Chapter 43

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Brooklyn's P.O.V

It's funny how life works, there's a choice where you can either sit on the side where it's beautiful or choose the side where it isn't as beautiful. Except for that person who sits on the side where it's not so beautiful had the choice to turn around and sit on the side that is. Sometimes you can't really choose the positive side though, there are obstacles, except the obstacles that can scar you to a point.

How can you make yourself happy when you couldn't in the first place? There were thoughts in my head torturing me for years telling me to take my life away but I could never manage myself to do it. I see myself as a healer but not a killer, not to me or anyone else except... having someone take my life away for me... That's a different story.

I peered my eyes open and saw my house, there was a bright yet dull light illuminating it, I wanted to walk forwards towards it but I felt stuck, a halt was pulling me. I couldn't move, I looked down to see if anything was there but there was nothing, just my feet. I heard a giggle in front of me and a soothing laugh... A familiar one.

I looked up and saw the sun shining down on the perfect grown fresh-cut grass with the little girl who was eating strawberries. She was lying on the ground on her back with an older woman next to her.


Her long light brown hair was gorgeous, her smile was wide and she had my eyes. She was blowing bubbles gently with small splashes on her face from them popping. I felt my heart in my chest drop, I couldn't believe I was seeing her again but it was so long ago. I remembered this day, where my dad was at work, my mom stayed home playing with me and had food cooking inside.

She took time off to have a day with me, I knew this was just a dream... This wasn't real. I tried to move again but it was no use, I just wanted to be with her, I clenched my jaw but the grudge wouldn't let go. The laughter was diminishing, I looked up again after struggling against the invisible object holding me down. I was moving farther away from the beautiful memory, my mind was messing with me and it was just unbearable to watch.

"Mom!" I yelled.

With that, everything froze. The world around me was now an empty void but I could see small dust particles moving slowly around my face and eyes. This is all a dream, was this death's way for me saying goodbye to everyone? The space I was in was black and no light was being shown, I closed my eyes. I wanted this to end because this dream was cruel to me, it hurt but it was enlightening. To me, this was my dearest moment with my mom, my dearest memory of ours.

A cold shift went through me for a moment. I've always thought dying would just replay from the beginning, whereas I would get to see my whole life all over again. I still wasn't able to move so I relaxed, maybe this was it was all about... Sitting in a void forever, oh god... Is this hell?!

Soon enough I felt a cold hand on my cheek, a small glow was in front of me. I shielded my eyes by squinting, what was this? Finally, the glow died down, mom?

"Hi, baby girl..." Her soothing voice rang through my ears.

I looked up and stared at her wide-eyed, she looked the same when I saw her earlier. I am dead, hah... I started to tear up and nuzzled my cheek into her palm.

"I miss you..."

"I miss you too..."

She pulled me into her embrace but I could barely feel it as if she wasn't here, it was cold. I tried to grasp her with my arms but I couldn't feel anything, except it, seemed like she did.

"I know why you are here... I'm sorry this is happening." She said calmly.

I started to feel tears roll down.

"I know I haven't been there all your life, but I know you have grown into a strong girl. You need to listen to me though, I did not expect you to just give up though. You can not leave, not yet and I want you to know that I have never left. I love you."

As soon as she said that I felt a cold gust flow through my hair behind me and a cold spot was freezing upon my shoulder. In front of me now was my dad, what was he doing here? He walked next to my mom and looked at me with a weepy smile.

"Hey, kid."

"What are you doing here? You aren't supposed to be here."

My voice echoed through the void, and he clocked his head to the side with a large sigh, he pursed his lips and smiled.

"Well you aren't supposed to be here either but listen to me Brooklyn, you need to keep walking and keep living. Know this, you are not nothing, you are not just ordinary, you are someone who lives and breathes every day. You deserve that, you are our daughter."

I could finally feel sensation to my legs and I let out a stifled laugh. My heart started to sink though but with love except am I dead? I mean this could be a dream or this threshold to heaven or hell... Whatever exists out there.

"You will be okay, I love you." He said.

"I love you as well." My mom said to the side.

"Thank you, but this isn't real and I know this is a dream but I do, I... I love you too."

"One more thing... Happy Birthday." My mom said smiling.

I was embraced by the cold temperature that they both produced and accepted it.

Who knew a dream could lead to closure...

Thanks, mom, and dad.

I closed my eyes.

Like I said, it's funny how life works.


A sudden pain was shot up my body, I didn't open my eyes to see what it was, I mean I couldn't. My eyes felt like they were glued shut. I started to hear a small beeping sound from a distance, it was so annoying... What was that noise? The noise grew louder and louder, I then heard mumbling, was that talking?

I couldn't hear the talking fully, it was distorted as if it were going through one ear and out the other. The beeping grew louder and I groaned a little bit but the talking started to form into words this time, what's going on?

"She's going to have to rest for a couple more days..." I heard a deep voice.

Don't tell me I'm in another dream, I swear.

I started to feel my fingers, I moved my thumb slowly but it was just twitching and I couldn't feel anything else. Wait. I'm in the present then... Not a dream?

"She's been lying here for..." Another voice came from a distance.

The words started to become distorted again. The pain shot up my body again and I clenched my jaw, god what was that?!

I fluttered my eyes slowly but everything seemed blurry, things were white in the area but I could see a couple blobs moving. The beeping noise was coming from my left, I scrunched my eyebrows from the annoyance. The blobs started to come into focus but not enough and the pain wasn't going away. I felt something in my mouth, like a tube...

I let out a small mumble and before I know it the tall looking white blobs started coming towards me. I light started to flash in my eyes going back and forth to both.

"Brooklyn...?" A distant voice.

"Brooklyn...?" The voice became clearer.

"Brooklyn... My name is Doctor Lepar can you hear me...?"

The low husky voice said, the light went away and my vision came into focus. I saw the familiar face on my left with a small flashlight in his hands, I started to cough not being able to breathe.

"Hang on, take your time, you have a feeding tube in your mouth. Please try to relax and calm down."

A doctor came into view, another familiar face Mrs. Lepar. I saw her take out the tube from my dry mouth and I started to cough, I pursed my lips trying to make it moist again. I felt so dead inside, but the pain wasn't lightening up, I let out a groan and the nurse that was on my left had a needle in her hands.

Fuck no.

That was one thing I really did hate, needles. I started to squirm in fear, trying to get this woman away from me.

"Brooklyn, we're here to help, this will let the pain die down, you're going to be okay." Mr. Lepar insured.

I felt a pinch on my chest, I could feel the injection being inserted in me like a smooth flow but I started to relax. The pain was easing up now which was nice but I can feel a small burn within my heart. Something felt off a little bit.

"Hi sweetie, can you try speaking for me?" Mrs. Lepar said.

I didn't answer her instead I looked at them with confusion, where was I? How long have I been out? What happened? The next thing that popped into my mind was Kadence, oh god... Where's Kadence...

I started to push myself into forming a word with my mouth, but it was hard considering it was still dry.


"Take your time." He said.

"W-Where's..." I swallowed.

Loud footsteps were now coming down the hall and a halt came by next to the door. I didn't have to finish my question or sentence... I found my answer.

The beautiful golden girl was standing at the doorway with a wide-eyed expression, her hair was in waves, her nose was perky and intact. She wore a sweater but she wasn't wearing any makeup, instead, she wore large bags under her eyes, dark circles but I didn't love her any less. Her mouth gaped and she had teary eyes, god... Her eyes, the grayish-brown eyes I could look into forever, they were inevitable and pure. Her cheeks seemed flushed, her eyebrows were scrunched and I could only blush as well or... I think I was blushing, whatever I am hooked on is making me feel like shit.


Everyone looked at the doorway and saw the beautiful girl make her way towards me, automatically her scent threw me off guard. I missed it and I missed her. She kneeled down next to me and stroked my hair, her eyes looked saddening but happy. She stroked my cheek, I smiled lightly but feeling tired as ever. Next thing you know a flying slap came at my arm.

"Kadence!" Everyone yelled.

My eyes widen in disbelief, I rubbed my arm back and forth from the one thing I could last expected. I looked at her with a confused expression.

"Don't scare me like that ever again! Don't ever say stuff like that again! Don't leave me ever again! You fucking scared me! Damn it, Brooklyn!" She yelled, I stared at her wide-eyed but I could see she was in pain as well.

Before I could say anything a strong lock between my lips and hers were colliding. I was surprised by the sudden outburst but the taste of her lips was craving, this is what I wanted. I wanted her, I needed her.

"I... I mean we, uh... Will give you guys some space." Mr. Lepar said awkwardly.

They walked out of the room and Kadence let go of my lips, I simply frowned for her letting go of our lips. She looked at me with red puffy eyes and cried.

"I love you." She said trying not to stumble over her words.

"I love you too," I said.

I laid my hand gently on her cheek and she did the same for me, her soft hands were soothing. The sensation felt like home, she was my home.

"I need you," I said raspily.

"Don't talk... take it easy." She said worryingly.

I nodded my head, my throat did hurt a little bit but I was still confused how I ended up in this... Bed. I looked at her in confusion, the expression on my face had the question she knew I was about to ask. She started to explain and go into detail, I only remember bits and pieces of what happened but I didn't know what happened after I told Kadence I loved her.

She continued talking until she paused at a moment where my dad got shot. My mouth dropped and I started to worry, I needed him in my life, he can't go. T-This can't be true.

I started to squirm in my bed but Kadence was forcing me to lay down, she was putting pressure on me. I felt a sharp pain on my chest... What the...

I peeked down in my hospital gown and saw giant stitches down my chest with slight swelling, I was shot in the chest? The last thing I remember was the gun being pointed at my head. I looked at her with a disbelief expression and started to sink back into my bed but with my back straight.

"Where's my dad?" I said while looking down.

"I..." She paused.

"What?" I asked confusingly.

She only looked at me with a sorrowful expression, by then I knew my answer. My eyes averted down to the white thin sheets, he can't be... He can't be gone...

"How could this happen?! What happened?!" I yelled at her while gripping the covers on the bed.

She started to climb in the bed next to me and held me while I started to cry uncontrollably. He was the only parent I had left, I don't care if he was an addict or selfish or abusive... He was my dad! I started to feel soft strokes on my head reassuring me that it's okay, I grasped onto her arms tightly and loosened my grip. I wanted to throw something but I didn't have the energy.

"Tell me what happened... Please..."

"I-I don't know if that's a good idea-"

"Please," I begged to look at her in the eyes with my teary ones.

"His body couldn't recover from his own wound... H-His body started going into failure from drinking. Y-You needed a transplant a-and... He was the only option, on his license it said he was an organ donor and I tried to stop my parents but they wouldn't let me intervene. I-I-"

"I have his heart..." I mumbled.

"I am so sorry-"

"Don't apologize... It's okay."

My dad's heart was inside me... He was still living in me, even though he didn't have a particular interest in me he was there. The excruciating heartache that I was feeling was unbearable, and I wasn't talking about the pain from the post operation. My emotions were feeling through his heart, his beating heart was now mine. I started to stare at the ceiling and cry at the thought, the painful thought that my dad was gone.

Kadence gently cupped my face with her soft hands and started to wipe away my tears.

"I know that my dad... was a bad person but he will always be my father r-regardless. Maybe in some way, I-I guess that I can teach my dad how to love with his heart, and with the life that I am living now."

She sat there staring at me, she clocked her head to the side with a bit of relaxation on her face but mixed with confusion. I wiped my tears away and exhaled trying to process and let the new news sink in.

"With his heart..." My voice cracked.

"This news is sudden information to you... We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."

"Listen to me, just... Listen to me. My dad didn't have much love in his heart, and the way he treated me I could probably never forgive him but with his heart, I could possibly help. He would be able to feel my emotions, he would be able to feel happy, sad, confused, heartache, and love. Kadence... This feels like the only thing I have left with my family, with my dad. I feel like this is some sort of a way w-where I could live his life as my life. Yeah, this is news to me and it hurts and his heart will feel what heartache is like because damn it... I miss him. I'm going to need time for this patch to heal and understand fully that he is gone, but I understand this can help both us, my dad and I."

My eyes were turning into a puffy pink mess, the tip of my nose was also pink from crying. Kadence looked at me and had small tears running down her face.

"W-What, what's wrong?" I asked.

"I really missed you and you did scare the living shit out of me. I love you, Brooklyn." She said gently.

"And I love you too. I'm kind of sleepy..." I said.

"I bet you are, but you've been sleeping for a week and my girlfriend and I haven't had any cuddling time."

"A week?!" I yelled.

"Oh jeez." She said with regret.

A/N: hehehe, comment below my lovelies. A new chapter is coming soon, I have them set up but I must do some editing on them. 

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