10 | Rome Wasn't Built in A Day

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The plastic sheet that made the cover of the teepee where Winnie slept was constantly flapping in the slight wind of the ground.

It had been doing that since they first started constructing sleeping quarters, they had built two of them so far and Octavia protested along with Munroe and Harper that they should fix it; that it was annoying. But it was better than the alternative, the Dropship. That's where Murphy ruled and the other tent Winnie had given to the Spacewalker, to choose whoever he saw fit.

Winnie shook them off at first, telling them it was too much hassle or another stupid excuse. After two days though she whispered to them as they fell asleep to the scraping of plastic against wood and metal.

"We've been used to machine hum for all our lives, now I just want to get used to another kind of sound."

They couldn't argue then and all the fifteen girls, chosen by Winnie herself, found they really couldn't disagree.

"I guess it does mask the snoring." Harper joked and a soft hum of laughter followed. Then even louder snoring came from elsewhere into the camp and their laughter matched it.

"Who do you think it is?" Munroe asked, "I bet it's that kid Sterling. In fact I'd put my money on it."

They carried on talking about it but Winnie payed no attention, she knew it was John Murphy's whose rose above the rest. She could recognise it a mile away, and, she had overheard some kids complaining about it when they were building the wall. But she wasn't focusing on that, she just thought about how she had never talked like this before. Never gossiped with girls or joked about boys, never really had friends.

"Winnie?" Octavia voice brought her out of her thoughts, "Earth to Scarfone."

Octavia had watched her sit silently and couldn't quite figure out her expression nut it was different to the Winnie that existed outside the camp. They locked eyes, "What?" It came out harsher than Winnie intended.

"We were saying do you think there is anyway to make them stop."

Winnie saw all of them were watching her, but for once it wasn't for instruction or to see her as a leader, it was for her to be a friend.

"You could give them a reason to not sleep." Winnie smirked, and suddenly Octavia recognised the Winnie she knew.

"Oh come, we all know you're the closest to doing that Winnie." A girl called McKenzie commented and if Winnie had not listened to the tone of the girls voice she would have misinterpreted it completely. This wasn't said in malice, the laugh at the end wasn't demeaning. It was friendly and Winnie wasn't used to that at all.

Only Octavia who was beside her could see the way Winnie reacted, she pulled her sleeves over her hands and bit her thumbnail.

They were brought back to reality by the scream that followed, that was real, that was the life they lived on the ground now. Jasper was dying right by them. The snoring stopped and everything in the camp seemed to be quiet except for the plastic on the metal.

"It keeps out that noise as well." Winnie said again, she kept her sleeves pulled and tried to pretend that now her nail biting was out of stress. She promised that Jasper was going to be okay, and she always kept her promises.

Other delinquents expressed their dismay in shouting, John Murphy among them. He had his allies in the misfits, the ones that's never really fitted in and he was fortunate that most misfits ended up in the Skybox.

"When's he going to go Murphy? I can't stand this any longer." Sterling from his hammock on the Dropship hit the side of the metal. Upstairs Monty held Jasper closer to his chest.

John Murphy was torn, he had promised no more death and he knew how important that was to Winnie. But it went against his own agenda, he wasn't like that. Jasper was a lost cause, he wasn't waiting to be found like Winnie had suggested the previous day.

"If you want to kill somebody and face the consequences, be my guest. I can't stop you. I just wouldn't want to be you afterwards." He remained swinging in his hammock, he wished that he was willing to face the consequences, it would probably be worth it for a single night of solid good sleep. But he couldn't do that.

"Awh fuck it," Sterling crossed his arms and lay back down, "He's not worth it. He's going to die anyway."

Murphy smiled to himself, not if Winnie had anything to do with it, he thought. God he realised just how much he was thinking about the witch, maybe that was the reason he couldn't get a good nights sleep.


"I swear, I am telling the truth Win." Murphy insisted as they helped secure a log to support the wall they were building around camp.

"Prove it." Winnie responded, with a raise of her eyebrows. They gave the log one last push into place and it held.

"You know I can't prove it," Murphy panted from the physical exercise, they had been doing it all morning along with all of the other delinquents, "But I can guarantee you I kept track of the days just the same as you."

Winnie had learnt from her father that if you are to be a leader, you have to show you are one of the people, at least at first. And Winnie did exactly that, she helped in the construction of the wall, she helped people perfect their knife aim and she was present. She didn't do sliding into dark corners of the Ark or into private rooms as she knew Bellamy and his new found mafia did. She just watched them do it as she wiped sweat off her forehand.

Murphy did this now and Winnie found for the second time today that she wasn't focusing on what she was meant to, instead she was watching the way Murphy took off his jacket and placed it on the support. Winnie wasn't actually comprehending what he was doing as he stood there instead she focused on how his shirt was almost too small, he wasn't made of muscle Winnie noticed but that didn't mean he lacked it completely.

"Gonna need to hit the gym Johnny Boy." Winnie commented as she stretched herself secretly hoping her own clothes would fall against her body in the sane way.

She guessed it worked as when she started dusting off her hands she was surprised when John grabbed them instead. She raised an eyebrow. 

"It's almost your birthday," Murphy had completely forgotten that conversation but suddenly he felt very guilty, "That's what you said the day before we came down here."

The girl was taken aback because she had forgotten about it as well because she had never properly celebrated one before, "I can't believe you remember that."

"You really thought I would forget. My pride is wounded Winnie," He smiled but it didn't quite reach his eyes, "So tell me when it is then."

Winnie was ready to reveal her secret when she noticed a particular figure out the corner of her eye going somewhere she didn't want them to go.

"Hold onto that thought," She put a finger on Murphy's lips to silence him, "I need to do a bit of work."

Winnie Scarfone waited a minute at the stairs leading up to the second floor of the Dropship. Letting the Blake say whatever he needed to before she hoisted herself out and found the whole cohort of people that she had been hoping for.

They all gathered around a sick Jasper and when Winnie saw him a lump raised in her throat, she knew he was going to be okay, she felt it. Her intuitions were never wrong.

But she was disappointed to see the Blake siblings there already but by the look of disgust on everyone's faces she was walking into a

"Mind if I join you little party, seems to be the only one going on. Everybody is so busy working, dunno why they would do such a thing if I'm honest. It's terribly boring."

"Get out of here Winnie." Wells was not in the mood, in fact he was never in the mood to see Winnie. He shared a look with Clarke and Winnie watched something pass between them, something that she didn't like.

"Don't say my name, you don't deserve to say my name,"

Winnie had no empathy, she was cold to Wells in a way that outdid everyone else, "I am just failing to understand why you think you're above everybody,"

Winnie knew she had to run a tight ship if it was ever going to work and she would not risk people breaking rank, "Everyone helps build the wall, that's how it works. We all keep each other safe and we all benefit."

"You're not keeping Jasper safe," Finn replied by gesturing at Jasper who let off a scream that somehow seemed worse then any other he had made, "You couldn't care less about him."

"Spacewalker you shouldn't talk about things you don't know," Winnie tilted her head slightly at him and a shiver ran up and down his spine that he couldn't exactly hide from anyone, "Makes you look a little bit stupid."

Now it was Clarke's turn to laugh, "You don't care, look at him and then look at you out there, not caring."

"So you want me to sacrifice the safety of a hundred people to take care of one individual. I'm not prepared to do that Clarke, but that doesn't mean I don't care about Jasper Jordan."

Winnie argued back, she knew she was wasting her breath however, Winnie and Clarke had passed a silent agreement ti mutually hate each other, Winnie just didn't want Clarke to hate her for something that wasn't true. She could hate her for all the true horrible things she had done.

"He's a lost cause." Bellamy said to Winnie, "He's bringing down morale in camp."

"Don't you think I know that Blake," Winnie watched his face carefully as she said the next words, reading his expression, "But that doesn't mean I am going to let him die."

It turns out Winnie didn't need to watch his face as his swift exit muttering about 'doing the deed himself' spoke more than another words.

Clarke didn't want to admit that she was impressed by Winnie as she then pointed to Finn and Wells, "Can you two go be useful and help build the wall so we all don't end up like Jasper. I want it built by tomorrow."

Clarke didn't understand what Winnie had planned as with one last look back Finn and Wells decided to follow the orders and Clarke was even more disorientated as Monty and Octavia came to sit down next to Jasper.

"What's going on?" She asked as Jasper moaned again.

"Just us caring for Jasper," Winnie responded, Monty had a guilty expression on his face but Octavia wore one full of pride, "We invite our spirit guides and those of Jasper Jordan here with us today."

Clarke wanted to protest, to stop them from doing whatever witchcraft Winnie was about to do but she found she couldn't speak, she couldn't really even breath.

"I thank them for bringing this boy into this world, for giving him the life he has, the friends and the family he has loved. And we ask for your healing today from his malady and to cure his mind of what happened. We ask his that his attackers are brought to justice and that they can harm the hundred no more and we ask you to give us the means to cure him,"

Winnie broke the circle swiftly but all of the three kept their eyes closed as Winnie reached with both of her hands and pressed them onto Jaspers heart, her open palms on his damp skin. Jasper had shivers and contortions of his limbs that threatened to throw the witch off him, but she did not move.

"Protect him from evil, save him from harm," She turned her hands into fists and chanted again, "Protect him from evil, save him from harm."

Her hands were open again and she pressed down hard on his chest, a fresh beat of his heart.

Clarke should have reacted faster but as soon as the witch did her movement Clark did hers and threw off Jasper, she fell down onto the floor. She was weak when she was doing spells, a fragile doll.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" Clarke shouted breaking the calm that Winnie had created, "You could have stopped his heart."

The witch had bile rising in her throat, "You can thank me when he survives Clarke." And Winnie silently rose to her feet and left the four of them staring at the empty space she left.

"You help her do this?" Clarke continued to shout in her desperation, "You help that witch."

Monty and Octavia looked at each other, "Jasper's still alive isn't he," Monty commented, "I trust you Clarke, I know you'll find that seaweed and medically you'll do everything right. I just don't think you understand that isn't Jasper's biggest threat at the moment, the people out there are. He can use all the help he can get."

"She's done this before?" Clarke didn't know what to think, her head reeled with everything that had just happened.

"She's done this ten times since he's been in camp. Besides Octavia, she is the person who comes to see him the most." Monty answered.

"She doesn't even know him." Clarke said it more to herself then anyone else.

Octavia stood up to leave, "I'm going to go help with the wall, it needs to be built,"

She didn't feel like explaining herself to Clarke or anyone, but she had to defend Winnie, she wouldn't survive much longer as leader if she had more enemies,

"And Clarke, Winnie doesn't know Jasper but she knows everybody in this camp. And the crazy thing is, - it's actually insane - but she cares about every single one of them. And she cares about Jasper just us much as all of us, if not more. So why don't you stick to what your good at and Winnie can be the one to keep us all alive. Because so far she's done a damn better job than you."

a/n badass Octavia and lovestruck Winnie. what more could you want from a chapter ??

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