones. Besides, most of them were infatuated quotes and happenings for a good amount of days.

January 8th, 2018
Today I met Taehyung at a convenience store. He came to buy some supplies before he went back to college for his next semester. I was surprised he remembered me, though. I don't know how to explain what I feel about him. But I'd be damned if I don't admit I had a crush on him.

"Taehyung?! Oh my God! Jungkook liked Taehyung?!" Jimin screeched, sitting straight up in his chair. So it was Taehyung Jungkook fell in love with?

He flipped quickly to another page, curious to know what was left more to read.

January 28th, 2018
Sometimes I wish I was a year older. So that I could go to college with him. I miss him. He called and texted me from college. We talked occasionally. But I really miss him, you know. However, I'm happy him and I are closer now.

Jimin flipped some more pages.

February 6th, 2018
Okay what is going on with Taehyung? He barely texts me anymore. I just...idk.

Jimin frowned.

February 18th, 2018
So Taehyung visited me and introduced me to his friends. Hoseok is nice. I like him. That Yoongi guy was grumpy but okay, I guess. However, I don't know why Yoongi and Taehyung seemed so...weird with Hoseok.

At that, Jimin's heart clenched. So Yoongi really was in love with Hoseok since then. That hurt. Real bad. So he quickly changed the page.

March 9th, 2018

"Okay..." Jimin stared at the paper with sceptical eyes. He had no idea Jungkook and Taehyung were this close. So this was who Jungkook fell in love with. But like Yoongi said, what about that? What kinda problems did that cause?

March 14th, 2018
No......no...pls. You can't just—it hurts. It really hurts, Tae. You like someone else?

Jimin scrunched his eyebrows as he stared at some spots on the pages that had faded a little as though they had water on them. Like, teardrops. What did Taehyung do now?

March 27th, 2018
I hate Hoseok. Not just because Taehyung liked him but because he couldn't even see what Taehyung feels. All these days he can only see Yoongi. It hurts so much to know that Taehyung actually likes someone else. But to see him crying from the way Hoseok treats him, hurts more. Idk why he even goes after Hoseok when he said he liked someone else. They might not have gone public but still, Hoseok is never going to reciprocate Tae's feelings.

"Taehyung liked Hoseok?!" Jimin shrieked. What the hell?! Why were these bunch of friends so messed up? Oh my God.

April 3rd, 2018
Taehyung didn't even remember our kiss....That hurts....so fucking much. He straight up denied our kiss and said it was a mistake. A fucking mistake. Gbd I canf bredth. I'm so pagetic for vrying iver a guyy

That, hit hard. Because Jimin knew how it felt to like someone who didn't like him back.

He flipped few more pages of Jungkook crying and mulling over his heartbreak, him having a few panic attacks here and there, very frequently.

April 19th, 2018
Idek how to feel. It was a little creepy but....idk. Why did Taehyung have so many pictures of Hoseok....naked? That too, under his pillow? What else was he hiding in his dorm? He-he....liked him that much? Was he obsessed? And why is that making me so angry? Why is that so....painful? Ah! I hate this! His dorm smelt...different today. Did he have sex here? With who?

April 24th, 2018
I hate Hoseok. I hate everything about him. He rejected Taehyung's confession as though it meant nothing to him. As much as it hurts, Taehyung didn't deserve it. Who does that motherfucker thinks he is? He is going to pay for that.

Jimin could only see red. It was Taehyung who spread Hoseok's nudes, huh? Who in the right mind would even do something like that for a rejection? If Jimin was right, Hoseok probably would have rejected Taehyung because he was in love with Yoongi.

And it looked like the two of them did not go public but only told Taehyung because he was their best friend. They kept their relationship low key. They trusted Taehyung. But he couldn't even understand it. How sick was he to do this?

May 8th, 2018
Taehyung came home, in the middle of the night. He seemed so off. Didn't talk to me at all. Just asked me to help him sleep over at my place. And I let him. It was endearing a little, though. When something happens and he just runs to me. But I didn't want to acknowledge the fact that he was using me. It hurt. So fucking much.

May 11th, 2018
What are you doing Kook? Why can't you move on from Tae? Why do you still love him? But Taehyung deserved better than Hoseok.

May 12, 2018
WOAH! I was not surprised to hear that someone spread Hoseok's nudes today. Taehyung did that, didn't he? He was the one to take Hoseok's nudes. But if that makes him feel much better, then I'll support him.

"What the—how can someone be so cruel for their love?!" Jimin rasped.

May 13th, 2018
I just heard my father say that my Taehyung....died a couple days ago? No, no, no, no, no. That's not true, right? Did he actually die? He can't leave me like that. My Taehyungie won't leave me like that. If only I was in that college, I would've saved him. Taehyung! Where are you? Vome backj t2 mee pls. No ni no...not himn pleasee

Jimin gasped.

So this was where Hoseok killed Taehyung. This was where Taehyung died.

May 18th, 2018
Now Hoseok died too? You know what, I'm not even going to mourn. He deserved it. Deserved to kill himself and die with guilt and remorse. If only he treated my Taehyungie better, he wouldn't have gotten high on those drugs and left me while he hurt himself. I mean, drugs, parties, depression, trauma and alcohol...all because Hoseok hurt him? Now he's gone...Rest in peace, my angel.

Tears sprang out of Jimin's eyes as his fists coiled in anger. His Hoseok deserved nothing close to death. The radiant boy with an always-smile who wished only the best for Jimin, didn't deserve it.

Almost for the next month it was painful words and teardrops; even some blood here and there. As though Jungkook cut himself a lot of times. The next few pages showed how much Jungkook was hurt when Taehyung died and how hard he tried to move on. How much ever bad he was, did Taehyung deserve to die? Jimin couldn't help but....pity Taehyung. And he didn't know why.

June 24th, 2018
Yoongi lost it when he came back to college last month to find Hoseok and Taehyung dead. I still couldn't make myself mourn for Hoseok though.

July 1st, 2018

July 24th, 2018
I know everything from my father. It was actually Hoseok who killed my Taehyung and it's confirmed. I had no idea how the college faculty dealt with the whole thing and covered it up by saying he died due to depression and drugs sold by someone, who my father sent to the prison. They covered the whole story to hold the college's reputation.

July 26th, 2018
I know Namjoon and Seokjin covered everything for their father and his college with some help from my father. Yoongi tried so hard to find out about Hoseok's death and Taehyung's death because he found it all sketchy. He had no idea that Hoseok killed my Taehyungie. He kept on digging into the case. But he also had no idea that Seokjin was the one on the other side, jeopardising his efforts. Seokjin did that because there was simply nothing left in the case. But Yoongi thought otherwise. I mean, my father is an advocate and Yoongi sent him letters and did everything he could to open this case back again. But I saw how it went in vain because Seokjin and my father kept the records clean. I understand. He was just protecting his father's already shattered reputation. If Seokjin and my father didn't meet up at our home about the case occasionally, I never would have known anything.

July 27th, 2018
Yoongi came home to meet father. However, he told him he cannot help. But I couldn't control myself yk. I was enraged. I punched him and we got into a fight. I was just so enraged in him for being one of the reasons I lost my Taehyung. If only he wasn't in love with Hoseok, he wouldn't have rejected Taehyung. None of this would have happened. I told Yoongi that Hoseok killed Taehyung because he spread his nude and that his Hoseok was a fucking murderer. I was so mad. I also told him that I love Taehyung and it's his friends' fault I lost him. Ugh, I'm losing my head.

July 28th, 2018
I see my father at home, rambling to Mama about how stressful this case was. But it makes sense why father slapped me and fought with me. He even told me that I need therapy. Who even would let their son study in a college like that? But I will go there. That's where my Taehyungie went. And I will too. Even if that meant to go against my father. Let me just finish my high school first.

After that, next month, August just passed in a blur, like nothing important was in there. It was as if everyone moved on, started their next academic year after August. Most of the pages were empty. Only a few of them had a journal.

August 11th, 2018
Yoongi stopped trying to open the case again. He finally moved on? Or did he find out it was in vain to try and open this case?

August 22nd, 2018
It's been a while now. Ig finally things are getting back to normal. It'll never be normal without my Taehyungie though...I miss him. Where are you, love?

September 3rd, 2018
The next academic year started but father won't let me go to that college. Great. Another fucking fight at home. They think I have anger issues and that I need a therapist. Again. Honestly, I hate this.

Jimin realized that was when he joined the college. That was the time. September. His first semester. That was when he befriended Hoseok and started having a crush on Yoongi, his senior. Jimin sighed, feeling the bitter nostalgia.

He flipped to the other pages.

September 23rd, 2018
Fucking great. I'm already so behind in college. Ykw fuck what my father thinks. I'm going to the college in November when they open applications for transfer students and apply there in person. Mama will help me. And I will stay at the dorms. Even though it's a place I've never been to, I'll stay there for my Taehyung. Because that's the only way I could feel like he is still there.

After this there were a lot of pages empty, again. He flipped, flipped, flipped...

Guess, Jungkook didn't write much for some time. But then he found the last page, on November 17th. He traced his fingertips on the black ink, feeling the dents of the paper under his finger tips before he read.

November 17th, 2018
I met Seokjin a lot these days. Ever since I left home to come to this college. Ever since I killed that bastard. I don't feel guilty though. Yoongi deserved it. For not protecting Taehyung even though he was his best friend. He only cared about Hoseok. Why does everyone only care about that asshole?

Jungkook killed Yoongi?!

Tears poured down Jimin's face as he stared at the page, his chest heaving out of steady breaths.

Suddenly the diary burned.

Jimin yelped and threw it away, jumping off his seat. He looked at his phone which was vibrating. He watched it literally move like a low battery robot on his desk. The screen glitched and suddenly it cracked.

Jimin backed away from it, his hands against his mouth. And he watched with horror as blood seeped out the crack of his screen, spreading on his mahogany desk.

Oh shit!

Yoongi just found out who killed him.

Suddenly the blood moved on his table, forming a message, dripping down the edge of the table.

'I will kill everyone in this'.

Oh my God.

Yoongi was livid. Jimin didn't know what to do. What should he do? How could he—

"Follow the numbers."

He remembered Taehyung's voice.

The numbers. Right.

let's see how many clues yall found ;) comment your theories

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