Naughty Photo Model Pt. 3

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Jungkook fell asleep around seven after he put Jimin in the guest room at six thirty.

He was having a nice dream, one where he took Jimin up on his offer for sex.

"Jungkook-ssi," Jimin's voice was a whine, and his dream self pushed into the smaller's hips harder.

"Jungkook-ssi." Again, the voice was whiny, but this time the pitch didn't match the face.

"Jungkook!" Jin's yell pierced his cloud and his dream faded away.

He groaned, sweating and panting like in his dream but for a completely different reason.

"Jungkook, breakfast's ready!" Namjoon yelled.

The raven haired male rolled to his back and groaned again, rubbing his eyes with the balls of his wrists.

"Hot," a small giggle caught his attention and he froze.

He sat up slowly and looked to his desk.

Park Jimin sat in his chair, one knee pulled up to his chest and the other leg stretched out. Still, his toes barely skimmed the carpet.

"Morning Sunshine," Jimin turned to him and smiled.

Kook noticed now that Jimin was on his laptop, the same one where he always kept Jimin's website pulled up.

"Morning," he blushed and pulled a pillow to his lap.

"Sleep well?" Jimin smirked.

"Uh, yeah."

"Good," he nodded and turned back to the laptop screen.

"Do you feel better?"

"No, weed makes me feel better. But, yeah I'm back to being normal," he stretched his arms up over his head and Jungkook gulped.

He'd lent Jimin some clothes last night, a pair of pants and a tank top. Yet, this morning, the pants were no where to be seen and the tank top revealed much more than Jungkook could handle.

"I think your brother wants you to go down and eat," Jimin pointed to the door that stood wide open.

"Oh, right, um," Kook reached to his nightstand and grabbed his phone. He sent Jin a message that he wasn't hungry but thanked him for the effort.

"Alright, I'm leaving!" Jin called, "Text me if you need anything, I love you!"

Kook sent a heart to Jin's phone and a minute later the front door closed.
Jimin giggled and stood up, "Thanks for taking care of me. I assume it was you who came and rescued me from my own stupidity."

"No problem," Jung quietly nodded.

Jimin made his way around the room, looking at all of the younger's trinkets and awards and pictures.

"Um, so do you want me to drive you home?"

"Uh, maybe later. You know, I don't have a lot of good friends, but Tae said you're cool, so I just thought...I mean, if you don't hate my guts already, we could try and be friends."

Jungkook saw the sly smile on his face and he had a sinking, mortifying feeling that Jimin knew he was a fan of his body.

"O-Okay," the younger nodded.

Jimin slowly moved to the end of the bed and sat on his knees, playing with the hem of his boxers, "So, you seem to like music," Jimin pointed to the record  player, "Who's your favorite?"

"Ah, I...listen to a lot of English stuff. Hyung's...friend speaks English and he's teaching me through music."

"Really? That's really neat," Jimin smiled, "What's your favorite song that you're learning?"

"Uh...right now it's...Purpose."

"What's that mean?" Jimin furrowed his brow.

The younger repeated it, only in Korean and Jimin nodded.

"Sounds like it'd have a nice message."

"I think so, but there's one part I can't translate properly in the repeat and-"
Jungkook stopped once he realized how geeky he sounded, "Sorry."

"No, it's fine, what's the part?" Jimin moved a bit closer.

"Oh, uh..." Kook quickly turned and reached for a small, black notebook he kept tucked under his pillow, "It's basically the beginning of the repeat."

He flipped through pages searching for the right song, completely missing how Jimin stared at his focused eyes.

"This part," Kook handed the notebook down to him and Jimin gently held it, smiling when Jung moved closer and pointed at lyrics.

"I can say the words just fine, them the correct meaning and putting the right feelings behind's hard to translate a feeling when the words aren't your own."

Jimin looked to him and nodded, "I know what you mean."

"You do?" Jung smiled and Jimin nodded again, "Good, cause...I'm terrible at explaining these things."

The older grinned, "I could tell. But I understand."


"So...what do you want to do in college?"

"I don't know," the taller shrugged, "That's why I took this year off, to try and figure it out."

"Gettin' anywhere?"

"No, sadly, but...I figured I could go and get my basics done next year anyway and hopefully find myself along the way."

Jimin closed the younger's book and gently placed it in his lap. He kept his eyes on the plain, black cover and laughed nervously when he said, "I'm gonna try to get my degree in Physical Education so I can open up my own Palates and Yoga studio. Maybe even a gym with everything smashed into one."

"You like Yoga?"

"Yeah, it...calms me down. And I've always been interested in, um...the human body, so...anatomy and nutrition aren't as bad as everyone thinks."

"Nutrition?" The younger furrowed his brow and leaned back on his hands.

"It's like, a class talk about carbs and effects of food on the body. Malnutrition, obesity, stuff like that."

"So, I guess you drink a lot of water, huh?"

"Water and whiskey," Jimin shrugged, "Don't need nothing else."

"Not even milk?"

"Lactose intolerant," Jimin shrugged.

"Oh," Jungkook's eyes widened and he covered his mouth as he laughed.


"I...I gave you a bowl of cereal last night."

"What?" Jimin looked worried, "How long ago did I eat it?"

"Uh," Kook looked to the clock on his nightstand, "Seven, eight hours ago."

"Oh," Jimin stood up and moved towards the door, "Well, I guess I should go home then. I'm not as cute when I puke."

"I'm sorry," Jungkook jumped up and followed him out the door before he pulled him towards the guest room, "I promise I'll remember in the future to never let you have anything destructive."

"It's fine, you didn't know," Jimin waved it off, although the blush on his cheeks was evident.

"Um, I can drive you home, okay?"

"Alright," he closed the door in Jungkook's face and the younger sighed.

He spun around and started pulling on his hair, "Stupid! You're so stupid, Kook!"

"Jungkook-ah!" Jimin called for him.

"Yeah," Jung moved back to the door.

"I can't find my shirt, can I keep yours?"

"Yeah, that's fine," the younger smiled to himself and stepped back from the door.

A couple minutes later he came out in his jeans and handed Jungkook his sweatpants, "I didn't wear them, so they should be clean."

"Thanks," Kook took them and led him back down the hall where he chucked the pants into his room.

They quietly walked downstairs and over to the door where they slipped their shoes on and Jungkook grabbed the keys to his dad's car. He didn't have a car of his own because he felt his family had way more in the garage than they did family members.

But the less expensive cars were always used more, so Jungkook knew that one would be quick and easy to get out the garage.


"Hyung," Jungkook laid down on Seokjin's bed next to Namjoon.

"Yes Kookie?" Jin turned around from his desk and crossed his arms.

"I almost killed Park Jimin."

"What?" The oldest sounded a bit angry.

"He's lactose intolerant and I didn't know and I gave him cereal when he was high."

"High? Like, on drugs?"

"Yes, Hyung, but-"

"No, no buts," Jin stood up, "You shouldn't be hanging around with him."


"Kook, you know how your brother feels about that stuff." Namjoon huffed.

"Yeah, I know, but Jimin's not like that guy," Jungkook defended his new friend.

"No one is like that Jungkook," Jin's voice wavered, "Jaebum became that way when he started smoking and swallowing pills. I won't let you hang around those people."

The oldest left the room, Namjoon sighing and putting his book down.

"Jimin isn't Jaebum," Jungkook mumbled.

"I know, but Jin wants to protect you. Just don't mention Jimin anymore."

"How can I not? He's all I think about anymore," Jung shifted to lay on his stomach, burying his face in the fluffy blanket Seokjin loved to sleep under.

"You've barely known him for a week."

"Heh," the younger looked over his shoulder, "Not exactly."

Joon sighed again and took the same position as his boyfriend's brother, "Talk, Kook."

"I've been following Jimin's blog and website for almost six months."


"He takes photos," Kook nodded.

"Oh, what kind? Landscapes? Still-life?"

Kook pressed his lips together then shrugged, "Porn," he muttered.

"Excuse me?"

"He...takes pictures of himself," the younger rolled his wrists then locked his fingers together, "doing stuff or...dressed up...sometimes he's naked, but that doesn't-"

"You've seen Park Jimin naked for the passed half year and only met him last week?"

"Yes and-"

"Are you're sure you don't wanna just get laid?"

"I know I want that. I always want that, who doesn't? But, with Jimin, it's different."

"You barely-"

"I know, but I can't stop wanting to get to know him. Not as the adorable guy I jack off to, but as the person I can talk to about anything. Kind of like you, but hopefully I'd have benefits with Jimin."

Joon shuddered at the thought of sleeping with Jungkook, the brat he'd been throwing out of his and Jin's cuddle time for years.

"Does that make any sense?"

"Yeah, a bit," Joon reached over and ruffled Jung's hair.


Park Jimin: Jungkookie, I'm bored

Jungkookie: Do something not boring

Park Jimin: No, kookie! You're supposed to say 'come hang out with me hyung'

Jungkookie: come hang out with me hyung

Park Jimin: Okay Kookie! Only because u miss meh :)


It was two in the evening when Jimin rang the doorbell.

Jungkook hoisted himself from the couch and walked over to the door.

"Hi, Jungk-"

The younger quirked his head to the side, wondering why Jimin stopped. He stared at the older, noticing a red tinge on his new friend's cheeks.

"Uh-hum," Jimin brought his hand up and pushed it through his hair, "Hi."

"Hey," Kook smiled, stepping to the side and letting Jimin step inside, "What've you been up to this week?"

"Uh, mostly classes. I did go to Taehyungie's band practice yesterday, though."

"They sound good?"

"Sounded great. Tae kept winking at me during his solo, I swear he's insane. I'm surprised the director didn't scold him while he was showing off."

Jung laughed lightly and started leading Jimin upstairs.

"Aish, this place is huge," Jimin sighed, "I think I'd get so lost in here if I was alone."

"Guess it's a good thing you hired a tour guide then, huh?" The taller looked over his shoulder and smirked.

"Yeah I guess so," the older nodded.


"So, your brother's gay too?" Jimin picked up another Oreo and twisted it apart, "I always thought he hated me because I was gay."

"He doesn't....hate you. Hyung just doesn't agree with all the...ways you have fun."

"The drugs or the sex?" Jimin licked the filling off one of the cookies.

Kook gulped then slowly grabbed an Oreo himself. This was a food that would never look delicious again, only sexy. "Both."

"Does he have a boyfriend?"

"Uh, yeah, actually."

"Then what's the difference between him having sex and me?"

The taller nervously laughed and put the Oreo back. "I don't know! Maybe...maybe he just...isn't a fan of casual sex. We don't talk about that a lot unless we're talking about what new photos"

Jimin furrowed his brow and nudged the younger to continue.

Jungkook cleared his throat and shook his head, "'s nothing, really."

"Aw, no," Jimin pouted, "Please tell me. I love secrets."

"You won't like this one, trust me," Jung shook his head.

"Is it bad? Is your website about cult stuff?"

"No, it's not my website. We just call it that, cause I'm like, obsessed with it, I guess."

"Is it some geeky website?"

"No...well, I mean it depends on the photos posted."

Jimin stalled for a second causing the other to swallow his saliva nervously, "What kind of photos?"

"Ah, Jimin hyung-"

"C'mon, tell me! We're supposed to get to know one another here!"

"But it's not...normal."

Another pause stirred up, then Jimin clicked his tongue, "Is it porn?"

Jungkook tried really hard not to blush, and it worked for a few seconds, then he had to drop his head to cover the newly reddened skin.

"Oh," the smaller covered his mouth. "Oh, I guess...that's personal. Sorry."

"It's fine," Kook laughed at himself and reached up to push his bangs back. Well, now his crush knew he looked at porn photos, just not who was in the photos.

" it the website that was pulled up on your laptop the last time I was here?"


A small nod from the younger made Jimin inhale sharply.

The short pause gave Kook the opportunity to raise his head and he sighed, "I'm sorry, I know it looks creepy and like I'm talking to you just to get with you, but really, that's not it."


"I really like your blog and the way you write. You sound so amazing through all that and I just-"

"Kookie," Jimin reached out and grabbed the younger's arm, "It's fine, I...I know you wouldn't talk to me just for sex. When I was high, well...see I wasn't really too high, and I remember everything we talked about and what happened."

Jungkook froze for a second then let himself smirk, "So, are you really lactose intolerant?"

"Yes," Jimin dropped his head and giggled, "Yes, I am."

Jung huffed out a laugh and watched as Jimin looked back up.

"But, the website...I don't mind that you know about it, or that you showed your brother. It sounds weird, but I'm proud of my body and I like when people look at me. So it's totally cool with me if you....I mean, if the photos."

"I do," Kook blurted it out then closed his eyes and sighed, "Sorry."

"It's okay," Jimin moved closer to the other and pat his knee, "Really, it is. It's actually very flattering."

"No it's not."

"It is," the older stressed.

"No, it's creepy," Kook stood up from the bed and leaned against the wall.

"Well...I think it's cute," Jimin slightly smiled.

"How is it cute? Why aren't you weirded out?"

"I told you when people admire my body. Call me self centered, but I like it. I'm fine with it, really."

The younger male shifted on his feet and looked to the ground, thinking of something to say; anything.


Kook lifted his eyes from the ground, staring through his bangs at the older male.

Jimin was sitting on his knees and playing with his fingers, "I kind of...I've been following you on Instagram and Twitter for a while now."

Jungkook bit his lip and internally celebrated.

"Like, Tae showed me pics of you and're cute. You're actually really adorable and then your username popped up in my chat box on my webpage and I...I knew. I've known for a long time; that you watch me and that you donate money to me sometimes. Which I can pay back if you need me to!"

"No, hyung, I...keep it, it's fine. Seriously my house is...well," Kook gestured to everything around them and Jimin nodded, remembering how well off Kook was.

Jimin smiled then looked to his lap. He let out a small giggle and Jungkook lifted his head.

"What?" Jung smiled.

"Nothing, just," Jimin adjusted his glasses on his nose, "I think it's funny how you were worried about me calling you a stalker and I was worried about you calling me a stalker."

The taller nodded, biting his lip and looking to his laptop, which sat on his desk.

"Let's just...keep trying to be friends, okay?" Jimin stood up and held his hand out.

Kook looked back to him, eyes flicking between the adorable hand outstretched towards his stomach and Jimin's eyes.

Jimin's smile faltered as the thought of Jungkook not wanting to be his friend entered his mind.

"Hyung," Jung grabbed his hand and pulled him into his chest.

Jimin's free hand hit the wall behind Kook, startling himself with the loud noise.

"How can I agree to be your friend when I wanna be so much more to you?"

Jimin gulped, blushing at the way Jungkook's breath fanned across his neck. "Jungkook-ah," the older tried to pull back, but Jungkook's arms encircled his body.

"All those posts you wrote, when you said you felt lonely, when you were crying yourself to sleep....every time I read them, I wondered if you would feel better if I was next to you, if I was holding you as you cried."


"This world is big, hyung, and there's lots of people out there a lot better than me, I'm sure, but I still wanna mean something to you."

"You can," Jimin sniffled then laughed lightly, "As long as I mean more to you than porn material."

"There's so much more I wanna know about you, Jimin," Kook's hold on him tightened and he closed his eyes, "I wanna know your fears and what you do everyday. I wanna talk to you about everything that went wrong and laugh about everything that went right. I want to know that I know you inside and out."

Jimin felt a bit uneasy at first, when the silence first kicked in, but as he started to hear white noise ring in his ears, he lifted his arms and let them hang loosely around the taller's waist, "You translate your feelings through your own words better than other people's words. Maybe you should be writing."

Jungkook chuckled and opened his eyes, pulling back slightly to see the calm look on Jimin's features. He bit his lip and brought his right hand up to the shorter's cheek. His thumb drifted over Jimin's bottom lip, slightly tugging at the dry skin.

"Do you think you could ever write a novel?"

"Do you think anyone would read it?" Jungkook laughed quietly.

"If it had the same passion as what you just said to me, I think everyone on Earth would read it."

Kook blushed after his thumb slightly touched the inside of Jimin's mouth, "Th-Thanks hyung, but...I can barely read a novel. I don't think I'd ever be able to write one."

"What about poems? Free verse is a thing, it doesn't have to rhyme."

"Maybe," Kook nodded, "That sounds more doable to me."

Jimin giggled, his eyes disappearing as crescents took their place, "Now you know what you can go to college for."

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