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He'd been a lot less cheerful lately. It was a mood killer and concern more than anything.

Of course, you'd get the occasional fake smile and small chuckle when jokes were told, but Park Jimin had not been himself the pass few weeks.

So Jungkook decided to actually talk to him about what was troubling him.

It was eased into everyday conversation, the younger sometimes asking "Why are you pouting?" or "What's with the long face, hyung?"

Most of the time Jimin answered with, "Something Tae said" or "I just thought of my mom."

But somehow, Jungkook knew those were coverups.

So, on a lazy Saturday afternoon, the younger caught his hyung alone in the kitchen.

Jimin was making a sandwich- rather slowly, he noted.

"Hyung," Jungkook sighed as he leaned on the countertop and looked up to Jimin's eyes. They were puffy, Jungkook noticed this before Jimin could turn away. "Have you been crying?" He asked quietly.




"What's wrong?" Jungkook pulled the plate away from Jimin and the older stopped putting lettuce on his sandwich.

He hesitated for a long time, always closing his mouth after opening it, "It doesn't matter," he whispered.

"It does. You don't seem happy anymore, ChimChim. That's not like you."

"Kookie," he sighed and pulled his plate back over, "I just....I just had a bad day, alright?"

"No, it's not alright," the younger stood up straight and turned around so that he could lean his back against the counter, "Talk to me about it. All of it; not just today."


"I mean it."

Jimin sighed, snapping the lid back on to the plastic container where Jin stored lettuce. After getting comfortable with what he was about to say, Jimin inhaled, "I...I'm not confident with my voice anymore. I think I'm sounding worse as the days go by. Today, I tried hitting a note and it just wouldn't come out, no matter what. Kookie, if I can't sing, then what?"

Jungkook paused for a second, not equipped to handle answering questions. He was only ready to listen.
"What do you mean?" Jung furrowed his brow, suddenly deciding on winging it, "You dance, you're great at it. If you stop singing, you'll still continue dancing. But it's not like that would ever happen. You're probably just tired from recording all the time and practicing non-stop."

"But Kookie, I've been doing that for three years and this is the first time my voice has suffered any changes."

"You'll be fine hyung," Jungkook put his hand on the older's shoulder, "Trust me. I know you can do anything you set your mind to."


"You know what you need?" The younger raised his brow in a questioning manner.

"My sandwich?" Jimin looked down to the plate in front of him.

"Yes," Jungkook chuckled out, "but that's not all."

"What else do I need, then?"

"A day off."

"I can't. There's so much work to do and I have to help Hobi-hyung make choreo-"

"Jimin, you need to rest. I'm taking Thursday off, and you should too. We can just lay around the dorm and watch anime all day."

Jimin smiled, softly huffing out a breath, "That's nice of you Kookie, really, but there's just too much for me to do before we have our comeback."


The youngest sighed as Jimin grabbed his sandwich and walked off down the hall towards his and Tae Hyung's room.

Jungkook crossed his arms and looked around the kitchen, as if searching the closed cabinets for answers.

Jimin's voice sounds just as good as it always has, maybe even better, he thought.


"Namjoon hyung, did Jimin record anything yesterday?"

Namjoon looked up from his phone and thought for a second, "Maybe. If he did, it'll be in the third stack from the left," he pointed over to the sound board where about five stacks of CDs stood.

Jung moved over and started searching through them. He got halfway through the stack, finding a lot of takes with Tae Hyung's name on them then got to two CDs with Jimin take1 and Jimin take2 written on the top.

He took those and left, completely ignoring Nam Joon who was trying to ask what he wanted with Jimin's recordings.


Okay, so...CD plus phone does not compute well. There were middle steps that he wasn't in the mood to go through.

Instead, he thought he'd go and ask for a favor from Jin.

He padded down the hallway, quietly so that he could sneak up on the oldest, which he successfully managed to do.

Once Jin turned around from making the bed, he almost punched the younger. "Jungkook, you can't do that! Especially not wearing white! It's creepy!"

"Sorry hyung," he smiled, gripping on to his shirt now, "Um, can I borrow your disc player?"

"What for? Weren't you the one who told me that it was pointless to have it just last week?" The elder crossed his arms.

"I wanna listen to something and I'm too lazy to go through the process of putting it on my phone."

Jin pursed his lips, then sighed, "Fine, only because you're asking so nicely and respectfully." The older male moved to the corner of the room and pulled his disc player from a bag, bringing it back and handing it to Jungkook.

"Thanks hyung," the younger turned and started to leave.

"What're you listening to anyway?"

"Uh, just a couple songs I think I'll like," he answered, trying not to let too much slip.

"Alright, well bring it back in ten minutes tops then."

"Okay," he smiled and slipped out of the room.

He walked down the hall, trying to find the button that would open it. He'd seen Jin work this thing a million times, so it couldn't possibly be that complicated, could it?

He bumped into someone, so he looked up to say sorry, but he lost his words when he was met with Jimin's puffy eyes and disheveled hair.

The older simply smiled a bit and passed by him, muttering "Hey."

Jungkook sighed, but moved on to his room, sitting on his bed and grabbing his earbuds and Jimin's recordings.

He popped one into the player and listened intently, searching for something Jimin might have been on the ropes about.

Halfway through Jimin just stopped singing, so the recording stopped.

He took that disk out and switched it for the second take. This time, Jimin went though his song flawlessly. It was a perfect recording, something Jungkook was now going to strive for once he finished writing his song.

"Kookie," Ho Seok's muffled voice reached him and he pulled out an earbud.


"Are you hungry? Me and Jiminie are going out to get everyone lunch."

"Uh, sure. I don't really care what you guys get me," he put his earbud back in and looked down to his lap.

A minute later, the full song was recorded and Jungkook heard nothing wrong or off about it.

The first take would have been the last had he just continued.

Nevertheless, he took the CD and put it back in it's case, then unplugged his earbuds and got up to take Jin's player back to him.

As he got to the door however, Jimin slipped in, closing the door behind himself.

Jungkook stared at him, being the silent, little maknae he'd always been when he wasn't sure what to do.

"Kookie, when I get it okay for me and Nam Joon hyung to switch rooms?"

"Uh....I don't mind if he's alright with it."

"Thank you," Jimin smiled and fumbled with the door handle before he finally managed to stumble out the room. Kook reached out instinctively, thinking the older would fall, and grabbed on to the older's shirt.

"Jiminie!" Ho Seok called for him.

"I'm fine," Jimin huffed out a small laugh, "Coming Hobi!" He shouted.

Jungkook let go of him, then waited for him to leave the dorms before he walked into the hall.

Jimin losing his balance...something definitely wasn't right.


When Jimin got back, Nam Joon came with them.

They had dinner, discussing everyone's part in the plan of changing the two's rooms.

The younger ones were voted in for carrying everything around and Ho Seok volunteered to help.

Namjoon and Jin said they'd put everything in bags or containers of sorts, while Yoon Gi elected himself the generator; the one who rests enough for everyone whilst they expel their energy.

"Thank you hyungs," Jimin quietly said, giving them a small smile.

That's when the rest of the members noticed the change in him. Jungkook could see it on their faces.

"You alright?" Tae Hyung asked him.

"Hm? Oh, yeah.'s nothing much," Jimin stood up and took his plate to the sink, "I'll start packing now."

Once he was gone, Yoon Gi spoke first, "What's up with Chim Chim?"

"That's what I'm trying to figure out," Jungkook stuffed his mouth full then stood up, copying Jimin's actions before disappearing down the hall.

Jin was going to say something, but the maknae left too quickly.


Changing rooms was easier than they thought it'd be. Nam Joon and Jimin agreed to leave their clothes in their first rooms and gradually transfer them over to their new rooms as the days went on. It seemed to be a good idea once you factored in showers, possible rain forecasts, spilled drinks/foods, etc.

So they mainly ended up taking their chargers, laptops and the like to their new rooms.

Once Jimin was settled to his liking, he pulled out a puzzle from a box of trinkets he had.

"Wanna put this together with me, Kookie?" Jimin laid down on his stomach and poured out all the pieces, setting the box up so he could use it for reference.

"Uh..., sure hyung," Jungkook put his phone down and slinked into the floor, crawling over to lay next to the older.

The younger slowly started picking up pieces and trying to put them in the right places. He was focused on Jimin though, the way the older smiled softly and acted as if nothing was wrong.

"Hyung," Jungkook started, "Why did you want to switch rooms with Namjoon hyung?"

"Hm?" Jimin looked up, "Oh, it...I just did, I guess."

"No other reasons? Nothing you wanted to talk about?"

Jimin managed a smile, "Well of course there is. I always want to talk to you."

"Hyung, stop avoiding it. I listened to your recordings-"


"There's nothing wrong with them. They're perfect. I think you know that. I think something else is wrong and you just aren't telling me."

Jimin looked back to the puzzle pieces and inhaled, "Yeah...but if I told you, you'd never look at me the same way again. You'd be disgusted by me."

"No," Jungkook nudged his hyung, "I look up to you, Jimin. Of course, not literally."

Jimin rolled his eyes and fit two puzzle pieces together, "Brat."

Jungkook smiled, "Just tell me what's bothering you."

"It's not that simple," Jimin exhaled.

"It is," Kook sat up and crossed his legs like a kindergartner would, "Just move your mouth and speak words. It can be any language you like, I know what you know."

"Kookie, thanks, but...this one's....too difficult to talk about so freely."

"Is it a secret?" The younger spoke like a child.

Jimin let out an amused huff, turning away from Jungkook for a second, "Yeah, yeah it is."

Jung picked up a puzzle piece, fiddling with it before he inhaled, "Do you not trust me?"

"No," Jimin moved quickly to sit on his knees, "I...I trust you, all of you, but...this...what's bothering me is not exactly....easily acceptable."

"Hyung," the younger huffed out a small laugh, "We already accept you."

Jimin relaxed at that, his clenched fists falling to open palms on his thighs.

"No matter what, you'll still be the same Jimin to us. Hell, I grew up with you. You're my brother, best friend, and rival all in one. We push each other to do our best and we're there for one another we need it, right?"

"Yeah," Jimin managed to squeak out.

"Just, focus on your trust in me- in us- and tell me what's bothering you."

"I don't want to worry you with my problems, Jungkookie. You're too young for all that," Jimin smiled and laughed slightly, bringing his hand up to wipe away the tears.

"I'm younger than you, but this isn't twenty thirteen anymore. I'm not a kid. I wanna help you hyung, so just talk to me."

"I know you do," Jimin forced a smile through his tears, "You're a good friend, Jungkookie...but I just can't...tell you."

"Why not?"

"Because...because I can't...say it. I can't."

"You can't or you won't?"

"I shouldn't," Jimin looked up, his voice clearer and steadier than before.

"Hyung," Jungkook sighed, leaning back on his hands, "Are you on drugs?"


"Sleeping with someone?"


"Did you get a girl pregnant? Did you do something with a fan-"

"No, Kookie,"

"Then what is it?"

"I," Jimin tensed up again, his voice becoming more annoyed than upset, "I'm...not exactly normal...not like you or Namjoon hyung, either."

"What are you talking about?"

"What you're...attracted to. I'm different from all of you."

Jungkook sighed, relaxing as he did so, "So that's it? That's what has been causing you so much stress?"

"Yes, Kookie. It's stressful-"

"Hyung, it's not. It's really not. You should've just told us. Gay, straight, or a zebra, you're still Chim Chim."

Jimin let out a small chuckle, looking up at his dongsaeng before he outwardly laughed, "A zebra?"

"Whatever you are," Jungkook smiled, "we still love you. There's nothing to be ashamed or scared of."

Jimin nodded, realizing the maknae had remembered what he told the younger when Jungkook confessed that he was bisexual. "Why did you remember that?" Jimin asked.

"Because you said it and it made me feel better. It was important to me and it still is. A...symbol...of your acceptance."

Jimin opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out so he gave up and sighed.

"So...feel better?"

"A little," Jimin nodded, "Actually, a lot. Still feel like crying in the dark though," he tried to laugh it off.

"Well, you won't be crying alone," the younger lightly kneed his hyung's thigh, "We share everything, remember? Good and bad."

"Yeah," Jimin nodded, licking his lips before he smiled.

Jungkook smiled as well, happy that the crescent-moon eye-smile was back on his hyung's face.

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