[33] Family feud

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Bella's POV: 

Last night Jex and I told Malcolm the truth. 

Although it was very awkward to have Malcolm walk in on us, once we were fully dressed and met him in the living room our conversation didn't go as badly as I thought it would have. 

Jex explained that him and I have been seeing each other the entire time and only had a couple of weeks break when we first found out we were rivals but soon moved passed it and have been keeping it hidden from everyone up until this point. And even though I'm very early into our pregnancy we did tell him I'm pregnant and carrying the air to the Viper throne. 

He was shocked, but in the end really happy for us which was really nice, and he agreed not to tell any of the others until Jex was ready to tell them himself. 

I can only hope things will go that well with my family...

"You feeling okay beautiful?"Jex questions as he sits on the edge of the bed, looking down at me 

"I'm okay, I'm just dreading talking to the family today." 

"I bet." he sighs softly "Are you sure you don't want me to come and be with you?" 

"No baby, I'll be fine." I reach up and place my hand on his cheek. "I promise I'll call you the second I'm done and on my way back." 

"If you're sure, I'm going to head into work and catch up with the boys, I was thinking I will tell them while you're telling your family?" 

"Sounds good." I sit up and press a quick kiss to his lips "I should get going or I'll be late." 

"Just please make sure you message me when you're on your way home okay?" He wraps his arm around me, stopping me from getting out of bed just yet.

"I promise Jex, you don't need to worry, no matter how bad things get at home they won't hurt me, they're still family."

"I know, but I still worry." 

"I love you Jex," I smile up at him 

"I love you Bella, so, so much." he leans down and presses a kiss to my lips. 


I arrived at Cobra HQ right on time and park the car next to my brothers. I step out and look around at all of the cars that are here and it's clear that everyone I asked to come is already in the building. 

Dressed in my jeans and a casual T-shirt that I'd left at Jex's place I enter the building using my code and head towards the meeting room. Before I open the door I take a few long, deep breaths and calm myself before I turn the handle and walk-in. 

"Here she is." Dad grins and everyone in the room stops talking and all turn looking at me. 

I look around at them all, taking all of their faces in and I was right, not one person I aked to come is missing. All of the super immediate family and my friends are here. Mum, Dad, Abel. Uncle Enzo and Aunt Mia along with Amelia, Marni, and Aria. Sophie and Zarah are both here and Logan and Ruby with their Mum Charlotte (Jacksons' late wife) as well. I feel sick, I'm about to lose every single one of them. 

"Thanks for meeting me." I give them all a soft smile "Um, I have something to tell you all and I know you're not going to be happy about it, so I need to just come right out and say it." 

"You're pregnant." Abel crosses his arms over his chest 

"Y-yes, I am pregnant." I nod 

"Fuck me..." Dad breathes out 

"Honey I didn't realize you were seeing anyone seriously." Mum adds 

I look over at Amelia and I can tell right away she knows who the father is, she's never given up on the idea that I was still seeing Jex. 

"Please, let me finish," I speak over the top of everyone asking me questions and talking at me. "I've been seeing someone for a few months now, almost five months to be exact and I've been keeping it hidden from all of you because I just didn't want any trouble, I wanted to see where the relationship went before I went ahead and told anyone about it." 

"Well it's clearly progressed quickly seeing as some kid I've never even met has my daughter pregnant." Dad crosses his arms over his chest, clearly angry and upset with me. 

"She's telling us now." Mum places her hand on Dads arms in an attempt to calm him 

"Yeah because she's pregnant," Abel adds 

"Abel" Mum frows 

"It's okay, he's right, the only reason I'm telling you is because I'm pregnant otherwise I wouldn't be telling you at all." I take a deep breath "The reason I've been keeping my relationship hidden from you all and the reason I'm telling you now that I'm pregnant is that the baby isn't an air to the Cobra throne, it's an air to the Viper throne."

"You're fucking kidding." Abel laughs as he breaths out in pure shock

"Funny Bella, very, very funny." Dad shakes his head, laughing much the same as Abel, not knowing what else to say. 

"I know you're both going to be really upset with me, but it's true." 

"The air to the Viper thone?" Marni thinks out loud "Fuck off, Jex Shelby?" she gasps 

I nod my head and look around at all the pissed off faces "P-please, just let me explain." 

"Good luck." Abel snarls 

"When Jex and I met I had no idea who he was, and he didn't know who I was either. By the time we did find out I'd already fallen in love with him, and him with me. We did break up, but somehow we came back together. I knew I shouldn't have been with him, I knew you'd all hate me, but I can't help it, I love him and he loves me."

"So you knew you were fucking our enemy and you still went ahead and did it?" Abel sneers "What the fuck Bella." He shouts at me

"What was I meant to do Abel?" I shout back "I didn't know who he was and when I found out it was already too late, I can't just turn my feelings off you know." 

"Well you should have fucking tired." He shouts even louder 

"I can't." I scream back at him "I'm not like you Abel, I can't just pretend I'm not in love with someone when I am." 

"Abel stop." Mum steps in between us "Please stop shouting at one another." 

"Did anyone else know about this?" Dad asks and looks around at everyone 

Amelia and I lock eyes and she swallows hard. "No, I didn't tell anyone else about it." I lie "I kept it from all of you for this exact reason." 

"I can't believe you'd do this to me, to all of us" Ruby speaks, tears rolling down her cheeks "You're carrying a baby for the group who killed my father." 

"Ruby I didn't know at the time I met him, I-"

"I'll never forgive you for this." she wipes her tears and heads towards the door "I hope you get whats coming to you, you fucking slut." she says loudly before she slams the door and exits the room. 

"Bella, I'm sorry she didn't mean that," Charlotte says quickly "Uh, this really isn't our business honey, we'll leave you to it. Come on Logs." She places her hand on Logan's shoulder. 

Logan takes Aria's hand and the three of them then exit the building as well. 

"Enz, Mia, girls if you don't mind I think we need to talk about this in private," Dad tells them calmly. 

"Of course, we'll see you all soon." Mia gives us a soft smile 

Amelia makes her way over and gives me a hug which takes me by surprise. "I'll talk to you okay, I love you." she whispers 

I return the hug and she follows Enzo and Mia from the building. Marni then makes her way over and gives me a quick hug "I thought I was the bad bitch of the family, but you took my crown." she whispers "Don't worry babe, I've seen Jex Shelby, and I see why you'd go there." she winks as she pulls back, casusing me to giggle just a little. 

This is why I've always been very close with both Marni and Amelia, thry never judge me, they always listen and hear me out and try and bring a smile to my face, even in the worse times.

"Talk." Dad snaps as he looks back at me now everyone has left the room. 

I tell my Mum, Dad, and Abel the full story of how I met Jex and our entire story up until this point, the only thing I leave out is that Amelia knew about him and I and the part where my finding out happened at the club. I don't want to bring Amelia into this, everyone would take it out on her just as much as me. 

"And that takes us to now." I breathe out, my story coming to an end. "Jex and I have spoken about everything and we've decided that we're going to keep the baby and be a proper family."

"Like fucking hell you are," Dad shouts "You're not keeping that fucking baby Isabella, I don't give a fuck how in love with him you think you are it's not happening."

"Dad, I'm twenty-four years old you don't have a say in me keeping the baby."

"Oh yes I do. I'm the one who supplies the roof over your head, your car, and who pays you a fucking wage. You're not keeping that child so you can book yourself an appointment at the clinic" 

"Andre." Mum snaps 

"Tell me one thing." Abel speaks up "Did you tell the Vipers about our plan to take Jex out? Is that the reason they weren't there on the night of our planned attack." 

"As I told you in my long-winded story, the Vipers don't know about Jex yet, but yes told Jex about the plan and he called the entire thing off. I did it to keep him safe."

"So you did rat on us, I fucking knew it, you were always sticking up for the Vipers, always." Abel shakes his head "What else did you tell them about us huh? What the fuck else?" He shouts 

"Nothing, I already told you, we agreed not to talk about our family work and we didn't. Not until that night and what was I meant to do? You were going to kill my boyfriend." 

"So not only are you telling me you've been fucking our enemy and you knew about it." Dad begins "You're telling me you listened in to our convocation and you gave that information to the enemy?" Dad says calmly, too calmly, the camly someone sounds when they're about to explode.

"That was the only thing I ever told him I swear." 

"You know Bella I thought it was bad finding out my daughter is fucking whore, that you're pregnant to our enemy, but I think it's even worse now that I know you're a rat as well." He speaks in that same horribly calm voice "A FUCKING RAT!" he explodes as he flips the desk, everything going flying off of it. 

I back away slowly, terrified of him. Tears streaming down my cheeks at his words and he turns to me once more 

"You're fucking done here, you're out of the Cobras for good and you're out of the family as well. You can hand me the keys to the house and to your car right now and you can kiss your job goodbye." 

"Dad, I-"

"NOW ISABELLA!" he screams 

"Andre, you can't do that." Mum tries 

"If you don't like it Sara you can fucking join her." He shouts at her and then turns back to me. "Give me the keys and leave now." 

"But what about my things, my clothes and -"

"None of that belongs to you Isabella, it was Cobra money that paid for all of the nice things that you had in life, and you're not taking a single thing with you. Now give me your house key and the key to your car before I really lose my cool and do something I'll have to live with for the rest of my life." 

I pull my keys from the bag and remove my house key to Jex's house form the keyring and keep it in my hand, I then give all of the keys to dad, my house key, the key to my car and the key to my safe in my room as well as the office building I now no longer work in. 

Dad takes them from me and slides them into his pocket "Now turn around and get the fuck out and don't you dare ever come back." He says sternly 

"Andre you don't speak on behalf of all of us." Mum starts on him, yelling now as well. The two of them now in a screaming match

"I hope you're happy with yourself," Abel says as he makes his way over "You're lucky we don't put a bullet in you. If you were anyone else you know damn well it would have happened." He pushes passed me and exits the building." 

I exit the building quickly and head right for the footpath out the front where I begin walking quickly to get away from the building. Once I find somewhere safe to sit, I pull my phone out, my hands shaking, and I call Jex's number. I'm so glad Dad didn't ask to take my phone as well or I'd be so lost. 

"Hi baby, are you on your way home?" Jex answers 

"Jex, I- I need you to come and get me." I sob 

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