Yandere Jason Todd x Male Reader (Part 1)

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I wrote this with a banging headache so sorry if it isnt that good.

Jason forced Y/n to drink the water with one hand on his neck while the other stroked his hair. "That's it baby drinking it all. Good boy." Jason smiled before he pulled away. He put the empty glass on the side before he grabbed his helmet. Y/ns wrists were tied with rope and so were his legs so he couldn't leave the bed. "I'm gonna go patrol I'll be back. Love you." Jason kissed the top of his head before heading to the window.

Y/n nodded. He had already made Jason pissed off too much tonight because he tried to escape. Jason has put padlocks on the front door of the apartment and the bedroom. He has also locked all the windows, too.

Y/n couldn't believe he had been kidnapped by his ex-boyfriend. Why couldn't Jason just let him go?

Jason had just stepped out the apartment leaving the keys behind and he was now on the roof. "Damn it I forgot my keys. Oh well I'll climb back in through the window." He thought there was going to be trouble because of what happened earlier.

"That ungrateful brat just doesn't know how good he's got it. No one else would care about him like I do." Jason mumbled to himself.

Y/n had broken the glass as he grabbed a sharp bit and cut the ropeson his wrists and ankles. Y/n sighed with relief. He looked at the burn marks on his wrists. It felt so good to not be tied up anymore. Y/n wanted to escape but he was so tired.

He hasn't had a good night sleep in weeks. Ever since Jason kidnapped him Y/n felt too scared to let his guard down.

After sometime Jason was going back to his room but he noticed the broken glass. The bed was empty and so was the room. Jason looked around the rest of the apartment but he couldn't find him anywhere. "WHERE ARE YOU BABY?!" Jason yelled.

Y/n was running through the streets. He had no shoes on. Y/n ran down an alley before he stepped on glass. Y/n yelped as he felt glass in his foot. Y/n slipped and fell to the ground. His hands were scraped as well as his knees.

Jason burst out of the apartment building and walked towards the alleyway. He saw Y/n crawling on the ground and he walked towards him. He reached down and lifted him up. "There you are I thought I lost you again baby." Jason smiled down at him.

Y/n sobbed. "No. Let me go." Y/n tried to get out of Jason's grip. "SOMEONE HELP. PLEASE." Y/n screamed at the top of his lungs.

Jason covered Y/ns mouth as no one was around. He smiled again "I can't let you leave or your gonna run away again. We both know you can't do that baby." After a few seconds he took his hand off his mouth but still held on to him tight.

Y/ns breathing was quick as he sobbed. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he reached up and tried to pry Jason's hand off of his mouth.

"Calm down baby you're gonna hurt yourself if you don't. I love you and I'm not going to let you ruin this for the both of us." Jason pulled him closer so Jason's body was covering Y/ns while one of Jason's arms wrapped around him.

Y/ns eyes widened as he felt a cloth cover his mouth and nose. Y/n quickly held his breath, not breathing in the chloroform.

Jason looked down at Y/n and saw him holding his breath as he wrapped one of his arms around him to hold him in place. "Stop holding your breath baby it won't work anyways." Jason smirked as he kept the cloth against Y/ns face.

Y/n tried to hold his breath for as long as he could until he no longer could hold his breath. Y/n gasped for air as the chloroform hit his nose.

Y/n felt his eyes grow heavy as everything started to spin. Jason's voice was muffled as Y/n fell to the ground. Y/ns vision was blurry as he looked seeing Jason standing over him.

Jason watched as Y/n lost consciousness while he still held him in his arms. "Mine." Jason smirked to himself as he carried Y/n back to the apartment.

Time skip

Jason was laying in bed with Y/n in his arms. Jason was watching TV as he had Y/n close. The TV was on a horror movie that Jason knew would scare Y/n because he was scared of pretty much everything.

Y/n was fast asleep. His wrists were zip tied together. His chest rose and fell as he shifted slightly in his sleep.

Jason glanced over at Y/n and smiled because he looked so cute and precious. Jason knew that Y/n hated horror movies but he couldn't help having that little bit of fun because it was entertaining to see him scared.

Y/n whimpered as his eyes fluttered open. He started to panic as he tried to move his wrists but couldn't because they were tied. "J-Jason? Let me go."

Jason looked down at his precious and started laughing. "Aw are you scared already it's just a movie baby." Jason smirked "Relax I won't let anything hurt you." Jason looked over at him and kissed his forehead.

Y/n turned his head. "Jason I don't love you anymore. I broke up with you for a reason. You need to let me go. Kidnapping is illegal and insane."

Jason sighed and continued to stroke Y/ns hair as he kept his head in place. "Oh honey it's a good thing I don't exactly care if it's illegal or not. I want you and I'll do anything to have you." Jason smirked before he pulled Y/n closer.

"You think you can get away with anything because your the Red Hood." Y/n said as he tried to get his wrists free.

Jason smirked again. "Oh trust me I know I can get away with anything because of that. You can try to break free but there's no point. No matter what you're stuck with me." Jason held him close while stroking his hair. He leaned down and kissed his head.

Y/n moved away. He winced as the zip ties cut into his wrists. "Please take these off."

Jason sighed as he placed Y/n down and sat up. "Fine I'll take them off but I swear if you try anything I'm tying them back up and if I'm being honest I'm losing my patience."

Y/n gulped before he nodded. "O-ok." He whispered.

Jason stood up and walked over to the dresser pulling out some scissors. "Okay look at me Y/n if you try anything I'll restrain you again so just cooperate." Jason held out the scissors.

Y/n nodded.

Jason walked back over to him and cut off the zip ties. "I swear to god if you try anything I'll tie you back up."

"I get it just untie me." Y/n snapped.

Jason looked surprised by that as his jaw clenched and his hands balled into fists. He quickly grabbed Y/n by the collar. "Don't talk to me like that again baby. I'm the one that decides to untie you if I wanted to I can leave the zip ties on permanently." Jason said in an intimidating voice.

Y/n yelped. He glared. "Just untie me." Y/n winced as he felt the zip ties digging into his wrists more.

Jason smirked as he took the zip ties off but pulled him close to him so Y/n was against Jason's body. "There you go baby. You should be greatful I untied you." Jason smirked and stroked Y/ns hair again.

Y/n shook his head before getting off the bed and stretching.

Jason watched and smirked. "Where you going baby? You need to stay here with me."

"I need a piss is that alright with you?" Y/n said annoyed before walking into the bathroom and shutting the door.

Jason shrugged and rolled his eyes. After a few seconds he went and stood outside the bathroom door before leaning against it.

Y/n flushed the toilet before he washed his hands. Y/n opened the door and jumped back. "Jesus's why are you standing there?"

The smirk disappeared as Jason narrowed his eyes at him. "I'm just making sure that you won't run off." Jason said as he crossed the arms.

Y/n rolled his eyes. He yawned as he got back in to bed.

Jason watched him before getting into bed next to him wrapping one arm around him. "Stop rolling your eyes at me or I'm tying the zip ties back on." Jason said in a threatening voice.

Y/n rolled his eyes again before he moved away and pulled the covers over his head.

It was raining pretty hard outside.

Jason sighed and pulled the covers off Y/ns head. "Do it again and I'll tie the zip ties back on and you won't be able to do anything about it." Jason said in a strict voice.

Y/n sighed as he closed his eyes and turned his back on Jason.

Jason smirked as he pulled the blankets fully over them both and scooted until he was pressed up against him. "You can't just ignore me baby you know this."

Y/ns eyes fluttered open. He rolled his eyes. "I can't believe you chloroformed me." He mumbled.

"I had to do what I had to do. I had to keep you here baby. I can't let you run off again." Jason said calmly as he wrapped his other arm around him.

Y/ns eyes landed on the window which had a padlock on it now.

Jason followed his eyes to the padlock on the window and smirked "See I really don't want you to leave baby."

Y/n ignored Jason as he laid on his stomach and closed his eyes.

Jason pulled Y/n to his chest to where Y/n was completely on top of Jason. "Stop ignoring me, I don't like it when you ignore me baby." Jason looked slightly annoyed now.

Y/n growled. "Stop that." Y/n rolled off Jason.

Jason groaned and quickly pulled him back onto him. "No you can't just get away from me like that I need you here." Jason said in a demanding tone.

Y/n sighed. "Will you just leave me alone and let me sleep if I stay on top of you?" Y/n asked annoyed.

"Fine but don't you dare try to run away again." Jason said as if he was still upset. "Because if you then I'm going to sedate you again and tie you up again."

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