Chapter 27

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I woke up, by the sound of someone, or something, ticking glass, and, when I opened my eyes, I saw a owl outside my windown, my father's owl, with a letter on his beak.

I quickly stood up from my bed, waking up Charlotte abruptly as I did so, and rushed towards the window to open it, and took the letter that was on his beak.

I examinated it carefully, before fully ripped it open, and read it.

My dear daughter Lara

I would like to apologize for not write to you sooner, but your mother insists to not do so, you don't worry while in school.

At first, I agreed with her, and her decision to not write to you until she gets well, but, I'm afraid it had come the time where I need to tell you this.

Unfortunately, you're mother sicknesses got worse, she was okay for a few weeks after you leave, but in these lasts few days she can barely stand from her bed.

I'm terrible for telling you this in a letter, but I can't leave your mother alone, and she doesn't want to stay with any healer so I could speak with you directly.

She said not to write to you, and she doesn't know I did, so you don't worry about her, but not doing so, I feel like I'm failing as a father and husband, and you have the right to know of your curent mother well-being.

I'm not telling you this so you worry about her, and miss classes because of it, I'm telling so at least you have some news of your mother, even though they are not the best.

However, don't you ever forget that you mother is a strong woman, she got better, she just got worse a bit, probably because of the cold weather's arrival, I'm sure she will be okay soon, but I couldn't hold any longer to tell you this.

With love, your father.

I holded the letter tightly between my fingers, with the urge to cry or scream, I hoped my mother to be better by now, but instead just got worse, I shouldn't be here, passing a good time with my friends, sneaking out to train spells, breaking rules, I should be besides her, supporting her, help her...

"Lara, are you okay?" Charlotte asked softly, as she reached for me and my father's letter.

She read it carefully, and soon enough I felt her arms hug me tightly as a few tears escaped my eyes, and I started sobbing into her arms.

She didn't said anything, she just tried to calm me down, and say that everything was going to be okay, and we stayed hugged until was time for us to go to classes, Charlotte said maybe it was better if I took the day off, the teachers would understand, but I went anyways, my mother would not feel good with herself, knowing I missed classes due to her.


"Alright, now we will practice the Stunning Spell more known as Stupefy, choose yourself a partner and form a line." Harry said firmly.

The last few days I've been here, in the Room of Requirement, it's not been easy to manage my time, and hide this away from Charlotte it's not different, but it's working well, asides from the part where no one trusts me yet, and no one chooses me as a partner, and most of times I train with Harry.

And like this moment, everybody had a partner, except, for me.

"Lara, you stay with me, please step forward." Harry said, as he was in the middle of the two lines of students.

With all the eyes, glued on me, I stepped foward, facing Harry a few inches away from me, and pulled out my wand.

"Stunning is one of the most useful spells in our, Lara, give me your best shot." Harry said softly, and I pointed my wand at him, ready to throw a spell.

"Stupefy!" I shouted, and I, successfully, made Harry's body being thrown backwards, and falled into the ground.

"Well done, Lara, well done really." Harry said as he tried to stand up.

"Er- Hermione, Ron, you're next." Harry said after managing to stand to his feet.

With a smile on my face for having managed to perform the spell successfully, I walked back to the line of students, as I watched Hermione and Ron, being now face to face, with their wands pointed at each other.

"Stupefy!" Hermione shouted at Ron, making him being throwed away, and fall into the ground just like I did with Harry.

Well done, everybody, I'm afraid is getting too late, so tomorrow we will continue." Harry said firmly.

We picked up our bags, and waited for Harry to check out if it was save for us to leave, lately, Filch is been spying on us, and we have to be careful not to be caught.

"Well done, Lara, quite an impressive spell." I heard a soft voice say behind me, and turned around to see Luna Lovegood, a Ravenclaw, smiling at me.

I recognized her imediatly, long, blond hair, a different way to act and walk, she's the girl people usually call Loony Lovegood, not that I have ever called her that, nor appreciated others doing it, what I admire is how she doesn't care about that, and keeps being herself.

"Thank you, Luna, is very kind of you, really." I said softly, as we walked together.

"I know a lot of students don't trust you, I'm sorry about that." She said softly.

"It's okay, nothing I'm not already used to." I said giving her a thin smile.

"I think people must change their opinions not only about Slytherins but the other houses as well." She said softly, looking at me.

"What do you mean with that?" I asked softly.

"Well you see, not all the Slytherins are evil, not all Gryfindors are brave, not all Hufflepuffs are weak, and not all Ravenclaws are clever, but people seem not to understand that." She said smiling, and I realized how right she was.

"Luna I've never thought about that, but you're right." I said softly.

"I hope people see how friendly you are, Lara." Luna said.

"Yeah I hope too...anyways, I still gotta go somewhere, good talking with you Luna." I said softly and waved her goodbye, as I stepped towards the Astronomy Tower.

I hoped Draco would still be there, it's way past curfew, and he's probably asleep by now, however, I still went there.

I climbed the stairs, and saw him, still waiting, watching the stars in boredom, with his face resting on his palm.

"I'm sorry I'm late." I said softly, and he looked over his shoulder.

"It's okay, I'm not here for long, sit down." He said calmly, and I sat down besides him. "What were you up to?" He asked as soon as I sat down.

"I just, spent too much time in the library, and forgot the time." I said nervously, I was getting out of excuses.

"You're a terrible liar, have I ever told you that?" He asked, but not waiting for a response for my part.

"It's just, I've been quite busy with somethings lately, and-" He cut me off.

"Leave it, you don't own me a explanation." He said coldly. "How's your mother?" He asked.

"My dad wrote to me this morning, she got worse." I said softly, playing with my fingers, fighting the urge to cry.

"Is something I can do for her?" He asked, driving his gaze to me.

"Thank you but, there's nothing you can do my father hasn't already tried." I said softly, and felt a tears left my eye.

Suddenly, I felt the tear in my cheek being wiped by a finger, his finger, and when I looked at him, he removed it, probably feeling embarrassed.

After a few moments of silence, Draco layed down on the floor, still watching the stars, and rested his arms behind his head.

"You see those stars over there..." He pointed toward the sky, to a amount of stars all shining together, and I nodded. "That is the constellation of Cygnus, the Swan, the name of my grandfather." He said exponentially, and I surprised myself by his sudden interest in stars.

I layed down besides him, watching all the different constellations and waited for him to tell me more about it.

"And you see that one over there..." He pointed at the sky again. "Is the constellation of Andromeda, the Chained Maiden...I actually have a aunt with that name." He said softly.

"But I thought your only aunt was Bellatrix, the one that Azkaban." I drove my gaze at him hoping he wouldn't ve mad for me mentioning his family.

"Well, I don't know much about her, my mother doesn't talk about her much, I've see some pictures but I don't remember of ever seeing her." He said.

"Why?" I asked softly.

"Well, from what I have heard, she married someone that wasn't pureblood, so my grandfather, Cygnus, cut all his connections with her, and she runned away with her lover." He said not looking at me but at the stars. "My mother doesn't like to speak about her sister, but I know she probably misses her."

"I didn't know that." I said softly, there's so much things I didn't know about Draco, but I'm glad he's opening himself to me.

"And that one is my favorite." He pointed at the sky again, smiling as he did so, and I drove my gaze to wherever he was pointing to.

"Why? What is it called?" I asked softly.

"Draco, the Dragon." He said amusingly, and looked at me, as I did the same

"Well that explains why is it your favorite then, but I didn't know there was a constellation with your name, I see that your family likes to name their kids with constellations names." I said smiling.

"I guess they do..." He said and then drove his gaze to the sky again. "That one is the Scorpius, the Scorpion."

"How do you know so much about the stars?" I asked softly.

"It had always astonishing me, the stars." He said. "I trust more in them than most of people." I turned my head at him, and signed him to continue. "You once asked me why I come here, well, this is one of the reasons why." He said softly. "Actually, I want my kids to have a constellation name."

"So, you're going to be like your family with the tradition of putting names of constellations on their children." I asked amusingly, and he gave a short laugh

"No, no, I want to name them like that, because when I didn't had anyone else, the stars where there for's stupid isn't it?" He asked, giving a short laugh.

"No, I don't think it's stupid." I said softly, and he turned his head to look at me, locking his gaze with mine.

I suddenly felt his hand, slowly touching mine, as we both kept eye contact, I could only feel a small part of his big hand, but his skin was so soft and warm like I remember.

His eyes were so simple and kind, but so dangerous and dark at the same time, he looked like he could destroy the world or bring the peace to it, looking like a diamond at my eyes, so bright and beautiful that could make a God bow to his knees.

One second I was looking into his dazzling eyes, and in other second, he was smashing his lips in mine, it felt so good, but so wrong at the same time, his kiss was like fire, and I wanted to get burned.

Our hands were now, intertwined together, as we were kissing under the moonlight, like if the whole world stopped, and we were the only persons moving slowly against each others mouth.

He placed a hand on my cheek, pulling me even closer to him, as our warm bodies, touched together.

His lips were so soft, the taste of peppermint all over my mouth, I wanted this moment to last forever, and I wondered if he felt it too...

We both pulled away, and looked into each other's eyes like never before, our faces just inches away, his mask completely gone.

"I-Er-" Draco was struggling to speak, so I spoke instead.

"I'm sorry..." I said after a few awkward moments of silence.

"No, I was the one that-Er." He sat up, and drove his gaze to the sky, and so I did the same.

"It's late...Er- We should probably..." He said awkwardly, and stood up.

"Oh, yeah right." I stood up, and nervously, followed him, to the common room, but the path to there was quite awkward.

We didn't spoke on our way back, we didn't even know what to say, so we just remained silent until reaching the common room.

"Hmmm, good night." I said softly as he went to the boys dormitory.

"Goodnight, Blackwell." He said and disappeared in the darkness of the room.

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